MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

30.3 Query Analyzer User Interface

To analyze queries, select Queries from the navigation bar. The Query Analyzer is displayed. The following figure shows an example of the table on that page:

Figure 30.1 Query Analyzer

Example of the Query Analyzer user interface. The figure content is described in the surrounding text.

The main Query Analyzer table provides the summary information for all of the queries executed. The table tracks all the queries submitted to the server. The table shows a maximum of 100 rows, and you can page through the list of queries by using the page numbers, or the next, previous, first, and last buttons. To filter the list of queries that are displayed, or to change the number of queries, see Section 30.3.3, “Filtering Query Analyzer Data”. To export the query information as a .csv file, see Section 30.3.5, “Exporting Query Information”.

The Query Analyzer displays the data for the context selected in the target selection menus.

Each row within the table provides the statistical information for one normalized query statement. If you have configured multiple agent/proxies to accept and forward queries to different servers, then you can expand the server view. The summary information displayed is different depending on whether you have selected a server group or an individual server.

If you have selected a server group, then the information displayed is aggregated from across the entire group. The same query executed on multiple servers shows average, total and minimum/maximum information for that query across all the servers. If you select an individual server, then only queries executed on that server are included within the table.

For each row, the following columns are populated according to the selected filtering options. For example, if the filter is configured to show queries within the last 30 minutes (Interval), then only queries executed during that time are displayed, and the corresponding statistics, such as execution times, rows returned and bytes returned, reflect that 30 minute timespan.

You can sort the list of queries by clicking the column name. The direction of the sort (highest to lowest, or lowest to highest) is indicated by a triangle next to the currently selected column. The default is to sort the list of queries by the Latency:Total time.

To help you and locate queries you can filter the list of queries using a variety of criteria. For more information on the filtering methods available, see Section 30.3.3, “Filtering Query Analyzer Data”.