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Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Inflow Transaction Guide

Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Inflow Transaction Guide
This document describes the configuration, deployment, and programming of the inflow transaction through connector-based MDB (also called none JMS-based MDB) feature. This feature allows inflow (inbound) transactions from Oracle Tuxedo to a Java application server. It contains the following topics:
Packaging and Contents
The Inflow Transaction feature is delivered as an RAR file; you must un-jar the file and modify the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration before it can be installed on an application server.
Supported Application Servers and Oracle Tuxedo Versions
Table 1 lists supported Oracle Tuxedo and application server versions.
RAR File Name
The RAR file name is After you modify the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration, it can be archived (using any name) be used to configure Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter to the application server.
RAR File Contents
Table 2 lists the RAR file contents.
Message catalogue of Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter.
Sample dmconfig file for Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration.
Schema file for Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter.
Sample weblogic-ra.xml file for WebLogic Server for connection factory based configuration
The Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter supports Oracle Tuxedo TDOMAIN protocol including its transaction context format as shown in Figure 1. When the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter receives an inbound request from Oracle Tuxedo, it checks whether there is an associated Oracle Tuxedo transaction context or not. If it does have it, then the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter creates a javax.transaction.xa.Xid based on the Oracle Tuxedo transaction context.
The Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter supplies this XID to an ExecutionContext and submits the Work instance along with the ExecutionContext to the application server WorkManager for execution. By propagating an imported transaction to a Java application server this way, the application server and subsequent participants can work as part of the imported transaction.
Figure 1 Oracle Tuxedo TDOMAIN Protocol
Configuration can be separated into two parts. The first part is Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration, and the second part is configuring the adapter in an application server.
Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Configuration
An “Exported” service is a Java resource that can be accessed by an Oracle Tuxedo client; in this particular case it is the connector-based MDB. You must configure the “Export” element in the dmconfig file for an Oracle Tuxedo client to access resources located in the Java application server.
A single “Export” element in the dmconfig file refers to an exported resource to the Oracle Tuxedo client. Listing 1 shows two exported services (Tolower and Echo), to an Oracle Tuxedo client. The RemoteName is the service name the Oracle Tuxedo GWTDOMAIN gateway uses to invoke the service; the name attribute is the service name of the resource. The Type must be MDB for inflow transaction, and the Source is the JNDI binding of the MDB.
Listing 1 Exported Services Example
<Export name=”Tolower”>
<Export name=”Echo”>
Multiple exported services using single MDB is also supported. The purpose is to give greater freedom to the adapter application developer. You can configure them using the same JNDI name specified in the dmconfig file Source element; however, since there is only one interface implemented by the application for that MDB, the application must do the dispatching itself. Listing 2 shows an example of multiple exported services using single MDB.
Listing 2 Multiple Exported Services Example
<Export name=”INFO_SERVICE”>
<Export name=”ACCOUNT_SERVICE”>
This example exports two services INFO and ACCOUNT to an Oracle Tuxedo client using the same MDB that binds to JNDI name eis/services. In this case you must create and deploy one MDB that dispatches using the service name passed to the MDB. Listing 3 shows an example MDB Code Fragment doing its own dispatching.
Listing 3 MDB Code Fragment
public Reply service(TPServiceInformation mydata)
throws TuxedoReplyException
String serviceName = mydata.getServiceName();
if (serviceName.equals(“ACCOUNT_SERVICE”)) {
else if (serviceName.equals(“INFO_SERVICE”)) {
else {
/* throws an exception */
Listing 4 shows a complete Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter configuration file example.
Listing 4 Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Configuration File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TuxedoConnector>
<LocalAccessPoint name="JDOM">
<RemoteAccessPoint name="TDOM1">
<SessionProfile name="profile_1">
<Session name="session_1">
<Export name="Tolower">
<Export name="Echo">
<Export name="INFO_SERVICE">
<Export name="ACCOUNT_SERVICE">
Application Server Resource Adapter Configuration
You must configure the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor (ra.xml). The name, ra.xml, cannot be changed. Every RAR file must contain one ra.xml file. For inflow transactions using MDB to work, you must configure the inbound-resourceadapter element. This element is used to describe the interface and activation specification specific to the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter.
