MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

11.2 Mac OS Platforms

Removing MySQL Enterprise Service Manager

To uninstall MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, run the located in the root directory of your MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installation.

The uninstall process prompts you to save existing data and log files. Choose this option if you plan to reinstall at a later time.

If you do not want to backup the data, you can delete the installation directory after uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.

Removing MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent

To remove MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent, navigate to the init.d directory and issue the following command:

shell> ./mysql-monitor-agent stop

Run the file located in the agent's installation directory.

Removing the Monitor Agent automatically deletes its associated .log and .pid files. After uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent, you can remove the installation directory.

Removing a Single MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent

To uninstall only one of the agents from a machine that is running several agents, do not run the uninstall program. To uninstall a single agent and leave other agents in place, do the following:

  1. Stop the agent.

  2. Confirm the location of the log files.

  3. Remove the agent as a daemon.

  4. Remove/Archive associated files.

It is best to stop the agent before removing it; for instructions on stopping an agent, see Section 5.5.2, “Starting/Stopping the Agent on Mac OS X”.

To confirm the location of the agent log files, check the .ini file.

You can then remove the agent as a daemon by removing its entry in the init.d directory.

Also remove or archive any log or configuration files associated with this agent.

If you have installed any additional agents, remove them in the same way.