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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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account redistribution
Adjustment to account information of contract commitment. Total contract commitment amount is unchanged, but the accounts are changed or new account information is entered.
accrual dossier
Type of budget dossier for projects covering several years.
actual number
Automatically generated number when a dialog unit is created. An actual number is used in exchange protocol. See dialog unit and legal number.
address reference
Reference name or number used to uniquely identify a single third party site. See single third party.
adjusting the AP balance
Type of netting. Adjusting the Payables balance nets the Payables invoices with Receivables invoices for a given third party. See netting.
adjusting the AR balance
Type of netting. Adjusting the Receivables balance nets the Receivables invoices with Payables invoices for a given third party. See netting.
adjustment dossier
Expands the accounting flexfield range of a related dossier. The expansion must be within the same budget and budget organization assigned to the related dossier. It is also subject to any parent or child rules that are defined. For example, if an adjustment dossier is related to a child dossier, the expansion must be within the flexfield boundary of the related parent dossier. See dossier, child dossier, and parent dossier.
application wide features
Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) features related to General Ledger and Oracle Assets. When enabled, these features apply to the entire application.
approval group
A hierarchy of approvers and invoice clerks for Secondary Invoice Approval.
Used in Secondary Invoice Approval. See approval group.
Type of netting. Assignments net the Payables invoice for a given third party with the Payables invoice of another third party, known as the debt beneficiary third party. See netting.
In Exchange Protocol, the authorizer manages expenditure, execution, and receipts. In Internal Trading, the authorizer approves or rejects interdepartmental cross charges.
Determines the end point of the interval for which available funds are verified.
budget journal
Used to enter budgets with budgeting extensions. Budget journals follow the structure of General Ledger journals, with the addition of one or more period entries for each journal line.
budget reports
Lets you prepare and review budgets for the current and subsequent years and provides information about how budgeting extensions in General Ledger are defined.
budgeting extensions
Public sector enhancements to budgeting in General Ledger.
cancel contract commitment
Applies to provisional contract commitments when contract commitment entries are cancelled to reverse encumbrances on the commitment budget and unreserve funds for commitment on standard budgets.
cancellation certificate
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Receivables credit memos. A cancellation certificate is also known as a reduction certificate. See dialog unit.
cash and accruals support
Public sector enhancements to Receivables that provide the ability to keep both a cash and an accruals set of books. See combined basis accounting.
Type of transaction, such as a contract, used in the definition of a budgetary control group. Users specify a category to set further budgetary control options for the specific category.
central finance
In Subledger Security, this is a profit center that has full access to information belonging to business units in the same hierarchy.
central finance user
In Secondary Invoice Approval, a user who can approve invoices that have a third level of invoice approval placed on them. The central finance user has access to invoices across all departments.
central security group
See super user security group.
child dossier
A dossier that is related to a parent dossier and is placed at a lower level of a dossier hierarchy than that of its parent. The source of a child dossier type must be within the destination of its parent. A child dossier can only have one parent. See dossier and parent dossier.
collection certificate
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Receivable credit memos. See dialog unit.
combined basis accounting
Public sector enhancements to General Ledger that provide the ability to keep both a cash and accruals set of books. See cash and accruals support.
commitment budget
Money available for closing contracts or other obligations.
Commitment Budgetary Control
Public sector functionality which lets you enter and maintain dual budgetary control apart from the standard budgetary control available in General Ledger. Commitment Budgetary Control lets you check availability of funds and reservation of funds against both the standard and the commitment budget online for all types of contract commitments.
commitment model
Enables public sector organizations to manage their business using dual budgeting, which includes standard budgetary control and commitment budgetary control.
complementary dossier
Modifies a related dossier by adding to or subtracting from the original budget amount. See dossier.
completed contract commitment
Applies to confirmed contract commitments. Contract commitments are completed when the matching of invoices to contract commitments is no longer possible. Unbilled or unspent funds are released on the standard budget and any remaining funds for commitment are returned to the commitment budget.
confirmed contract commitment
Represents a commitment with a legally enforceable agreement with a third party or with a confirmed internal commitment.
