10 Understanding Acronyms and Abbreviations

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Oracle maintains a list of acronyms and abbreviations that you can use in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. You must refer to this list before you use an acronym or abbreviation. If a specific acronym or abbreviation is not in this list, you must request that your application development manager add it.

The list also includes the space required for translation of double-byte and single-byte languages. If possible, enlarge the fields to accommodate translation.

Many languages have no equivalent for an English acronym or abbreviation. When no equivalent exists for an English acronym or abbreviation, the translation translates the description instead. Consider these French and German translations of the acronym A/P for accounts payable:

English Acronym or Abbreviation French Translation German Translation
A/P C. frns Kreditorenbuchhaltung

Double-byte languages, such as Chinese and Japanese, commonly require the most space because the Chinese and Japanese languages do not have acronyms and abbreviations.


Several acronyms and abbreviations contain the ampersand (&) symbol. When you define a form control or menu that includes an acronym or abbreviation that contains the ampersand symbol, you must enter two ampersands rather than a single one. Otherwise, the runtime engine interprets the & as an underscore ( _ ).

These acronyms and abbreviations are approved for use:

Acronym or Abbreviation Description Field Size Needed to Translate Double-byte Field Size Needed to Translate Single-byte
A/B or AB Address Book 10 2
A/P Accounts Payable 8 15
A/R Accounts Receivable 8 14
A/V According to Value 8 2
AAI Automatic Accounting Instruction 14 3
AAP Affirmative Action Planning 18 18
AB Aktiebolag (Sweden) No translation 2
ABC Activity-Based Costing 24 3
ABI Application Binary Interface 20 3
ABM Activity-Based Management 20 3
ACD Automatic Call Distributor 44 38
ACE Adjusted Current Earnings 18 3
ACH Automated Clearing House 14 3
ACP Actual Contribution Percentage 16 3
ACP Average Contribution Percentage 18 3
ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System 18 4
AD&D Accidental Death and Dismemberment 16 4
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act 12 3
ADDL Additional 10 3
ADJ Adjustment 10 12
ADP Actual Deferral Percentage 16 3
ADR Assets Depreciation Range 14 3
AEC Architecture, Engineering, and Construction 18 3
AF Advanced Forecasting 10 2
AFE Authorization for Request 10 3
AFRA Average Freight Rate Assessment 16 4
AFS Available for Sale 10 3
AG Aktiengesellschaft (Germany) No translation 2
AGI Adjusted Gross Income 14 14
AGM Auto Generate Master 16 3
AGVS Automated Guided Vehicle System 22 3
AIA American Institute of Architects 16 3
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM's proprietary version of UNIX) 32 3
AKA or aka Also Known As 6 5
Amt Amount 8 4
AMT Alternative Minimum Tax 12 3
AN Address Number 8 8
ANSI American National Standards Institute 16 4
AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Level 16 3
AP Accounts Payable 8 6
AP/C Agricultural Products, Crops 14 10
APA Advanced Price Analysis 14 3
APD Application Program Driver 16 3
API Air Position Indicator 16 3
API American Petroleum Institute 14 3
API Application Program Interface 14 3
APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. 28 5
APPL Application    
APR Annual Percentage Rate 10 12
AQL Acceptable Quality Level 16 11
AR Accounts Receivable 8 6
AS Agricultural Services 10 4
AS Application System 10 2
AS/RS Automatic Storage/Retrieval System 20 14
ASAP As Soon As Possible 6 4
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 26 5
ASI Application Specific Instructions 18 3
ASI Application Specific Instrument 18 3
ASN Advanced Ship Notice 16 3
ASP Auxiliary Storage Pool 12 3
