MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

29.3 Event Notification Blackout Periods

During maintenance periods for database servers, you can suspend Event Handlers. During such a blackout period, Event Handlers are suspended. Agents continue to collect data, data is stored in the repository, and events are generated and displayed. Notifications, such as SNMP traps, emails and so on, are not generated.

To enable a blackout period for an individual instance, you can use the context menu on the MySQL Instances page. Open the instance menu and select Enable Event Handler Blackout. The instance name is grayed out to indicate the presence of an active blackout. No Event Handlers are triggered for the selected instance for the duration of the blackout period.

You can also enable a blackout period by entering the following URL into the address bar of your browser, substituting the appropriate host name, port and server name:


Check the configuration_report.txt file for the host name and port to use. Specify the correct port for the Tomcat server. Specify the server to blackout using the name that appears in the Server Tree, including the colon and port number as shown in the preceding example.

When the HTTP authentication dialog box requesting your MySQL Enterprise Monitor User Interface user name and password opens, specify the credentials for the Manager user. Use the ID and password you specified when you initially logged in to the Monitor UI.

You can also blackout a server group by entering the following URL into the address bar of your browser, substituting the appropriate host name, and server group name:


When the HTTP authentication dialog box opens, enter the administrator's credentials.

To confirm that a server is blacked out, check that its name is grayed out in the Monitor UI.

To reactivate the blacked-out server or server group, use the appropriate URL and query string, changing the blackout_state=true name/value pair to blackout_state=false. Again, this must be done by a user with administrative privileges.


Restarting MySQL Enterprise Monitor does not reactivate a blacked out server.