Oracle Mobile Push Mail
Troubleshooting and FAQs

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FAQ ID: 007068
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

What are the prerequisites for using Oracle Mobile Push Mail?

You must register a Mobile Push Mail-capable mobile device using the Mobile Preferences page. You must have also installed the Mobile Push Mail client over the air onto your mobile device.

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FAQ ID: 007069
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I install the Mobile Push Mail client over the air?

Once you have registered and configured your Mobile Push Mail-capable mobile device, you will receive an SMS message containing the URL link to download the Mobile Push Mail client program onto your mobile device. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SMS and make sure it has the following information before you click on the URL. From: +14152791821 - Oracle's SMS Messenger Subject: < ... > Body: Mobile Push Mail Client
  2. Click on the URL and wait until all software is downloaded.
  3. Launch File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the setup program was saved. By default, the setup program is saved in "My Documents".
  4. Tap on the setup program to execute, and wait until the client is downloaded. At the end of the installation, Pocket Outlook will start automatically.
  5. The password dialog will appear with your username already filled-in and the password field blank. If this dialog is not displayed, tap on the 'Send/Receive’ icon.
  6. Enter your Oracle Corporate Single Sign On password.
The initial synchronization will take place and all your messages for default Inbox view will be downloaded to your device. Please be patient as this step may take a while to complete depending on how many mails you received that day.

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FAQ ID: 007070
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

What options are available to customize the Mobile Inbox on Pocket PC?

Messages are filtered and downloaded to the mobile device based upon the selected option. The available options are:

  • All messages
  • Today’s messages
  • Messages from last 3 days
  • Messages from last 7 days
  • Urgent messages
  • Voicemail messages
  • Fax messages
  • Messages from listed people. The list of names is currently configured through the Mobile Preferences page.

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FAQ ID: 007071
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I select Mobile Inbox options on a Pocket PC?

The Mobile Inbox options can be accessed in the Push Mail Settings Control Panel:

  1. Tap Start -> Settings -> System -> Push Mail Settings on the Pocket PC device.
  2. Tap the drop-down list box under Inbox Contains.
  3. Select the desired options.
  4. Click Apply.
Changing the options will cause a FULL SYNC on the Mobile Inbox, and thus this operation may take some time to complete when selecting a larger range of messages.

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FAQ ID: 007072
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I control the size of attachments to download?

You can control the size of attachments to be downloaded to the Pocket PC, through the Push Mail Settings Control Panel:

  1. Tap Start -> Settings -> System -> Push Mail Settings on the Pocket PC device.
  2. Tap the drop-down list box under Maximum size of viewable attachments to download label.
  3. Select the desired option.
  4. Click Apply.
NOTE: This affects only Pocket PC-viewable attachments for NEW messages that are downloaded.

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FAQ ID: 007073
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

What is Stop Push Mail?

The Mobile Push Mail client for Pocket PC operates in two modes: Sync mode and Push mode. The Sync mode is the traditional Pocket Outlook disconnected model in which end users manually initiate the synchonization process to upload and download both client and server changes. In contrast, in the Push mode, messages are automatically downloaded to the device and the end user actions are automatically sent to the server. You can switch between these two modes. This Stop Push feature allows you to switch from the Push mode to the Sync mode.

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FAQ ID: 007074
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How can I tell which mode Push Mail is using?

The Connect button on Pocket Outlook's main screen indicates which mode the Mobile Push Mail client is in. When the Connect button is up, it is in Sync mode. When the Connect button is down, it is in Push mode. The Mobile Push Mail client for Pocket PC (after Over-the-Air installation) is by default in the Push mode; the Connect button is shown as pressed.

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FAQ ID: 007075
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I Stop Push on a Pocket PC?

You can stop the push, or switch from the Push mode to the Sync mode by clicking the pressed Connect button. If you want to stop push, the device will go into Sync mode in which it will stop receiving messages and any changes. Changes done by the user are not automatically uploaded to the server. It is the user’s responsibility to perform the synchronization process by pressing the Send/Receive Mail button.

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FAQ ID: 007084
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I suspend use of Mobile Push Mail if wireless services are unavailable, or if I want to use another mobile client for awhile?

Mobile Push Mail is not currently integrated with the Global Address List (GAL); this feature is being scoped for a future release.

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FAQ ID: 007085
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I upgrade my Mobile Push Mail client?

There was an issue with the latest client upgrade where a name change to the Mobile Push Mail client was causing it not to be recognized by the Mobile Collaboration Server, which resulted in a failure. Follow these instructions:

  1. Manually un-install the existing Push Mail client by tapping Settings > System > Remove Programs > Oracle PIMAP Transport
  2. After you see a dialog "Oracle Push Mail Client removed", you can start the new client installation as usual.
  3. If this still fails, you may need to hard reset your device (check your device manual for instructions on how to do this).

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FAQ ID: 007086
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How do I customize the "From" name displayed when sending e-mails from Mobile Push Mail?

  1. Stop the Mobile Push Mail client.
  2. From Pocket Outlook, click Accounts.
  3. Select Oracle. The first screen you will see contains your e-mail address.
  4. Click Next. The next screen contains user information. The first box is for "Your name".
  5. Enter text in this box to use as your display name when you send an e-mail from Mobile Push Mail.
  6. Continue selecting Next, and then Finish to save the name value you just entered.
  7. Click on the icon to the right of the Accounts link to restart the Mobile Push Mail client.

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FAQ ID: 007081
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

What happens when I delete messages from Pocket Outlook?

Mobile Push Mail provides two-way reconciliation of changes to message status (delete and read-unread). When you delete the message from Pocket Outlook, the message is "soft" deleted; it is marked as deleted but is not expunged from the Inbox. There are two ways to solve this: When you access your desktop e-mail client, you will see the message marked deleted but you must purge or expunge the message to "hard" delete it. For example, in Outlook, the message will appear as striked through, but you must click Purge Deleted Messages to delete the message completely. A more convenient option is to set up a server-side rule in your desktop mail client that removes deleted items from the deleted items folder. This saves the time of having to perform the manual step. To set up server-side rules in your mail client, see the client’s Help menu.

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FAQ ID: 007076
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

Why do I sometimes have problems connecting to, and why do my connections sometimes get dropped?

This problem arises when there are multiple WiFi access points within range of your Pocket PC and your device will always try to use the best/fastest connection available. Sometimes, the Pocket PC will drop an existing slower GPRS connection and try to use a faster WiFi connection if one comes in range. However, if you do not have the correct WiFi access key the connection will fail, while your device will keep trying and failing until you’re out of range. Consequently, it is recommended that you turn off the WiFi radio when you do not have the required configuration, in order to avoid this issue. Conversely, we also recommend turning off GPRS if you would prefer to use WiFi.

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FAQ ID: 007077
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

What do I do when I see an Out of Quota message on a Pocket PC?

Log in to your Collaboration Suite Email account using your desktop PC, clean up some messages, and compact your folders in order to start receiving Push Mail again.

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FAQ ID: 007078
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

Why does the light on my device sometimes go on when I haven't taken an action?

Some devices may turn on when an SMS (text) message is received. This is device manufacturer specific.

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FAQ ID: 007079
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

When will Mobile Push Mail support Smartphones?

Smartphone support is slated for an upcoming release of Mobile Push Mail.

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FAQ ID: 007080
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

When I return to the Mobile Preferences page, I see different fields. Why?

The Mobile Preferences page is designed differently for first-time and returning users to simplify the configuration process for first-time user. All required information (such as mobile phone number, make and model, SSO password) is asked to create a mobile account. When you return to the Mobile Preferences page, you are NOT prompted again for the 'Mobile Phone Number' and instead you see the 'Account ID'.

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FAQ ID: 007082
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

My e-mail attachments are being corrupted and can't be read on my Pocket PC. Why?

This is a known issue; a fix is currently in development.

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FAQ ID: 007083
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

I'm unable to access my Contacts when composing or replying to an email; what should I do?

Mobile Push Mail is not currently integrated with the Global Address List (GAL); this feature is being scoped for a future release.

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FAQ ID: 007087
Updated: 2005-07-12
Version: 10.1.1
Operating System: ALL

How come the size of e-mail messages as displayed on my device don’t always match up with the size displayed in my desktop mail client?

This is because formatting is lost for HTML messages on your device, and as a result, the e-mail is smaller.

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