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Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench Eclipse Plug-in

Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench Eclipse Plug-in
This chapter contains the following topics:
ART Workbench is a command line-based collection of tools used to automate and facilitate migration of mainframe applications and data to Oracle Tuxedo and Oracle Database. Initially created for use by experts in services projects, the migration process and the tools are highly complex and create great potential for user errors and support calls.
The current Workbench comes from a long history of use by experts during services engagements. To improve its usability a UI is provided that hides the process complexities, guides you through the process, provides online help, and simplifies the process of specifying the configuration of the tools, executing the tools, and analyzing the results (logs, reports, generated files, etc.).
Product Functions
The objectives of the plug-in are to help address these areas of complexity by providing the following:
Software Environment
J2SE 1.5 or higher
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Galileo (3.5) or higher
ART Workbench or higher
The following skills are required.
You must understand the processes, concepts and terminology used by the Rehosting Workbench Cataloger (i.e., know the inputs, outputs and configuration expected by the Cataloger and how it analyzes all the components separately and together to determine whether the asset is consistent and can be migrated).
Eclipse skills are required to perform certain actions accompanying the migration process. Users need to know:
Installing the Plug-in
To install the plug-in you must put the file in the $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins directory and then restart Eclipse.
Component and Layout
The plug-in has an ART Workbench Perspective which organizes ART Workbench views, menus and toolbars around the eclipse. It also has a navigator made for ART Workbench projects.
The plug-in has Cataloger Report View and Process Monitor View to help you analyze the migration process.
ART Workbench Perspective
In the Eclipse Platform a Perspective determines the visible actions and views within a window.
The ART Workbench Perspective is made up of the following views:
Workbench Navigator
General Navigator
Error Log
Progress Monitor
From the ART Workbench Perspective, ART Workbench specific actions/commands are also shown as menu items and toolbar buttons.
ART Workbench Navigator
The ART Workbench Navigator is very similar to the internal Eclipse General Navigator. The difference is that ART Workbench Navigator only displays ART Projects.
Cataloger Report View
The cataloger output reports are shown in the report view (as shown in Figure 9‑1), with tabs for each report. The view is integrated with ART perspective. Click the Close button to close it or re-open it from main menu.
Figure 9‑1 Report View Example
The report view has following features:
The report contents are organized in a table. You can sort by clicking on the table heading.
The anomaly level of each report is colored by level.
Table 9‑1 Color Warning
The content of report refreshes automatically after the convert operation or create new project operation.
You can also refresh the content by clicking the Refresh button on the menu bar of report view.
Progress Monitor View
the progress monitor view allows you to see which source file or schema is being processed. A source tree is initially displayed to show the structure of sources or schemas in the current project organized by source types as shown in Figure 9‑2.
Along with the Cataloging, JCL conversion and COBOL conversion processes, the current processing source file is highlighted in the source tree. During the migration process, each file is processed twice,:one for cataloging and the other for converting.
For DB conversion and File conversion, the current processing db schema or file schema is highlighted in the schema list.
Figure 9‑2 Sample of Progress Monitor View
Migration Process Cheat Sheet
The Plug-in has a Migration Process Cheat Sheet to guide you though the conversion tasks step-by-step. To open the cheat sheet click “Help->Cheat Sheets” on main menu, and then select the cheat sheet ‘Create ART migration project for STDB2ORA sample’ under ART group.
This cheat sheet demonstrates how to perform Mainframe artifacts migration by using the ART Workbench Eclipse Plug-in. After ART project creation, all ART Workbench functions (including cataloging, converting VSAM files, converting DB2 schemas, converting COBOL and JCL sources), can be done in Eclipse.
Eclipse Preferences
Some ART Workbench global options are set in the Eclipse Preference page. Include following:
Workbench Installation Directory
This global preference will take effect to all ART projects by default.
Using the ART Workbench Eclipse Plug-in
Create ART Project
You must create a new ART Project though New Project Wizard. Do the following:
Figure 9‑3 Project Name
Figure 9‑4 Root Directory
Figure 9‑5 Sample of Select Source Sub-Directory Page
Figure 9‑6 Input File Schema Definition Page
When project creation is completed, the files in the Migration source folder are imported into the Eclipse workspace. Configuration files are generated in the “param” folder. If you are in another perspective, the ART Workbench Perspective is automatically activated.
Configure Project Properties
After creating a new ART project, you must configure the project properties in the project properties page as shown in Figure 9‑7.
Figure 9‑7 Project Properties Page
Most of the configurable options in ART Workbench can be configured in the project properties pages. It provides an easy way for to view and modify ART Workbench configuration options. Those options are organized by type.
Execute Conversion
When all the steps are completed, you can use ART Workbench Commands for migration conversations.
Each ART Workbench command can be triggered by using main menu items, toolbar buttons and the project context menu. The following ART Workbench commands are available:
Eexecutes the previous five commands)
Generates a .tar file that contains converted artifacts including the files under the Target Files Directory, Root Skeleton and Target Skeleton.
Removes the pob files generated by the cataloging tool
Removes converted programs/scripts

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