15 Creating Notification Subscriptions

This chapter contains the following topics:

15.1 Understanding Object Action Notifications

Notification subscriptions allow you to alert users using email about changes to objects in the system, such as object checkins and checkouts. After you enable object notification, you can add, modify, delete, or sort notification subscriptions. The Object Action Notification System is initially enabled by default.

You can set up notification subscriptions two ways. The first is by entering information into the Notification Subscription form (P98230), the second is by using the Notification Subscription Assistant. The Notification Subscription Assistant enables you to setup notifications by entering information into predefined fields, rather than filling in the notification subscription form. See the Understanding Object Action Notifications section for information about using the Notification Subscription form.

15.2 Configuring Notification Subscriptions

This section discusses how to enable or disable notification subscriptions.

15.2.1 Forms Used to Configure Notification Subscriptions

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Object Management Setup W98230R Object Management Administration menu (GH9081) then Object Management Configuration (P98230) Access forms to configure notification subscriptions.
Object Action Notification W98230D In Object Management Setup, click the Object Action Notification button. Enable or disable action notifications.
Notification Subscriptions W98230L In Object Management Setup, click the Notification Setup button Add, delete, modify, and sort notification subscriptions.

15.2.2 Enabling or Disabling Object Action Notifications

Access the Object Action Notification form.

  1. In Object Action Notification, to enable object action notification, select the Activate Object Action Notification option

    If enabled, the notification system sends email messages to users regarding actions taken on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW. Use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW Notification Subscriptions form in the Configuration Application (P98230) to configure the notification system.

  2. To disable object action notification, clear the Activate Object Action Notification option.

  3. Click OK.


    Notification that users are added to or removed from projects always occurs, even when object action notification is disabled. In this situation, an email message is sent to the user.

15.2.3 Adding a Notification Subscription

Notification Subscriptions can be created for an action performed on these objects:

  • All objects of the specified system code.

  • All objects of a specified type.

  • All objects of a combination of 1 and 2.

  • A specific object name and type.


Until you are familiar with how each field is utilized, Oracle recommends that you use the Notification Subscription Assistant to add a notification subscription. SeeCreating Notification Subscriptions using the Notification Subscription Assistant.

Access the Notification Subscriptions form.

  1. In Notification Subscriptions, click Find to display the current notification subscriptions.

  2. Scroll to a blank row and complete these mandatory fields:

    • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW User Role

    • Action

  3. Complete these optional fields:

    • Object Type

    • Object Name

    • Reporting System Code

    • Path Code

      A new row appears when you are finished.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all notification subscriptions are added.

  5. Click OK.

    For definitions of each field, see Understanding Notification Subscription Fields, or place your cursor in the field and press F1.

15.2.4 Modifying Notification Subscriptions

Access the Object Management Setup form.

  1. In Object Management Setup, click the Notification Setup button.

  2. In Notification Subscriptions, click Find to display the current notification subscriptions.

  3. Select the fields to be modified and make the changes.

  4. Click OK.

15.2.5 Deleting a Notification Subscription

Access the Object Management Setup form.

  1. In Object Management Setup, click the Notification Setup button.

  2. In Notification Subscriptions, select the record to be deleted.

  3. Click the Delete button.

  4. Click OK in the Confirm Delete query.

  5. Click OK.

15.2.6 Sorting Notification Subscriptions

Access the Object Management Setup form.

  1. In Object Management Setup, click the Notification Setup button.

  2. In Notification Subscriptions, above the rule headers, click the Query by Example column to be filtered.

    If a search button appears, click it and double-click the filter criteria. In other Query by Example columns, enter the filter criteria.

  3. Click Find.

    The filtered notification subscriptions appear.

  4. Click OK.

15.2.7 Creating Notification Subscriptions using the Notification Subscription Assistant

When setting up notification subscriptions using the Notification Subscription Assistant, you first identify what action performed on an object that will trigger the notification, and second identify the person or role to which the notification will be sent. You select to send notification subscriptions to an individual user or role, to users playing a specified role on the project on which the action is being performed on the object, or to users playing a specified role on a different project. You can also select to send notification subscriptions to only the person flagged as the lead within the role. Accessing the Notification Subscription Assistant

Access the Notification Subscription Assistant.