The inbound-resourceadapter element is fixed. The source property is the only property that you can configure. If configured, the JCA container requires the source property to be specified in the EJB descriptor (ejb-jar.xml), file.
Listing 5 shows an ra.xml file example. You can use the ra.xml file distributed with the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter as a base and customize it as needed.
Listing 5 ra.xml File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connector xmlns=""
<display-name>Tuxedo JCA Adapter</display-name>
<description>Tuxedo SALT license</description>
The following is the list of properties name can be configured as adapter-wise configuration.
traceLevel - java.lang.String - a numerical value
xaAffinity - java.lang.String - transaction affinity to a remote domain, "true" or "false", default to true
keyFileName - java.lang.String - encryption key file name
throwFailureReplyException - java.lang.Boolean - default to ture
appManagedLocalTxTimeout - java.lang.Integer - Application managed transaction or AUTOTRAN timeout
defaults to 300 seconds
fieldTable16Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified FML classes
fieldTable32class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified FML32 classes
viewFile16Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified VIEW classes
viewFile32Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified VIEW32 classes
tpusrFile - java.lang.String - path name to the TPUSR file
remoteMBEncoding - java.lang.String - remote Tuxedo encoding name for multi-byte language
mBEncodingMapFile - java.lang.String - path name to Multi-byte encoding name mapping
autoTran - java.lang.Boolean- enable adapter-wise AUTOTRAN, default to false
The following is the list of properties that you can use
to configure thee connection pool or connection factory.
You must either configure localAccessPointSpec or
connectionFactoryName if transaction is used.
These property described here is serving as template, user should not
configure them here, instead user should configure them either through WebSphere console
or weblogic-ra.xml side file.
<description>factory-wise AUTOTRAN setting, default to false, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>factory-wise Failure Reply Exception setting, default to true, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>factory-wise application managed transaction or AUTOTRAN time out, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>connection factory or pool name, this is required if XA or local application managed
transaction is required</description>
<description>application password in either clear text or cipher text using tool</description>
<description>local access point specification of the format //hostname:port/domainId=DOMAINID</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL to configure whether mutual authentication is required, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL for configuring identity key store file name, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL setting for private key alias used in the key store, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise trusted key store file name, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise password for identityKeyStore in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise password for privateKeyAlias in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise password for trustedKeyStore in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise RemoteAccessPoint specification of the format //hostname:port/domainId=DOMAINID</description>
<description>factory-wise allow anonymous access to Tuxedo, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise application key value for anonymous user, default to -1</description>
<description>factory-wise application key fully qualified class name for AppKey generator</description>
<description>factory-wise custom application key parameter</description>
<description>factory-wise session profile block timeout value, default to 60000 milliseconds</description>
<description>factory-wise whether allows interoperate with 6.5 Tuxedo Domain, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise security setting, legal values: NONE, DM_PW, APP_PW</description>
<description>factory-wise credential propagation policy, either LOCAL or GLOBAL</description>
<description>factory-wise number of seconds that session waits between automatic connection establishment,
default to 60 seconds. A value of 0 disabled connection retry</description>
<description>factory-wise maximum number of times adapter will try to establish a session connection to
remote Tuxedo access point. Default value is Long.MAX_VALUE.</description>
<description>factory-wise compression threshold, default to Integer.MAX_VALUE</description>
<description>factory-wise minimum encryption strength requirement, legal values are 0, 40, 56, 128, 256.
Default value is 0.</description>
<description>factory-wise maximum encryption strength requirement, legal values are 0, 40, 56, 128, 256.
Default value is 128.</description>
<description>factory-wise the maximum idle time before sending application level keep alive.
