A Using the COM Connector Solution for Classic Events

This appendix contains the following topics:


This chapter is applicable only if you use classic event delivery. Classic event delivery is available if you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.93 or earlier releases, or if you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94 with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10.

Refer to the Guaranteed Events chapters if you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94 with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.11 or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.95 or a later Tools release with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 8.10 or a later Applications release.

A.1 Understanding COM Connector Classic Events

The COM connector events solution uses Microsoft's COM+ Events Service. COM+ Events Loosely Coupled Events, which matches and connects publishers and subscribers, is part of the Microsoft Windows 2000 Component Services. The EventClass is a COM+ component that contains interfaces and methods that are used by the publisher to initiate events. The EventClass manages the connection between publisher and subscribers. The EventClass.dll, which contains the IOWEvent interface, is provided. The COM servers and COM clients must implement this interface so that when an event is initiated, this interface is called by the COM+ Events Service and the implementation is executed. The implementation decides what the delivered event and the event data should do. This implementation is COM server or COM client specific.

This illustration shows the COM connector architecture for classic events:

Figure A-1 COM Connector Architecture for Classic Events (Software releases prior to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94)

Description of Figure A-1 follows
Description of "Figure A-1 COM Connector Architecture for Classic Events (Software releases prior to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.94)"

To support classic event delivery (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools releases prior to 8.94), the COM connector uses the IEO kernel.


You should have a basic understanding of the COM+ Events Service.

COM+ events supports Z events, real-time events, and XAPI events. COM+ Events Service is not dependent on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne setup for event generation.

A.2 Setting Up the COM Connector for Classic Events

This section provides an overview of the process for setting up the COM connector and discusses how to install and set up the COM connector to receive classic events.

A.2.1 Understanding COM Connector Set Up for Classic Events

These steps provide information for installing the COM connector so that you can receive classic events. Once the COM connector is installed, you set up the COM connector. Setting up the COM server includes setting up security and setting up the identity as an interactive user. After you install and set up the COM connector, you set up a DCOM server on a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server machine. DCOM enables COM objects in a distributed environment. To ensure that the interoperability client works properly, you must set up DCOM for both a server environment and for a client environment.

A.2.2 Installing and Setting Up the COM Connector for Classic Events

Use these steps to install and set up the COM connector so that you can receive classic events.


All of the COM connector required files will be installed with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client. If you have the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client, ignore Step 1 and start with Step 2. If you do not have the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client and you want to set up the COM connector on a third-party machine, start with Step 1.
  1. Copy these files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server (system\bin32) to a directory on the desired machine.

    For example, copy the files in c:\program files\JD Edwards to a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client machine.

    • JDECOMConnector2.exe

    • JDECOMMN.dll

    • callobject.dll

    • comlog.dll

    • EventManager.dll

    • OneWorldInterfaceTx.dll

    • xmlinterop.dll

    • jdel.dll

    • jdethread.dll

    • jdeunicode.dll

    • ustdio.dll

    • icuil8n.dll

    • jdeinterop.ini to c:\(root directory)

    • checkver.exe

    • ICUUC.dll

    • Icu\data\*.*

    • IXXML4C2_3.dll

    • EventClass.dll

    • EventListener.dll

  2. Create a new directory called Icu\data\ on the machine where the COM server is located.

    Copy all of the files from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server in folder system\Locale\xml\*.* into Icu\data\. Create a new system variable, ICU_DATA, in the environment variables of the system properties and specify the path to the Icu\data\ as the value.

  3. Use these steps to register the COM connector:

    1. Run this command

      c:\programfiles\JDEdwards\JDECOMConnector2.exe /RegServer
    2. Go to c:\programfiles\jdedwards\ Or c:\b9\system\bin32 and run these commands:

      regsvr32 EventManager.dll
      regsvr32 EventClass.dll
  4. Create the JDEinterop.ini file by setting the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server and port values to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application server with which you want the COM server to communicate.

    The COM server is now ready.

