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Oracle® Thesaurus Management System Installation Guide
Release 4.6.1

Part Number A83780-11
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4 Installing the Application Tier

This chapter describes how to install the Oracle Thesaurus Management System application tier (middle tier).


You do not need to have an installed Oracle database to create a Forms Server. However, you need a supported Oracle database to verify the installation.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Installing Oracle AS10gR2

This section describes how to install the Oracle Application Server Forms and Reports Services on a Server computer.

Install Oracle AS10gR2

To install Oracle AS10gR2 Forms and Reports Services:

  1. Close all running applications on the computer.

  2. Log in to the application server using an account with system administrator privileges.

  3. Insert Disk B24458-01 from the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  4. Use Windows Explorer or the command line to execute the setup.exe file:


    The system briefly displays a DOS window while it checks your computer's compatibility, and then opens the Welcome screen.

  5. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. For additional information on each screen, see the Oracle AS10gR2 Forms and Reports Services documentation.

Restart the Computer

To ensure that all configuration changes for Oracle AS10gR2 are initialized, you must restart the computer.

When the computer restarts, log in as a user with system administrator privileges. You are now ready to apply several patches for Oracle AS10gR2 Forms and Reports Services and the Application Server.

Apply Oracle AS10gR2 Patch Set 3 (

To apply Patch Set 3 ( to Oracle AS10gR2 Forms and Reports Services:

  1. Insert Disk V17174-01 of the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  2. Locate, which is Oracle AS10gR2 Forms and Reports Services Patch Set 3 (

  3. Extract the patch zip file to a location that is accessible to the Forms Server.

  4. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe file to apply the patch set. The ReadMe file is located at the top level of the patch set extraction location.

Apply Application Server Patch 7384879

To apply Patch 7384879 to the Application Server:

  1. Insert Disk V17174-01 of the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  2. Locate

  3. Extract the patch zip file to a location that is accessible to the Forms Server.

  4. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe file to apply the patch. The ReadMe file is located at the top level of the patch extraction location.

Locating TMS 4.6.1 and Starting the Installer

To locate TMS 4.6.1 and start the Installer:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Insert Disk V17174-01 of the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  3. Locate and execute the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens.

The first few screens are the same for each installation and are described in each section. You must then select a component to install. These options are documented as follows:

Installing the TMS Front End

If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in Locating TMS 4.6.1 and Starting the Installer.

Attend to the Installer screens:


Click Next.

Specify File Locations

Enter values:

Source By default, the Installer displays the location in which you extracted the TMS patch. Accept this default value.

Destination Enter values for the Oracle Home you created when you installed Oracle AS10gR2. If the computer has multiple Oracle Homes, the Installer displays them all in the drop-down lists.

Click Next.

Select a Product to Install

Select TMS Front End and click Next.

Available Product Components

The TMS Front End is automatically selected. You can simultaneously install the Reports Server and/or the TMS Server (database server code) on the same computer. To do so, select one or both of the following:

Choose OPA Home Directory

The Installer enters the OPA Home it detected as the default value. OPA Home is the directory that is the root of installations of Oracle Health Sciences products. The recommended installation directory for Release 4.6 is:


Click Next.


The following screens do not appear if you have already installed Oracle Clinical. In that case, the next screen is the Summary screen.

Enter NLS Language

Oracle recommends the setting: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8

See Choosing a Character Set.

Click Next.

Enter NLS Date Format

Enter a valid date value. A four-digit year is required. Oracle recommends DD-MON-RRRR.

Click Next.

Enter the Report Queue Manager Machine

By default, the Installer displays the name of this computer. Accept this default value.

Click Next.

Enter URL for the Report Queue Manager

Accept the default value. Click Next.

Reports Server Machine

Enter the name of the application-tier computer you want to use as the Reports Server, in computer_name.domain_name format. Click Next.

Enter the URL location of your custom documentation

If you have a directory for custom help, enter the URL location. Use the following syntax:



The Installer displays information about the installation, including space requirements and space available. Click Install.

Installing the TMS Reports Server

This section describes installing and configuring a Reports Server. The TMS Reports Server runs on Oracle AS10g Forms and Reports Services. It schedules batch jobs such as synchronization.


If you install a Reports Server in a different gateway, or subnet, from the Forms Server, report outputs and log files are not created. There is a solution: see Change to namingServices if Reports and Forms Server Use Different Subnets.

To begin the installation:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Insert Disk V17174-01 of the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  3. Locate and execute the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. The following section describes each screen and the required action.


Click Next.

