The screenshot shows the Memory Size Advice page. The main part of the page is a chart of the Improvement in DB Time (%) compared to the Total Memory Size (MB). The chart legend indicates the Percentage improvement in DB Time for various sizes of Total Mem is shown as a blue line, the Total Memory size is shown as a pair of green lines that intersect the blue curve at the point (400 MB, -4%), and the Maximum Memory Size is shown as a pair of red lines that intersect the blue curve at the point (520 MB, 0%). The intersecting green lines appear when you click on a point on the chart that is below the Maximum Memory Size.

Below the chart is the following text "You can click on the curve in the graph to set a new value. Total Memory Size cannot be greater than the Maximum Memory Size. First modify the Maximum Memory size (from the parent page) and then select a value of Total Memory up to the Maximum Memory size."

At the bottom of the page, on the right-hand side are two buttons: Cancel and OK.

End of description.