MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.13 Manual

Chapter 27 Topology

This chapter describes the Topology view. Topology is only available on the navigation bar if a replication topology, InnoDB Cluster, or NDB Cluster is selected.

The Topology tab graphically displays the replication topology of the selected group.

Figure 27.1 Replication Topology Graph

Example of Topology showing many MySQL instances communicating with one another. The figure content is described in the surrounding text.

The Topology view contains the following:


The topology graph displays semi-synchronous links only if both source and replica use the semi-sync plugins.

Group replication topologies are displayed differently. For example, the following is a three-node group:

Figure 27.2 Group Replication Single Group Topology

Example of an online, replication group. The group has two secondary members and one primary member.

While the following shows normal communication between two groups:

Figure 27.3 Group Replication Multiple Group Topology

Example of two groups with a primary group member in one group, replicating to a secondary group member in the other group.

NDB Cluster topologies contain all the cluster components, Management node, API node, and data node, and uses color to display their states. Each layer is identified by host or process information. Further information can be seen by hovering the cursor over any of the elements.

Figure 27.4 NDB Cluster Topology

Example of an NDB Cluster topology, showing the Management, NDB, and Data nodes.

NDB Management Node:

Figure 27.5 NDB Cluster Topology - Management Node

Example of an NDB Management node.


Figure 27.6 NDB Cluster Topology - API Node

Example of an NDB API node.

Figure 27.7 NDB Cluster Topology - Data Node

Example of an NDB Data node.