Specify File Locations

Enter values:

Source By default, the Installer displays the location in which you extracted the TMS patch. Accept this default value.

Destination Enter values for the Oracle Home you created when you installed Oracle AS10gR2. If the computer has multiple Oracle Homes, the Installer displays them all in the drop-down lists.

Click Next.

Select a Product to Install

Select TMS Report Server and click Next.

Choose OPA Home Directory

The Installer enters the OPA Home it detected as the default value. OPA Home is the directory that is the root of installations of Oracle Health Sciences products. The recommended installation directory for Release 4.6 is:


Click Next.

Choose NLS Language

Oracle recommends the setting: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8

See Choosing a Character Set.

Click Next.

Enter NLS Date Format

Enter a valid date format. A four-digit year is required. Oracle recommends DD-MON-RRRR.

Click Next.

Enter Report Server Name

By default, the Installer displays the name of this computer. Accept this default value.

Click Next.


The Installer displays information about the installation, including space requirements and space available. Click Install.

Change to namingServices if Reports and Forms Server Use Different Subnets

If you install a Reports Server in a different subnet, or gateway, from the Forms Server, report outputs and log files are not created.

The solution is to change the way Reports Servers discover other Reports Servers from the Multicast method, which is the default in AS10gR2, to the namingService method. For instructions, download the following document from My Oracle Support:

Title: How to Switch Between Multicast and NamingService in Reports 10.1.2

Article ID: 337619.1

Related information is available in documents 336911.1 and 367567.1.

Installing the TMS Database Server Code

You install the TMS database server code on the Forms Server.

Start the Installer

To begin the installation:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Insert Disk V17174-01 of the Oracle Clinical 4.6 and Oracle Thesaurus Management System 4.6.1 Media Pack.

  3. Locate and execute the following file:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.

  4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens. The following section describes each screen and the required action.

Attend to the Installer

Attend to the Installer screens:


Click Next.

Specify File Locations

Enter values:

Source By default, the Installer displays the location in which you extracted the TMS patch. Accept this default value.

Destination Enter values for the Oracle Home you created when you installed Oracle AS10gR2. If the computer has multiple Oracle Homes, the Installer displays them all in the drop-down lists.

  • Name: Select the name of the correct Oracle Home; for example, FRHome1.

  • Path: Browse for the path to the correct Oracle Home; for example, D:\Oracle\FRHome1.

Click Next.

Select a Product to Install

Select TMS Server and click Next.

Choose OPA Home Directory

The Installer enters the OPA Home it detected as the default value. OPA Home is the directory that is the root of installations of Oracle Health Sciences products. The recommended installation directory for Release 4.6 is:


Click Next.


The Installer displays information about the installation, including space requirements and space available. Click Install.

Setting Up SQL*Net Connections to TMS Databases

Establish that SQL*Net connections can be created to connect the Forms Server and the Reports Server to all databases.

To do this, modify 10g_oracle_home\network\admin\tnsnames.ora. Ensure that it contains an entry for each database.

Maintain a Central Copy of the tnsnames.ora File

Consider maintaining a central copy of the application server's tnsnames.ora with all the system's tnsnames entries for all databases. Copy the file to all clients, Forms Servers, and Reports Servers. See Modify tnsnames.ora for more information.

Troubleshoot Network Connection Issues

If the system returns a connection error, you must resolve this problem before continuing. Possible causes of errors include:

  • The computer is not physically connected to the network.

  • One of the databases does not exist.

  • The network protocol software is not loaded on the computer (try a remote log-in to check).

  • The SQL*Net software is not loaded on the computer.

  • The database or SQL*Net listener process is not started on the server.

  • An incorrect connect string, user ID, or password was entered.

  • The application server's tnsnames.ora file is not present in the correct directory or does not contain the correct entries.

Adding Printers

To add a printer that prints out reports:

  1. Log in to Windows as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Click Start, Settings, and then Printers. The Windows Printer dialog box opens.

  3. Double-click the Add Printer icon. The Add Printer Wizard opens.

  4. Click Next. The wizard prompts for the type of printer — local or network — that you want to add.

  5. Select the Network Printer option, and then click Next.

  6. Specify the name or address of the printer. If you do not know the name or address, you can browse for a printer. Click Next to continue.

  7. Specify whether you want to use this printer as the default printer for Windows-based programs. Click Next to continue.

  8. Click Finish. The system adds this printer to this computer.

  9. Enter a printer specification in the Printer field or select a printer from the list of shared printers, and then click OK next to your selection.