It is measured in millisecond, and roundup to seconds. Default value is 0.</description>
<description>factory-wise how long adapter will wait for acknowledgement before adapter decides the
connection already lost. Measurement in millisecond, and its default value is 10 seconds.
A value of 0 will disable the wait, and thus will not close the connection</description>
<description>factory-wise valid Tuxedo service names in a comma-separated list. If not specified then
default import will be used and will grant all service request to remote Tuxedo domain</description>
<description>Exported resource, types of resource supported are EJB, POJO, MDB.</description>
The inbound-resourceadapter element contains the interface class that must be implement in the connector-based MDB and the activation specification class.
. The fully qualified interface name is uxedo.adapter.intf.TuxedoMDBService. The fully qualified activation specification is You must not change any one of these two values in the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter ra.xml file.
Oracle Tuxedo GWTDOMAIN Gateway Configuration
You must also configure the Oracle Tuxedo GWTDOMAIN gateway to communicate with the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter. Listing 6 shows a Tuxedo /Domain configuration file example.
Listing 6 Tuxedo /Domain Configuration File Example
# NOTE: Remove DYNAMIC_RAP line if you are not running with Tuxedo
TDOM1 NWADDR="//localhost:12478"
JDOM NWADDR="//localhost:10801"
In this example, Oracle Tuxedo imports the services TolowerMDB, EchoMDB, INFO, and ACCOUNT; while the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter exports them.
Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter Deployment
On the WebSphere Integrated Solution Console, enter https://localhost:9047/ibm/console/logon.jsp (where 9047 is the port number your application server is listening on).
Configure dmconfig File
Before deploying the Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter for WebSphere application server, a dmconfig configuration file must be created. Listing 7 shows a dmconfig file example.
Listing 7 dmconfig File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TuxedoConnector>
<LocalAccessPoint name="JDOM">
<RemoteAccessPoint name="TDOM1">
<SessionProfile name="profile_1">
<Session name="session_1">
<Export name="ECHOMDB">
Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor
You can either create the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor from scratch or modify an existing one. Listing 8 shows a Deploy Descriptor example.
Listing 8 Deploy Descriptor Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connector xmlns=""
<display-name>Tuxedo JCA Adapter</display-name>
<description>Tuxedo SALT license</description>
The following is the list of properties name can be configured as adapter-wise configuration.
traceLevel - java.lang.String - a numerical value
xaAffinity - java.lang.String - transaction affinity to a remote domain, "true" or "false", default to true
keyFileName - java.lang.String - encryption key file name
throwFailureReplyException - java.lang.Boolean - default to ture
appManagedLocalTxTimeout - java.lang.Integer - Application managed transaction or AUTOTRAN timeout
defaults to 300 seconds
fieldTable16Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified FML classes
fieldTable32class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified FML32 classes
viewFile16Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified VIEW classes
viewFile32Class - java.lang.String - a comma-separated list of fully qualified VIEW32 classes
tpusrFile - java.lang.String - path name to the TPUSR file
remoteMBEncoding - java.lang.String - remote Tuxedo encoding name for multi-byte language
mBEncodingMapFile - java.lang.String - path name to Multi-byte encoding name mapping
autoTran - java.lang.Boolean- enable adapter-wise AUTOTRAN, default to false
The following is the list of properties that you can use to
to configure connection pool or connection factory.
User must either configure localAccessPointSpec or
connectionFactoryName if transaction is used.
These property described here is serving as template, user should not
configure them here, instead user should configure them either through WebSphere console
or weblogic-ra.xml side file.