  5. Use these steps to set up security on the COM server:

    1. From the Start menu, select Run.

    2. Enter Dcomcnfg.exe.

    3. On Distributed COM Configuration Properties, click the Default Security tab.

    4. Click the Edit Default Button in Default Access Permissions group.

      The Registry Value Permissions form appears. Some entries might already be present.

    5. On Registry Value Permissions, click Add.

    6. On Add Users and Groups, select the appropriate domain from the List Names From option.

    7. Click Everyone, and then click Add.

      Type of access should be Allow Access.

    8. Click OK.

      No setup is required for default configuration permissions.

  6. Use these steps to set up the identity as interactive user:

    1. Run DCOMCnfg.

    2. On Distributed COM Configuration Properties, select JDECOMConnector2, and then click Properties.

    3. On JDECOMConnector2Properties, click the Identity tab, and then select the interactive user option.

    4. Click Apply to apply the change.


      Every time you register the connector, you must set up the identity as an interactive user. If you copy the JDECOMConnector2.exe using Explorer, Explorer reruns the registration, and you must set up the identity as an interactive user.

      To use Callbacks (Connection Points) with the COM solution, repeat these steps for setting up the identity as an interactive user on the COM client machine. Most of the shipped examples use Callbacks and require that you open the security on the client machine.

  7. Use these steps to set up DCOM for a client environment:

    1. From a DOS prompt on the DCOM client machine, run jdecomconnector2.exe /RegServer.

    2. At the prompt, enter oleview.exe.

    3. From the menu bar, select oleview.

    4. Click View and select Expert Mode.

    5. In the oleview window under Object Classes, double-click All Objects, and wait for all objects to appear.

    6. Under All Objects, find and click Connector Class.

    7. Click the Implementation tab on the right-side panel, and then click the local server and remove anything that appears in the editing window.

    8. On the Activation tab, select the Launch as Interactive User option.

    9. In Remote Machine Name, enter the COM server machine name.

    10. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for MathNumeric Class.

The COM connector is installed and set up. You can start the DCOM client application.

A.3 Registering Components

So that subscribers can find an event class and subscribe to it, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne event class must be registered with COM+. In addition, COM+ requires a type library that describes the event interface and methods so that subscribers and publishers can be properly matched and connected. The type library must reside in or be accompanied by a self-registering DLL.

To register the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Events Class with COM+ Services, you must:

  • Add a new COM+ application for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne event class.

  • Install the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne event class.


    Before you register the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Event Class with COM+ Services, set up the COM server. The COM server can be set up on either a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne machine or a non-JD Edwards EnterpriseOne machine (third-party machine), or both.

A.4 Subscribing to Events

The COM connector supports both persistent and transient event subscriptions from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. The events are subscribed from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server that is specified in the [INTEROP] section of the jdeinterop.ini file. The events are received through the EventListener. The EventListener runs as long as the COM connector is up and running. The COM connector runs as a small globe in the bottom right corner of the Microsoft Windows taskbar.

You must also set up the [EVENTS] section of the jdeinterop.ini file.


The COM connector does not support subscription of events from multiple JD Edwards EnterpriseOne servers.

A.5 Logging COM Events

Logging for COM events is entered in the interopDebug.log file. The error log is interop.log.

A.6 Implementing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interfaces

This section discusses how to:

  • Implement a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interface.

  • Create a COM+ component.

  • Log on to the COM connector.

  • Subscribe to an event.

  • Add a new application.

  • Install the event class.

A.7 Implementing a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interface

You must develop an object that implements the IOWEvent interface. For further discussion and for code samples in this document, the name EventSink is used as the object name. The object that you develop to implement the IOWEvent can have a different name. EventSink implements the IOWEvent interface and the method within the interface, and then consumes the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne event. The EventSink implementation is client specific. EventSink receives the event from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne by implementing the interface specified in EventClass.

