6 Using the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Understanding the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis Tool has been added to help manage your software update. This tool is used to gauge the level of impact a software update will have on your existing system. Users may access this tool from a client workstation or the deployment server.

You perform an impact analysis when you download ESUs. If you are performing a new installation, or if you are performing an upgrade, you do not need to do an impact analysis. If you do need to perform an impact analysis, you do so after you have installed the update on the deployment server, but before you deploy the update to another environment.

This is a list of features that this tool provides:

  • Identification of what Software Action Requests (SARs), objects, and control files will be applied to the system.

  • Special instructions for SARs.

  • List of objects associations with a SAR.

  • List of any dependent software updates.

  • Identification of any table conversions within a software update.

It can also be used to manage the application of the software update to your system. A system administrator may assign specific objects, control files, and SARs to individual users. Users who have been assigned objects can update the status of approved objects, SARs, and control files that have been assigned to them. They can also keep track of the status of their approvals.

6.2 Working with the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

This section provides an overview of working with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis Tool and discusses how to:

  • Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis tool.

  • Utilize the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis tool.

  • Configure a new analysis.

  • Analyze your software update.

  • Review the results in the Impact Analysis - Master view.

  • Assign objects to users.

  • Notifying users of assignments by email.

  • View any prerequisites prior to installing a software update.

  • View objects that will be affected by the software update.

  • Accept assigned objects.

  • View SARs.

  • View control files in the Software Update.

  • Work with the Scheduler view.

  • Work with the Analyze report.

6.2.1 Forms Used with the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
SU Impact Analysis Master W96710A Software Updates, Software Update Impact Analysis Use to access many of the features available within this tool.
Impact Analysis Setup W96710B Software Updates, Software Update Impact Analysis, SU Impact Analysis Master, Add Use to configuring a new analysis.

6.2.2 Accessing the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis Tool:

  1. Logon to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne client with administrative privileges.

  2. In the fast path enter GH9612.

  3. From the Software Updates menu, right-click Software Update Impact Analysis → Prompt For → Values.

  4. Enter the path to the location of the update.xml file (for example, \\deployment server name\E900\ImpactAnalysis). Since this utility can be run from a client or the deployment server, it is important that the XML files are located in a central location. By default, the XML files will be downloaded to the unc path provided in the previous example by the installation of a software update.

  5. Click OK.

6.2.3 Utilizing the Software Update Impact Analysis Tool

From the Software Updates menu (GH9612), select Software Update Impact Analysis (P96710).


Within this form, a list of earlier analyses are listed in the main work area. This is the core navigation screen that will enable you to access many of the features available within this tool.

6.2.4 Configuring a New Analysis

To configure a new analysis:

  1. Click Add.

  2. When creating a new report complete these fields:

    • Software Update Name

      Click the browse button to search for the software update you wish to analyze.

      Select the desired software update.

      Click the Select button on the tool bar. This will populate the Software Update Name field in the setup screen.

    • Description

      Enter additional details on this update in this field's text box.

    • Environment Name

      Enter the environment to do the analysis on (for example, DV900).

    • Expected Completion Date

      Enter the date you anticipate to complete the analysis.

    • Percent Complete

      Enter the percent complete for this update.

    • Impact Analysis Status

      Use the visual assist to select the status of the impact analysis (for example, 03 - In Process, 02 - Configure).

  3. Click OK to return to the SU Impact Analysis Master screen.

6.2.5 Analyzing your Software Update

Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Software Update Impact Analysis Tool: On the SU Impact Analysis Master screen, highlight the record that was created in the previous steps. Once this is completed click the Analyze row exit.


Once this step has been completed, analysis processing occurs in the background. This processing may take several moments. Once it is completed, a success message will appear in the status bar area.

6.2.6 Reviewing the Results in the Impact Analysis - Master View

From the SU Impact Analysis Master screen, select the Master View row exit.

The overall view of the analysis displays and includes:

  • SARs.

  • Objects and control files in SARs.