<description>factory-wise AUTOTRAN setting, default to false, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>factory-wise Failure Reply Exception setting, default to true, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>factory-wise application managed transaction or AUTOTRAN time out, overrides adapter-wise setting</description>
<description>connection factory or pool name, this is required if XA or local application managed
transaction is required</description>
<description>application password in either clear text or cipher text using tool</description>
<description>local access point specification of the format //hostname:port/domainId=DOMAINID</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL to configure whether mutual authentication is required, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL for configuring identity key store file name, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise SSL setting for private key alias used in the key store, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise trusted key store file name, must be configured if SSL is desired</description>
<description>factory-wise password for identityKeyStore in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise password for privateKeyAlias in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise password for trustedKeyStore in clear text</description>
<description>factory-wise RemoteAccessPoint specification of the format //hostname:port/domainId=DOMAINID</description>
<description>factory-wise allow anonymous access to Tuxedo, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise application key value for anonymous user, default to -1</description>
<description>factory-wise application key fully qualified class name for AppKey generator</description>
<description>factory-wise custom application key parameter</description>
<description>factory-wise session profile block timeout value, default to 60000 milliseconds</description>
<description>factory-wise whether allows interoperate with 6.5 Tuxedo Domain, default to false</description>
<description>factory-wise security setting, legal values: NONE, DM_PW, APP_PW</description>
<description>factory-wise credential propagation policy, either LOCAL or GLOBAL</description>
<description>factory-wise number of seconds that session waits between automatic connection establishment,
default to 60 seconds. A value of 0 disabled connection retry</description>
<description>factory-wise maximum number of times adapter will try to establish a session connection to
remote Tuxedo access point. Default value is Long.MAX_VALUE.</description>
<description>factory-wise compression threshold, default to Integer.MAX_VALUE</description>
<description>factory-wise minimum encryption strength requirement, legal values are 0, 40, 56, 128, 256.
Default value is 0.</description>
<description>factory-wise maximum encryption strength requirement, legal values are 0, 40, 56, 128, 256.
Default value is 128.</description>
<description>factory-wise the maximum idle time before sending application level keep alive.
It is measured in millisecond, and roundup to seconds. Default value is 0.</description>
<description>factory-wise how long adapter will wait for acknowledgement before adapter decides the
connection already lost. Measurement in millisecond, and its default value is 10 seconds.
A value of 0 will disable the wait, and thus will not close the connection</description>
<description>factory-wise valid Tuxedo service names in a comma-separated list. If not specified then
default import will be used and will grant all service request to remote Tuxedo domain</description>
<description>Exported resources. Types of resource supported are</description>
Deploy Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter
After jarring the resource adapter with deployment descriptor to create a Resource Archive, you can deploy it to a WebSphere application server.
After logging in to the WebSphere Integrated Solution Console select Resource from the left window pane; select Resource Adapters as shown in Figure 2. The Resource adapter window appears. Click Browse to find your RAR file.
Figure 2 WebSphere Integrated Solution Console
Click Next; the General Properties page appears as shown in Figure 3. Enter the appropriate description in the Description text entry box.
Figure 3 General Properties Page
Click OK, then click Save.
Configure Activation Spec
From Resource adapter > Tuxedo JCA Adapter, select J2C activation specification under Additional Properties; the J2C activation specification page appears as shown in Figure 4. Select New; enter a name for the activation specification and its JNDI name (this example uses EchoMDB as name and eis/echo as its JNDI name. This JNDI name is the JNDI name EchoMDB uses.
Figure 4 J2C Activation Specification Page
Click OK to complete specification.
Configuring MDB Using WebSphere Integrated Console
Start your WebSphere application server and log in to WebSphere using the Integrated Solution Console. The console port number usually is 904X where “X” can be any digit.
You can find a logs/server1/SystemOut.log. Look for TCP Channel TCP_3 is listening.”
Deploy MDB To WebSphere
Configure a Shared Library
On the left pane of console select Environment; this expands the menu item with a sub-menu. Select Shared Library; the Shared Library screen appears.
Click New; the configuration screen appears. Fill in Name with any name you like. For this example, enter EchoMDBEnv in the Name text entry box. In the Classpath window enter the full path name of the following two JAR files.
Use the Enter key as a separator then click Save.
Install MDB
On left pane of the console, select Applications, then select Install New Application. The Enterprise Application menu appears.
In Path to the new application select Local file system. Use Browse to select the EchoMDB.jar file.