This outline shows how to develop an EventSink component:

Option Explicit
Implements IOWEvent
Public Event OneWorldEvent(ByVal EventName As String, ByVal Data As String)

Public Sub IOWEvent_OneWorldEvent(ByVal EventName As String, ByVal Data 
As String)
'// Add code specific to the client implementation here
    RaiseEvent OneWorldEvent(EventName, Data)
End Sub

This list outlines the steps for you to follow to use the EventManager library and MessageHandler Interface to subscribe to events.

  1. Log on to the connector.

    Successful logon returns an access number.

  2. Create the EventSink object.

  3. Create the MessageHandler object.

  4. Call methods on the MessageHandle for Subscribe, Unsubscribe, GetTemplate, and GetEventList for the respective event.

  5. To keep the session alive and not time out from receiving events, call the UpdateOutBoundSessionTime method on the connector interface.

    This method updates the user session time to the current time.

  6. To subscribe to the events as persistent, register VB EventSink in the COM+ Component Services and add the subscription for the EventClass.

A.7.1 Creating a COM+ Component

This sample code is for creating a COM+ component named EventSink.dll. EventSink implements the EventClass interface IOWEvent(). You can use a name other than EventSink.

A.7.1.1 EventSink: OneWorldTransientEventSink.cls

This is the sample code for creating a COM+ component:

Option Explicit

Implements IOWEvent
Public Event OneWorldEvent(ByVal EventName As String, ByVal Data As 

Public Sub IOWEvent_OneWorldEvent(ByVal EventName As String, ByVal 
Data As String)
   Dim flsObject As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
   Dim varEventFile As TextStream
   Dim strEventFile As String
   strEventFile = "C:\temp\eventDataPer.xml". ' change this to a
valid directory
   If Dir(strEventFile) = "" Then Set varEventFile =
      flsObject.CreateTextFile(strEventFile, False, False)
       Set varEventFile = flsObject.OpenTextFile(strEventFile,
ForWriting, False)
   End If
   varEventFile.WriteLine Data
   RaiseEvent OneWorldEvent(EventName, Data)
End Sub

A.7.2 Logging on to the COM Connector

This sample code logs on to the COM connector, creates the MessageHandler object, and performs Subscribe, Unsubscribe, GetTemplate, and GetList. Before executing the subscriber, use the Regsvr32 command to register COMConnector.dll.

A.7.2.1 COMConnector: frmLogin.frm

This code sample shows logging on to the COM connector:

Option Explicit

Public bLoginEnv As Boolean

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    'set the global var to false
    'to denote a failed login
    bLoginEnv = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    'check for correct password
    If txtUserName = "" Or txtenvironment = "" Then
        bLoginEnv = False
        MsgBox "Must Enter User Name and Environment to continue"
        bLoginEnv = True
    End If
End Sub

A.7.2.2 COMConnector Common.bas

This code sample shows creating the message handler:

Option Explicit
Dim conn As New Connector
Dim connRole As IConnector2
Dim messageHandler As New messageHandler
Dim mHandlerInterface As ImessageHandler
Dim lngAccessNumber As Long
Public Sub comm_Initialize()
    Set connRole = conn
    frmLogin.bLoginEnv = False
    While Not frmLogin.bLoginEnv
    lngAccessNumber = connRole.Login(frmLogin.txtUserName, 
frmLogin.txtPassword, frmLogin.txtenvironment, frmLogin.txtrole)
    Set mHandlerInterface = messageHandler
End Sub

' NOTE: the code in this module is particular to this prototype. 
' Different code would be used in a production version to send 
' messages to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne using appropriate communication 
' prototocols

Public Sub SendSubscriptionToOneWorld(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent, mode As Long)
    mHandlerInterface.SubscribeEvent lngAccessNumber, conn, eventName, 
oneworldevent, mode
End Sub
Public Sub SendUnSubscribeToOneWorld(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent, mode As Long)
    mHandlerInterface.UnSubscribeEvent lngAccessNumber, conn, 
eventName, oneworldevent, mode
End Sub
Public Sub getEventListFromOneWorld(eventList As String)
    mHandlerInterface.GetEventList lngAccessNumber, conn, eventList
End Sub
Public Sub getEventTemplateFromOneWorld(eventName As String, 
eventTemplate As String)
    mHandlerInterface.GetEventTemplate lngAccessNumber, eventName, 
conn, eventTemplate
End Sub