construction industry scheme
Public sector enhancements to Purchasing and Payables that comply with UK Government requirements for tracking and reporting construction subcontractor payment and tax details.
construction in process
Assets which are being constructed and are not yet depreciated.
contract commitment
Legally enforceable claim upon financial resources arising from an agreement with a natural person or legal entity.
contract commitment decrease
Adjustment to a contract commitment that decreases the contract commitment amount and one or more account information amounts. Payment forecast amounts are decreased accordingly.
contract commitment increase
Adjustment to a contract commitment that increases the contract commitment amount and one or more account information amounts. Payment forecasts amount are increased accordingly.
cover contract commitment
Contract commitment, arising from an agreement and therefore legally enforceable, under which standard contract commitments are subsumed and payments are effected.
cross charge authorization
In Internal Trading, the procedure where cross charges are accepted or rejected by an authorizer.
dialog unit
A collection of one or more documents of the same type, belonging to the same third party and site combination or the same third party if there is no site. Each dialog unit has a unique name and number. The individual documents in a dialog unit can be approved in one step.
document limit
A threshold for purchases or payments within a given financial year. A document limit is used in dossier.
A framework for budgetary transfer. Dossiers can have the following relationships to other dossiers: parent dossier, child dossier, complementary dossier, retirement dossier, and adjustment dossier.
dunning letter charges
Public sector enhancements to Purchasing and Payables, providing a versatile means of charging customers for dunning letters.
Enhanced Funds Checker
Public sector enhancements to General Ledger that enable more than one funding budget to be available when checking funds for journals, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, or invoices. Enhanced Funds Checker includes multiple funding budgets.
Any transaction that requires the encumbering of funds of a commitment budgetary control account.
Exchange Protocol
Exchange Protocol is the approval cycle for both Payables and Receivables documents. This protocol enables the authorizer department and the account officer department to communicate documents within the required framework. See authorizer.
Extended Dunning Letter Charges
The ability to add a charge for each dunning letter which is raised or to add a charge for each invoice which is outstanding on a dunning letter.
future postings account
A holding account for advance payments. A future postings account is used in Multi-Period Posting.
global price update
Updates an item price throughout the system. A global price update is used in Standing Charges.
Hierarchical Drill-Down Inquiry
Public sector enhancements to account inquiry in General Ledger.
Inflation Accounting for Assets
Public sector enhancement to Assets which restates assets to their current value in respect of cost and associated depreciation. This is an extension of the functionality provided by Modified Historic Cost Accounting.
internal charge journal
A journal from one charge center to another charge center. An internal charge journal is generated by Internal Trading.
Internal Trading
Public sector enhancements in General Ledger to improve control of departmental cross-charge authorization. Internal Trading tracks cross charges between charge centers within the same organization.
invoice history
Invoice history is used in standing charges. Provides details of each of the invoices generated to date for each standing charge.
legal number
Number generated automatically when a dialog unit reaches the point of acceptance. Legal numbers are used in exchange protocol. See point of acceptance and Exchange Protocol.
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Payables invoices that is also known as ordonnance. See dialog unit.
See Modified Historic Cost Accounting.
MHCA depreciation
Depreciation expense based on the portion of an asset’s value resulting from revaluation.
Modified Historic Cost Accounting
MHCA is a form of Current Cost Accounting (CCA) for fixed assets which revalues the historic cost of the asset.
Multi-Period Posting
Multi-Period Posting is an extension to the Payables Enter Invoice feature that enables expenses to be recognized as they are incurred.
multiple funding budgets
Enables funds checking and reservation across multiple single year budgets for journals, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices. Multiple funding budgets are used in enhanced funds checker.
multiple year budget
A single year budget held over multiple years that is used in Enhanced Funds Checker.
multiple year posting
When creating a provisional or confirmed contract commitment, it is possible to enter multiple payment forecasts. A payment date forecast amount is an amount that is expected to be paid on a future specified date.
