MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

21.6 Default Users and Roles

The default roles enable migration of defined roles from earlier versions. It is not possible to edit the default roles.

Default Users

The following default users are created when MySQL Enterprise Service Manager is first installed and setup:

  • Agent user: defines the username and password used by all agents to connect to MySQL Enterprise Service Manager. This user is automatically added to the Agent role. The username defined on the initial setup page is used.

  • The Manager user: defines the username and password of the Manager user. This user is automatically added to the Manager role which has all rights granted. The username defined on the initial setup page is used.

Default Roles

This section describes the default roles.


It is not possible to edit or delete the default roles. They are present to enable upgrades from earlier versions, only.

The following are the default roles and a brief explanation of how they map to user definitions from earlier versions:

  • agent: the role used by the agent user. This role has only the Agent Services access permission defined because the agent does not need access to any MySQL Enterprise Service Manager functionality.

  • dba: maps to the dba role from previous versions.

  • Display Query Analyzer: maps to View Query Analyzer tab in previous versions. Any user with View Query Analyzer tab defined, is added to the Display Query Analyzer role.

  • Display Query Analyzer Examples: maps to View actual (example) queries in previous versions. Any user with View actual (example) queries defined, is added to the Display Query Analyzer Examples role.

  • manager: maps to the manager role in previous versions.

  • readonly: maps to the readonly role in previous versions.

Users are added to the default roles based on the rights assigned to them in the earlier version of MySQL Enterprise Monitor. For example, if a user is assigned to the dba role and has both View Query Analyzer tab and View actual (example) queries enabled, the user is added to the following Roles:

  • dba

  • Display Query Analyzer

  • Display Query Analyzer Examples