A.7.2.3 COMConnector: SubscriptionManager

This code sample shows event subscription and unsubscribe:

Option Explicit

Private m_SubscribedEvents As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m_SubscribedEvents = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub GetEventList(eventList As String)
    getEventListFromOneWorld eventList
End Sub

Public Sub CreateTransientSubscription(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent)
    SubscribeToOneWorldEvent eventName, oneworldevent, 0
End Sub
Public Sub CreatePersistentSubscription(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent)
    SubscribeToOneWorldEvent eventName, oneworldevent, 1
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveTransientSubscription(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent)
    UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent eventName, oneworldevent, 0
End Sub
Public Sub RemovePersistentSubscription(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent)
    UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent eventName, oneworldevent, 1
End Sub
Public Sub GetEventTemplate(eventName As String, eventTemplate As 
    getEventTemplateFromOneWorld eventName, eventTemplate
End Sub
Public Sub SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName As String, oneworldevent 
As IOWEvent, mode As Long)
'Private Function SubscribeToOneWorldEvent(EventName As String) As 
'Boolean we've already subscribed if the subscription is in our list
    Dim alreadySubscribed As Boolean
    alreadySubscribed = (CollectionContainsString
    (m_SubscribedEvents,eventName) = True)

    ' now do the right thing...
    If (alreadySubscribed = False) Then
        ' this instance of the COMConnector has not seen this event
        ' before, so add it to our list...
        m_SubscribedEvents.Add (eventName)

        ' and go ahead and subscribe to the event from JD Edwards
        ' EnterpriseOne
        SendSubscriptionToOneWorld eventName, oneworldevent, mode
    End If

 'SubscribeToOneWorldEvent = alreadySubscribed
End Sub

Private Function CollectionContainsString(col As Collection, str As 
    Dim colItem As Variant
    For Each colItem In col
        If (colItem = str) Then
            CollectionContainsString = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    CollectionContainsString = False
End Function

Public Sub UnSubscribeToOneWorldEvent(eventName As String, 
oneworldevent As IOWEvent, mode As Long)
Dim alreadySubscribed As Boolean
    alreadySubscribed = (RemoveFromCollection(m_SubscribedEvents, 
        If (alreadySubscribed = False) Then
            MsgBox "Event Not Subscribed"
            ' and go ahead and subscribe to the event from
            ' JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
            SendUnSubscribeToOneWorld eventName, oneworldevent, mode
        End If
  ' End If
End Sub
Private Function RemoveFromCollection(col As Collection, str As 
String) Dim colItem As Variant
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 0
    For Each colItem In col
        count = count + 1
        If (colItem = str) Then
            col.Remove count
            RemoveFromCollection = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    RemoveFromCollection = False
End Function

A.7.3 Subscribing to Events

Subscriber is the GUI that gets the EventsList, EventTemplate, Subscribe, and Unsubscribe. Subscriber is built as a VB executable. Typical usage is to get the EventList first, which populates the option list with the events that are supported by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. Select the event that needs to be subscribed from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server and the type of subscription. Click Subscribe to add a Subscription, or click Unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server. The Subscribed events and the Received events are depicted in separate boxes. The received event is displayed in the window on the right. Before building the subscriber, you should use the Regsvr32 command to register EventSink.dll and COMConnector.dll.

A.7.3.1 Subscriber: MainForm.frm

This code sample is for the GUI and the control buttons on the GUI. This code should be built after registering the COMConnector.dll and MyEventSink.dll.

