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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: C++ User's Guide
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Part I C++ Compiler

1.  The C++ Compiler

2.  Using the C++ Compiler

3.  Using the C++ Compiler Options

Part II Writing C++ Programs

4.  Language Extensions

5.  Program Organization

6.  Creating and Using Templates

6.1 Function Templates

6.1.1 Function Template Declaration

6.1.2 Function Template Definition

6.1.3 Function Template Use

6.2 Class Templates

6.2.1 Class Template Declaration

6.2.2 Class Template Definition

6.2.3 Class Template Member Definitions Function Member Definitions Static Data Member Definitions

6.2.4 Class Template Use

6.3 Template Instantiation

6.3.1 Implicit Template Instantiation

6.3.2 Explicit Template Instantiation Explicit Instantiation of Template Functions Explicit Instantiation of Template Classes Explicit Instantiation of Template Class Function Members Explicit Instantiation of Template Class Static Data Members

6.4 Template Composition

6.5 Default Template Parameters

6.6 Template Specialization

6.6.1 Template Specialization Declaration

6.6.2 Template Specialization Definition

6.6.3 Template Specialization Use and Instantiation

6.6.4 Partial Specialization

6.7 Template Problem Areas

6.7.1 Nonlocal Name Resolution and Instantiation

6.7.2 Local Types as Template Arguments

6.7.3 Friend Declarations of Template Functions

6.7.4 Using Qualified Names Within Template Definitions

6.7.5 Nesting Template Names

6.7.6 Referencing Static Variables and Static Functions

6.7.7 Building Multiple Programs Using Templates in the Same Directory

7.  Compiling Templates

8.  Exception Handling

9.  Improving Program Performance

10.  Building Multithreaded Programs

Part III Libraries

11.  Using Libraries

12.  Using The C++ Standard Library

13.  Using the Classic iostream Library

14.  Using the Complex Arithmetic Library

15.  Building Libraries

Part IV Appendixes

A.  C++ Compiler Options

B.  Pragmas



6.6 Template Specialization

There may be performance advantages to treating some combinations of template arguments as a special case, as in the following examples for twice. Alternatively, a template description might fail to work for a set of its possible arguments, as in the following examples for sort. Template specialization allows you to define alternative implementations for a given combination of actual template arguments. The template specialization overrides the default instantiation.

6.6.1 Template Specialization Declaration

You must declare a specialization before any use of that combination of template arguments. The following examples declare specialized implementations of twice and sort.

template <> unsigned twice<unsigned>( unsigned original );
template <> sort<char*>(Array<char*> store);

You can omit the template arguments if the compiler can unambiguously determine them. For example:

template <> unsigned twice(unsigned original);
template <> sort(Array<char*> store);

6.6.2 Template Specialization Definition

You must define all template specializations that you declare. The following examples define the functions declared in the preceding section.

template <> unsigned twice<unsigned>(unsigned original)
    {return original << 1;}
#include <string.h>
template <> void sort<char*>(Array<char*> store)
    {int num_elems = store.GetSize();
      for (int i = 0; i < num_elems-1; i++)
          for (int j = i+1; j < num_elems; j++)
              if (strcmp(store[j-1], store[j]) > 0)
                  {char *temp = store[j];
                    store[j] = store[j-1];
                    store[j-1] = temp;}}

6.6.3 Template Specialization Use and Instantiation

A specialization is used and instantiated just as any other template, except that the definition of a completely specialized template is also an instantiation.

6.6.4 Partial Specialization

In the previous examples, the templates are fully specialized. That is, they define an implementation for specific template arguments. A template can also be partially specialized, meaning that only some of the template parameters are specified, or that one or more parameters are limited to certain categories of type. The resulting partial specialization is itself still a template. For example, the following code sample shows a primary template and a full specialization of that template.

template<class T, class U> class A {...}; //primary template
template<> class A<int, double> {...};    //specialization

The following code shows examples of partial specialization of the primary template.

template<class U> class A<int> {...};          // Example 1
template<class T, class U> class A<T*> {...}; // Example 2
template<class T> class A<T**, char> {...};   // Example 3