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Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide
Release 4.6

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14 Collecting Debug Data

If you encounter problems in RDC Onsite, Oracle Support may ask you to collect diagnostic information from the application. There are various diagnostics that can be enabled.

Oracle Support provides instructions on the traces you need to collect depending on the type of error you encounter. This chapter provides instructions on how to collect the various trace files and log files for analysis by Oracle Support.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Enabling a SQL Trace for Searches

To enable a SQL trace for searches (queries) executed during a user session, add the &sqlTrace=true parameter to the URL that starts the RDC Onsite application.

For example:



If you need a SQL trace for the Data Entry window, you must enable the trace at the user level by a login trigger. Contact Oracle Support for instructions and assistance with this type of trace.

Displaying Document Numbers in the RDC Onsite Application

Several screens in the RDC Onsite application display the name of the a CRF (document) in the CRF Name column. Recall that the terms CRF (RDC Onsite) and document (Oracle Clinical) are synonyms and used interchangeably.

To assist you with debugging some errors, you can choose to display the document (CRF) number in addition to the document (CRF) name.

To display the document number, specify the &display_docnum=Y parameter in the URL that starts the RDC Onsite application. For example:


When you set the &display_docnum parameter, the RDC Onsite application inserts a CRF Number column to the right of the CRF Name column:

Configuring the &display_docnum parameter is not dependent on enabling the debug feature for other modules.

Displaying Discrepancy IDs in the RDC Onsite Application

To display the discrepancy identifier (ID), add the following parameter to the URL that starts the RDC Onsite application:


For example:


When you set the &display_descpId parameter, RDC Onsite adds a Discr ID column to the Review Discrepancies page and the Discrepancy Details window. The Discr ID column displays to the right of the CRF Number column.

Configuring the &display_descpId parameter is not dependent on enabling the debug feature for other modules.

Debugging the Patient Data Report

To enable the debugging feature for the Patient Data Report: 

  1. Log in to the Reports Server.

  2. Stop the Reports Service.

  3. Open the Windows Registry Editor:

    1. Click Start and then select Run.

    2. Type regedit and then click OK.

  4. Navigate to the following location in the registry:


  5. Find the registry key OC_RPT_DEBUG and set its value to Y.

  6. Find the registry key OC_RPT_DEBUG_TMP_FOLDER. Set its value to the directory where RDC Onsite will create and store the temporary files for debugging the Patient Data Report. For better performance, Oracle recommends setting the value to a directory on the Reports Server.

  7. Restart the Reports Service.

  8. Submit the request to generate the Patient Data Report.

    When you set OC_RPT_DEBUG = Y, RDC Onsite does not delete the records in the following temporary tables when it finishes generating the Patient Data Report:

    • PDR_TEMP



    In addition, RDC Onsite does not delete the PDR temporary files stored in the directory defined by the OC_RPT_DEBUG_TMP_FOLDER registry key.

When you are finished debugging the Patient Data Report, be sure to turn off the report debugging feature so your system does not accumulate temporary tables and files for every Patient Data Report generated.

To disable the report debugging feature, return to the Windows Registry Editor and change the value of the OC_RPT_DEBUG key to N.


The jlog file is located in the user's Reports Server Log directory. RDC Onsite creates this file regardless of the value set for the OC_RPT_DEBUG registry key.

Debugging the RDC Onsite Application

RDC Onsite provides the following logging files:

About the Error Messages in RDC Onsite

When an error occurs while working in the Data Entry window, RDC Onsite displays an error message in the following format:

Description of debug_stan_error.gif follows
Description of the illustration debug_stan_error.gif

Table 14-1 describes the types of errors that can occur and the corresponding error_text that displays with the message.

Table 14-1 Errors and the Text Added to the Message

Type of Error Text Added to the Message

Network drop, error from Internet Explorer, or error from the Application Server

XMLHttp error code error_number, (additional_error_text)

Note that under most circumstances, RDC Onsite handles a momentary network drop, and displays a different message that presents a Retry option to the user. However, in some cases, a network drop results in the Data Entry window shutting down.

Error in the data entry code

Log code error_number, internal error.

Error in the DCAPI

Log code error_number, data capture error.

Locating the Log Files

RDC Onsite records all log information for both the application pages and the Data Entry window as part of the OC4J logs. You use the log files when debugging errors.

RDC Onsite stores these log files in the following directory on the application server:


where n is the process number (JVM instance number) for the OC4J instance.

For example, if only one process is used to run the OC4J instance, the directory path is as follows:


In the case of multiple processes, you cannot tell where the user logs will be located because it depends on which process instance is serving the user.

