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Running the Tuxedo MQ Adapter

Running the Tuxedo MQ Adapter
This chapter contains the following topics:
Booting the Servers
The MQ Adapter servers boot as part of the TUXEDO application using standard TUXEDO utilities, such as tmboot. The MQ Adapter reads the server configuration files and attempts to connect to the specified queue manager. Once the MQ Adapter establishes a connection with the queue manager, the Tuxedo to WebSphere MQ server (TM_MQO) advertises the services associated with that queue manager.
Initiating a TUXEDO-to-WebSphere MQ Request
TUXEDO clients can call services advertised by the Tuxedo to MQ server (TM_MQO). A TUXEDO-to-WebSphere MQ request consists of the following actions.
Initiating a WebSphere MQ-to-TUXEDO Request
WebSphere MQ applications can request TUXEDO services via the WebSphere MQ to Tuxedo server TM_MQI. An WebSphere MQ-to-TUXEDO request consists of the following actions.
Sending and Receiving Queued Messages to and from WebSphere MQ
The TMQUEUE_MQM server processes tpenqueue and tpdequeue requests from TUXEDO client and server processes.
Processing a tpenqueue Request
The syntax for a tpenqueue request is as follows:
tpenqueue (qspace, qname, qctl, data, len, flags)
A tpenqueue request requires all parameters shown previously. Following are brief descriptions of these parameters. For more information, refer to the Oracle TUXEDO Programmer's Guide.
The name of the service advertised by TMQUEUE_MQM. This value can be overwritten in the Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file using the -s option.
In any case, make sure that at least you get the -A option in the TMQUEUE_MQM CLOPT server to publish the MQMQUEUE service if you do not specify a service alias, otherwise, no service will be published.
For example:
-s myname :MQMQUEUE
Default is MQMQUEUE.
The name of the queue where you want the adapter to place or retrieve messages. Can contain up to 127 characters. Corresponds to a WebSphere MQ queue mapped from the TUXNAME parameter in the QUEUE section of the TMQUEUE_MQM configuration file.
Provides additional information about the message. The supported options you can define for tpenqueue requests are as follows:
No options apply to this message
Message priority. TUXEDO values for this field can be from 1-100. The MQ values can be 0-9 and are mapped to TUXEDO values as follows: 0=TUXEDO 1-10, 1=TUXEDO 11-20, etc.
Correlation ID. Identifies the response to a request. TUXEDO supports up to 32 bytes. The MQ Adapter supports up to 24 bytes, so TUXEDO values are truncated on tpenqueue requests.
Name of the queue where you want to place reply messages. Can contain up to 127 characters.
Return the message ID generated when the message is placed on the queue. TUXEDO supports up to 32 bytes. The MQ Adapter supports up to 24 bytes and pads the ID with nulls.
Specifies the delivery quality of service. If a value of TPQQOSPERSISTENT is specified, the MQ persistence is set to MQPER_PERSISTENT. If a value of TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT is specified, the MQ persistence is set to MQPER_NOT_PERSISTENT. If a value of TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST is specified or if TPQDELIVERYQOS is not specified, then MQ persistence is set to MQPER_PERSISTENT if the request was made in a transaction and is set to MQPER_PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF otherwise.
Specifies that the queued message should not expire. This corresponds to a value of MQEI_UNLIMITED in the MQMD structure passed to WebSphere MQ.
Specifies an absolute expiration time for the queued message. This value is converted to a format understood by WebSphere MQ and passed to MQ via the Expiry field of the WebSphere MQ MQMD structure.
Specifies a relative expiration time for the queued message. This value is converted to a format understood by WebSphere MQ and passed to MQ via the Expiry field of the WebSphere MQ MQMD structure.
Data to be placed on the queue
Length of the data to be placed on the queue
Defines the flag settings for the message. The supported flags for tpenqueue requests are as follows:
Messages from callers that are in transaction mode are not queued within the same transaction as the caller.
Processing a tpdequeue Request
The syntax for a tpdequeue request is as follows:
tpdequeue (qspace, qname, qctl, data, len, flags)
A tpdequeue request requires all parameters shown previously. Following are brief descriptions of these parameters. For more information, refer to the Oracle TUXEDO Programmer's Guide.
The name of the service advertised by TMQUEUE_MQM. This value can be overwritten in the Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file using the -s option.
In any case, make sure that at least you get the -A option in the TMQUEUE_MQM CLOPT server to publish the MQMQUEUE service if you do not specify a service alias, otherwise, no service will be published.
For example:
-s myname :MQMQUEUE
The default value is MQMQUEUE.
The name of the queue where you want the adapter to place or retrieve messages. Can contain up to 127 characters. Corresponds to a WebSphere MQ queue mapped from the TUXNAME parameter in the QUEUE section of the TMQUEUE_MQM configuration file.
Provides additional information about the message. The supported options you can define for tpdequeue requests are as follows:
No options apply to this message
Dequeues the message with the specified message ID, if available. The specified message ID is truncated to 24 bytes and passed in the MsgId field of the MQMD structure when calling the WebSphere MQ MQGET API.
Dequeues the message with the specified correlation ID.
Message priority. TUXEDO values for this field can be from 1-100. The MQ values can be 0-9 and are mapped to TUXEDO values as follows: 0=TUXEDO 1-10, 1=TUXEDO 11-20, etc.
Correlation ID. Identifies the response to a request. TUXEDO supports up to 32 bytes. MQ supports up to 24 bytes, so this ID will always fit in 32 bytes supported by Tuxedo. The remaining 8 bytes are set to null characters.
Name of the queue where you want to place reply messages. Can contain up to 127 characters.
Return the message ID generated when the message is placed on the queue. MQ supports up to 24 bytes, so this ID will always fit in 32 bytes supported by Tuxedo. The remaining 8 bytes are set to null characters.
If this flag is set, the specified message is read but is not removed from the queue. This flag implies the TPNOTRAN flag has been set for the tpdequeue() operation. That is, non-destructive dequeuing is non-transactional. Note that it is not possible to read messages enqueued or dequeued within a transaction before the transaction completes.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a delivery quality of service, then the flag is stored in ctl->delivery_qos. If the MQGET call indicates a Persistence of MQPER_NOT_PERSISTENT, ctl->delivery_qos is set to TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT. Otherwise, it is set to TPQQOSPERSISTENT.
The TPQWAIT option is not supported for tpdequeue requests to TMQUEUE_MQM
Data to be placed on the queue
Length of the data to be placed on the queue
Defines the flag settings for the message. The supported flags for tpdequeue requests are as follows:
Messages from callers that are in transaction mode are not dequeued within the same transaction as the caller.

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