B Sample JET Template

The following sample JET Template provides an example of provisioning an OS with zones.

# Client template file
# Client: sample.template
# Created: Mon Jun 23 04:08:51 MDT 2008
# This file was automatically generated using 'make_template'
# Product: base_config
# Synopsys: Basic host information
# Architecture type:
# sun4c : e.g. SS1, SS2, SS IPX
# sun4d : e.g. SS1000, SS2000
# sun4e : ?
# sun4m : e.g. SS LX, SS4, SS5, SS10, SS20
# sun4u : UltraSparc - U1, U2, E3x00, E4x00 etc
# sun4u1 : E10K
# sun4v : T2000
# i86pc : Intel X86
# Ethernet can be obtained from the 'banner' command at OBP
# OS is one of the values you used to register the solaris media using
# the add_solaris_location command
# Client allocation
# The mechanism used to build this client; by default, the options listed
# in /opt/jet/etc/jumpstart.conf will be tried; you should only set this
# if this particular client needs to do something different.
# JET supports bootp, dhcp, and grub as allocation options.
# Currently grub is only supported on i86pc architectures.
# If you are using grub, you can set this variable to apply additional
# grub directives to the menu.lst.<MACADDRESS> file.
# products is the set of products to install after base_config; this
# should be updated automatically by make_template, so you
# will only need to change it, if you wish to omit certain
# modules when testing/debugging.
# JumpStart sysidcfg information
# The sysidcfg file provides information at initial boot time so that the
# system can properly identify itself. The interface and ip address defined
# here MUST be on the same subnet as the JumpStart server. The root password
# is set here also and must be written in encrypted format. The default value
# shown here is "newroot". The timeserver is normally the IP address of the
# JumpStart server.
# nameservice examples:
# NIS { domain_name=uk.sun.com name_server=nis.uk.sun.com( }
# or for DNS
# DNS { domain_name=uk.sun.com name_server= search=uk.sun.com }
# network_interface:
# le0, hme0
# or PRIMARY (the default interface - net in OBP)
# N.B. PRIMARY is only valid from Solaris 7 upwards
# locale:
# en_GB for Solaris 7 and above
# timeserver: Where the client gets the current time from.
# Leave blank to default the the JumpStart server
# Alternatively, set to 'localhost' to trust the current
# hardware clock on the client
# terminal: terminal type (vt100/vt220/sun etc)
# security_policy: Kerberos policy (Solaris 8 +)
# protocol_ipv6: Use ipv6 or not (Solaris 8 +)
# default_route: Solaris 9 allows a default route to be set
# (ignored on all other versions of Solaris, less than 9)
# X86, X64 specific settings. If this is an x86 client, then you may need
# to configure these settings. They are ignored for SPARC builds.
# base_config_x86_nowin:
# This stops Solaris from trying to run windows during the install.
# the default value is yes.
# base_config_x86_console:
# Set the console to the correct tty port. This is used for doing installs
# via the serial port or the SP. b1600,v20z and v40z use ttya. lx50, v60x,
# and v65x use ttyb. NOTE: you only need to set this if you are NOT going
# to connect a keyboard and monitor to the client.
# base_config_x86_disable_acpi:
# Disable ACPI - sometimes disabling ACPI makes the install go
# better due to how the interrupts are handled. Non-Null disables ACPI.
# base_config_x86_safetoreboot:
# The Solaris installer can't control the BIOS, therefore does not
# know if its safe to reboot the client as it may simply jumpstart
# again. If your PXE boot is a one time option, and the next reboot
# will attempt to boot from disk, then you probably want to set this
# option to "yes". Otherwise, leave it as it is so that it won't reboot
# and therefore allow you to manually change your BIOS to boot from disk.
# base_config_x86_disable_kdmconfig:
# X86 systems sometimes go interactive on the first reboot (Bug 6321043)
# on Solaris 10 Update 1. Setting this parameter will stop this from
# happenning.
# base_config_x86_confflags
# The parameters specified for this variable are passed directly to
# add_install_client -b confflags= option.
# For e.g., by specifying,
# base_config_x86_confflags="-f -P/boot/solaris/dca"
# add_install_client is called with -b confflag="-f -P /boot/solaris/dca"
# option.
# base_config_sysidcfg_x86_kdmfile
# Append the file specified here to sysidcfg file.
# This variable can reference a file relative to the
# Clients/<clientname> directory or a absolute path.
# Disk labelling
# In some cases the disks in the server may not be labelled, the
# following variable allows you to label all the unlabelled disks.
# Allowed values:
# base_config_label_disks="" Do not label any disks.
# base_config_label_disks="all" Label ALL unlabelled disks.
# base_config_label_disks="cxtydz cmtndo" Label listed disks.
