MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual Email Notification Group Controls

This section describes the controls on the Email Notification Group section.

Figure 20.2 Email Notification Groups section

Content is described in the surrounding text.

Table 20.2 Email Notification Groups List Controls

Name Description

Create Notification Group button

Opens the Create Notification Group dialog. For more information, see

Group Name

Lists the names of the notification groups.


Lists the recipients’ email addresses.

Subject Line

The subject line of the notification emails.


Status of SMS encoding. The following values are possible:

  • true: SMS encoding is enabled.

  • false: SMS encoding is not enabled.

MEM Admin

Status of emails regarding MySQL Enterprise Monitor. The following values are possible:

  • true: critical MySQL Enterprise Monitor emails are sent to this notification group.

  • false: no email related to MySQL Enterprise Monitor are sent to this notification group.

Creating an Email Notification Group

You can define email notification groups using the Create Group dialog. To open the Create Group dialog, click Create Notification Group in the Email Notification Groups section of the Event Handlers page.

Figure 20.3 Create Group Dialog

Content is described in the surrounding text.

The Email Notification Groups contains the following controls:

Table 20.3 Create Group Controls

Name Description

Group Name

Define the name of the notification groups.


Add a comma-separated list of recipients’ email addresses.

Subject Line

The subject line of the notification emails. You can add some, or all, of the following variables to the subject line:

  • {0}: replaced by the alarm level of the event. Critical, Warning, and so on.

  • {1}: replaced by the name of the advisor which generated the alert.

  • {2}: replaced by the name of the server which triggered the alert.


Use SMS encoding for this notification group.

MEM Admin

Identifies this group as an administration group and sends critical system messages to the defined recipients.

To create a notification group, do the following:

  1. On the Event Handlers page, select Create Notification Group.

    The Create Group dialog is displayed.

  2. In the Group Name field, specify a group name to uniquely identify this notification group.

  3. In the Recipients field, add a comma-separated list of email addresses. These are the addresses to which the notifications are sent.

  4. In the Subject Line field, specify the subject line which are added to every email sent by this notification group.

  5. If required, select SMS (Use SMS encoding for this notification group).

  6. If you want to send information regarding the status of MySQL Enterprise Monitor to the recipients of this notification, select the MEM Admin checkbox. Only critical system messages are included.

  7. Click Save Notification Group.

    The notification group is available for use in event handlers.