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 20 4
ATM Automated Teller Machine 16 20
ATO Associated Text Output 14 3
ATO Assembly to Order 12 7
ATP Available to Promise 12 3
ATPU Available to Promise Unadjusted 18 4
ATRS American Tanker Rate Schedule 18 4
AU Actual Units 12 2
Avl Availability 8 8
AWOL Absent Without Leave or Absent Without Official Leave 10 4
B/D Barrels per Day 8 4
B/L Bill of Lading 8 3
BA Beginning Available 12 9
BA Budget Amount 10 2
BACS Bank Automated Clearing System 18 4
BASIC Business Application Software Introduction Class 22 5
BAU Beginning Available Unadjusted 20 3
BCI Billing Control Identification 14 3
BDA Business View Design Aid No translation No translation
BEF Belgian Francs 12 4
BEP Break-Event Point 8 3
BFOE Barrels of Fuel Oil Equivalent 14 4
BIPS Billion Instructions per Second 6 4
Blk Blank 6 3
BLOB Binary Large Object 16 4
bn Billion 6 5
BO Back Order 10 2
BOC Building Operating Costs 14 3
BOL Bill of Lading 8 7
BOM Bill of Materials 10 9
BP Business Partner 10 13
BPI Bits per Inch 12 3
BPS Bits per Second 10 3
BPT Bulk Product Transaction 12 3
Br Branch 6 3
Brn Branch 6 3
Brn/Plt Branch/Plant 12 8
BS&W Bottom Sediment and Water 16 4
BSFN Business Function No translation No translation
BSVW Business View No translation No translation
BTU British Thermal Unit 14 3
BTX Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene 18 3
BU Budget Units 10 2
BU Business Unit 10 2
C & F Cost and Freight 12 12
C/O or c/o Care of 6 6
C/R Cash Receipts 10 8
C/S Client/Server 16 3
CA Contract Administration 10 2
CAD Computer Assisted Design 16 3
CAE Common Applications Environment 18 3
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering 16 3
CAIT Computer-Aided Inspection and Test 24 3
CAM Common Area Maintenance 12 3
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 16 3
CAP Computer Assisted Programming 16 3
CAT Category 6 4
CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 20 4
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 20 4
CATP Cumulative Available to Promise 20 4
CBD Cash Before Delivery 12 10
CBO Cash Basis Only 10 3
CBT Computer Based Training 14 3
CC Cost Center 8 9
CCC Cycle Count Code 14 3
CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy 24 5
CCQ Office de la construction du Quebec (French) No translation 3
Cd Code 4 4
CD Certificate of Deposit 10 2
CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only Memory 24 6
CEO Chief Executive Officer 8 2
CFO Chief Financial Officer 10 7
CFPIM Certified as a Fellow in Production and Inventory Management 24 5
Chg Change 6 4
Chk Check 6 4
CID Computer-Integrated Distribution 18 3
Cie Compagnie (France) 3 4
CIF Central Information File 14 3
CIF Computer-Integrated Fax 18 3
CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight 18 3
CIM Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 18 3
CIS Customer Information System 18 3
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer 18 4
CL Control Language 10 2
CM Change Management 10 2
CM Corrective Maintenance 10 13
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management Systems 22 4
Cmp Compensation No translation No translation
CMS Cost Management System 18 3
CNC Computer Numeric Control 16 4
Co Company 6 3
CO Change Order 18 19
COA Certificate of Analysis 10 3
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act 22 5
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language 18 6
COD Cash on Delivery 10 3
COFC Container on a Railroad Flatcar 14 4
COGS Cost of Goods Sold 14 3
COLA Cost-of-Living Adjustment 14 4
COLA Cost-of-Living Allowance 14 13
COLD Computer Output to Laser Disk 20 3
COM Computer Output to Microform 20 3
COM Component Object Model No translation No translation
COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management Systems 26 5
COO Chief Operating Officer 10 9
COQ Cost of Quality 16 7
COR Collision Repair 10 3
CORBA Common Object Request Broker    