Option Explicit
' ------------------------------ ** ---------------------------------
'                           Member Variables
' ------------------------------ ** ---------------------------------
Private m_SubscriptionManager As SubscriptionManager
Private WithEvents m_OneWorldTransientEventSink As 
Private Sub Combo1_Change()

End Sub
Private Sub Check1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub btnClear_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
'                        GetEventTemplate
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
Private Sub btnGetEventTemplate_Click()
    Dim EventName As String
    Dim EventTemplate As String
    EventName = cEventList.List(cEventList.ListIndex)
    m_SubscriptionManager.GetEventTemplate EventName, EventTemplate
    Dim flsObject As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim varTemplateFile As TextStream
    Dim strTemplateFile As String
    strTemplateFile = "C:\temp\event_template.xml"
    If Dir(strTemplateFile) = "" Then
      Set varTemplateFile = flsObject.CreateTextFile(strTemplateFile
False, False)
      Set varTemplateFile = flsObject.OpenTextFile(strTemplateFile, 
ForWriting, False)
    End If

    varTemplateFile.WriteLine EventTemplate

    wbEventData.Navigate "c:\temp\event_template.xml"
End Sub

' ------------------------------ ** ---------------------------------
'                            Event Handlers
' ------------------------------ ** ---------------------------------

Private Sub m_OneWorldTransientEventSink_OneWorldEvent(ByVal EventName 
As String, ByVal Data As String)
    ' add the event name and payload to the list
    Dim mTempItem As ListItem
    Set mTempItem = lvwReceivedEvents.ListItems.Add()
    mTempItem.Text = EventName
    'mTempItem.SubItems(1) = Data
    Dim flsObject As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim varEventFile As TextStream
    Dim strEventFile As String
    strEventFile = "C:\temp\eventData.xml"
    If Dir(strEventFile) = "" Then
        Set varEventFile = flsObject.CreateTextFile(strEventFile, 
        Set varEventFile = flsObject.OpenTextFile(strEventFile, 
ForWriting, False)
    End If

    varEventFile.WriteLine Data
    wbEventData.Navigate "c:\temp\eventdata.xml"
End Sub
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
'                         GetEventList
'---------------------------- ** -   --------------------------------
Private Sub btnGetEventList_Click()
    Dim events As String
    Dim myValue As String
    Dim myString As String
    Set m_SubscriptionManager = New SubscriptionManager
    m_SubscriptionManager.GetEventList events
    myString = events
    Do Until events = ""
        If InStr(1, myString, ":") > 0 Then
            myValue = Left(myString, InStr(1, myString, ":") - 1)
            myString = Mid(myString, InStr(1, myString, ":") + 1)
            myValue = myString
            events = ""
        End If

        cEventList.AddItem myValue
    cEventList.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
'                         Subscribe Event
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
Private Sub btnSubscribe_Click()
    ' subscribe to the named event.
    Dim EventName As String
    EventName = cEventList.List(cEventList.ListIndex)
    If (chkPersist.Value = Checked) Then
      m_SubscriptionManager.CreatePersistentSubscription EventName, 
      m_SubscriptionManager.CreateTransientSubscription EventName, 
    End If
    Dim mTempItem As ListItem
    Set mTempItem = lvwSubscribedEvents.ListItems.Add()
    mTempItem.Text = EventName
End Sub
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
'                        UnSubscribe Event
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
Private Sub btnUnsubscribe_Click()
    Dim EventName As String
    EventName = cEventList.List(cEventList.ListIndex)
    Dim lstItem As ListItem
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim found As Boolean
    count = 0
    found = False
    For Each lstItem In lvwSubscribedEvents.ListItems
        count = count + 1
        If lstItem = EventName Then
            lvwSubscribedEvents.ListItems.remove (count)
            GoTo remove
            found = True
        End If
    If found = False Then
        MsgBox "Event Not Subscribed"
    End If
remove: If (chkPersist.Value = Checked) Then
      m_SubscriptionManager.RemovePersistentSubscription EventName, 
      m_SubscriptionManager.RemoveTransientSubscription EventName, 
    End If

End Sub
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
'                       Clear the Received Events List
'---------------------------- ** ------------------------------------
Private Sub btnClear0_Click()
    ' clear the events from the list
End Sub

Private Sub btnClose_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

A.7.4 Adding a New Application

From a Microsoft Windows 2000 machine, navigate to COM+ Applications (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services), and then expand these buttons and folders:

Component Services > Computers > My Computer > COM+ Applications

To add a new application:

  1. On Component Services, select COM+ Applications.

  2. Right-click COM+ Applications, select New, and then select Application.

    The COM Application Install Wizard appears. These steps apply to the wizard.

