You can display gauges in table cells where users can see and compare them alongside related information. Stamping is used to render each gauge in a table column, once per row, repeatedly for each row.

A tooltip of contextual information automatically displays when a user moves a cursor over the gauge plot area, indicator, or threshold region.

gauge tooltip

You can use a set of pre-built custom styles for gauges, or specify a vector graphics file that is used for output by setting the gauge's customShapesPath property.

You can animate gauges (not gauge sets) upon initial display, or to show changes in data. Animation effects are specified in the gauge’s animationOnDisplay and animationOnDataChange properties.

animated gauge

When gauges are displayed in a horizontally or vertically restricted area, for example in a web page sidebar, the gauge is displayed in a small image size. Although fully featured, the smaller image is a simplified display.

The only required data for a gauge is metric, which can be specified as a static value, through data controls, or through the tabularData attribute of the gauge. The number of metric values supplied determines whether a single gauge is displayed or a series of gauges are displayed in a gauge set.

Optionally you can specify minimum and maximum values as the low and high points of the gauge, and thresholds provided as static values or dynamic data from a data collection to identify ranges of acceptability on the value axis of the gauge. For more information, see the Using Gauge Components chapter of the Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF.

If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can use data controls to create a gauge and the binding will be done for you. For more information, see the Creating Databound ADF Visualization Components chapter of the Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF.

Gauges are measuring instruments for indicating a quantity such as sales, stock levels, temperature, or speed. Gauges typically display a single data value, often more effectively than a graph. Gauges can show state information such as acceptable or unacceptable ranges using color. When you need to compare many data values at a glance, multiple gauges can be shown inside table cells, or in a vertical, horizontal, or grid layout as a gauge set. The gauge component supports four categories of gauge types: dial, status meter, vertical status meter, and LED. All gauge types can display a title, bottom label, data label, and legend.

The properties for the gauge component are sufficient to produce a gauge, but you can also add and configure child components or supported facets to further customize the display and behavior of the gauge or gauge set.

The gauge component supports these child tags and facets:

  • Use dvt:gaugeFrame to customize the decorative frame that encloses the plot area on dial gauges, and dvt:gaugePlotArea to customize the frame that encloses the indicator.
  • The dvt:indicator component points to the value that is plotted in a dial gauge, typically in the form of a line or an arrow, dvt:indicatorBar refers to the inner rectangle in a status meter gauge, and dvt:indicatorBase refers to the circular base of a line or needle style indicator in a dial gauge.
  • Use the dvt:topLabel component to show the gauge title appearing at the top or inside of a gauge. Use dvt:bottomLabel component for an optional label that appears below or inside the gauge. By default, displays the label for the data row. You can configure a dvt:lowerLabelFrame for this label to specify border color and fill color. Use dvt:metricLabel to show the value of the metric that the gauge is plotting in text.
  • The dvt:thresholdSet component specifies the dvt:threshold sections for the metrics of a gauge. You can create an unlimited number of thresholds for a gauge. A legend displays a description of the threshold set with the color and the name or range of each threshold. Legend elements include dvt:gaugeLegendArea, dvt:gaugeLegendText, and dvt:gaugeLegendTitle.
  • The dvt:tickMark component refers to the markings along the value axis of the gauge. These can identify regular intervals, from minimum value to maximum value, and can also indicate threshold values. Tick marks can specify major increments that may include dvt:tickLabel components or minor increments.
  • You can use a dvt:shapeAttributesSet component to configure behavior properties for gauge child elements. For example, a gauge indicator could be associated with a hyperlink to additional information when the user moves the mouse over the indicator at runtime.
  • Use the bodyContextMenu facet to support a single af:popup component containing the context menu that will be shown on right click on any non-selectable object within the component. The af:popup must contain an af:menu to display the context menu.
cheat sheet


Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF: Using Gauge Components

Fusion Developers Guide for Oracle ADF: Creating Databound ADF Data Visualization Components

Demos and code examples:
You can download the ADF Faces Rich Client component demo, where you can explore data visualization components at runtime and view sample code.

ADF Data Visualization Tag documentation

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