# Disk partitioning
# In some cases, the disks may already be used, or may have other O/Ss
# installed in other partitions. The following variable allows you to
# modify the partitioning configuration of the disks. It is primarily
# useful for x64/x86 based machines.
# Allowed values:
# base_config_profile_fdisk="" Do not alter current partitioning.
# Solaris will either use an existing
# Solaris partition, or use any
# unused free space on the disk.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="freedisk" Remove any existing Solaris
# partitions. Create one of maxsixe
# in remaining space.
# base_config_profile_fdisk="alldisk" Remove ALL existing partitions.
# Create a single Solaris partition
# using the whole disk.
# Want to create your own custom profile ? if so, use this variable to
# reference a file relative to the Clients/<clientname> directory or
# absolute path, otherwise fill in the other details below to get toolkit
# to create one for you.
# If absolute path is specified, then the profile file is copied
# to Clients/<clientname> directory.
# It is also possible to append additional profile information to the JET
# derived one. Do this using the base_config_profile_append variable, but
# don't forget to fill out the remaining base_config_profile variables.
# OR fill out the base_config_profile variables below.
# JumpStart profile information
# A limited profile can be automatically generated here. If further
# customisation is required, then you can manually create a profile in the
# client directory and reference it in the base_config_profile variable.
# Cluster:
# SUNWCrnet : Minimal. Solaris 10 only
# SUNWCreq : Required - really basic, good for testing
# SUNWCuser : User collection
# SUNWCprog : User + Developers collection
# SUNWCall : All packages
# SUNWCXall : All + OEM packages (mandatory for E10K)
# usedisk: defines the disk that the OS will be loaded on to - bootdisk
# (if this is set to rootdisk. , then the current boot disk will
# be used)
# dontuse: defines disks that should not be used..
# ** N.B. This will only be used if 'usedisk' is NOT set
# Space separated list of disks of the form c?t?d?
# partition sizes:
# if partitions are not required simply leave blank. In order to maintain
# consistency the partitions will always use the same slice number:
# / s0
# swap s1
# We've prepopulated the remaining slices based on Sun defaults,
# but you can change this.
# /var s5
# /usr s6
# /opt s7
# at most one partition can have the size 'free' which denotes all the
# unallocated/spare space on a disk.
# If you are using VxVM and want your boot disk to look like the mirror, then
# leave slices 3 and 4 empty. If you do not care about keeping the two disks
# looking cosmetically the same, please just make sure you have two free slices
# somewhere on the disk for VxVM!
# If you are not using VxVM, then you can use s3 and s4 for whatever you wish!
# If you are using DiskSuite, the default behaviour is to use slice 7 as a
# location for metastate databases. If you are using DiskSuites default config,
# please avoid using s7 for data!
# You can specify additional disks to use/configure here
# additional_disks is a space separated list of c?t?d? type disk names
# For each disk listed in additional_disks, a pair of variables of the form
# base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_mtpt="...."
# base_config_profile_disk_c?t?d?s?_size="...."
# should be defined for each slice required on the disk.
# Additional locales/geos e.g. N_Europe, C_Europe
# UFS Logging
# Solaris 7 and above support UFS+, which allows for a logging filesystem
# under UFS. If you want to use this feature on any of the UFS mount points,
# please specify the mount points here, as a space separated list, or enter
# the keyword "all" to enable logging on all UFS filesystems.
# Solaris 9 09/04 enables logging by default. You can also specify mountpoints
# preceded by a - sign to say that you DON'T want logging enabled on that
# filesystem, or you can use the keyword "none" to say you don't want any
# ufs logging turned on at all.
# N.B. root (/) can be included in the list, and is included by default if
# using either the "all" or "none" keyword.
# Finally, you can't mix keywords and mountpoints. i.e. "all -/" is NOT
# valid.
# e.g. base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="all" : log all filesystems
# base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="none" : log no filesystems
# base_config_ufs_logging_filesys="-/ /var -/usr" : log /var, but not / and /usr.
# Packages to add to/remove from the selected cluster
# Use this to populate the profile with package <pkg> <add|delete> entries
# Clusters to add to/remove
# Use this to populate the profile with cluster <cluster> <add|delete> entries
base_config_profile_del_clusters="SUNWCpm SUNWCpmx SUNWCdial SUNWCdialx"
