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Oracle® Configuration Manager Release Notes
Release 10.3.4

Part Number E18038-01
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Oracle® Configuration Manager

Release Notes

Release 10.3.4


December 2010

Oracle Configuration Manager is used to personalize and enhance the support experience by collecting configuration information and uploading it to the Oracle repository. When the configuration data is uploaded on a regular basis, customer support representatives can analyze this data and provide better service to customers.

Oracle Configuration Manager collection software is self contained and does not affect the contents of the existing Oracle software installation. The configuration collections occur once a day and have negligible impact on the operations of the system and Oracle products including production deployments.

These Release Notes list the important features of Oracle Configuration Manager and the known issues in this release.

The steps to install and configure Oracle Configuration Manager are documented in the Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

This document contains the following sections:

1 Oracle Configuration Manager Documentation

The Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide can be downloaded from This document corresponds to the most recent release of Oracle Configuration Manager and supports earlier releases.

2 Oracle Configuration Manager Security Overview

Online documentation is available to respond to concerns surrounding security implications of Oracle Configuration Manager. The My Oracle Support Knowledge Base articles (728982.1 or 728982.5) answer common questions about how Oracle Configuration Manager ensures its operations are performed in a secure manner.

3 New Features

This section lists the new features in Oracle Configuration Manager.

3.1 New Features for Release

The new features in the release include:

  • Data masking of host IP address

    You can now disable the collection of the Host IP address.

  • Harvested Data from Enterprise Manager Grid Control

    Oracle Configuration Manager now collects data from WebLogic Server targets.

3.2 New Features for Release

The new features in the release include:

  • Introducing Diagnostic Checks

    The diagnostic health check evaluation (Diagnostic Checks) feature performs diagnostic health checks against your installations and generates diagnostic results. Oracle Support uses these results to provide efficient and timely resolution to customer requests for assistance. See the Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide for additional information.

  • Use of country code deprecated

    For Oracle Configuration Manager configuration, you no longer need to include the country code when specifying the customer support identifier (CSI). Existing response files that contain country codes will still work, that is, they do not need to be edited.

3.3 New Features for Release

The new features in the release include:

  • Oracle Universal Installer now supports configuring the Oracle Configuration Manager to use the Oracle Support Hub

    As part of an installation, Oracle Universal Installer now supports configuring the Oracle Configuration Manager to use of the Oracle Support Hub. The Oracle Support Hub enables Oracle Configuration Manager to securely transmit configuration data to the Oracle repository on behalf of customers who do not have access to the Internet. For additional information regarding Oracle Support Hub, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Companion Distribution Guide.

  • Verifying the results of the response file

    You can now verify the connectivity of the response file by using the emocmrsp -verify command.

3.4 New Features for Release

The new features in the release include:

  • Manual Configuration of the Oracle Configuration Manager Collector to use the Oracle Support Hub

    The Oracle Configuration Manager Collector collects configuration information on the Oracle products that it discovers and transmits that information over a secure connection to Oracle. The collectors must either have a direct Internet connection or an Internet connection through a proxy server. The Oracle Support Hub provides a third option whereby Oracle Configuration Manager Collectors can route all information through an Oracle Support Hub deployed within a corporate intranet that in turn has a connection to the Internet.

    Configuration of a 10.3.2 Oracle Configuration Manager Collector provides the user the ability to configure the connection to Oracle through the Oracle Support Hub if a direct connection is not possible.

    For additional information regarding Oracle Support Hub, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Companion Distribution Guide.

  • Configuring the Oracle Configuration Manager Collector to mask database usernames

    The Oracle Configuration Manager Collector collects the schema usernames for databases instrumented for configuration collections. The collection of this information is masked when the property 'ccr.metric.oracle_database.db_users.username' is assigned the value 'mask' in the $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/hosts/<host_name>/config/ file.

    The default is to not mask data.

4 Known Issues

The known issues are as follows:

4.1 Generic Known Issues

This section lists the generic known issues pertaining to this release.

4.1.1 ORA-20006: ORA-01031: insufficient Privileges Encountered instrumenting Oracle Database Configured with Oracle Database Vault

When an Oracle Database is configured with Oracle Database Vault, instrumenting the database for collection of configuration information fails. The instrumentation is performed through the command:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL collectconfig

The SYS account used to perform the instrumentation does not have access to the SYS privileges needed in an Oracle Database Vault configuration. The following error is reported when reviewing the log file referred to in the error message:

ORA-20006: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

4.1.2 Siebel Collections Restriction

If you install Siebel with localhost as the host name of the machine, the Siebel hierarchy under the Enterprise System will not display any entries under that Siebel server in My Oracle Support. Although the Siebel server hierarchy will not display any entries, all details under this Siebel server are still collected and available through their respective targets under the Targets region in My Oracle Support.