Figure 14-1 shows a sample directory path for both the application pages and the data entry log files. In this example, the server is running RDC Onsite on three JVMs.

Figure 14-1 Location of the RDC Onsite Log Files

Description of Figure 14-1 follows
Description of "Figure 14-1 Location of the RDC Onsite Log Files"

Changing the Location of the Data Entry Logs

By default, the log files for data entry are recorded as part of the same OC4J logs as the RDC Onsite application pages. These log files are in the same directory location on the application server.

Alternatively, you can change the default location of the data entry logs by modifying the j2ee-logging.xml file.

To modify your configuration so RDC Onsite writes data entry logs to a different file: 

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:


  4. Open the j2ee-logging.xml file with a text editor.

  5. Add a handler by inserting the following lines into the file:

    <log_handler name='dataentryloghandler'
    class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory'>     <property name='path' value='%ORACLE_HOME%/j2ee/%OPMN_PROC_TYPE%/log/ %OPMN_PROC_TYPE%_%OPMN_PROC_SET%_%OPMN_PROC_INDEX%/oc4j/de'/>
         <property name='maxFileSize' value='5242880'/>
         <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>
  6. Create a logger for data entry by adding the following lines to the file:

    <logger name='' level='NOTIFICATION:1' useParentHandlers='false'>
         <handler name='dataentryloghandler'/>
  7. Save your changes.

  8. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

    Once you restart the rdc OC4J instance, RDC Onsite will record all data entry logs in the DE folder in the main log folder.

Setting the Log File Size and Number

The following XML property tags in the j2ee-logging.xml file control the log file size and number:

<property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/> <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>

The first property controls the size of each log file. The second property controls the total size of the log folder. Therefore, in the previous example, 10 files will be generated, each 10 MB in size for a total of 100 MB.

The latest log is always located in the log.xml file. When the maximum size is reached, RDC Onsite renames that file to log1.xml and records new logs into a new log.xml file. This renaming extends to log2.xml, log3.xml, and so on until the total size of the folder reaches the maxLogSize value defined in the j2ee-logging.xml file.

To set the log file size and number: 

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:


  4. Open the j2ee-logging.xml file with a text editor.

  5. Find the following lines and modify the values:

    <property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/> <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.


If you use a separate log file data entry, the log files are subject to the sizes specified in the separate configuration for the data entry logs. See Changing the Location of the Data Entry Logs for more information.

Configuring the Level of Detail for Log Files

The logs for the RDC Onsite application pages have two levels only: enabled and disabled. Therefore, you do not need to define a level of detail for these log files. Note that RDC Onsite always logs exceptions and errors, even if logging is disabled.

You can, however, specify the detail level of the debugging information that RDC Onsite collects in the data entry logs. A finer level of detail can help you debug problems seen with data entry. To change the default level of details for the data entry logs, you modify the file on the application server.

To configure the level of debug information to collect in the data entry logs:  

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:

    ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\applications\olsardc\ rdconsite\WEB-INF\

  4. Open the file with a text editor.

  5. Locate the following line:



    The other settings in the file are for Oracle internal use only. Do not modify the other settings.
  6. Change the value to one of the following levels: SEVERE, WARNING (default value), INFO, FINE, FINER, or FINEST.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

Enabling the Logging of Debug Information

You can collect debug information for errors that occur when using any of the RDC Onsite application pages and when using the Data Entry window.

To collect this debug information, add the &debug parameter to your URL that starts the RDC Onsite application:


where module-name defines the type of debugging you want.

Valid entries for module-name:

  • surround (only debugs errors pertaining to the application pages, such as the Home page, Casebooks page, and Review CRFs page)

  • de (only debugs errors pertaining to the Data Entry window)

  • all (debugs errors pertaining to both the application pages and the Data Entry window)

General format of the URL:



Reviewing the Log Entries for the RDC Onsite Application Pages

RDC Onsite records all logs against a user identifier that consists of the user name, the database, and the HTTP Session ID.

Example 14-1 shows a portion of a sample log from the RDC Onsite application pages. The actual log text is the text enclosed by the <MSG_TEXT> tag.

Example 14-1 Sample Log from RDC Onsite Application Pages

<MSG_TEXT>[ops$user@database:e78e5b0fabf40558fdaa63b644191 eefef023608b49bcf0f8e3188f9d301258e] RdcLoginAction: Trying to obtain binding container.</MSG_TEXT>

You can locate all the log entries for the user for a particular RDC Onsite session by searching for the session ID in the log file. As shown in Example 14-1, the session ID is the alphanumeric string that follows the ops$user@database information in the <MSG_TEXT> tag.

