9 Reviewing Batch Version Processing

This chapter contains the following topics:

9.1 Understanding Resources for Reviewing Reports

When processing batch versions, you might not always get the results that you expect or the job might encounter an error during processing. There are several resources that you can use to troubleshoot reports to understand why you received the results that you did:

  • Submitted jobs

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER

  • Cover page

  • Logs

9.2 Using the Submitted Jobs Application

This section discusses:

  • Submitted jobs.

  • Submitted jobs for other users.

  • Submitted jobs options.

9.2.1 Submitted Jobs

The Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Submitted Jobs application displays batch jobs that have been submitted to the enterprise server. After you submit a batch version for processing on the enterprise server, you can access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Submitted Jobs application to review the job. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Submitted Jobs application does not display jobs that are submitted locally from the Microsoft Windows client.

From the Microsoft Windows client, access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Submitted Jobs from the Form menu on the Work with Batch Versions - Available Version form. Depending on the configuration of the software, you are presented with one of these forms:

  • Work with Servers

  • Submitted Jobs Search

The same forms can be accessed from Oracle's JD Edwards Solution Explorer by selecting Work with Servers on the Report Management (GH9111) task.

The Work with Servers form lists all servers available for submitting batch jobs. You want to select the same server on this form that you selected when you submitted the batch version.

From the web client, select Submitted Jobs from the Form menu on the Submit Job - Work with Batch Versions - Available Version form. The same forms can be accessed by selecting View Job Status on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu.

From the Work With Servers form, the system directs you to the Submitted Job Search form. This form displays all of the batch versions submitted to the selected server. This table describes the options that are available for the review from the Submitted Job Search form:

Review Options Description
Queue Indicates the job queue to which the job was submitted.
Status Indicates the status of the job, represented by these codes:

D = Done

E = Error

H = Hold

P = Processing

S = In Queue

W = Waiting

Description Displays the description of the status code.
Priority Indicates the priority of the submitted job. The job priority is a value in the range of 0–9, with 0 being the highest priority. The default job priority is hard coded as a 5 on the web client. On the Microsoft Windows client, the default value is also set to 5 but can be modified in the jde.ini:
Type Indicates the type of object, represented by these object codes:

001 = Version specifications only— displays when you select Submit Version Specifications Only from Advanced Version Prompting.

PKG = Server package install

UBE = Batch job

User Indicates the user who submitted the job.
Job Details Indicates the details of the job, which includes the name of the report and version submitted.
Host Indicates the name of the server used for processing the job.
Job # Indicates the number of the job.
Environment Indicates the location (environment) of the batch version specifications.
Origination Host Indicates the machine from which the job was submitted.
Process ID Indicates the process ID that is assigned to the job by the system.
Date Job Submitted Indicates the date the job was submitted.
Time Job Submitted Indicates the time the job was submitted.
Date Last Activity Indicates the last date the job was active.
Time Job Activity Indicates the last time the job was active.

9.2.2 Submitted Jobs For Other Users

When you access the Submitted Job Search form, the top of the form displays this information:

  • The name of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne server where the jobs were submitted.

  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user ID of the person who submitted the jobs.

  • The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne job queue where the jobs were submitted.

    Typically, the Job Queue field displays an asterisk to display all job queues.

To view jobs submitted by another user, you can enter another user's ID into the User ID field. The option to view jobs submitted by other users must be enabled in the system.

The permissions for viewing another user's job information is defined in the Submitted Jobs processing option. This processing option includes a Security tab. If the Security Flag on the processing option is set to 1, users are allowed to view jobs submitted by other users. If the value is set to 2, users can only view their own jobs.

9.2.3 Submitted Jobs Options

On the Submitted Job Search form, you can:

  • Place a job on hold.

    The batch job does not process until the job is released. You might want to place a job on hold when the batch job requires a large amount of resources and should not be run during peak business hours.

  • Release batch jobs that have been placed on hold.

    This enables you to release a job to process during off-peak business hours.

  • Change the priority of a batch job.

  • Terminate batch jobs.

  • View the PDF output.

  • View the CSV output.

    You must select the option to export to CSV prior to processing the batch job.