Core The central and foundational systems of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software (Financials) 36 4
Corp Corporation 10 4
COS Corporation for Open Systems 20 3
CP Configurator Processing 14 2
CPA Certified Public Accountant 12 12
CPI or cpi Characters per Inch 14 3
CPI Consumer Price Index 16 3
CPI Continuous Process Improvement 14 3
CPIM Certified in Production and Inventory Management 24 4
CPM Critical Path Method 16 3
CPU Central Processing Unit 14 2
CR Change Request 18 24
CR or Cr Credit 12 2
CREDITEL CREDITEL (Credit Reporting Agency) 14 8
CRP Capacity Requirements Planning 18 3
CRP Conference Room Pilot 12 3
CRT Cathodic Ray Tube 12 3
CS Client/Server 16 3
CSC Client Service Coordinator 16 3
CSR Customer Service Representative 14 3
CSW Customer Service Workstation 16 3
CTD Cumulative Trauma Disorder 16 3
CTI Computer-to-Telephone Integration 18 3
CTI Computer Telephony Integration 44 40
CTO Chief Technical Officer 10 3
CTRL or Ctrl Control 6 5
CTRY Century 6 3
CUA Common User Access 14 3
Cum Cumulative Update 10 4
CUM Cubic Meter 10 3
CUR Currency Code 10 13
Curr Current 6 4
CVP Cost/Volume/Profit 18 6
D & B Dun & Bradstreet (Credit Reporting Agency) 34 34
DA Day 4 3
DASD Direct Access Storage Device 18 4
DBA Deductions, Benefits, and Accruals 18 3
DBA Doing Business As 19 3
DBMS Data Base Management System 16 4
DCE Distributed Computing Environment 18 3
DCF Discounted Cash Flow 14 20
DD Data Dictionary 10 2
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 14 13
DDP Distributed Data Processing 16 20
DDS Data Description Specifications 14 3
DE Design Engineering 10 2
DEMO Demonstration 6 4
DFI Deposit Financial Institution 14 3
DFU Data File Utility 14 3
DIF Data Interchange Format 14 10
DIL Data Import Language 14 3
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm No translation 3
DISOSS Distributed Office Support System 22 6
DIST Distribution 8 8
DLL Dynamic Link Library 12 3
Dlt Delete 6 5
DNC Direct Numerical Control 14 9
DNS Do Not Spread 10 3
Do Ty Document Type 10 8
DOB Date-of-Birth 10 9
DOI Division of Interest 10 2
DPI or dpi Dots per Inch 12 3
Dpt Department 6 4
DR or Dr Debit 6 1
DREAM Writer Data Record Extraction and Management Writer 26 12
DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 14 3
DRP Distribution Resource Planning 14 3
DS Data Structure No translation No translation
DSO Days Sales Outstanding 16 4
Dsp Display 6 4
DSS Decision Support System 14 22
DSTR Data Structure No translation No translation
DT Document Type 10 8
Dta Data 6 4
DTF Demand Time Fence 14 3
Dup Duplication 6 5
DW DREAM Writer 12 2
DZ Dozen 4 5
E & P Earnings and Profits 12 3
E & O Expenses and Others 12 3
E.P. Expense Participation 10 2
Email Electronic Mail 10 6
E&OE Errors and Omissions Excepted 16 3
EA Each (Unit of Measure) 16 5
EA Ending Availability 12 8
EAC Estimate at Completion 12 3
EADT Everest Application Development Tool 25 4
EAP Employee Assistance Program 14 3
EBB Electronic Burst and Bind 16 3
EC Edit Code 8 11
EC European Community 12 2
ECM Engineering Change Management 14 3
ECN Engineering Change Notice 14 3
ECO Engineering Change Order 14 3
ECR Efficient Consumer Response 16 3
ECS Electronic Customer Support 16 3
ECS Energy and Chemical Systems 14 3
EDA Estimated Date Available 16 3
EDC Everest Development Center 16 3
EDI Electronic Data Interchange 14 3
EDP Electronic Data Processing 14 3
EE Employee 6 6
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity 14 3
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 20 4
EFP Enterprise Facility Planning 14 3
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer 14 20
EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System 18 22
EI Employee Involvement 10 8
EIC Earned Income Credit 14 22
EIN Employer's Identification Number 12 7
EIS Enterprise Information Systems 14 3
EIS Executive Information System 16 3