Reviewing the Log Entries for Data Entry

RDC Onsite records all logs against a user identifier that consists of the user name, the database, and the HTTP Session ID.

To review the information in the data entry logs:

  1. Locate and check the log files for the application pages. See Reviewing the Log Entries for the RDC Onsite Application Pages for more information.

  2. Use the same session ID to locate the data entry logs.

    When the user opens a Data Entry window, RDC Onsite assigns a unique ID to the window. In addition, RDC Onsite creates a log entry against the user's HTTP session ID.

    You can locate all data entry logs relevant to the user for the data entry session using the HTTP Session ID and the Window Context ID. The following example highlights these IDs in bold.

    [9e46412a075dc5104ec7e9a06b704bbfb121525115d20e641d6835974ac786e8] Window context Id for this CRF: 4750992751934458

Locating Log Files for a Fatal Failure during Data Entry

In the case of a fatal failure, RDC Onsite displays the error message and log code information. See Figure 14-2.

Figure 14-2 Fatal Error Dialog Box with Log Code information

Description of Figure 14-2 follows
Description of "Figure 14-2 Fatal Error Dialog Box with Log Code information"

When the error occurs, the RDC Onsite user should record the log code number and the error text, and then report the information to you. For example:

Log code 9522631529, data capture error.

You can use the log code to search the log file and get more details on the error. Two important notes:

  • The exact code can be in any one of the log files in the log folder.

  • The particular log file that contains the log code may be deleted if you do not read the log within a reasonable time after the failure because the log size limits can force the logger to delete log files and create new files to accommodate new logs.


In case of critical errors or failures in the Data Entry window, RDC Onsite automatically generates a log entry even if you did not enable logging from the URL. RDC Onsite users should always record the log code when the error occurs. Subsequently, you can use the log code to reference additional information about the error.

Data Capture API (DCAPI) Logs

Every data entry session is supported by a data capture engine running on the middle tier for that session. This engine consists of the following parts:

  • A Java layer

  • A process (olsadcapiservice.exe)

  • A DLL (olsadcapi.dll) loaded by the process

Each part generates a log file when logging is enabled.

DCAPI log files contain internal technical messages that may be meaningful to Oracle support and development only.

Location of DCAPI Log Files

The DCAPI log files are located in the following directory:


The name of these log files use the following format:

  • Java layer: DcapiJava_user-name_date-time.dbg

  • Process layer: DcapiExec_user-name_date-time.dbg

  • DLL layer: DcapiHtml_user-name_date-time.dbg


    user-name is the user's login ID.

    date-time is the date and time of the event. For example, 2009Aug15134550236.

Log Level for DCAPI Log Files

There are no log levels associated with DCAPI logs.

Enabling DCAPI Logging

DCAPI logging is automatically enabled whenever you enable logging for data entry.

Locating DCAPI Log Entries

The way to link DCAPI logs to your data entry session is by noting the user name and the approximate time when the data entry session started and then locating the log files in the RDC_HOME\log directory.

Data Capture API (DCAPI) Framework Logs

You can enable RDC Onsite to generate DCAPI framework logs that capture logs from the common code that creates, manages, and closes DCAPI instances. The DCAPI generates two log files for each JVM instance running rdc OC4J service. These log files help when troubleshooting issues with launching data entry sessions.

To enable DCAPI framework logging:  

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:

    ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\applications\olsardc\ rdconsite\WEB-INF\

  4. Open the file with a text editor.

  5. Find the following parameter and set the value to 1:


  6. Find the following parameter:


    Specify the location for the DCAPI framework log files. For example, if you want the DCAPI to save the framework log files in the RDC log folder, set the parameter as follows:


    Note that you must specify the double forward slash throughout the directory path. Otherwise, the Java APIs read the single slash as an escape character.

  7. Save your changes.

  8. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

Once you log in to RDC Onsite and open a CRF, the DCAPI generates the framework log files and continuously adds logs to the files. The names for the framework log files use the following format:

  • OHSA_DCAPI_Framework_Java_n.log

  • OHSA_DCAPI_Framework_Native_n.log

    where n is the JVM instance number. (If a single JVM is running the OC4J instance, then n is 1.)

Dump File for a Data Entry Fatal Failure Error

A fatal failure in a data entry session always generates a dump file on the middle tier that contains information relevant to the failure. This information will help Oracle support and developers troubleshoot issues.