In How do you want to install the application, select Show me all installation options and parameters. Click Next; the Select installation options page appears as shown in Figure 5. Select Deploy enterprise beans, then click Next.
Figure 5 Select installation Options Page
In the “Step 2: Map modules to servers” select the server where you want your Echo MDB be available. Place a check mark to “EchoMDB” then click Apply. Click Next.
Figure 6 Select EchoMDB Module
In the “Step 3: Bind listeners for message-driven beans” select Activation Specification as shown in Figure 7 then enter the JNDI name for this MDB (in this case, enter eis/echo).
Figure 7 Activation Specification
Click Next: the Summary page appears as shown in Figure 8. Click Finish. The application server compiles and deploy deploys the MDB.
Figure 8 Summary Page
Click Save.
Activate MDB
From the left pane of the console select Applications and then select Enterprise Applications. Select EchoMDB.jar and click Start. Echo” EJB is activated.
Oracle Tuxedo Application Domain
Oracle Tuxedo Configuration
Listing 1 shows the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file used in this example.
Listing 1 Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG File Example
#Ubbconfig domain1
IPCKEY 51301
MASTER site1
Tuxedo /Domain Configuration
The following is the /Domain configuration for this sample.
# NOTE: Remove DYNAMIC_RAP line if you are not running with Tuxedo
TDOM1 NWADDR="//localhost:12478"
JDOM NWADDR="//localhost:10801"
Programming MDB For Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter
Interface TuxedoMDBService
The Tuxedo JCA Adapter provides an EJB MDB interface that you must implement in your EJB application code.
The MDB interface is similar to the existing EJB supported by Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter; however, they are not the same.
Listing 2 shows the interface listing.
Listing 2 Interface Listing
public interface TuxedoMDBService {
public Reply service(TPServiceInformation service) throws TuxedoReplyException;
This is different from a JMS-based MDB, it uses the service() interface instead of the onMessage() interface. Listing 3 shows an MDB code example that implements the “Tolower” service for an Oracle Tuxedo client.
Listing 3 MDB Code Example
package ejbs;
import javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean;
import javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext;
import javax.jms.Message;
public class TolowerMDBBeanBean
implements MessageDrivenBean, TuxedoMDBService
public TolowerMDBBeanBean()
public MessageDrivenContext getMessageDrivenContext()
return fMessageDrivenCtx;
public void setMessageDrivenContext(MessageDrivenContext ctx)
fMessageDrivenCtx = ctx;
public void ejbCreate()
public void onMessage(Message message)
public void ejbRemove()
public Reply service(TPServiceInformation mydata)
throws TuxedoReplyException
TypedString data = (TypedString)mydata.getServiceData();
String lowered = data.toString().toLowerCase();
TypedString return_data = new TypedString(lowered);
return mydata;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private MessageDrivenContext fMessageDrivenCtx;
Creating an Inbound Connector-Based MDB Using IBM ASTK
This procedure creates a Connector-Based EJB 2.1 MDB using WebSphere ASTK 6.1. The simple EJB MDB echoes the input string back to the Oracle Tuxedo Client. The name of the project is called EchoMDB.
Use J2EE Perspective
If you are not already in “J2EE” perspective, do the following to change to “J2EE” perspective.
From menu Window select Open Perspective, and then select J2EE.
Create EJB Project
From menu “File” select New, then select Project…. Expand EJB by clicking it, and then highlight EJB Project. Click Next.
In EJB Project menu fill in Project Name” with “EchoMDB. Click Next. The “Select Project Facets” menu will be shown.
In “Select Project Facets” menu, make sure “EJB Module” version is “2.1”, “Java” version is “5.0”, and “WebSphere EJB (Extended” version is “6.1”, and make sure these three are selected. Click on “Next”.
In “EJB Module” menu you uncheck “create an EJB Client JAR module to hold the client interface and classes” since inbound EJB is invoked by Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter so it is not needed. Click on “Finish”.