EM Equipment Management 10 10
EMEA Europe, Middle East, and Asia 12 4
EMS Environmental Management System 14 5
EOI Evidence of Insurability 10 24
EOJ End of Job 10 10
EOM End of Month 6 9
EOQ Economic Order Quantity 16 14
EP Expense Participation 10 2
EPOS or epos Electronic Point of Sale 12 4
EPS Earnings Per Share 10 13
EPSS Expert Performance Support System 18 4
EQ Equal To 6 3
EQP Equipment 6 3
ER Employer 6 5
ER Event Rule No translation No translation
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act 20 5
ERPx Enterprise Requirements Planning Execution 18 17
ERR Error 6 5
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan 14 12
ETC Estimate to Complete 10 3
ETO Engineer to Order 12 17
EVP Executive Vice-President 12 14
EVS Enumeration Verification System 14 3
Exc Exclude 6 8
EXW Ex Works 8 7
F & F or f & f Fixtures and Fittings 3 3
F/A Fixed Asset 10 4
FA Functional Acknowledgement 12 2
FAP Final Average Pay 14 3
FAS Final Assembly Schedule 16 13
FAS Free Alongside Ship 14 19
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board 20 4
FASTR Financial Analysis Spreadsheet Tool and Report Writer 30 5
FCST Forecast 4 6
FCU Fax Control Unit 14 3
FDA Form Design Aid 18 13
FDP Fiscal Date Pattern 14 7
FED Federal Tax 8 18
FHA Federal Housing Administration 20 14
FHC Freight Handling Code 12 13
FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act 20 4
FIFO First In, First Out 12 4
FIGS French, Italian, German, Spanish 32 13
FIT Federal Income Tax 12 9
FK Function Keys 8 16
FLSA Fair Labor Standard Act 16 4
FMC Flexible Machine Center 14 3
FMLA Family Medical Leave Act 16 3
FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 14 3
FOB Free on Board 10 18
FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 14 3
FPO Firm Planned Order 14 12
FR Financial Reporting 14 8
FREQ Frequency 8 8
FRF French Francs 10 9
FRS Federal Reserve System 14 3
FSA Flexible Spending Account 12 3
ft Foot 6 3
FTC Federal Trade Commission 16 3
FTE Federal Tax Entry 12 3
FTE Full-Time Employee 12 3
FTE Full-Time Equivalent 20 3
FTO Finish-to-Order 14 3
FTP File Transfer Protocol 18 3
FTZ Foreign Trade Zones 12 3
FUI Federal Unemployment Insurance 14 15
FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act 16 11
FWO Firm Work Order 14 7
FY Fiscal Year 10 3
FYI For Your Information 8 7
G & A General and Administrative Expenses 18 11
G/A General Accounting 6 11
G/L General Ledger 10 2
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 16 4
GAO General Accounting Office 10 3
GBC General Building Contractor 14 3
GBP British Pounds 6 8
GE Greater Than or Equal To 12 7
gig Gigabyte (one billion bytes) 10 5
GIF Graphics Interchange Format 14 3
GL Glossary 8 7
GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Germany) No translation 4
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnect Profile 26 5
GST Goods and Services Tax (Canada) 24 3
GT Greater Than 6 7
GTE Gross Tax Exclusion 12 3
GUI Graphical User Interface 14 3
GUID Globally Unique Identifier (technical system codes) 20 26
H & S Health and Safety 12 3
HCE Highly Compensated Employee 10 3
HEX Hexadecimal 12 9
HLL High-Level Language 10 22
HQ Headquarters 6 9
HR Workforce Management 8 11
HRM Workforce Management 10 11
HS Hidden Selection 10 14
HT Hypertext 10 9
HTML Hypertext Markup Language 24 4
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 24 4
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning 18 4
I/O Input / Output Control 16 3
ICCC Inter Company Cost Center 20 20
ICD Identification Code Designator 14 2
ICH Inter Company Hub 14 3
ID Identification No translation 2
ID Inter-Plant Demand 18 17
IDC Intangible Depletion Cost 14 4
IDL Interface Definition Language No translation No translation
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 22 4
IM Inventory Management 10 11
In Inch 6 3
Inc Include 6 5
Inc Incorporated 6 4
Inv Invoice 8 8