Netting is performed between Payables and Receivables for a single third party. Offsets an outstanding amount by creating a document in either Payables or Receivables. This function is available to accountants only. There are six types of netting transaction defined. See adjusting the AR balance, adjusting the AP balance, objection to payment, assignments, payment excesses/amounts overpaid, and supplier reimbursements.
netting batch
A collection of netting packages defined for netting at a later date. Netting batches are used in Single Third Party. See netting.
netting in progress
Documents, and their totals, that are defined for netting and are pending payment. Netting in progress is used in Single Third Party. See netting.
netting package
Collection of single third party documents for netting. Netting packages are used in Single Third Party. See netting.
objection to payment
Type of netting. Objection to payment nets the Payables invoice for a given third party with a Payables invoice from another third party, known as the objecting third party. See netting.
offering installment terms
Public sector enhancement to Receivables enabling customers of an organization to pay invoices in periodic installments.
Oracle Public Sector Financials (International).
ordinary depreciation
Depreciation for revalued assets consists of ordinary, MHCA, and backlog depreciation. Ordinary depreciation results from depreciation of the historic portion of the asset’s cost.
See mandate.
parent dossier
Dossier placed at the top of a dossier hierarchy that defines the original budget source for children dossiers. See dossier and child dossier.
payback order
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Payables credit memos. See dialog unit.
payment dossier
Type of budget dossier for managing funds in a single fiscal year.
payment excesses/amounts overpaid
Type of netting that nets a third party’s Receivables settlements or invoices. See netting.
payment forecast
Encumbrance to the standard budget. Payment forecasts are linked to encumbered provisional contract commitments or encumbered contract commitments. It represents the amount that is expected to be paid in a certain year.
payment forecast schedule
An Enhanced Funds Checker feature that enables how a payment budget is to be appropriated to be defined.
payment funds checking
An Enhanced Funds Checker feature for requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices. Determines the periods to check the funds against a payment budget.
payment redistribution
Adjustment to one or more payment forecasts related to the same account or different accounts. Payment forecasts are increased and decreased to maintain balance. The total amount of the contract commitment is not changed. Payment forecast amounts are changed within the payment schedule.
payment schedule
All payment forecasts related to the contract commitment account information. A payment schedule shows how the total amount of one contract commitment account information is allocated to the different budget years.
point of acceptance
Occurs when an accountant validates dialog units. Payment takes place when the validation is complete. Point of acceptance is used in exchange protocol. See dialog unit.
position hierarchy
Defined profiles, each with a number of allowed actions, that model a business process in a series of steps. Position hierarchies are used in the exchange protocol approval cycle.
price history
Provides details of each standing charge detail line. Price history is used in Standing Charges.
profile code
In Budgeting Extensions, a mechanism for spreading an annual budget figure over multiple accounting periods. It also provides lists of values for data entry windows.
profile method
Profile methods are used in next year budget creation. The types of profile options are latest, primary and real. Latest uses the profile code that is most recently assigned to the accounting flexfield. Primary uses the profile code that was first assigned to the accounting flexfield. Real ignores the profile code and uses the raw next year budget period figures for the accounting flexfield.
provisional contract commitment
A contract commitment for which an agreement is not yet legally enforceable because the contract is unsigned.
range code
A group of accounts created by storing and naming a user-defined range of accounting flexfields, accessed by the list of values on the budgeting extensions windows.
reallocation certificate
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Payables or Receivables mixed invoices. See dialog unit.
reason code
User-defined budget reasons, accessed by the lists of values on the Budgeting Extensions windows.
receipt certificate
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Receivables invoices. See dialog unit.
reduction certificate
A specific type of dialog unit containing only Receivables credit memos that is also known as a cancellation certificate. See dialog unit.
releases of cover contract commitment
Individual contract commitments with different suppliers can be related to one single contract commitment. These standard contract commitments are referred to as releases. Releases represent the agreements with parties that perform the activities to reach goals as agreed to in the agreement that relates to the cover contract commitment. Actual payments are made to parties to whom the standard contract commitments or releases are made.
repeated periodic payments
See standing charges.
