This flowchart shows the following tasks:

First task - Set SV Curr_Wizard_Action=CO WIZ_FINISH

Second task - Page val/save suppressed?

First decision point- Page val/save suppressed? If yes, Perform Itteritive page validation.

First decision point- Page val/save suppressed? If No, Errors/1st time warnings?

Second decision point -Errors/1st time warnings? If yes, Show errors/warnings and stop.

Second decision point -Errors/1st time warnings? If No, Fire WIZARD:Validate subform, Validate all the controls and grid rows, Erros/1st time warning?

Third decision point-Errors/1st time warnings? If yes, Show errors/warnings and stop.

Third decision point-Errors/1st time warnings? If No, Fire Page is Exited Before, Errors/1st time warning? IF yes, show errrors/warnings and stop. If No,Perform Itteritive page validation.