IOU I Owe You 8 9
IP Internet Protocol 18 2
IPL Initial Program Load 14 7
IPS Implementation Planning Session 14 3
IR In Receipt 6 3
IRA Individual Retirement Account 14 3
IRS Internal Revenue Service 8 3
ISO International Standards Organization 14 3
ISSN International Standard Serial Number 16 4
IT Information Technology 10 2
ITC Income Tax Credit 12 20
ITC Investment Tax Credit 12 19
ITD Inception-to-Date 8 12
Itm Item 6 4
J/E Journal Entry 12 2
JAD Joint Application Development 18 3
JC Job Cost 10 16
JCA Job Cost Accounting 14 3
JCB Job Cost Billing 14 3
JE Journal Entry 12 2
JF Join File 10 2
JIT Just-in-Time 6 3
JPO Java Persistent Object 12 10
JT Journal Type 12 10
JVI Joint Venture Interest 10 3
K Thousand 4 1
Kb Kilobyte (1,024 bytes) 8 5
KBG Knowledge-Based Generator 20 3
KK Kabushiki-Kaisha 16 2
L/C Letter of Credit 8 7
L/O Line/Order 10 5
LAN Local Area Network 10 11
lb Pound 4 4
LBO Leveraged Buyout 10 21
LC Landed Cost 10 10
LCL Less than a Carload 14 9
LD Level of Detail 8 2
LDA Local Data Area 12 15
LE Less Than or Equal To 12 7
LF Logical File 10 10
LIFO Last In, First Out 12 4
LIMIT Lot-Size Inventory Management Interpolation Technique 26 5
LIPL License Plate 8 11
LOA Leave of Absence 6 6
LOB Line of Business 10 3
LOD Level of Detail 8 2
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas 12 6
LPI or lpi Lines per Inch 12 3
LRP Long Range Planning 10 12
LRS Loading Rack System 12 3
LSN Lot Serial Number 12 11
LT Ledger Type 12 2
LT Less Than 6 7
LT Line Type 8 7
Ltd Limited 8 4
LTD Life-to-Date 10 3
LTD Long Term Debt 10 13
LTD Long Term Disability 10 3
LTL Less than a Truckload 14 9
MACRS Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System 24 4
MAD Mean Absolute Deviation 14 18
MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol 20 3
MAPI Messaging Application Program Interface 26 4
MAS Management Advisory Services 14 3
Max Maximum 8 4
MB Megabyte (one million bytes) 12 5
MBD Mechanical Breakdown 10 3
MBO Management by Objectives 12 29
MC Method of Computation 10 10
MCI Media Control Interface 14 3
MDS Material-Dominated Scheduling 18 3
MDY Month, Day, Year 12 3
ME Manufacturing Engineering 10 2
meg or mega Megabyte (one million bytes) 12 5
Mfg Manufacturing 6 4
MI Machine Instruction 10 11
MI Manufacturing Instruction 12 9
MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 14 19
MIL-SPEC Military Inspection Standard 14 8
Min Minimum 8 4
MIPS Millions of Instructions per Second 16 4
MIS Management Information System 14 3
Misc Miscellaneous 6 6
MMbpd Million Barrels per Day 10 4
MMS Manufacturing Management Systems 14 3
MMS Minerals Management Service 14 3
MNC Multinational Company 10 16
MNP Multinational Products 10 15
MO Month 4 4
MOD Method of Delivery 10 11
Mogas Motor Gasoline 12 11
MOQ Maximum Order Quantity 14 16
MOT Mode of Transportation 10 8
MPS Master Production Schedule 14 12
MRB Material Review Board 16 3
MRI Machine Readable Instructions 14 19
MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Operation Supplies 22 3
MRP Material Requirements Planning 18 14
MRP II Manufacturing Resource Planning 18 3
MRPx Materials, Resource, Planning, and Execution 24 19
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 16 4
Msg Message 6 5
MTD Month-to-Date 8 12
MTM Methods-Time Measurement 14 3
MTO Make-to-Order 12 11
MTOP Make-to-Order Product 18 20
MTS Make-to-Stock 12 8
MTSP Make-to-Stock Product 18 17
MURB Multiple Unit Residential Building 14 9
MWO Model Work Order 14 17
N & A Name and Address 12 10
N/A Not Available 4 12
N/S Name Search 8 8
NA Not Applicable 8 13
NACH National Automated Clearing House 20 4
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations 28 6
NBV Net Book Value 10 12
NC Numerical Control 10 13
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications 26 4
NDT Nondiscrimination Test 12 14
NE Not Equal To 8 5
NER Named Event Rule (also called event rule business function) No translation No translation
