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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2 Discover and Uncover User's Guide
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1.  Introduction

Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool (Discover)

Code Coverage Tool (Uncover)

2.  Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool (Discover)

3.  Code Coverage Tool (Uncover)


Code Coverage Tool (Uncover)

Uncover is a simple and easy to use command-line tool for measuring code coverage of applications. Code coverage is an important part of software testing. It gives you information on which areas of your code are exercised in testing and which are not, enabling you to improve your test suites to test more of your code. The coverage information reported by Uncover can be at a function, statement, basic block, or instruction level.

Uncover provides a unique feature called uncoverage, which allows you to quickly find major functional areas that are not being tested. Other advantages of Uncover code coverage over other types of instrumentation are: