The image perfmon_elements898.gif shows an overview of the Performance Monitor elements and how they relate to one another. The principal elements are the application server, Java application server, monitoring server, and database tables. The image shows the following sequence of events: The application server sends performance data through a JdeNet message to the PerfMon Java Adapter on the monitoring server. The Java adapter converts the performance data to HTTP and sends the data to the monitoring server using Performance Monitor Java Agents. The monitoring server inserts the data into the database Current and History tables. The system administrator then initiates an agent configuration change through the Performance Monitor user interface. The JAS Runtime Engine updates the agent configuration in the database and then notifies the monitoring server of the agent configuration change. The monitoring server reads the new agent configuration from the database and sends the new configuration to all Java agents. The PerfMon Java Adapter sends the new agent configuration to all C-Agents on the application server. An archive batch process archives, and then removes, performance data from the database. A reaper batch process moves timed-out data from the Current table to the History table. The JAS Runtime Engine reads the data from the database and displays it in HTML format to the user interface.