NFS Network File System 14 3
NG Not Greater Than 8 10
NGM Netware Global Messaging 12 3
NIFO Next In, First Out 14 4
NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology 20 4
NL Not Less Than 8 10
NLM Netware Loadable Module 16 3
NNN Triple Net 10 3
No Number 4 3
NOA Net Operating Assets 14 3
NOL Net Operating Loss 12 14
NOR Notice of Readiness 18 3
NPBT Net Profit Before Taxes 12 16
NSF Non-Sufficient Funds 10 12
NT New Technology 8 2
NTE Not to Exceed 8 3
NTED No Touch Exchange of Dies 8 4
NV Naamloze Vennootschap (Holland) No translation 2
NYSE New York Stock Exchange 16 10
O Option 6 4
O/T Overtime 6 8
OBJ Object 14 8
OCE Open Collaboration Environment 16 3
OCL Over Credit Limit 14 3
OCM Object Configuration Manager 14 3
OCR Optical Character Recognition 14 3
OD Organizational Development 10 2
ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity 16 4
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness 16 3
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 18 3
OH Overhead 10 9
OJT On-the-Job Training 10 20
OL Object Librarian    
OLE Object Linking and Embedding 16 27
OLTP Online Transaction Processing 16 4
OM Object Map 8 2
OMB Office of Management and Budget 18 3
OMI Open Messaging Interface 20 3
OOP Out-of-Pocket 6 3
OP Option 6 4
OP Order Processing 10 2
Ops Seq No Operation Sequence Number 12 24
Or Ty Order Type 10 10
Org Organization 10 4
OS Open Systems 10 2
OS Operating System 10 2
OS&D Over, Short, and Damaged 18 4
OSF Open Systems Foundation 14 3
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act 18 4
OSI Open Systems Interconnection 14 3
OT Overtime 6 3
OTC Over-the-counter 6 3
OTED One Touch Exchange of Dies 10 4
oz Ounce 6 2
P & P or p & p Postage and Packing 12 3
P & L Profit and Loss No translation 3
P & E Property and Equipment 14 3
P/B/A Planning/Budgeting/Allocations 20 5
P/E Price/Earnings 12 3
P/O Purchase Order 10 2
P/V Profit/Volume 12 3
pa Per Annum 6 3
PAC Production Activity Control 14 3
PACO Posting After Cutoff 12 4
PBCO Posting Before Cutoff 12 4
PBYE Posting Before Year End 12 4
PC Personal Computer 6 2
PCO Planned Change Order 32 30
PCS Personal Computer Support 10 3
PDBA Payments, Deductions, Benefits and Accruals 24 4
PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Action 24 4
PDL Program Design Language 14 17
PdM Predictive Maintenance 12 3
PDM Product Data Management 14 3
PDS Processor-Dominated Scheduling 24 3
PEC Posting Edit Code 12 3
PERT Program Evaluation and Revue Technique 20 4
PF Physical File 10 2
PFC Projected Final Cost 10 3
PFP Projected Final Profit 16 3
PFR Projected Final Revenue 16 3
PFS Process Flow Scheduling 18 3
PI Payment Instrument 10 2
PIF Program Information File 14 16
PLC Programmable Logic Controller 22 24
PLC Public Limited Company (United Kingdom) 12 3
PLO Planned Order 10 3
Plt Plant 6 4
PM Preventive Maintenance 12 2
PM Property Management 12 2
PN Period Number 8 2
PO Processing Option 10 2
PO Purchase Order 10 2
POB Post Out of Balance 12 3
POE Purchase Order Entry 14 3
POP Purchase Order Processing 14 3
POS Point of Sale 8 3
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments 24 5
PPAT People, Places, and Things 14 6
PPB Part Period Balancing 14 3
PPBS Program-Planning-Budgeting System 22 3
PPD Prearranged Payments and Deposits 22 4
PPED Pay Period Ending Date 14 4
PPM Parts per Million 14 3
PPO Preferred Provider Organization 14 3
PPV Purchase Price Variance 14 3
PR Payroll 8 3
PR Public Relations 10 2
PS Pay Status 10 2
PSF Per Square Foot 12 3
PSI Pounds per Square Inch 26 16
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute 26 16
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge 26 3
PST Provincial Sales Tax (Canada) 20 3
PSW Project Strategy Workshop 16 3
PTD Period-to-Date 16 3
PTE Part-Time Employee 10 3
PTF Program Temporary Fix 14 3
PTM Payroll Tax Management 14 3
