This class contain all the constants needed for ATMI programming using .NET wrapper. Basically they are copied directly from Tuxedo C header file atmi.h.



public sealed class ATMIC {

              /* Flags to service routines */

       public const int TPNOBLOCK    = 0x00000001;      /* non-blocking send/rcv */

       public const int TPSIGRSTRT    = 0x00000002;      /* restart rcv on interrupt */

       public const int TPNOREPLY     = 0x00000004;      /* no reply expected */

       public const int TPNOTRAN       = 0x00000008;      /* not sent in transaction mode */

       public const int TPTRAN     = 0x00000010;             /* sent in transaction mode */

       public const int TPNOTIME       = 0x00000020;      /* no timeout */

       public const int TPABSOLUTE   = 0x00000040;      /* absolute value on tmsetprio */

       public const int TPGETANY       = 0x00000080;      /* get any valid reply */

       public const int TPNOCHANGE  = 0x00000100;      /* force incoming buffer to match */

       public const int RESERVED_BIT1     = 0x00000200;      /* reserved for future use */

       public const int TPCONV           = 0x00000400;      /* conversational service */

       public const int TPSENDONLY   = 0x00000800;      /* send-only mode */

       public const int TPRECVONLY  = 0x00001000;      /* recv-only mode */

       public const int TPACK              = 0x00002000;      /* */

       public const int RESERVED_BIT2     = 0x00004000; /* reserved for future use */

       public const int RESERVED_BIT3     = 0x00008000;      /* reserved for future use */

       public const int RESERVED_BIT4     = 0x00010000;      /* reserved for future use */

       public const int RESERVED_BIT5     = 0x00020000;      /* reserved for future use */


              /* Flags to tpreturn() */

       public const int TPFAIL             = 0x00000001;      /* service FAILure for tpreturn */

       public const int TPSUCCESS      = 0x00000002;      /* service SUCCESS for tpreturn */

       public const int TPEXIT             = 0x08000000;      /* service failue with server exit */


              /* Flags to tpscmt() - Valid TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic values */

       public const int TP_CMT_LOGGED  = 0x01;   /* return after commit decision is logged */

       public const int TP_CMT_COMPLETE= 0x02; /* return after commit has completed */


              /* Flags to tpinit() */

       public const int TPU_MASK       = 0x00000047;      /* unsolicited notification mask */

       public const int TPU_SIG    = 0x00000001;      /* signal based notification */

       public const int TPU_DIP    = 0x00000002;      /* dip-in based notification */

       public const int TPU_IGN    = 0x00000004;      /* ignore unsolicited messages */


       public const int TPSA_FASTPATH     = 0x00000008;      /* System access == fastpath */

       public const int TPSA_PROTECTED = 0x00000010;      /* System access == protected */

       public const int TPMULTICONTEXTS= 0x00000020;     /* Enable MULTI context */

       public const int TPU_THREAD          = 0x00000040;      /* thread based notification */


              /* Flags to tpconvert() */

       public const int TPTOSTRING          = 0x40000000;      /* Convert structure to string */

       public const int TPCONVCLTID       = 0x00000001;      /* Convert CLIENTID */

       public const int TPCONVTRANID     = 0x00000002;      /* Convert TRANID */

       public const int TPCONVXID           = 0x00000004;      /* Convert XID */


       public const int TPCONVMAXSTR   = 256;            /* Maximum string size */



              /* Return values to tpchkauth() */

       public const int TPNOAUTH       = 0;        /* no authentication */

       public const int TPSYSAUTH     = 1;        /* system authentication */

       public const int TPAPPAUTH      = 2;        /* system and application authentication */


       public const int MAXTIDENT     = 30;             /* max len of a /T identifier */


       public const int XATMI_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH = 32;   /* service name invoked */


              /* Flag for tpsetmbenc() */

       public const int RM_ENC    = 0x00000001;      /*delete encoding name on typed buffer*/


              /* option to tuxsetmbaconv() */

       public const int MBAUTOCONVERSION_OFF       = 0; /*turn off autoconversion for buffers*/

       public const int MBAUTOCONVERSION_ON = 1; /*turn on autoconversion for buffers*/



              /* special context value that can be passed to tpsetctxt(3) */

       public const int TPNULLCONTEXT          = -2;


        * special context in which a thread is placed another thread

        * terminates the context in which the thread had been


       public const int TPINVALIDCONTEXT    = -1;


        * context in which a process is placed when it sucessfully

        * executes tpinit() without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag.


       public const int TPSINGLECONTEXT      = 0;



        * tperrno values - error codes

        * The man pages explain the context in which the following error codes

        * can return.


