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Oracle® Clinical Interfacing from Oracle Clinical
Release 4.6

Part Number A83793-06
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Checking My Oracle Support (MetaLink)

Your source for the latest information about Oracle Clinical 4.6 is Oracle Support's self-service website My Oracle Support and its predecessor, Classic MetaLink, available at the same URL at the time of publication of this document. Visit the site before you begin installing or upgrading this release. The site includes the latest information, including these important installation topics:

Creating an Account

You must have a My Oracle Support account before you can access My Oracle Support. Follow these instructions:

  1. Open a Web browser to

  2. Click the New user? Register here link. The registration page opens.

  3. Follow the instructions on the registration page.

Navigating to the Oracle Clinical 4.6 Knowledge Page

Follow these instructions to open the My Oracle Support's Oracle Clinical 4.6 product page:

  1. Open a Web browser to

  2. Select My Oracle Support (requires Flash) and log in.

    The My Oracle Support portal opens, displaying general news from several categories.

  3. Click the Knowledge tab.


    Check the top of the page. If PowerView is on and a product other than Oracle Clinical 4.6 is displayed, turn PowerView off.
  4. In the Browse any Product, By Name drop-down list, select Oracle Clinical and click the icon.

  5. In the Refine Search region on the right, click on a topic of interest; for example, Install, Upgrade.

    My Oracle Support displays a list of documents that satisfy the search criteria.

  6. Click a document's link to view it.

Finding the Latest Oracle Clinical 4.6 Patches

Check My Oracle Support for the latest patches. If there are any new patches, follow these instructions to download them:

  1. Open a browser to

  2. Select My Oracle Support (requires Flash) and log in.

    The My Oracle Support portal opens, displaying general news from several categories.

  3. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

    The Patches and Updates page opens.

  4. Click the Advanced Search link. When the Advanced Search page opens, enter appropriate search criteria and click Go.

  5. When the query results are displayed, click a patch number to download it and view the readme file.

Finding a Patch or Document When You Know Its Number

See "Creating an Account".

Finding Patches on My Oracle Support

To find a patch on My Oracle Support when you know its number, do the following:

  1. Open a browser to

  2. Select My Oracle Support (requires Flash) and log in.

    The My Oracle Support portal opens, displaying general news from several categories.

  3. Click the Patches and Updates tab.

    The Patches and Updates page opens.

  4. Click the Simple Search link.

  5. In the Search By drop-down list, select Patch Number/Name and enter the number in the blank field.

  6. In the Platform or Language drop-down list, select your platform and click Go. The system returns the search results in the table in the lower part of the screen.

    My Oracle Support displays the patch screen.

Finding Documents on My Oracle Support

To find a document on My Oracle Support when you know its number, do the following:

  1. Open a browser to

  2. Select My Oracle Support (requires Flash) and log in.

    The My Oracle Support portal opens, displaying general news from several categories.

  3. Click the Knowledge tab.


    Check the top of the page. If PowerView is on and a product other than Oracle Clinical 4.6 is displayed, turn PowerView off.
  4. In the Browse any Product, By Name drop-down list, select Oracle Clinical and click the icon.

  5. In the Oracle Clinical Search section, enter the document ID and click the search icon.

Finding Patches and Documents on Classic MetaLink

  1. Open a browser to

  2. Select Classic Metalink and log in.

  3. In the Quick Find drop-down list, select either Patch Number or Document ID.

  4. Enter the patch number or document ID.

  5. Click Go.

Oracle CPU Security Updates

Oracle Corporation publishes a CPU Security Update patch quarterly. Install these patches on every computer with an Oracle Home. Check My Oracle Support's (MetaLink's) Oracle Clinical Knowledge page for information on the latest patch tested with Oracle Health Sciences applications.