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Oracle® Clinical Administrator's Guide
Release 4.6

Part Number A83791-06
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10 Utilities

Oracle Clinical provides a set of utilities for performing tasks that are easier to accomplish from a command line or that cannot be done from within the application. These utilities are described in this section. The activities covered by these utilities include:

Information on using data extract within the Oracle Clinical application is available in the Oracle Clinical Creating a Study and Oracle Clinical Conducting a Study manuals. Information on Procedures is also in Oracle Clinical Creating a Study.

Computing the Validation Status of All Responses

Use the cnvstatus utility to compute a validation status for all responses. The utility populates a column in the RESPONSES table that contains the validation status of each stored response. Before populating the response field VALIDATION_STATUS, you might want to add Discrepancy Resolution subtypes to distinguish various types of resolutions. You do this by entering values in the Long Value field of the reference codelist DISCREPANCY RESOLU TYPE CODE. This is an installation codelist you access from within Oracle Clinical which maintains user-defined discrepancy statuses.

You must select the values from the following list: NULL, CONFIRMED, IRRESOLVABLE, SUPERSEDED, or NOT DISCREPANT. The last two values are used only for manual discrepancies; they indicate that the discrepancy applied to a previous version of the response, or that the discrepancy was never really a problem with the data, but just a comment.

When the process is complete, examine the log, $RXC_LOG/cnvstatus.log, for errors.

Running cnvstatus on UNIX Platforms

To run cnvstatus on a UNIX platform:

  1. Log on to the server in your user account and change the directory to $RXC_TOOLS.

  2. Set the environment:

    Shell Command Sequence
    C Shell opa_setup db_name code_env
    Bourne p1 = db_namep2 = code_env. opa_setup

    where db_name is a database instance name and code_env is a code environment designation.

  3. Set the output directory:

    Shell Command Sequence
    C Shell setenv RXC_LOG usr_log_dir
    Bourne RXC_LOG=usr_log_dir export code_env

  4. Run the script. For example:

    % cnvstatus ALL | Study Name

    Where "ALL" is all studies in the database and Study_Name is the name of one study.

Running cnvstatus on Windows

To run cnvstatus on Windows:

  1. Log on to the server using your local account.

  2. Open a DOS window, change directory to %RXC_TOOLS, and set the server environment:

    set p1=db_name

    set p2=code_env


  3. Set the output directory:

    set rxc_log=user_log_folder

  4. Run the command file. For example:

    cnvstatus ALL | Study_Name

    Where "ALL" is all studies in the database and Study_Name is the name of one study.

Generating Validation Procedures

With the gen_procs utility you can convert existing Validation Procedures to 3.1-style, and regenerate them, on a per-study basis. Its use is not required, or necessarily recommended, for upgrades or new installations of Oracle Clinical.

This utility has the following syntax:

gen_procs { ALL | study_name } { FULL | INC } { CONVERT | GENERATE | PARSE } { 31 | 30 | ALL }

Choose one option from each set of qualifiers:

ALL | study_name — specifies the study you want to apply to. Enter either an individual study name or ALL to include all studies. This qualifier is not case-sensitive.

FULL | INC — specifies whether to perform full or incremental replication. You select FULL when running from the command line. INC is used when replication runs this command. This qualifier is case-sensitive.

CONVERT | GENERATE | PARSE — specifies the action you want to take. CONVERT works only for pre-3.1 Procedures; it converts the Procedure to 3.1-style, as well as generating and parsing as part of processing. PARSE works only with 3.1-style Procedures; it parses and recreates the package. GENERATE works for 3.0, 3.1, or ALL procedures; it also parses each package. PARSE and GENERATE are used primarily when the utility is called for replication.

31 | 30 | ALL — specifies the version of the Procedures to process.

The system creates a file named ora_errors.err in the user's RXC_LOG directory.

Running gen_procs on UNIX Systems

To run gen_procs on a UNIX platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the server as the opapps user or a user who has write permission.

  2. Set the environment:

    opa_setup db_name code_env

    where db_name is a database instance name and code_env is a code environment designation.

  3. Change the directory to $RXC_TOOLS.

  4. Set the output directory:

    setenv RXC_LOG usr_log_dir

  5. Run the script. For example:

    gen_procs ALL FULL GENERATE ALL > gen_procs.log

    Oracle Clinical creates gen_procs.log in $RXC_TOOLS. Files ora_errors.err and genprocs.log are created in the RXC_LOG directory.

Running gen_procs on Windows Systems

To run gen_procs on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the server using your local account.

  2. Open a DOS window and set the server environment. Enter:

    set p1=db_name

    set p2=code_env


    cd /d %RXC_BIN%

  3. Set the output directory:

    set RXC_LOG=user_log_folder

  4. Run the command file. For example:

    gen_procs ALL FULL GENERATE ALL > gen_procs.log

    Oracle Clinical creates genprocs.log in the current directory (%RXC_BIN%). Files ora_errors.err and genprocs.log are created in the RXC_LOG directory.

Deleting Inactive Procedures

Oracle Clinical lets you delete unneeded Procedures from within the application. However, this does not actually delete the database packages that contain the Procedures, which may cause unwanted Procedures to accumulate. To delete them, go to the RXC_TOOLS directory, log in as RXC_PD, and execute the SQL script rxcdelproc.