       public const int TPMINVAL       = 0; /* minimum error message */

       public const int TPEABORT       = 1;

       public const int TPEBADDESC   = 2;

       public const int TPEBLOCK       = 3;

       public const int TPEINVAL = 4;

       public const int TPELIMIT  = 5;

       public const int TPENOENT = 6;

       public const int TPEOS              = 7;

       public const int TPEPERM  = 8;

       public const int TPEPROTO       = 9;

       public const int TPESVCERR     = 10;

       public const int TPESVCFAIL    = 11;

       public const int TPESYSTEM     = 12;

       public const int TPETIME   = 13;

       public const int TPETRAN   = 14;

       public const int TPGOTSIG = 15;

       public const int TPERMERR      = 16;

       public const int TPEITYPE  = 17;

       public const int TPEOTYPE = 18;

       public const int TPERELEASE    = 19;

       public const int TPEHAZARD    = 20;

       public const int TPEHEURISTIC       = 21;

       public const int TPEEVENT = 22;

       public const int TPEMATCH       = 23;

       public const int TPEDIAGNOSTIC    = 24;

       public const int TPEMIB            = 25;

       public const int TPMAXVAL      = 26;      /* maximum error message */


        *  WARNING:  when adding new error messages above, remember to:

        *    - increase TPMAXVAL

        *    - add a string for the message to LIBTUX.text

        *    - add a string for the message to LIBWSC.text

        *    - add an array entry in _tmemsgs[]




        * tperrordetail values - error detail codes

        * The man pages explain the context in which the following error detail codes

        * can return.



       public const int TPED_MINVAL        = 0;      /* minimum error message */

       public const int TPED_SVCTIMEOUT      = 1;

       public const int TPED_TERM                   = 2;

       public const int TPED_NOUNSOLHANDLER   = 3;

       public const int TPED_NOCLIENT                  = 4;

       public const int TPED_DOMAINUNREACHABLE   = 5;

       public const int TPED_CLIENTDISCONNECTED   = 6;

       public const int TPED_PERM                   = 7;

       public const int TPED_OTS_INTERNAL   = 8;

       public const int TPED_INVALID_CERTIFICATE    = 9;

       public const int TPED_INVALID_SIGNATURE       = 10;

       public const int TPED_DECRYPTION_FAILURE    = 11;

       public const int TPED_INVALIDCONTEXT     = 12;

       public const int TPED_INVALID_XA_TRANSACTION  = 13;

       public const int TPED_MBCONV             = 14;

       public const int TPED_MAXVAL              = 15;      /* maximum error message */


              //     This is the constant from atmi.h, which represents the error return from the function 'tpsetunsol'.

       public static readonly IntPtr TPUNSOLERR = new IntPtr(-1);



        *  WARNING:  when adding new error messages above, remember to:

        *    - increase TPED_MAXVAL

        *    - add a string for the message to LIBTUX.text

        *    - add an array entry in _tmedmsgs[]



              /* conversations - events */

       public const int TPEV_DISCONIMM = 0x0001;

       public const int TPEV_SVCERR = 0x0002;

       public const int TPEV_SVCFAIL       = 0x0004;

       public const int TPEV_SVCSUCC     = 0x0008;

       public const int TPEV_SENDONLY   = 0x0020;



              /* START QUEUED MESSAGES ADD-ON */

       public const int TMQNAMELEN = 15;

       public const int TMMSGIDLEN  = 32;

       public const int TMCORRIDLEN= 32;



              /* structure elements that are valid - set in flags */

       public const int TPNOFLAGS     = 0x00000;

       public const int TPQCORRID    = 0x00001;            /* set/get correlation id */

       public const int TPQFAILUREQ = 0x00002;     /* set/get failure queue */

       public const int TPQBEFOREMSGID       = 0x00004;     /* enqueue before message id */

       public const int TPQGETBYMSGIDOLD  = 0x00008;     /* deprecated */

       public const int TPQMSGID       = 0x00010;            /* get msgid of enq/deq message */

       public const int TPQPRIORITY= 0x00020;            /* set/get message priority */

       public const int TPQTOP           = 0x00040;            /* enqueue at queue top */

       public const int TPQWAIT  = 0x00080;            /* wait for dequeuing */

       public const int TPQREPLYQ    = 0x00100;            /* set/get reply queue */

       public const int TPQTIME_ABS= 0x00200;             /* set absolute time */

       public const int TPQTIME_REL= 0x00400;             /* set absolute time */

       public const int TPQGETBYCORRIDOLD      = 0x00800;     /* deprecated */

       public const int TPQPEEK   = 0x01000;            /* peek */

       public const int TPQDELIVERYQOS       = 0x02000;     /* delivery quality of service */