A global adjustment to existing budgets by applying a new profile code. Used in budgeting extensions.
reserve for encumbrance account
Account used to record the encumbrance liability. When an encumbrance is created by a contract commitment that is not a release, General Ledger creates a balancing entry to the encumbrance account when the encumbrance journal is posted. An encumbrance journal is created for both the contract commitment budget and the standard budget.
retirement dossier
Dossier that cancels a related dossier. To cancel the related dossier, the original budget journals that result from the related dossier must be reversed. A dossier that is retired cannot be associated to other dossiers. See dossier.
revaluation of contract commitment
Revaluation of contract commitment is performed when the entered currency for contract commitments is different than the functional currency defined in the set of books. Revaluation is concerned with currency fluctuation and its impact on current and future budgets.
secondary approval holds
The second stage in approving an invoice for payment. After an invoice passes AutoApproval, the invoice is marked with a secondary approval hold. A third level of approval is possible. See central finance user.
Secondary Invoice Approval
Public sector enhancement to Payables that provides a secure method of enforcing departmental approvals. See AutoApproval.
single occurrence table
A single occurrence of the secure table within the security group in subledger security. For example, if a secure table is allocated to a security group directly, it is not allocated to any subledger security process group for the same security group. If a secure table is allocated to a subledger security process group, it is not allocated directly to the security group to which the process group is allocated. The secure table is not allocated to any other process group allocated to the same security group.
Single Third Party
Single third party (STP) provides a single entry point for the customer or supplier and allows reconciliation of the outstanding balance that a single third party may have as a customer or a supplier. The authorizing department and the accounts department remain separated throughout the process.
standard charge items
Defines periodic items for goods and services.
standard contract commitment
Contract commitment for which an agreement is signed with a natural person or legal entity and on the basis of which payments are made. A legal entity can also be part of the national government.
standing charges
Public sector enhancement to Receivables. Standing charges are also known as repeated periodic payments that define and maintain details of standing charge agreements that Receivables uses to periodically generate invoices.
status check
Set of tests that Contract Commitment performs on a contract commitment to ensure that it is in a valid state before performing an approval action.
Subledger Security
Subledger Security is an extension to Oracle Financials that enables the user to selectively partition data within a single install of Oracle Financials. Subledger Security provides a system where all business units can access their own financial information only.
Subledger Security extended table
Used by Subledger Security to hold security group information for a secured table. Each Oracle Financials secured table has a corresponding subledger security extended table.
submission check
Set of tests on a contract commitment document to ensure that it is in an approvable state and therefore ready to be submitted for processing.
super user security group
The Subledger Security implementation of the central finance concept. The super user security group is not a physical security group, but is a profile option value associated with a responsibility. See security group.
supplementary depreciation
Addition of an asset to a prior financial year in the MHCA register, where the difference in prior year depreciation is based on historic and current costs. Supplementary depreciation is charged to the revaluation reserve and not the operating account.
supplier reimbursements
Type of netting. Supplier reimbursements net Payables settlements or invoices of a third party when a credit memo is received. See netting.
total payment forecast
The determined total value of a contract commitment is the expected total cost of the purpose of the contract commitment and is encumbered in the year the contract is confirmed or agreed upon.
transaction matching
Method of selecting Payables or Receivables documents for netting. Transaction matching selects documents with matching Payables attribute voucher number and Receivables attribute reference. Used in Single Third Party.
Changing state of contract commitment from provisional to confirmed, or from provisional to cancelled, or from confirmed to completed.
transmission unit
Conveys dialog units between the authorizer and the accountant. The dialog units within the transmission unit must be an identical type, but can contain multiple third parties. A transmission unit has a unique numbering system and is used in exchange protocol. See dialog unit.
Amount of a contract commitment for which an invoice has not yet been received.
Particular version of a contract commitment. A new version is created due to changes in controlled information.
year end process
Actions required to enable the correct processing of transactions through Exchange Protocol approval at the end of a client’s financial year.
year-end processing of a contract commitment
Process performed at year-end to adjust the contract commitment to make the payment forecast equal to the actually invoiced amount against the standard budget. The remainder is transferred to the next year’s payment forecast, or in case of an overspent situation, taken from the next year. In the case of a provisional contract commitment, the encumbrance on the standard budget is transferred to the next year’s standard budget.