MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

4.2 MySQL Enterprise Service Manager Graphical Installation Wizard

This section describes how to install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager using the Installation Wizard. This process is identical across all supported platforms.


On UNIX and Linux platforms, ensure the installer is executable before you begin.


It is recommended to install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager as root, but not to run MySQL Enterprise Service Manager as root. If you install as root, you are prompted to create a user for MySQL Enterprise Service Manager. If you do not install as root, MySQL Enterprise Service Manager cannot start automatically on system boot and must be started manually.

To install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, do the following:

  1. Run the installer as required by the operating system.

  2. The language selection dialog is displayed. Choose a language and click OK.

    The following information is displayed:


    During the installation process you must enter usernames and passwords for components of the Enterprise Monitor. Make note of these in a secure location so you can recover them in case they are forgotten.

  3. Click OK to continue.

  4. On the Welcome dialog, click Forward.

    The Installation Directory dialog is displayed.

  5. Change the installation directory or accept the default path and click Forward.

    The Select Requirements dialog is displayed.

  6. Select the size of installation required. For more information, see Section 4.1, “MySQL Enterprise Monitor Installation Types”.

    Click Forward.

    The Tomcat Server Options dialog is displayed.

  7. Complete the following fields as required:

    • Tomcat Server Port: Default value is 18080.

    • Tomcat SSL Port: Default value is 18443. This port is mandatory for communication with Agents, which must use SSL to communicate with the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.

    Click Forward.

    The Service Manager User Account dialog is displayed.

  8. Enter the name of the user account MySQL Enterprise Service Manager must run as. If this user account does not exist, it is created by the installer.

    Click Forward.

    The Database Installation dialog is displayed.

  9. Select one of the following options:

    • I wish to use the bundled MySQL database: select to install a MySQL server.


      If you choose the bundled server option, the Service Manager user defined by the installation procedure is granted complete control of the repository. This is done using the following: .


      where SM_Username is the user name of MySQL Enterprise Service Manager user.

    • I wish to use an existing MySQL database: select to use an existing MySQL server as the repository.


      If you choose the existing server option, you must ensure the prerequisites listed in Section 3.2.4, “MySQL Enterprise Monitor Repository” are met before installing MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.


      It is not possible to configure this version of MySQL Enterprise Monitor to use MySQL 8 as its repository. To use MySQL 8 as repository, you must use MySQL Enterprise Monitor 8.0.

    Click Forward.

    The Repository Configuration dialog is displayed.

  10. Complete the following fields:

    • Repository Username: enter the username used by MySQL Enterprise Service Manager to connect to the repository. If you chose to use an existing database, this user must already exist on the target MySQL instance.

      The default username is service_manager.

    • Password/Re-enter: enter the password and confirm in the Re-enter field.

    • MySQL Hostname or IP address: (Displayed if you chose to use an existing MySQL database, only) enter the hostname or IP address of the MySQL instance.

    • MySQL Database Port: enter the port MySQL Enterprise Service Manager uses to connect to the MySQL instance. If you chose the bundled repository, the default port number is 13306. If you chose to use an existing instance, the default port number is 3306.

    • MySQL Database Name: enter the name of the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager repository. This is useful if you intend to use multiple MySQL Enterprise Service Manager installations, but want to host their repositories on a single MySQL server. Each MySQL Enterprise Service Manager must have a uniquely named repository. It is not possible for MySQL Enterprise Service Managers to share a repository.

    • Use SSL when connecting to the database: enables SSL encryption for all communication between MySQL Enterprise Service Manager and the repository.

    • On Mac OS X platforms, you are prompted to optionally install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager as a service. This setting enables MySQL Enterprise Service Manager to start when the machine is started. You must provide the Administrator password to install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager as a service.

    Click Forward.


    If you are attempting to use a version of MySQL older than MySQL Server 5.7.9 as an external repository, an error is displayed and the installation fails. MySQL Server 5.7.9 is the minimum version and MySQL Server 5.7.18 is the recommended version.

    For more information, see Section 3.2.4, “MySQL Enterprise Monitor Repository”.

    The Configuration Report dialog is displayed.

  11. Click Forward to install MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.

Installation Log

The installation log file is written to the root of the installation directory.

The installation log uses the following naming convention: install.log.

The log file records all files installed and all actions taken by the installer, such as starting services, filling database tables, and so on. A similar log file is also created by the uninstall process.

If the installation is upgraded, the existing installation log is backed up to the backup directory and replaced by the installation log for the upgrade.