       public const int TPQREPLYQOS       = 0x04000;     /* reply message quality of service */

       public const int TPQEXPTIME_ABS  = 0x08000;     /* absolute expiration time */

       public const int TPQEXPTIME_REL  = 0x10000;     /* relative expiration time */

       public const int TPQEXPTIME_NONE= 0x20000;    /* never expire */

       public const int TPQGETBYMSGID  = 0x40008;     /* dequeue by msgid */

       public const int TPQGETBYCORRID       = 0x80800;     /* dequeue by corrid */


              /* Valid flags for the quality of service fileds in the TPQCTLstructure */

       public const int TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST   = 0x00001;     /* queue's default persistence policy */

       public const int TPQQOSPERSISTENT           = 0x00002;     /* disk message */

       public const int TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT    = 0x00004;     /* memory message */



              /* THESE MUST MATCH THE DEFINITIONS IN qm.h */

       public const int QMEINVAL       = -1;

       public const int QMEBADRMID       = -2;

       public const int QMENOTOPEN = -3;

       public const int QMETRAN = -4;

       public const int QMEBADMSGID= -5;

       public const int QMESYSTEM    = -6;

       public const int QMEOS            = -7;

       public const int QMEABORTED = -8;

       public const int QMENOTA = QMEABORTED;

       public const int QMEPROTO     = -9;

       public const int QMEBADQUEUE= -10;

       public const int QMENOMSG     = -11;

       public const int QMEINUSE       = -12;

       public const int QMENOSPACE = -13;

       public const int QMERELEASE = -14;

       public const int QMEINVHANDLE    = -15;

       public const int QMESHARE      = -16;

              /* END QUEUED MESSAGES ADD-ON */




       public const int TPEVSERVICE = 0x00000001;

       public const int TPEVQUEUE            = 0x00000002;

       public const int TPEVTRAN              = 0x00000004;

       public const int TPEVPERSIST  = 0x00000008;

       public const int TPEVRESERVED1    = 0x00000010;      /* Reserved for future usage */

       public const int TPEVRESERVED2    = 0x00000020;      /* Reserved for future usage */

              /* END EVENT BROKER MESSAGES */



        * BEGIN security section


        * WARNING: Modification or use of these structures in any way, may

        *    cause system failures.  DO NOT USE!



       public static readonly IntPtr TPKEY_BADKEY = IntPtr.Zero;


       public const int TPKEY_SIGNATURE       = 0x00000010;

       public const int TPKEY_DECRYPT          = 0x00000020;

       public const int TPKEY_ENCRYPT          = 0x00000040;

       public const int TPKEY_VERIFICATION = 0x00000080;

       public const int TPKEY_AUTOSIGN        = 0x00000100;

       public const int TPKEY_AUTOENCRYPT = 0x00000200;

       public const int TPKEY_REMOVE           = 0x00000400;

       public const int TPKEY_REMOVEALL    = 0x00000800;

       public const int TPKEY_VERIFY             = 0x00001000;



       public const int TPEX_STRING         = 0x00000001;


       public const int TPSEAL_OK                   = 0x00000001;

       public const int TPSEAL_PENDING         = 0x00000002;

       public const int TPSEAL_EXPIRED_CERT= 0x00000004;

       public const int TPSEAL_REVOKED_CERT= 0x00000008;

       public const int TPSEAL_TAMPERED_CERT  = 0x00000010;

       public const int TPSEAL_UNKNOWN              = 0x00000020;

       public const int TPSIGN_OK                    = 0x00000040;

       public const int TPSIGN_PENDING          = 0x00000080;

       public const int TPSIGN_EXPIRED          = 0x00000100;

       public const int TPSIGN_EXPIRED_CERT= 0x00000200;

       public const int TPSIGN_POSTDATED     = 0x00000400;

       public const int TPSIGN_REVOKED_CERT= 0x00000800;

       public const int TPSIGN_TAMPERED_CERT   = 0x00001000;

       public const int TPSIGN_TAMPERED_MESSAGE= 0x00002000;

       public const int TPSIGN_UNKNOWN              = 0x00004000;

              /* END security section */



       public const int TPBLK_NEXT   = 1;

       public const int TPBLK_ALL     = 2;

              /* END SECTION for BLOCK TIME CONTROL */




Thread safety

This type is safe for multithreaded operations.




Namespace: Bea.Tuxedo.ATMI

Assembly: libwscdnet (in libwscdnet.dll)