Location of the Dump File

The name of the dump file uses the following format:


where logcode is the log code that appears in the Data Entry window in case of a fatal failure.

RDC Onsite creates this file on the middle tier in the RDC_HOME\log directory.

Enabling Dump File Creation

RDC Onsite always creates dump files in the case of a fatal failure in data entry, with or without logging enabled. However, it is helpful to Oracle support if you generate and gather more information by enabling logging for data entry. For critical errors, Oracle suggests that you set the data entry log level to FINEST, and then reproduce the failure to generate the maximum amount of log information.

Reading a Dump File

When a fatal failure occurs in a data entry session, the RDC Onsite user should note the log code and report it to you. You can use the log code to locate the dump file in the RDC_HOME\log directory.

The dump files has several key sections to help with troubleshooting.

As shown in Example 14-2, the first long alphanumeric string in the first section provides the following important identifiers:

  • The session ID for the user

  • The user name and database

  • The session ID for the Data Entry window where the failure happened

  • The time stamp for the DCAPI log

Example 14-2 Important Identifiers in the Dump File

#Starting dump of context parameters for failureId: 9522631529
refids=0a957842231c103dc782a58e44a49c2089684b16a007, ops$<user>@<database>,28905006072188144,2009Jul15161040954

You use the user's session ID, the user name, the database, and the window session ID to search the OC4J logs (log.xml) for all relevant entries. You use the time stamp to locate the DCAPI log files. See Data Capture API (DCAPI) Logs for more information.

The next section of the log file lists the actual exception stack.

Exception Details:Error in DCAPI Module. Error in DCAPI Module.

The section that follows contains the JVM instance number serving the user. This number is important when OC4J is running in a multi-JVM environment because you can use the number to easily locate the OC4J log files.


The remaining sections in the file provide the JVM parameters and environment, CRF, Study, Site, and other details that can aid in troubleshooting.

Viewing Additional Log Files of Interest

Table 14-2 lists the additional log files that Oracle Support may request when working with you to debug or troubleshoot an error. You do not need to configure any settings to generate these log files. RDC Onsite automatically creates these files on the application server and continuously collects debug information.

Table 14-2 Additional Log Files for Oracle Support

File Name File Location





Comparison of the Log Files in RDC Onsite 4.6 and 4.5.3

Table 14-3 provides a mapping of the RDC Onsite 4.6 logs to their counterpart in RDC Onsite 4.5.3.

Table 14-3 Comparison of the Log Files in RDC Onsite 4.6 and 4.5.3

Log Files Location

RDC Onsite application pages

RDC Onsite 4.6      ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\log\rdc_default_island_n\oc4j\log.xml

      where n is the JVM instance

RDC Onsite 4.5.3      RDC_Home\log\RdcOnsite0.xml

Data entry

RDC Onsite 4.6 (if set up with the log files for the application pages)       ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\log\rdc_default_island_n\oc4j\log.xml

RDC Onsite 4.6 (if set up separately)       ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\log\rdc_default_island_n\oc4j\de\log.xml

      where n is the JVM instance

RDC Onsite 4.5.3      RDC_Home\log\delog0.log

Data Capture API (Java Log)

RDC Onsite 4.6      RDC_Home\log\DcapiJava_user-name_date-time.dbg

RDC Onsite 4.5.3      RDC_Home\log\DcapiJava_user-name_number.dbg

Data Capture API (Process Log)

RDC Onsite 4.6      RDC_Home\log\DcapiExec_user-name_date-time.dbg

RDC Onsite 4.5.3      RDC_Home\log\log-number.log

Data Capture API (DLL Log)

RDC Onsite 4.6      RDC_Home\log\DcapiHtml_user-name_date-time.dbg

RDC Onsite 4.5.3      RDC_Home\log\DcapiPdf_user-name_number.dbg

Debugging Performance Issues in the Data Entry Window

Performance profiling can provide Oracle Support with diagnostic information for all the activities that are conducted in the Data Entry window for a particular user session.

In addition to the log files for the application pages and for data entry, RDC Onsite lets you monitor performance in different parts of the code. RDC Onsite supports performance profiling for the data entry client and for the data entry server code.

Performance Profiling for the Data Entry Client

You can monitor the performance of specific requests from the data entry client user interface to get an overall idea of the time spent in different parts of the code.