4.1.3 Oracle Configuration Manager Collector Installed in Siebel Server and Gateway Directory Trees

If you manually installed the Oracle Configuration Manager collector in the server and gateway server directory trees, you should:

  1. Stop and decommission those Oracle Configuration Manager collectors in the gateway server and server directories using the command configCCR -r

  2. Login to My Oracle Support and disable the targets that were collected by the collector that was decommissioned.

  3. Deploy the collector to the Siebel root directory if not already done.

Note: The current Oracle Configuration Manager release has been certified for 7.7, 7.8, and 8.0 releases of CRM. Though testing has occurred, Oracle Configuration Manager has not yet been certified for release 8.1 of CRM.

4.1.4 Stale Associations for Virtual Machines Reflected in My Oracle Support UI

When a virtual machine changes from a running state to a halted state or vice versa, it takes a maximum of 24 hours to reflect the updated information in My Oracle Support.

For example, if the running Guest Virtual Machine (GVMA) is halted, then GVMA is no longer associated to a Virtual Server but to the parent Virtual Server Pool. However, while viewing this relationship in My Oracle Support, one might see GVMA associated to the Virtual Server (implying a running GVMA) as well as to Virtual Server Pool (implying halted GVMA). Although Oracle Configuration Manager has collected new configuration data capturing these associations, the new snapshot is ignored because the collection time stamp of the Virtual Server snapshot does not change and is the same as the previous snapshot. Every 24 hours, a new snapshot is uploaded to Oracle with a new collection time stamp. When this new snapshot is uploaded to Oracle, the new data is reflected in My Oracle Support.

4.1.5 Response Files Created with JDK 1.4.2 Cannot Be Used With Previous Versions of Oracle Configuration Manager

When using JDK 1.4.2 and Oracle Configuration Manager version 10.3.3 to create a response file that contains an authenticated proxy server, the response file cannot be used with earlier versions of Oracle Configuration Manager.

4.1.6 Incompatibility Between Response File and JDK Version 1.4.2

When using a response file that contains an authenticated proxy server and it was created using JDK version 1.4.2 or later, you must use JDK version 1.4.2 or later. Otherwise, you will get an error message and Oracle Configuration Manager will exit.

4.1.7 Installation Considered Configured After Abnormal Termination of setupCCR or configCCR Commands

An abnormal termination such as a Control C during the invocation of setupCCR or reconfiguration using configCCR may result in subsequent attempts returning the message:

This installation is already configured for OCM. Please remove existing configuration first.

To manually reset the environment, remove the config and state directories located under the $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/hosts/<hostname> directory. If ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME is set, remove the config and state directories in the $ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME/ccr directory.

If this is a fresh installation, delete the ccr directory and unzip the Oracle Configuration Manager distribution into the ORACLE_HOME and issue the setupCCR command again.

4.1.8 Relationship Between Siebel Server and Database Only Captured in Oracle Database

The relationship between the deployment of a Siebel Server and dependent database is collected only for Oracle database.

4.1.9 Java Requirements

Oracle Configuration Manager requires a Java home being present in the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk directory or in the $ ORACLE_HOME/jre directory. The minimum version required is 1.2.2. (Microsoft Windows releases require 1.3.1 at a minimum). If the $ORACLE_HOME does not contain this version or the directory does not exist, an alternate JAVA installation can be used.

To resolve this issue, ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the valid jdk or jre directory.

4.1.10 GNU Free Software Foundation JDK Not Supported

The Java Development Kit (JDK) distributed by the GNU Free Software Foundation is not supported by Oracle Configuration Manager. The GNU version of JDK does not support either required command qualifiers or class loader capabilities.

4.1.11 Oracle Inventory Data Unavailable for Pre-9.0 Database Installations

For Oracle database installations prior to 9.0, the Oracle inventory data cannot be collected. This is because the collection mechanism relies on the newer XML format for the product inventory which is available for 9.0 and later versions.

4.1.12 Error Encountered Running

When you run the $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/ script, you may encounter the following error:

An error had occurred
For details, check the log file at /u01/app/oracle/10.2.0/db/ccr/log/collectconfigasmdb.log

The contents of the log file identified contains the output:

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Oct 17 17:54:35 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

The log file ends with the text:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

This error may occur if the $ORACLE_HOME environmental variable used to start the database instance ended with a '/' character.

To resolve this issue, stop the database instance and redefine the ORACLE_HOME so that it does not include the trailing slash and restart the database. Once the database is restarted, re-run the script.

4.1.13 Changes to Oracle Home Environmental Settings Not Detected During Collections

The installation of Oracle Configuration Manager takes a snapshot of the process environment. These key environmental variables are stored such that scheduled collections behave the same even though they are running as detached processes.

If any of the following variables change, update the snapshot file by running the command: $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/emSnapshotEnv.


4.1.14 Start Date, Last Collection and Next Collection Times Inconsistent

The emCCR status command displays the state of the scheduler, when a collection was last performed, when the next collection will run and the schedulers start time. These times may appear to be inconsistent.

The system's TZ variable affects how the time stamps are stored. Collections performed manually vs. automatically store their collection times based upon the TZ variable of the process invoking the collection.

To resolve this inconsistency, insure the cron daemon is started with the correct system time zone.