  1. Type P98230 in the Fast Path.

  2. Click Notification Setup.

  3. Click Add. Understanding Actions

Some of the actions you assign require or enable you to enter different types of information. For example, if the action you select is Delete, you can enter a path code that identifies from where the object is being deleted. Not all actions require the same information. This section identifies the fields that need to be completed according to the action you enter into the Object Management Action field.

Action Fields
01 Transfer Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

02 Checkin Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

03 Checkout Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

04 Delete Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

05 Add Object Type

System Code

06 Copy Object Name

Object Type

System Code

08 Save Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

09 Restore Path Code

Object Name

Object Type

System Code

10 Design Object Name

Object Type

System Code

11 Get Object Name

Object Type

System Code

12 Remove Object from Project Object Name

Object Type

System Code

13 Update a Project Object Name

Object Type

System Code

16 Add Object to Project Object Name

Object Type

System Code

21 Switch Token Object Name

Object Type

System Code

23 Force Release From Token Queue Object Name

Object Type

System Code

30 Erase Checkout Object Name

Object Type

System Code

38 Status Change When project advances from status

To Status

Project Name

Object Type

System Code

Notify if the action is performed on any sub-project with this project. Understanding Notification Subscription Fields

After you have entered an action in the Object Management Action field and pressed Tab, you enter information about the object being acted upon in the fields that display in the Notification Subscription Action field. This table is a list of the fields and a description of what you must enter:

Path Code

The path code is a pointer to a set of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Objects, and is used to keep track of set of objects and their locations in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Object Name

A 200-character field that serves as an identifier for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object. When used in conjunction with an JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW Object Type (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMWOT), it uniquely identifies any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object.

Object Type

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, an object has traditionally been a reusable entity based on software specification created by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tools. These objects included Object Librarian Objects, such as interactive application (APPL), as well as batch applications (UBE), and data structure (DSTR) objects. In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW, we have expanded this definition to include other Non Object Librarian type objects or data source based rather than path code based objects. These include User Defined Controls (UDC), Workflow, Menus, and Data Items. OL Objects:

Batch Applications

Business Functions

Business Views

Data Structures

Event Rules

Interactive Applications

Media Objects


Data Dictionary items

UDC items

Workflow items


System Code

A user defined code that specifies the system number for reporting and jargon purposes.

Project Name

A 200-character field that serves as an identifier for a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne project. When used in conjunction with an JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW Object Type (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMWOT), it uniquely identifies any JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object.

When the project advance from status

A code that indicates the status from which an object will be advanced. Recognized status codes:

01 Complete

11 Pending Review

17 Plan or Research

18 Design

19 Design Review

21 Programming

22 Programming Test

23 Manager Review

24 Transfer to Production

25 Rework

26 QA test

28 QA Test Complete

To status

A status to which you advance a project from a start status. Recognized status codes:

01 Complete

11 Pending Review

17 Plan or Research

18 Design

19 Design Review

21 Programming

22 Programming Test

23 Manager Review

24 Transfer to Production

25 Rework

26 QA test

28 QA Test Complete

Notify if the status change is performed on any sub-projects within this project

An option that, if selected, sends a notification when the status change you entered in the fields is made to a sub-project of the project you entered in the Project Name field. Understanding Recipients

After you have entered an action, entered the appropriate information into the allowed fields, and click OK, you select to whom you want the notification sent when the action is performed on the object. You select to whom you send the notification by choosing these options and entering information into the associated fields:

Option Field Task
To this specified user ID or role User Role Enter a specific user ID or role. When the action is performed on the object, this specific user or all users assigned to a role will receive a notification.
To all users playing a role on the project being acted upon JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW user role Enter a user role. When the action is performed on the object, any user that is assigned this role on the project will receive a notification. You can select the "Only users playing this role that are flagged as leads" so that only those individuals with lead status within the role receive the notification.
To all users playing a role on a project other than the project being acted upon Project Name JD Edwards EnterpriseOne OMW User Role Enter a project name and user role. When the action is performed on the indicated object, any user that is assigned this role on the indicated project will receive a notification. You can select the "Only users playing this role that are flagged as leads" so that only those individuals with lead status within the role receive the notification.