# Remote file systems (NFS)
# Specify these as space separated list of pairs as follows, using ? as
# the separator (as : has special meanings with nfs!)
# e.g. to mount on /fs you would create the entry
# base_config_nfs_mounts="fs?"
# Host information
# This section defines most things network related etc.
# In addtion, if the machine will be JumpStarted as one name/address and
# needs to have a different name/address once installed, this is where you
# can set that information.
# nodename: the value for /etc/nodename if it's not the default
# hostname
# defaultrouter: the value for /etc/defaultrouter.
# notrouter: if this is set, the file /etc/notrouter will be created
# dns_domain: domain entry for /etc/resolv.conf
# dns_nameservers: nameserver entries for /etc/resolv.conf
# (list of ip addresses, space separated)
# dns_searchpath: list of entries to go in the search line
# dns_disableforbuild: If there is no DNS available in the build
# environment, set this to delay the configuration
# of DNS until later on.
# NTP configuration
# Specify a list of names or ip addresses for the NTP servers. The first
# one will be given a 'prefer' tag. This section will only place lines
# of the form: server <ipaddress/name> [prefer]
# into the /etc/inet/ntp.conf file. If you require more control of ntp,
# please use the custom module to deploy your own custom ntp.conf file.
# N.B. If you do use names, they must be resolvable in your name service.
# Network Interface information
# networkifs: a list of interfaces to be defined,
# space separated "le0 hme0".
# N.B. the sysidcfg interface will already be configured
# Logical interfaces should be defined using _'s rather
# than :'s.
# networkif_<ifname>: the details of the interface <if>
# "netname netmask hostname address"
# netname: arbritrary name for /etc/networks
# netmask: netmask of this if (e.g.
# hostname: unique hostname (N.B. not multihomed)
# address: IP address of this interface
# For example:
# base_config_networkifs="ge0 ge0_1"
# base_config_networkif_ge0="bkp me-bkp"
# base_config_networkif_ge0_1="bkp2 me-bkp2"
# N.B. Logical interfaces MUST use _ rather than : as illustrated below
# IP Multipathing (Solaris 8+)
# IPMP default mode is automatic failback.
# To change this mode edit /etc/default/mpathd
# ipmp_networkifs: a list of interfaces to be defined under ipmp control
# a space separated list of pairs only
# e.g. "qfe0_qfe4 qfe1_qfe5"
# N.B. If the primary interface is used in an ipmp group, the
# system must be rebooted manually after installation to
# activate ipmp.
# N.B. Can only setup ipmp group with pairs of interfaces in one
# of the following configurations:
# active-standby failover:
# Set ipmp mode = s, and specify one logical
# hostname/ip address pair.
# failover with outbound load spreading:
# Set ipmp mode = l, and specify one logical
# hostname/ip address pair.
# active-active with outbound load spreading:
# Set ipmp mode = l, specify a second logical
# hostname/ip address pair for the second interface.
# ipmp_networkif_<if>_<if>: "netgroup mode test1 test2 mask hostname log-ip hostname2 log-ip2"
# details of the interfaces in the ipmp group
# e.g. networkif_ipmp_qfe0_qfe4
# netgroup: ipmp interface group name
# e.g. database-net
# ipmp mode: s = standby (failover only)
# ** test addresses are allocated last,
# ** first test address will be on the
# ** first virtual interface of the
# ** first physical adapter. Second
# ** test address will be on the second
# ** physical adapter.
# l = load spreading / active-active
# ** test addresses are allocated on
# ** first virtual interfaces on both
# ** the first and second physical
# ** adapters.
# To force the test addresses onto the physical
# adapters, use the suffix 'p' to the above
# modes, i.e. 'sp' or 'lp'. This is not
# recommended and may break certain applications.
# test1: ipmp test address1
# test2: ipmp test address2
# N.B. these addresses must not be used or
# placed in the hosts file
# mask: netmask for ipmp pair
# hostname: unique hostname for logical ip
# log-ip: logical ip address for first i/f of pair
# N.B. The following two parameters are for active-active
# configurations only. Do not specify them for an
# active-standby configuration.
# hostname2: unique hostname for logical ip
# log-ip2: logical ip address for second i/f
# of pair
# IPMP on Solaris 10.
# If you are running Solaris 10, you can optionally configure the
# system to have NO test addresses. In this case, the ipmp mode should be set
# to "ln" or "sn" depending on whether you want outbound load spreading or
# not and the 2 test addresses do not need to be privided.
# Examples:
# --------
# base_config_ipmp_networkifs="qfe0_qfe1"
# Outbound load spreading 2 hostnames, test on virtual interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db l 24 oracle-db apache"
# Outbound load spreading 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db lp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, test on physical interfaces.