To profile a single user session: 

  1. Start an RDC Onsite session using the following URL:


  2. Open a CRF where you are seeing the problem of interest. Note that because profiling is turned on, RDC Onsite adds the View Profile link to the session information line above the tool bar:

    Description of debug_perfprofile1.gif follows
    Description of the illustration debug_perfprofile1.gif

  3. Execute the problematic scenario.

  4. Click the View Profile link. RDC Onsite displays the client profile logs in a separate window. Note that the log shows the times spent on the client in different parts of the JavaScript code including network round-trip times.

    Description of debug_perfprofile2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration debug_perfprofile2.gif

  5. Copy and paste information from the View Profile window into a text file that you can forward to Oracle Support. (This information is related only to actions around opening the CRF.)

  6. Collect the log information and forward to Oracle Support. This includes:

    1. Content of the View Profile windows that you copied into a text file.

    2. Content of the RDC_HOME\log\requestprofilelog.xml file located on the application server.

On the server side, RDC Onsite also creates a new log entry for the same request in the requestprofilelog.xml in the RDC_HOME\log folder. This log entry breaks down the time spent on the server side for the same request in different parts of the code. For example:

<request id="1">
          <profile name="generateRDciData">484</profile>
          <profile name="loadDciForm">156</profile>
          <profile name="cmdDocData">656</profile>
          <profile name="cmdPostInitialLoad">94</profile>
          <profile name="cmdGetSettings">94</profile>
          <profile name="cmdOpenConfirm">0</profile>
          <profile name="RuntimeController">922</profile>

A combination of the client profile data and server profile data gives a complete picture of a request-response life cycle that originated from the data entry client code.

Performance Profiling for Data Entry Server Code

Another kind of profiling supported by the data entry code gives the average, minimum, and maximum times spent in specific portions of the server code over time and across multiple data entry users. All time values are in milliseconds.

To enable server profiling: 

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:

    ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\applications\olsardc\ rdconsite\WEB-INF

  4. Open the web.xml file with a text editor.

  5. Insert the following lines into the file:

    <context-param>    <param-name>performanceprofile</param-name>    <param-value>1</param-value></context-param>

    Make sure the parameter value is set to 1 to enable profiling. Any other value disables the profiling feature. In addition, make sure the XML syntax is preserved when you insert these lines.

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

  8. Start the RDC Onsite application, and the open a CRF in the Data Entry window.

    Because you enabled server profiling, RDC Onsite adds the Server Profile link to the session information line above the toolbar in the Data Entry window: Description of debug_perfprofile4.gif follows
    Description of the illustration debug_perfprofile4.gif

    When you click the Server Profile link, RDC Onsite opens a separate window with data about the server profile.

    The server profile data includes the Profile Name, the number of calls, and the minimum, maximum, and average time. All time values are in milliseconds. For example:

Description of debug_perfprofile3.gif follows
Description of the illustration debug_perfprofile3.gif

Tracking Scalability Data for RDC Onsite

RDC Onsite provides the capability to track the change in certain data related to the scalability of the system. When you enable this feature, RDC Onsite tracks the following metrics:

Enabling Tracking of Scalability

To enable tracking of scalability: 

  1. Stop the rdc OC4J instance.

  2. Log in to the RDC Onsite application server.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:

    ORACLE_AS10GR2MT_HOME\j2ee\rdc\applications\olsardc\ rdconsite\WEB-INF

  4. Open the web.xml file with a text editor.

  5. Insert the following lines into the file:

    <context-param>    <param-name>enablesensor</param-name>    <param-value>1</param-value></context-param>

    Make sure the XML syntax is preserved when you insert these lines.

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Restart the rdc OC4J instance.

Viewing the Scalability Metrics

Once you enable tracking of scalability data, RDC Onsite will generate sensor reports at specific intervals. The sensor reports are CSV files. RDC Onsite saves the files in the RDC log folder (RDC_HOME\log).

For each JVM running the rdc OC4J instance, RDC Onsite creates a new folder in the RDC log folder:


      where n is the JVM instance number.

The opasensorreport_n folder has four files that correspond to the metrics collected:

  • NumberOfRdcUsers.csv — number of RDC Onsite users

  • RdcAM.csv — number of BC4J application modules

  • NumberOfDEWindows.csv — number of data entry sessions

  • NumberOfDcapi.csv — number of DCAPI instances

Each file records a new entry whenever an event that triggers a change in value occurs, for example, when a user logs in or logs out. Note that RDC Onsite updates the files only at specific intervals (every 10 minutes). Therefore, the files may not always reflect the latest data.

In each file, the first column is the number of milliseconds since the rdc OC4J instance was started. The second column represents the number (metric) that is being tracked.