  • View OSA

    You must select the OSA option prior to processing the batch job.

  • View logs to troubleshoot processing issues.

  • Print the batch job.

    Unless you selected the Print Immediate option for the batch job, the report does not print automatically. This option sends the batch job to the printer.


For options that apply to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality, see JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools BI Publisher For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide.

9.3 Using Execution Details (P986114A) Utilities

This section provides an overview of batch processing utilities available in the Execution Details (P986114A) application and discusses how to access Execution Details utilities.

9.3.1 Understanding Batch Processing Utilities

The Execution Details (P986114A) application allows access to additional utilities that help access dynamic runtime information for batch processing. The utilities include:

  • Dynamic Logging

    This utility enables logging to be turned on or off dynamically at any point during execution.

  • Introspection

    This utility enables access to dynamic information while a job is processing and gives an interactive display of a subset of current statistics. It gives users more visibility into the runtime information for reports for timing and troubleshooting purposes.

  • Audit Data

    This utility records information about how a job was submitted and the duration it took to process.

Execution Detail information is only available for jobs with status of Done, Processing, or Error. Use this application to help answer these troubleshooting questions:

  • Is the selection criterion not matching output expectations?

  • Is the job actively processing?

  • What is the job doing?

  • Has the database been updated?

  • Can the database be rolled back?

  • How many records have been processed?

  • What was the last business function that executed?

The Execution Details application is available exclusively as a row exit from the Work With Server Jobs application. Audit Data, Dynamic Logging and Introspection are available only from within the Execution Details application. Dynamic Logging

When Dynamic Logging is enabled, a flag is set. This flag is periodically checked by the engine. When it is read, Logging is enabled at the full level 6 UBE logging level. Logging for UBE can still be controlled through .ini settings and submission runtime overrides. This does not replace any current controls, but provides additional points of control. Turning on logging and introspection impacts performance. Be sure to turn off logging when it is no longer needed. (See Accessing Execution Details Utilities.)

You can enable Dynamic Logging by clicking the Turn Logging On button on the Submitted Job Execution Detail form. Introspection

When Introspection is enabled, the system populates the Introspection Data tab. Introspection data is retrieved from the batch process on the server.

You can update Introspection data using the Refresh button within the tab area. If introspection information stops changing when refreshed, then that is the last data to be recorded. In this situation a loop may be occurring. The last set of data may provide a starting point for debugging.

To enable Introspection in error situations, click the Turn Introspection On button on the Submitted Job Execution Detail form. Audit Data

The other selection tabs available on the Submitted Job Execution Detail form are for audit information and include:

  • Audit Data

  • Processing Options — used to run the batch job.

  • Data Selection — used to run the batch job.

  • Data Sequencing — used to run the batch job.

  • Report Interconnect — used to run the batch job.

  • SQL Statement — generated by the batch job.

Audit data is available for every UBE that gets executed. Audit data is useful for analyzing trends in processing time and for troubleshooting batch jobs. Verifying Statuses

The Verifying Statuses button on the Submitted Job Execution Detail form is used to refresh the statuses for:

  • Debug Logging Status

  • Introspection Status

  • Job Status Report Interconnects

If a report has synchronous sub reports invoked through Event Rules or Business Functions, then when you invoke Execution Detail for the parent report, it will present a selection screen for parent and child processes. You can choose which process to view. To select a different report after having selected one, exit the Execution Details form to the Server Jobs form, and then select the Execution Details form and select the process that you want to view.

When a child process finishes and the parent report is still running, the child process is removed from the available details list. You can view the child report by clicking Form, Submitted Jobs from the Batch Versions application to select and display the complete child report. If a report is running a sub-process, Introspection shows the current version and processes, and will update and follow the process. It dynamically follows the process regardless of the entry point. Troubleshooting Batch Process Utilities

If Dynamic Logging or Introspection fails to start, then something is preventing the turn-on flag from being read:

  • The process may either be in an unexpected loop or may require extended processing.

  • The UBE might be waiting on a locked resource and unable to continue normal processing.

  • The server with the IPC mechanism for inter-process communication is not functioning properly.

  • The job may have finished processing since the last status refresh.

