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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Hierarchical Drill-Down Inquiry Procedure


Hierarchical Drill-Down Inquiry provides online top-down inquiries, enabling users to do the following:


A hierarchy is definable with segments of the chart of accounts assigned to each level and balances summarized by segment at each level. Balances can be viewed from first to last segments of the hierarchy down to specific journal lines.

For an example of a hierarchical balance structure, see Hierarchical Drill-Down Example, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

To Date Drill-Down

To date drill-down displays the following:

Full Year Drill-Down

Full year drill-down displays the following:

Projections Drill-Down

Projections drill-down displays the following:


Hierarchical Drill-Down Inquiry Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To view balances for selected accounts:

  1. Navigate to the Drill-Down Inquiry window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Hierarchical Drill-Down - Drill-Down Inquiry

  2. In the Selection region, select a ledger name, period name, and budget name from the list of values.

    Note: The Ledger Name defaults to the ledger for which the Hierarchical Drill-Down Setup is recently saved provided you are provided access to this ledger using the GL: Data Access Set profile option. To query on a different ledger, you must define and save a new drill-down setup to create a mapping to the desired ledger. The new setup overwrites the existing mapping.

  3. In the Factor field, select a display and precision factor from the drop-down list for rounding balances.

  4. To include commitments in actuals balances, select the Commitment check box.

  5. In the Company and Department fields, select level descriptions from the list of values.

    To populate the remaining fields, click Drill Down.

  6. Select one of the following tabs:

  7. Select a line item.

  8. Click one of the following:

Drill-Down Inquiry Window Description

The following table describes the Drill-Down Inquiry window.

Drill-Down Inquiry Window Description
Field Name Description
Operating Unit operating unit
Period Name period name
Budget Name budget name
Factor display and precision factor
Commitment indicates commitments included within actuals balances
Company level 1 description, as defined in set of books
Department level 2 description, as defined in set of books
Account level 3 description, as defined in set of books
Sub-Account level 4 description, as defined in set of books
Code actuals code; user definable; one of key accounting flexfields
Description actuals description; user definable
Period-To-Date actual period-to-date balance
Year-To-Date actual year-to-date balance
Drill Down displays the following window in the hierarchy
Drill Up displays the preceding window in the hierarchy

The following table describes the To Date Drill-Down tab in the Drill-Down Inquiry window.

Drill-Down Inquiry Window Description, To Date Drill-Down Tab
Field Name Description
Budget Period To-Date budget period-to-date balance
Budget Year To-Date budget year-to-date balance
Variance Period To-Date period-to-date budget variance; budget minus period-to-date actuals
Variance Year To-Date year-to-date budget variance; budget minus year-to-date actuals

The following table describes the Full Year Drill-Down tab in the Drill-Down Inquiry window.

Drill-Down Inquiry Window Description, Full Year Drill-Down Tab
Field Name Description
Budget Period To-Date budget period-to-date balance
Budget Year To-Date budget year-to-date balance
Full Year Full Year budget full year amount
Full Year Full Year Est budget full year estimate; year-to-date actuals divided by year-to-date budget, multiplied by full year budget

The following table describes the Projections Drill-Down tab in the Drill-Down Inquiry window.

Drill-Down Inquiry Window Description, Projections Drill-Down Tab
Field Name Description
Budget full year budget balance
Projection full year budget minus year-to-date budget plus year-to-date actuals
Projection Variance projected variance; projection minus full year budget
Projection% projected percentage variance; projection variance divided by full year budget multiplied by 100
Overspend indicates if overspend projected

Journals Window Description

Journals Window Description
Field Name Description
Batch batch name
Journal Entry journal name
Source journal source; for example, manual
Description journal line description
Debit journal line debit
Credit journal line credit