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sp 24 oracle-db"
# Failover, 1 hostname, no test addresses (Sol 10 only).
# base_config_ipmp_networkif_qfe0_qfe1="db sn 24 oracle-db"
# Misc options
# this section is a catchall for other options not included above
# update_terminal: if set, put the sysidcfg terminal type into inittab
# enable_savecore: if set to any value, enable save core (Solaris 2.6 only)
# dumpadm_minfree: set a limit so that crash dumps don't fill up the
# dump filesystem. See dumpadm(1M) -m option for
# possible values.
# noautoshutdown: if set to any value, disable power management
# enable_rootlogin: if set to any value, enable network root login
# from both telnet/rsh and ssh
# enable_rootftp: if set to any value, enable root ftp access
# shutup_sendmail: if set, create an alias hostname. to shut up sendmail
# poweroff_afterbuild: if set, shut the machine down once it has been built
# base_config_dedicated_dump_device:
# if set, dumpadm will configure the partition as a
# Dedicated Dump Device. See dumpadm(1M) for supported
# Operating Environments.
# (Device path e.g. /dev/dsk/c?t?d?s? or rootdisk.sn)
# N.B. This partition is for the SOLE use of the crashdump utility !
# enable_altbreak: if set, enable alternate break sequence
# disable_sysid_probe: if set, skip the sysid stuff on the first reboot; this
# usually just tries to rarp ip addresses for additional
# interfaces and takes *ages* on machines with lots
# of unused network adapters.
# NFSv4
# Set up the NFSv4 domain to prevent being prompted at first reboot.
# If not set, this will default to the entry in base_config_dns_domain,
# and if that is not set, to the value 'domain', which is the default
# in /etc/default/nfs
# N.B. Unless you need to point this client at alternate media for patches
# and packages that is not held on this server, please skip this section!
# productdir is where to find the products. This should be a URI style
# path, i.e. nfs:// If the server
# is the JumpStart server, then it should just be specified
# as a normal path.
# patchdir is where to find the patches. Same format as productdir.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Leaving the following blank means they will be populated using jumpstart.conf
# and the JumpStart servers ip address. This is the default behaviour
# and should only be changed if your patch/package repository is not held
# on this server.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Last one - mainly for developing JumpStart scripts!
# If you set this, the rc3.d/S99jumpstart script will be disabled
# (set to rc3.d/s99jumpstart) every time it is processed - this allows you
# to run it by hand and invoke each reboot step
# This does not work on Solaris 10.
# Product: Custom
# Synopsis: The custom product can install packages and patches that
# would not otherwise be included by the standard
# installation products.
# Which additional packages are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# O.S. Specific versions:
# as a side effect, if a directory exists under the package dir named
# after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
# main package directory
# i.e /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc/5.8 takes preference over
# /export/install/pkgs/custom/sparc for a Solaris 8 box
# Package Response files:
# If a custom package needs a response file, create a directory called
# /opt/jet/Clients/<clientname>/responses
# and put the response file in to it, named the same as the package.
# i.e. for a package called Fred, on client1, use pkgask to create
# pkgask -r /opt/jet/Clients/client1/responses/Fred Fred
# (Space seperated list of packages)
# Custom packages at subsequent boots
# <number> denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed.
# Which additional patches are to be installed
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of patches)
