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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: Thread Analyzer User's Guide
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Document Information


1.  What is the Thread Analyzer and What Does It Do?

2.  The Data Race Tutorial

3.  The Deadlock Tutorial

3.1 About Deadlocks

3.2 Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files

3.2.1 Source Code Listing for din_philo.c

3.3 The Dining Philosophers Scenario

3.3.1 How the Philosophers Can Deadlock

3.3.2 Introducing a Sleep Time for Philosopher One

3.4 How to Use the Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

3.4.1 Compile the Source Code

3.4.2 Create a Deadlock Detection Experiment

3.4.3 Examine the Deadlock Detection Experiment Using Thread Analyzer to View the Deadlock Detection Experiment Using er_print to View the Deadlock Detection Experiment

3.5 Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

3.5.1 Examining Runs That Deadlock

3.5.2 Examining Runs That Complete Despite Deadlock Potential

3.6 Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

3.6.1 Regulating the Philosophers With Tokens A False Positive Report

3.6.2 An Alternative System of Tokens

A.  APIs Recognized by the Thread Analyzer

B.  Useful Tips

Chapter 3

The Deadlock Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use the Thread Analyzer to detect potential deadlocks and actual deadlocks in your multithreaded program.

The tutorial covers the following topics: