TypedFML Members

TypedFML Overview


Public Properties

* Ferror

Contains error code to indicate error condition when a method of TypedFML fails.


Public Constructors

 TypedFML Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the TypedFML class


Public Methods


Prints error message for last error


Adds new field occurrence


Converts value from type FLD_STRING and adds to buffer


Appends new field occurrence.


Changes field occurrence value


Changes field occurrence - caller presents string


Computes checksum for fielded buffer


Compares two fielded buffers


Concatenates source to destination buffer


Copies source to destination buffer


Deletes field occurrence from buffer


Deletes all field occurrences from buffer


Builds fielded buffer from printed format


Finds field occurrence in buffer.


Finds last occurrence of field in buffer


Finds occurrence of field value


Returns string representation


Prints fielded buffer to specified stream


Gets copy and length of field occurrence


Gets copy of last occurrence


Recovers space from id->nm mapping tables


Returns amount of space used


Indexes a fielded buffer


Initializes fielded buffer


Joins source into destination buffer


Maps field name to field identifier


Maps field identifier to field number


Maps field identifier to field type


Returns len of field occurrence in buffer


Makes a field identifier


Maps field identifier to field name


Computes size needed for buffer


Gets next field occurrence


Recovers space from nm->id mapping tables


Returns count of all occurrences in buffer


Returns count of field occurrences in buffer


Outer join of source into destination buffer


True if field occurrence is present in buffer


Prints buffer to standard output


Reads fielded buffer


Restores index in a buffer


Converts 16-bit FML from 32-bit FML buffer


Converts 16-bit FML from 16-bit VIEW buffer


Returns size of fielded buffer


Gets error message string for FML error


Returns string representing type of field


Discards fielded buffer's index


Returns number of unused bytes in fielded buffer


Updates destination buffer with source


Returns number of used bytes in fielded buffer


Returns long value of field occurrence


Returns string value of field occurrence


Computes size needed for view buffer


Checks if a structure element is NULL


Changes flag options of a mapping entry


Clears and reinitializes the internal cache of view structure mappings


Initializes structure element to NULL


Initializes C structure to NULL


Writes fielded buffer


Copies from fielded buffer to C structure