Pty Priority 6 3
PWO Plan Work Order 16 3
PYE Previous Year-End 10 3
PYEB Prior Year-End Balance 14 4
PYEC Prior Year-End Cumulative 14 4
PYEN Prior Year-End Net 12 4
Q & A Questions and Answers 8 3
QA Quality Assurance 10 2
QB Qualified Beneficiary 12 2
QBE Query by Example 12 3
QE Qualifying Event 10 2
QFD Quality Function Deployment 14 3
QM Quality Management 10 2
QO Quote Order 8 2
Qry Query 6 5
QTD Quarter-to-Date 10 3
Qty Quantity 6 3
R & D Research and Development 12 3
R/L Right/Left 8 5
R/O Required/Optional 16 11
R/V Reverse/Void 12 3
RA Revised Amount 12 2
RAD Rapid Application Development 14 3
RAM Random Access Memory 14 3
Rand Random 6 8
RCCP Rough Cut Capacity Planning 16 4
RDA Report Design Aid 18 3
RDBF Running Dollars Balance Format 22 4
RDM Relational Database Management 18 14
RDM Relational Document Management 18 3
RE Real Estate 8 2
Rec Record 6 6
REC Reverse Entry Control 10 3
Ref Reference 6 4
Rel Relationship 6 4
REP Rapidly, Economically, and Predictably 20 3
Rev Revenue 6 10
RF Radio Frequency 12 2
RFP Request for Proposal 14 3
RFQ Request for Quote 6 3
RI Residual Income 10 3
RiBa Ricevuta Bancaria 16 4
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer 26 4
RL Response Line 10 2
RL/SU Response Line/Software Update 20 5
Rmk Remark 10 2
ROA Return on Assets 10 3
ROE Record of Employment 10 3
ROI Return on Investment 10 12
ROM Read Only Memory 10 14
ROP Reorder Point 10 3
ROQ Reorder Quantity 10 3
RPC Remote Procedure Call 14 3
RPG Report Program Generator 16 3
RPM Residential Property Management 16 3
RPS Requirements Planning System 14 3
RQBF Running Quantity Balance Format 22 4
RRA Reserve Recognition Accounting 14 3
RRN Relative Record Number 12 3
RRP Resource Requirements Planning 14 3
RS RISC System 10 2
RT Record Type 10 7
RTP Return to Production 10 3
RU Revised Units 12 2
RUIA Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act 16 4
S & H or s & h Shipping and Handling 14 3
S/N Serial Number 8 8
S/O Sales Order 10 2
S.O. Sales Order 10 2
SA Société Anonyme (France) No translation 2
SA Stand Alone 8 2
SAA Systems Application Architecture 12 3
SAR Software Action Request 12 3
SARA Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act 22 4
SAW Server Administration Workbench 26 31
SB Service Billing 10 2
SBL Subledger 10 2
SBQ Standard Batch Quantity 10 3
SC Status Code 8 8
SCC Service Class Code 12 3
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface 20 4
SDA Screen Design Aid 18 3
SDI State Disability Insurance 12 3
SDQ Shipping, Destination, and Quantity 18 3
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission 16 3
SEC Standard Entry Class 14 3
Seq Sequence 6 4
SEU Source Entry Utility 12 3
SFAS Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 18 4
SFC Shop Floor Control 10 11
SFL Subfile 8 8
Sfx Suffix 6 3
SIA Single Item Authorization 10 3
SIC Standard Industry Classification 14 10
SIG Special Interest Group 14 3
SIN Social Insurance Number 12 14
SIT State Income Tax 10 22
SKU Stocking Keeping Unit 14 9
SKU Stockkeeping Unit 8 9
Sls Sales 8 4
SMAC Standard Maintenance Agreement Contract 18 4
SME Subject Matter Expert 10 3
SMED Single Minute Exchange of Dies 26 4
SMF Standard Message Format 14 3
SMS Shipper Management System 16 3
SNA Systems Network Architecture 14 3
SNADS Systems Network Architecture Distribution Services 24 5
SO Sales Order 10 2
SOE Sales Order Entry 14 3
SOP Sales Order Processing 14 3
SOP Statement of Position 10 3
SOQ Suggested Order Quantity 14 3
SP Service Provider 13 14
SpA Societá per Azioni (Italy) No translation 3
SPC Statistical Process Control 14 17
Specs Specifications    
SPI System Provided Interface 16 3
SPRI Société de Personnes à Responsibilité Limitée (Belgium) No translation 4
SPT Shortest Process Time Rule 18 3
SQC Statistical Quality Control 14 3
SQL (Sequel) Structured Query Language 16 3
SRM Scheduled Routine Maintenance 16 14