If failure to start occurs:

  1. Look at the logs from the Enterprise Server Kernel processing. This will tell if the network message and inter-process communication is working. (See Server Manager).

  2. Using Server Manager, verify the status of the UBE to see if it is active. Accessing Execution Details Utilities

To access Execution Details utilities:

  1. On the Batch Versions List application, after you submit a report to the enterprise server, select the Form exit called Submitted Jobs.

  2. After choosing a specific report, select Execution Details in the Row menu.

9.4 Accessing BrowsER for Batch Versions

This section provides an overview of accessing Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER and lists the forms used to access JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER.

9.4.1 Accessing BrowsER

You can use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER to view event rules for an entire report or batch version. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER displays the sections of the report in a hierarchical structure. When you expand a section, a section node and nodes for each object within the section appear. Event rules attached to the section appear under the section node. All event rules attached to an object display under the appropriate object node.

A plus sign next to a node indicates that there are event rules attached. When you expand a node with a plus sign, a node for the event on which the event rules are attached appears, also with a plus sign. When you expand the event node, you can review the event rules attached to the event. You can disable, and enable, event rules from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER. This is useful for troubleshooting event rules for an entire report or batch version.

Since you can override event rule specifications in a batch version, the event rules could be different than the associated report template.

9.4.2 Forms Used to Access BrowsER


The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne BrowsER options are not available for versions of table conversions.
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions W98305A EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools, Report Management (GH9111), Batch Versions Enter the name of a batch application and select from available batch versions.
Advanced Operations W98305J Select Advanced from the Row menu on the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Access BrowsER.
Browsing N/A Select Report BrowsER or Version BrowsER from the Form menu on the Advanced Operations form. Review, disable, and enable event rules in a report template or batch version.

9.5 Reviewing the Cover Page

This section discusses the cover page.

9.5.1 The Cover Page

The cover page of a report includes information regarding the report and each section of the report. In Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid (RDA), you can select the items to be included in the cover page on the report properties form. From the File menu, select Report Properties and on the Properties form, select the Cover Page Options tab. On the Cover Page Options tab, select the Print Cover Page option to activate the list of items from which you can select.

To print the cover page of a report, you must also select the Print Cover Page option on the Version Detail form for the batch version. The Version Detail form is accessed from the Row menu of the Work with Batch Versions - Available Versions form.

The cover page prints prior to the report. Once you have selected the Print Cover Page option, the cover page prints every time that the batch version is submitted on the Microsoft Windows client. You must return to the Version Detail form to clear the selection if you no longer want the cover page to print.

At the report level, the cover page includes information regarding:

  • Report Properties

  • System Properties

  • Printer Properties

  • Processing Options

  • Report Interconnects

At the section level, the cover page includes information regarding:

  • Section Type

  • Section ID

  • Business View

  • Visible

  • Conditional/Custom Section

  • Font Override (Y/N)

  • Color Override (Y/N)

  • Objects Detail

    Includes a list of all objects included in the section with information about each, such as whether the object is visible, global, or derived, as well as the object's data type, and alias.

  • Data Selection

    Indicates the data selection that is defined in the report section. If you do not see the data that you expect in the report, review the defined data selection; the data selection might not be defined correctly. Pay close attention to the operators is equal to and is not equal to.

  • Data Sequencing

    Indicates the data sequencing that is defined in the report section including the field type, sort order, and whether the field is defined as a level break or a page break. Report Properties

The report properties section of the cover page provides this information on the Report Properties defined in the report template:

  • Print Totals Only (Y/N).

  • Print Grand Totals (Y/N).

  • Limit number of primary table rows.

    If the report does not display as many records as you expect, check if a limit has been set for the number of primary rows to be fetched.

  • Subsystem (Y/N).

  • Data Source.

    If the data source has been overridden you might not be accessing the correct database, which could affect the data displayed in the report.

  • Data Target.

  • Dynamic Positioning. System Properties

The system properties section of the cover page provides this system information:

  • The name of the server the report is using.

  • The name of the environment being accessed.

  • The name of the path code where the report resides.

  • The user ID of the person processing the report.

  • The role of the user processing the report

    Permissions could be another reason that the data in the report does not meet the expectations. Ensure that the user ID and role have the correct permissions to access the required data.

