This images shows the flowchart that illustrates the tasks that runtime performs after initializing the above mentioned items to complete dialog initialization.

The flow chart shows the following:

First Task - Creat tool bar

Second Task - Load form interconnect data into BV columns and filter fields.

Third Task - fire Dialog is initialized

First decision point - Form in Add mode? if yes, Begin dialog clear

First decision point - Form in Add mode? if No, Second decision point- Fetch on form businessview Enabled?

Second decision point- Fetch on form businessview Enabled? If yes, Begin record fetch

Second decision point- Fetch on form businessview Enabled? If No, Third decision point - Form in update mode?

Third decision point - Form in update mode? If yes, Fire post dialog is initialized and detail data is fetched.

Third decision point - Form in update mode? If No, detail data is fetched, keys cleared and Fire post dialog is initialized.