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Oracle® Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E16102-05
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Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Tagging

Table 13-25 contains a summary of the commands for Oracle ACFS tagging.

You can use acfsutil help on all platforms to display help text. You run acfsutil version on all platforms to display the Oracle ACFS version.

Table 13-25 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS tagging

Command Description

acfsutil tag info

Displays the tags for directories or files in Oracle ACFS file systems.

acfsutil tag set

Adds a tag to directories or files in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil tag unset

Removes a tag from directories or files in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil tag info


Displays the tag names for tagged directories or file names in Oracle ACFS file systems.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag info [-r] [-t tag] path [path ...]
acfsutil tag info [-t tag]

acfsutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-26 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag info command.

Table 13-26 Options for the acfsutil tag info command

Option Description

-t tag

Specifies the tag name string that you want to display. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.


Specifies the path name to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on a specified path.

The acfsutil tag info command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories if the -r option is included with specified directory path names.

If no path names are specified, the acfsutil tag info command searches all Oracle ACFS mount points for tagged files.

Only the paths of tagged files in an Oracle ACFS file system are displayed. If the -t tag option is included, only tag names matching tag are displayed.

Any user may use this command to display tag info on a directory that the user has read access privileges.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag info command.

Example 13-21 Using the acfsutil tag info command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag info -r /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs/myrepfiles/

acfsutil tag set


Adds the given tag to the specified files or directories in an Oracle ACFS file system

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag set [-r] tag path [path ...]

acfsutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-27 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag set command.

Table 13-27 Options for the acfsutil tag set command

Option Description


Specifies a tag name string. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.

The tag string can be composed of ASCII characters that include: a-b, A-Z, 0-9, the space character, the hyphen, and the underscore. The maximum length of a tag name is 32 characters


Specifies the path string to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on the specified path.

The command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories for the specified directory path names.

When adding a tag name to a file or directory, the existing tags on that file or directory remain unchanged. New files that are created after a directory is assigned a tag implicitly inherit tags from their parent directories. Existing files in the directory do not inherit the new tag; these files must be explicitly assigned the tag. Renaming or moving a file to a subdirectory does not cause the inheritance of tag names from the new parent directory.

Any user who has the privilege to modify the target file or directory may run this command.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag set command.

Example 13-22 Using the acfsutil tag set command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag set repl_grp1 -r /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs/myrepfiles/*.dat

acfsutil tag unset


Removes the given tag name from the specified file or directory.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag unset [-r] tag path [path ...]

acfsutil -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-28 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag unset command.

Table 13-28 Options for the acfsutil tag unset command

Option Description


Specifies a tag name string. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.


Specifies the path string to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on the specified path.

The command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories for the specified directory path names.

When removing a tag name from a file or directory, other existing tags on that file or directory remain unchanged.

Any user who has privilege to modify the target file or directory may run this command.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag unset command.

Example 13-23 Using the acfsutil tag unset command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag unset repl_grp1 -r