SRV Solutions, Relationships, Value 18 3
SSN Social Security Number 12 14
STAR Spreadsheet Tool For Asset Reporting (Fixed Asset Report Writer) 42 4
Std Standard 8 4
STD Short-Term Disability 10 3
SUI State Unemployment Insurance 12 3
SVH Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays 18 20
SVO Service Order 10 3
SVR Software Versions Repository 12 3
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications 22 5
Sy System 6 5
SYD Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits 12 3
T & M Time and Materials 12 3
T/B Trial Balance 8 8
T/E Time Entry 10 3
TA Time Accounting 10 2
TAM Table Access Manager No translation No translation
TBLE Table No translation No translation
TC Table Conversion No translation No translation
TCOS Technical Committee on Operating Systems 20 4
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 36 6
TDA Table Design Aid No translation No translation
TE Time Entry 10 3
TEI Total Employee Involvement 14 3
TER Table Event Rule No translation No translation
TI Type of Input 10 2
Time Last Upd Time Last Updated 14 28
TL Truckload 10 8
TM Translation Manager 14 2
TOC Table of Contents 8 10
TOP Technical/Office Protocol 24 4
TPC Transaction Processing Council 18 3
TPM Total Productive Maintenance 16 3
TPOP Time-Phased Order Point 24 4
TQC Total Quality Control 12 3
TQE Total Quality Engineering 12 3
TQM Total Quality Management 12 3
TRW TRW (Credit Reporting Agency) 20 3
TT Translation Tools 10 12
U/M Unit of Measure 10 8
UBE Universal Batch Engine 14 3
UCIS Utility of Customer Information System 18 4
UDC User Defined Code 12 3
UDD User Defined Depreciation 16 3
UFC Universal File Converter 16 3
UFO Unidentified Foreign Object 18 3
UK United Kingdom 10 2
ULI Urban Land Industry 12 3
UM or Um Unit of Measure 10 8
UOM Unit of Measure 10 8
UPC Universal Product Code 14 7
UPD or Upd Update 6 4
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 16 3
UQF Untested Quick Fix 18 3
URL Uniform Resource Locators 16 3
USD United States Dollars 16 10
VAN Value Added Network 10 3
VAT Value Added Tax 8 5
VCF Volume Correction Factor 14 3
Vchr Voucher Journal 16 17
VD Video Display 10 2
VDT Video Display Terminal 14 3
VDU Video Display Unit 14 3
VETS-100 Veterans Employment 10 8
VI Viscosity Index 10 2
VIN Vehicle Identification Number 12 3
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier 12 6
VMI Vendor Managed Inventory 18 3
VO Vocabulary Overrides 10 2
VOL or vol Volume 12 4
VP Vice-President 8 2
VRS Vendor Release Scheduling 16 3
VRU Voice Recognition Unit 14 3
VS Vendor Scheduling 14 2
VTX Video Text 10 3
W/ or w/ With 4 2
W & M Weights and Measures 12 3
W/C Work Center 10 10
W/H or w/h Withholding 8 11
W/I or w/i Within 8 10
W/O or w/o Without 8 2
W/O Work Order 10 2
W/Tax Withholding Tax 8 7
W/W JD Edwards World Writer 12 12
W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 14 3
W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate 18 3
W-9 Exception Report 10 3
WACO Way After Cutoff 10 4
WAN Wide Area Network 10 3
WARN Warning 6 5
WB Workbench 8 9
WBS Work Breakdown Structure 14 3
WCA Workmen's Compensation Act 18 3
WF Work File 10 9
WF Workflow No translation No translation
WIP Work in Process 8 3
Wk Week 10 3
WLC Warehouse, Location, Cost Center 22 3
WM Warehouse Management 10 2
WMS Warehouse Management System 14 3
WO Work Order 10 2
WOP Work Order Processing 14 3
WORM Write Once, Read Many 20 4
WPT Windfall Profit Tax 12 3
WPUM Weight per Unit of Measure 16 4
WRN Warning 6 6
WRT Write 6 5
WTD Week-to-date 8 11
WW Who's Who? 8 2
WW JD Edwards World Writer 12 2
WWW JD Edwards World Wide Web 8 3
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get 22 7
X Cross 6 3
X Phone Extension 10 7
X-Ref Cross Reference 10 9
XO Crossover 6 2
Y/N Yes/No 6 5
yd Yard 4 3
YE Year End 6 5
YLD or yld Yield 12 3
YR Year 4 2
YTD Year to Date 8 10
ZIP Zone Improvement Plan (Postal Code) 25 3