4.1.15 Reviewing Collected Configuration Information with Mozilla Returns the Error: Error loading stylesheet: An XSLT stylesheet does not have an XML mimetype:

Mozilla contains a bug that does not recognize XSL stylesheets correctly. The aforementioned error is displayed as a result.

Configure Mozilla by selecting the Edit -> Preferences... item from the menu. Add a New Type under the Navigator -> Helper Applications entry for a MIME type of 'text/xml' and an extension of 'xsl'. Click on 'Proceed anyway' when the warning message indicating 'Mozilla can handle this type' is presented.

4.2 Windows-Specific Known Issues

This section lists the Windows-specific known issues pertaining to this release.

4.2.1 Operating System Initialized Services Metric Data Not Available in OCM Collector Earlier Than Release 10.3.4

On Windows machines, if you are using a collector earlier than release 10.3.4 and you want to see data provided by the Operating System Initialized Services metric, you must upgrade Oracle Configuration Manager to the latest version.

If your system does not have connectivity to Oracle or the automatic update feature has been disabled on the system, you must manually upgrade the collector to its latest version. Refer to 'emCCR update_components' command and 'manual upgrade features of the collector' in the Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

4.2.2 Metrics On Specified Targets Only Partially Collected

On all Windows platforms, the following metrics for the specified targets in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server Release 11 instance are only partially collected:

Target Type Metric Name

4.2.3 "%ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME% refers to a non-existent directory" Error Encountered

Quoting the directory path specification when setting the ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME environmental variable is not required and will result in the aforementioned error being displayed. Set the ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME variable to the directory specification without quotes.

4.2.4 Installation of Oracle Configuration Manager on Windows RAW Device Unsupported

Installation of Oracle Configuration Manager on a RAW device is not supported. Configuration of the software will result in the following error being returned.

Unable to Determine Oracle Configuration Manager content receiver endpoint
Oracle Configuration Manager endpoint unknown

4.2.5 'Input Error: There is no file extension in "<directory>"' Error Encountered While Installing Oracle Configuration Manager

When installing Oracle Configuration Manager, an error occurs indicating there is no file extension in a directory. The directory indicated in the error is a substring corresponding to the current directory, whose path contains spaces.

The condition occurs if the following Windows Registry key is set to 1:


If this setting is not critical to your operations, you can set the registry key to 0.


You must restart Windows if you chose to make changes to the registry key effective.

If this setting is critical to your operations, you must install Oracle Configuration Manager in a directory whose path does not contain spaces.

4.2.6 'Java version not able to be identified' Error Encountered Installing or Issuing Oracle Configuration Manager Commands

When installing Oracle Configuration Manager, an error indicating that the JAVA version was not able to be identified is returned, however, one of the following is true:

  • JAVA_HOME is defined and the following command returns the JDK version %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -version

  • The current directory is the install root and the following command also returns the JDK version jdk\bin\java -version

The condition occurs if the TMP environmental variable contains a directory specification containing a space and the Windows Registry key is set to 1:


Set the registry key to 0 and the TMP environmental variable for the user to a value that does not contain a space.


You must restart Windows if you chose to make changes to the registry key effective.

4.2.7 Could not create service <name> : 1072 during software installation

This error may come on some Microsoft operating systems especially on Windows 2000 and Windows NT systems. It is primarily due the fact that the service under consideration is marked for deletion. During the upgrade process the Oracle Configuration Manager removes the old service and creates a new one.

If the old service is selected in the Windows Service Control Manager (Services) interface in Control Panel or he/she is looking at the old service properties then service removal fails to completely remove the old service.

To correct this problem, close the Service Control Manager (Services) interface and retry the upgrade operation.

4.3 UNIX-Specific Known Issues

This section lists the UNIX-specific known issues pertaining to this release.

4.3.1 Error Initializing JVM When Installing Oracle Configuration Manager

When you install the Oracle Configuration Manager using a CRON script, you may encounter the following error:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Unable to load native library: .../jdk/jre/lib/i386/ symbol __libc_wait, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference

The problem occurs when Java is invoked without the LD_PRELOAD variable being set. This is normally required on Redhat Advanced server configurations. (Refer to Oracle Patch 3006854).

To resolve this issue, define LD_PRELOAD to the preload module prior to invoking the installation of the Oracle Configuration Manager.

4.3.2 Error in Processing ECM_OS_FILESYSTEM Metric Collection Error in Log File

The execution of a collection may result in the error:

Failed to execute command - "<ORACLE_HOME>/ccr/engines/Linux/perl/bin/perl" <ORACLE_HOME>/ccr/sysman/admin/scripts/"

The Oracle Configuration Manager times out individual configuration collections if the collection does not complete within 5 minutes. This specific case manifests itself on LINUX if a NFS mount point is not responding to a df -k command.Identify the failing mount point by iterating through the listed filesystems in /etc/mtab by doing a ls on the location. Resolve the problem with the failing NFS server. Alternatively you can remove the entry from the mtab file and the NFS file service will not be monitored. This file is re-created when a filesystem is mounted.

5 Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Configuration Manager Release Notes, Release 10.3.4


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