Setup Build Environment
Right click on project EchoMDB in the Project Explorer. Select Properties from the context menu, the Properties for EchoMDB window appears as shown in Figure 9.
Select Add External JARs… from the “Java Build Path”. Add the following two Jar files from Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter RAR file. (If you have not unzipped the RAR file, do so now.)
Click OK.
Figure 9 EchoMDB Properties Window
Create Message-Driven Bean
On the left Window pane under the Project Explorer, expand the newly create MDB project EchoMDB. Right click EchoMDB, select New, and then select Other. Select Enterprise Bean and click Next. The Create an Enterprise Bean popup window appears as shown in Figure 10.
In the popup window select Message-driven bean. Enter the Bean name with value EchoMDB.
Figure 10 Create an Enterprise Bean Window
Click Next. The “Message Driven Bean type” popup window appears as shown in Figure 11. Select Other Type and then click Browse. Enter TuxedoMDBService and select from the list shown in Figure 11, then click OK.
Figure 11 Message Driven Bean Type Window
The Message Driven Bean type popup window appears. Click Finish.
Modify EchoBean
Expand ejbModule in the left window pane until you see must be modified to perform the ECHO service. Double click and the edit window pane with default editor appears as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Edit Window
Add the following lines shown in Listing 1at the top of the class file.
Listing 1 Add New Lines
Edit the method service() at the end of the class file as shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2 service()
public service( mydata)
throws {
TypedString data;
data = (TypedString)mydata.getServiceData();
return mydata;
Right click project EchoMDB in the Project Explorer, and then select Deploy as shown in Figure 13. This compiles it into class in the build directory.
Figure 13 Compile
Create EJB JAR File
Right click the project EchoMDB in the Project Explorer and select Export. The Export menu popup appears as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Export Popup Window
In the Export popup window select EJB JAR file. Click Next. The EJB Jar Export popup window appears as shown in Figure 15. Select EchoMDB from the drop down menu, and enter the complete path of the jar file name in the Destination: text field. Click Finish.
Figure 15 EJB Jar Export Popup Window
The Save Resources popup window appears as shown inFigure 16 click “OK”.
Figure 16 Save Resources Popup Window
For Oracle Tuxedo JCA Adapter dispatching-based MDB, you must add activation-config-property to its ejb-jar.xml file using one of two ways.
The first method is to unzip the jar file. After the jar file is unzipped, modify the META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, and then re-jar the bean jar file. Listing 1 shows an example ejb-jar.xml file suitable to this type of MDB.
Listing 1 ejb-jar.xml File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID" version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=”">
<!-- message driven descriptor -->
<message-driven id="EchoMDB">
<!-- message listener interface -->
<!-- the values for the Activation Spec JavaBean -->
Where eis/echo is the JNDI name of EchoMDB.
Similarly, the second method is to modify ejb-jar.xml file directly to add activation-config-property using ASTK before the MDB is being deployed and exported.
Oracle Tuxedo Transactional Client Source Code
Listing 2 shows the simple Oracle Tuxedo native client that accesses the ECHO service imported from WebSphere application server.
Listing 2 ECHO Service Imported from WebSphere Application Server
#include <stdio.h>
#include “atmi.h”
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *sendbuf, *rcvbuf;
long sendlen, rcvlen;
int ret;
if (tpinit((TPINIT *)NULL) == -1) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, “Tpinit failed\n”);
sendlen = strlen(argv[1]);
if ((sendbuf = (char *)tpalloc(“STRING”, NULL, sendlen + 1)) == NULL) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, “Error allocating send buffer\n”);
if ((rcvbuf = (char *)tpalloc(“STRING”, NULL, sendlen + 1)) == NULL) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, “Error allocating receive buffer\n”);
(void)strcpy(sendbuf, argv[2]);
tpbegin(45, 0);
ret = tpcall(“ECHO”, (char *)sendbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, (long)0);
if (ret == -1) {
userlog(“Return string: %s”, rcvbuf);

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