  3. On Install or Create a New Application, select Create an empty application.

  4. On Create Empty Application, enter the name of the application (for example, JDECOMConnectorEvents).

  5. Select an option for Activation Type, and then click Next.

  6. On Set Application Identity, select the Interactive User option, and then click Next.

  7. Click Finish.

A new application, with the name you entered in Step 4, is added to COM+ Applications.

A.7.5 Installing the Event Class

On Component Services, expand the folder for the new application (for example, JDECOMConnectorEvents).

To install the event class:

  1. On Component Services, select Components.

  2. Right-click Components, select New, and then select Component.

    The COM Component Install Wizard appears. These steps apply to the wizard.

  3. On Import or Install a Component, select Install new event class(es).

  4. On Select Files to Install, browse to the EventClass.dll on the Windows 2000 machine.

  5. Select EventClass.dll, and then click Open.

    Install new event class appears with information in these fields:

    • Files to install

    • Event classes found

  6. Click Next, and then click Finish.

EventClass.dll is successfully added to Component Services.

A.8 Registering EventSink for Persistent Subscription

After you register an event class in the COM+ catalog, you can add subscribers to the event class and subscriptions to the subscribers. For persistent event subscription:

  • Add a new application for EventSink.

  • Install the type library component for EventSink.

  • Add a subscription.


    To add EventSink, follow the steps in the task To add a new application in the Connectors Guide. The name of the application is EventSink, or a name that you prefer.

To install the EventSink component:

On Component Services, expand the folder for the new application (for example, EventSink).

  1. Select Components.

  2. Right-click Components, select New, and then select Component.

    The COM Component Install Wizard appears. These steps are for the wizard.

  3. On Import or Install a Component, select Install new component(s).

  4. On Select Files to Install, browse to the EventSink.dll that you previously developed.

  5. Select EventSink.dll, and then click Open.

    Install new component appears with information in these fields:

    • Files to install

    • Event classes found

  6. Click Next, and then click Finish.

EventSink.dll is successfully added to Component Services.

To add a subscription:

In COM+ Applications, expand these folders:

JDECOMConnectorEvents > Components > EventSink.OneWorldTransientEventSink

  1. Select Subscription.

  2. Right-click Subscription, select New, and then select Subscription.

    The COM New Subscription Wizard appears. These steps apply to the wizard.

  3. On Select Subscription Method(s), chose IOWEvent, and then click Next.

  4. If appropriate, select the Use all interfaces for this component option.

  5. On Select Event Class, select the event class (for example, JDEdwards.EventClass.OneWorldEventClass.1), and then press Next.

    If multiple EventSink classes have implemented the event interface, then use all event classes that implement that specified interface. If only one EventSink class has implemented the event interface, then just select that specific class.

  6. On Subscription Options, enter the name of the subscription (for example, MySubscription).

  7. In the Options area, select the Enable this subscription immediately option, and then click Next.

  8. Click Finish.

    A new subscription, with the name you entered in Step 6, is added to COM+ Services. You must define the name of the event for the subscription.

  9. Right-click the subscription (for example, MySubscription), and then select Properties.

  10. On MySubscription Properties, click the Options tab.

  11. Chose the Enabled option.

  12. In the Filter criteria field, enter the name of the event for which you want a subscription.

    Enter all of the events for which you want to subscribe. The filter criteria string supports relational operations (=, ==, !, !=, ~, ~=, <>), nested parentheses, and logical words (AND, OR, and NOT); for example:

    EventName=='RTSOOUT' OR EventName==RTPOOUT'

  13. Click OK.