# Custom patches at subsequent boots
# <number> denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed.
# Custom patch sets... create a directory in the patch directory named after
# the set, and put a patch_order file in it, along with the patches...
# (Space seperated list of patch set names)
# N.B. as a side effect, if a directory exists under the patch set dir named
# after the OS, (uname -r), the subdirectory will be used instead of the
# main patchset directory
# i.e /export/install/patches/patchset/5.8 takes preference over
# /export/install/patches/patchset
# Custom patchsets at subsequent boots
# <number> denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed.
# Search paths
# The files and scripts sections below will look for source files relative
# to the Clients/<clientname> directory. If you wish to look in other places
# for files, please fill out the search path option below. Items in the
# search path are relative to the Clients/<clientname> directory, since the
# client has no knowledge of the filesystem layout of the server
# e.g. for a client 'fred', the default location for all custom files/scripts
# is /opt/jet/Clients/fred
# if the search path was set to "../common" then the installation routines
# would look first in Clients/fred then
# Clients/fred/../common (or Clients/common in this case)
# Search path is a space separated list of places to search
# Files to be copied to the client. The filenames must be of the form
# filename1:[a|o]:filename2
# Where filename1 is the name of the source file in the
# /opt/jet/Clients/<clientname> directory
# filename2 is the full path of the file on the installed client
# and the middle option is whether to a - append, or o - overwrite the file
# (by default, these get added during the main Solaris installation phase)
# (Space seperated list of tuples)
# N.B. Please see section above regarding where to place the source files
# N.B. (2):
# appending to /etc/hosts is a special case; instead of just appending
# the file, the module will do an 'intelligent merge' of the new hosts
# file with the existing one.
# custom_files="hosts:a:/etc/hosts"
# Custom files at subsequent boots
# <number> denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed.
# Scripts to be run on the client at the end of the build
# The scripts must be placed in the directory
# /opt/jet/Clients/<clientname>
# and will be copied to the client.
# If you want to run custom scripts during the Jumpstart
# phase, use the custom_scripts_f variable below.
# Custom scripts at subsequent boots
# <number> denotes the boot number you want the action to be performed.
# You can create new variables for boot levels 2,3,4 etc.
# n means after the last reboot. i.e. last.
# m means n-1. i.e. before the last reboot. Use m if you need to
# guarantee a reboot after the action is performed.
# Special JumpStart 'Begin' and 'Finish' phase scripts
# If you need to run scripts in the 'begin' or 'finish' phase of the
# JumpStart, you can supply them here. Please note, that in the 'begin'
# phase, the new OS has not been installed and the majority of the OS
# running will be read-only from the JumpStart server. In the 'finish'
# phase, the newly installed O/S is not yet running, and is mounted
# on ${ROOTDIR} (normally /a)
# Product: Flash configuration
# Synopsis: This section contains details of how to use a flash image
# while building the client
# Flash image creation
# --------------------
# You need to pre-build a host and create a flash image *before* you can
# use this module.
# To create an image, use the following command on the target host to create
# the image.
# flarcreate -n "WebServer" -c -S -R / /export/install/flash
# -n -> Name of the image
# -c -> compress the image
# -R -> Start at / for this image
# save archive in /export/install/flash
# for more options, please see flarcreate(1M)
# Specify archive locations - you can install more than one, especially
# if you create archives for layered products etc.
# Space seperated list of items; each item is of the form...
# nfs://
# http://www.quakeworld.com/games.flar
# locations that specifiy a directory only will default to look for
# an archive called installsvr
# As described in SRDB 44793, some devices are not compatible with flash
# installs and cause an arithmetic exception during the JumpStart.
# The srdb recommends that the offending devices are removed from the
# memory based mini root prior to the flash install being performed.
# Add such devices to the following variable to make the begin script
# clean out the devices as prescribed in the SRDB.
# The variable should be a space seperated list of the form
# c?[t?][d?][s?]
# For example
# flash_incompatible_devices="c1 c2t3 c3t4 c5t0d0s0"
# Cleanup scripts
# The flash_cleanup_scripts variable allows you to run scripts after
# the flash restore and prior to any other module scripts being executed.
# This facility allows you to correct or alter any information that was
# restored from the flash image.
# To execute scripts after the first reboot, use the custom module.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# The scripts variable below will look for source files relative
# to the Clients/<clientname> directory. If you wish to look in other places
# for files, please fill out the search path option below. Items in the
# search path are relative to the Clients/<clientname> directory, since the
# client has no knowledge of the filesystem layout of the server
# Set this to make the install skip the recommended patches - if your
# flash image already contains recommended patches, then this can speed up
# your builds.
# WARNING: by setting this you could well be missing important patches
# Use at your own risk - this is not default behaviour!
# Set this to leave the md.tab files (SVM) as delivered in the flar;
# useful if you intend to re-create metadevices yourself and not use
# the JET sds module.
# N.B. setting this flag AND using the JET sds module may give you
# some strange metadevice numbers, or might end up running out of
# md numbers before the root disk has been mirroed - you have been
# warned!
# Product: zones configuration
# Synopsis: This section contains details of how to set up
# zones on this client.
# Zones are part of Solaris 10 (or higher), and can be defined here for
# creation when the target system is built.
# Where the zones will pick up their config information; leave these
# blank to make the zones pick up their config from the current JET
# server.
# zones_jet_serverip="" # IP address of JET server; leave blank to
# # use the same server as this host
# zones_jet_cfgdir="" # Location of the JET config area on the
# # JumpStart server above; leave blank to use
# # the same location as the current JET server
# Default location of where to create new zone directories that are to
# be hosted on this system
# Give a list of zone names to create; this will be the 'nodename' for
# the zone; it is expected that you will create these zones using the
# 'make_zone_template' and 'make_client' commands.
# i.e. zone1 zone2 zone3 my-zone

See Provisioning an OS for more information about provisioning an OS using JET templates.