  • What objects are affected or merged.


The master view should be accessible to the CNC administrative user only by enforcing security.

6.2.7 Assigning Objects to Users

Objects may be assigned to different users within this tool for further analysis.

  1. To assign objects to users, select the Assign exit row.

  2. Highlight the object you wish to assign and click the Select exit row.

    A check mark will appear to the left of the item you selected. Multiple records can be selected at once within this screen as well.

  3. In the Assigned To text box, enter the address book number of the user who will receive the assignment.

  4. To complete this process, select the Assign option from the row exit.

6.2.8 Notifying Users of Assignments by Email

Complete this task to notify users of their assignments by email.

  1. Select the Form exit.

  2. Select one of these row options:

    • Approval Report

      Shows the latest states of what users have done with objects.

    • Notify all

      Sends a global email notification to all users that have been assigned objects (past and present).

    • Notify today's assigners

      Sends an email notification to users who have been assigned today.

  3. To exit this screen click the Close button. This will take you to the Impact Analysis - Master View.

  4. Click the Close button again to enter the SU Impact Analysis Master screen.

6.2.9 Viewing any Prerequisites prior to Installing a Software Update

Complete this task to view the prerequisites before you update the software.

  1. Within the SU Impact Analysis Master screen select the Pre-reqs View exit row.

    The Pre-reqs View displays any prerequisites that may be required to apply a software update. These requirements may include:

    • Base line software updates that are required prior to installing the current software update.

    • Indicates any quarterly updates that already have the dependent / baseline software update.

    • Through the Install Status column, it will indicate if an update has been installed.

  2. To exit this item, click the Close button to re-enter the SU Impact Analysis Master screen.

6.2.10 Viewing Objects Affected by the Software Update

Select the Object View row to display this screen.

Select one of these radio buttons to filter objects:

Objects that will be affected by applying this software update (Default)

Lists all affected objects delivered by the software update.

All objects delivered with this software update

Lists all objects in the software update.

6.2.11 Accepting Assigned Objects

Complete this task to accept the assigned objects.

  1. In the object window, accept a job by selecting it in the object window.

  2. Click the Approved exit row.

    The administrator might modify these text fields:

    • Impact Analysis Status

      Through a visual assist, various values may be assigned to indicate the status (for example Accept / Completion).

    • Percent Complete

      A percent completed may be assigned to indicate the progress of analyzing the object.

  3. Click the OK button to return to the Impact Analysis - Object View Screen.

  4. Click the Close button to return to the main screen (SU Impact Analysis Master)

6.2.12 Viewing SARs

Complete this task to view relevant SARs.

  1. Click the SAR View row.

    Select one of these options:

    • New SARs delivered

      List new SARs available in the software update.

    • All SARs delivered

      List all SARs in the software update.

    • View Objects associated with each SAR

      Select this check box if you wish to view objects associated with a specific SAR.

    • Special Instructions exit row

      List any additional details and special instructions that may be associated with a specific SAR.

  2. Click the Close button to return to the Impact Analysis SAR View screen.

    • Approved exit row

      Same as noted earlier.

  3. Click the Close button again to return to the SU Impact Analysis screen.

6.2.13 Viewing Control Files in the Software Update

Complete this task to view the Control Files.

  1. To access this option, click the Control File View row.

    The Control File View lists all control files in a software update and will indicate the merge options for individual items.

    Select one of these exit row options:

    • Approved

      Same as indicated earlier.

    • Detail

      What specifically has changed within a control file.

  2. Click the close button to return to the SU Impact Analysis Master screen

6.2.14 Working with the Scheduler View

Complete this task to view the scheduled merges and table conversions.

  1. Click Scheduler View from the exit row.

    The Scheduler viewer lists merges and table conversions that will be performed when the software update is executed.

  2. Click the Close button to return to the SU Impact Analysis Master screen.

6.2.15 Working with the Analyze Report

Click the Analyze Report exit row.

This report is a complete summary, in Adobe Acrobat format, of the impact analysis results.