  • The currency used in the report. Printer Properties

The printer properties section of the cover page provides this printer information:

  • The name of the printer to which the report is defined to output.

  • The orientation defined for the report, portrait or landscape.

  • The width of the page in inches.

  • The height of the page in inches. Processing Options

The processing options section of the cover page provides the name of the processing option template and the number of items listed on the template that is attached to the report template. Each item included on the processing option template are then listed including the description and value of each item. Report Interconnects

The report interconnect section of the cover page provides the number of columns included in the report interconnect. Each column included in the report interconnect is listed with its description, alias, and value.

9.6 Generating and Reviewing Logs from the Microsoft Windows Client

This section provides an overview of logs for batch jobs and lists the forms used to generate logs from the Microsoft Windows client.

9.6.1 Understanding Logs for Batch Jobs

When you submit batch versions, you can specify whether you want to generate logs. The logs available are the JDE.log and the JDEDEBUG.log. These logs enable you to review the processing of the report. You can generate the logs on the server where the report is processed.

You can override the report processing location to process the report locally and generate the logs on the workstation. In this case, the logs are written to the print queue directory on the workstation where the PDF files reside.

The server logs reside in a specific directory on the server. The jde.ini settings determine the location of this directory. Also, depending on the platform that you use, the jde.ini setting differs slightly. This list provides sample jde.ini settings for the directory where the report logs reside:

  • iSeries


    Example path: E812SYS\PRINTQUEUE

  • UNIX


    Example path: /usr/JDEdwards/E812/output/PrintQueue

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server


    Example path: d:\JDEdwards\E812\output\PrintQueue

PrintQueue is the default directory for the UBE log files, which is a subdirectory of the directory that you define in the jde.ini. You can change the location of this directory as necessary.


These jde.ini settings also determine the location where the report output resides after processing. If you set the jde.ini to save the output for reports, the system saves PDF and CSV files in the PrintQueue folder in the path specified in the jde.ini.

9.6.2 Forms Used to Generate Logs from the Microsoft Windows Client

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions W98305A EnterpriseOne Life Cycle Tools, Report Management (GH9111), Batch Versions Enter the name of a batch application and select from available batch versions.
Version Prompting W98305D Select a batch version and click Select on the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Override data selection and data sequencing. Submit batch versions.
Advanced Version Prompting W98305I Click Advanced on the Form menu on the Version Prompting form. Select logs to generate for a single batch version submission.
Printer Selection W986162B Click To Printer on the Report Output Destination form when submitting batch versions locally.

Click Submit on the Version Prompting form when submitting batch versions to an enterprise server.

Select printer options and submit the batch version for processing.
Submitted Job Search W986110BA Select a batch version and select Submitted Jobs on the Form menu of the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Select a batch job.
View Logs W986110BD Select View Logs from the Row menu of the Submitted Job Search form. Select the log to view.

9.7 Generating and Reviewing Logs from the Web Client

This section provides an overview of logs generated from the web client and lists the forms used to generate logs from the web client.

9.7.1 Understanding Logs Generated from the Web Client

When you submit batch versions from the web client, you can specify whether you want to generate logs. The logs available are the JDE.log and the JDEDEBUG.log. These logs enable you to review the processing of the report submitted from the web client.

9.7.2 Forms Used to Generate Logs from the Web Client

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Submit Job - Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions W98305WA EnterpriseOne Menu, Submit Job Enter the name of a batch application and select from available batch versions.
Submit Job - Version Prompting W98305WD Select a batch version and click Select on the Submit Job - Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Override data selection and data sequencing. Submit batch versions.
Submit Job - Advanced Version Prompting W98305I Click Advanced on the Form menu on the Submit Job - Version Prompting form. Generate logs for a single batch version submission.
Submit Job - Printer Selection W986162B Select Submit on the Submit Job - Version Prompting form. Select printer options and submit the batch version for processing.
Submit Job - Submitted Job Search W986110BA Select a batch version and select Submitted Jobs on the Form menu of the Submit Job - Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form. Select a batch job.
View Logs W986110BD Select View Logs from the Row menu of the Submitted Job Search form. Select the log to view.