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Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13418-03
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Internal Trading Procedures


The Internal Trading process enables users to perform the following tasks:

Internal Trading features are detailed in the table below.

Internal Trading Features
Feature Description
Maintain Charge Centers, Ranges, Authorizers, Originators, and Services Accounting flexfield ranges constitute the charge centers. An authorizer is allocated to each accounting flexfield range to approve service lines for that charge center. Charge originators and service types are associated with each charge center.
Enter and Submit Cross Charges When a cross charge is submitted for approval, if budgetary control and the Use Encumbrance setup option are enabled, funds are reserved.
Notification When Workflow is enabled, Workflow notification informs authorizers of service lines requiring attention, and informs originators when a service line is approved or rejected.
When Workflow is disabled, authorizers are alerted if there are service lines awaiting attention when the Cross Charge Receiver Authorization window is invoked. Originators can confirm if service lines have been approved or rejected in the Charge Summary window.
Internal Charge Approval or Rejection When rejecting a service line, authorizers are required to enter a reason for the rejection and a suggested value that is acceptable.
Resubmit Service Line Originators can modify and resubmit service lines rejected by authorizers. If Workflow is enabled, originators can modify and resubmit service lines rejected in creation or receiving. If the Use Encumbrance setup option is enabled, the funds reservation changes to reflect the changed amount of the service line.
Cancel Service Line Originators can cancel service lines rejected by authorizers. If Workflow is enabled, originators can cancel service lines rejected in creation or receiving. If the Use Encumbrance setup option is enabled, funds are unreserved.
Authorization Time Limit If a time limit is set for authorization, any service lines that have not been accepted or rejected within that time can be automatically accepted by running a concurrent program.
If Workflow is enabled and there is no response to a request for approval notification within the defined time limit, the service line is automatically approved.
If the Use Double Timeout setup option is enabled, the final approver is given an additional amount of time, as defined in the setup options, and is informed with a notification.


Creating Internal Charge Entries Procedure

Creating an Internal Charge Header

the picture is described in the document text

To create an internal charge header, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Enter Charges window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Internal Trading - Enter Cross Charges

  2. In the Charge Name field, enter a unique internal charge name.

  3. In the Charge Center field, select the charge center. Corresponding ledger name is displayed automatically.

  4. In the GL Period field, select the accounting period for the internal charge from the list of values.

Creating Service Lines

To create service lines, perform the following steps.

  1. Select the Main tab.

  2. In the Num field, enter the service line number.

  3. In the Service Description field, enter a description for the service line.

  4. In the Service Type field, select the appropriate service type from the list of values.

  5. In the Payment Type field, select either Payment or Charge from the drop-down list.

  6. In the Amount field, enter a charge or payment amount.

  7. Select the Creation tab.

  8. In the Cost Center field, select the appropriate creation cost center for the internal cross charge from the list of values.

  9. In the <configurable segment> field, if enabled, select the appropriate configurable accounting flexfield segment from the list of values.

    Note: The name of this field is defined when setting up internal trading. For information on setting up internal trading, see Setting Up Internal Trading Setup Options , Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

    The creation account code is automatically generated in the Account field.

  10. Select the Receiving tab.

  11. In the Cost Center field, select the appropriate receiving cost center for the internal cross charge from the list of values.

  12. In the <configurable segment> field, select the appropriate configurable accounting flexfield segment from the list of values.

    Note: The name of this field is defined when setting up internal trading. For information on setting up internal trading, see Setting Up Internal Trading Setup Options , Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide.

    The receiving account code is automatically generated in the Account field.

Submitting Service Lines

  1. When all service lines are entered, save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  2. Click Actions.

  3. If the Use Encumbrance setup option is enabled, perform the following tasks:

  4. Click Submit for Approval.

  5. To confirm the action, click OK.

    The new cross charge is submitted for approval.

    Note: If the Use Encumbrance setup option is selected, the General Ledger Create Journal routine creates encumbrance journals after the funds are reserved. If Workflow is enabled, the charge is sent for creation approval; otherwise, the charge is available to the authorizers in the Cross Charge Receiver Authorization window.

Enter Charges Window Description

Enter Charges Window Description, Header Region and Main Tab
Field Name Description
Charge Center originator’s charge center
Raised By user's name as originator
Currency cross charge currency
Status internal cross charge status; not set until cross charge submitted
Service Status service line status
Submit Date date cross charge submitted
Enter Charges Window Description, Creation Tab
Field Name Description
Num service line number
Service Description service line description
<configurable segment> user-defined accounting flexfield segment; defaults to segment from charge originator’s user flexfield segments; field name defined in Setting Up Internal Trading Setup Options, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide; if not defined, segment taken from creation account
Account automatically generated creation account flexfield
Account Description accounting flexfield description
Enter Charges Window Description, Receiving Tab
Field Name Description
Num service line number
Service Description service line description
Cost Center service line accounting flexfield segment; defaults to segment from receiving account of selected service type; accounting flexfield created using this segment must fall within a valid range with an authorizer assigned to it
<configurable segment> user-defined accounting flexfield segment; defaults to segment from receiving account of selected service type; accounting flexfield created using this segment must fall within a valid range with an authorizer assigned to it; prompt defined in Setting Up Internal Trading Setup Options Procedure, Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Implementation Guide
Account automatically generated receiving account flexfield
Account Description accounting flexfield description

Actions Window Description

Actions Window Description
Field Name Description
Reserve Funds reserves funds in cross charge encumbrance journal
Unreserve Funds removes cross charge funds reservation
View Results displays results of funds reservation for service lines
Submit for Approval submits cross charge for approval

Approving Service Lines Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

Note: This procedure is only valid if Workflow is disabled. If Workflow is enabled, the Cross Charge Receiver Authorization window is unavailable.

To approve an internal cross charge service line:

  1. Navigate to the Cross Charge Receiver Authorization window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Internal Trading - Approve Cross Charges

  2. In the Ledger Name field, select a ledger.

  3. In the Authorize field, select Approve or Reject from the drop-down list.

  4. If the service line is rejected, perform the following tasks:

Cross Charge Receiver Authorization Window Description

Cross Charge Receiver Authorization Window Description
Field Name Description
Ledger Name ledger name
Select if selected, marks service line as approved or rejected
Originator originator who raised cross charge
Description cross charge description as defined by originator
Receiving Acct service line receiving account flexfield
Payment Type service line payment type
Amount service line credit or debit amount
Rejection Note authorizer’s reason for rejecting service line
Suggested Amount suggested amount for rejected service line
Suggested Receiving Account suggested change to receiving account flexfield
Receiving Account Description receiving account flexfield description
Suggested Receiving Account Description suggested receiving account flexfield description
Charge Center charge center against which cross charge raised

Viewing a Cross Charge Summary Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To view a cross charge summary:

  1. Navigate to the Find Cross Charges window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Internal Trading - Charge Summary

  2. In the Query Level region, select the Header radio button.

  3. Perform one or more of the following tasks:

  4. Click Find.

    The Cross Charges Summary window appears.

  5. To view information on the selected cross charge, click Open.

    The Enter Charges window appears.

Resubmitting Service Lines Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To resubmit a rejected service line:

  1. Navigate to the Find Cross Charges window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Internal Trading - Charge Summary

  2. In the Ledger Name field, select a ledger.

  3. In the Query Level region, select the Line radio button.

  4. Perform one or more of the following tasks:

  5. Click Find.

    The Services window appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Optionally, in the Amount field, enter a new amount for the service line.

  7. Optionally, in the Receiving Account field, select a new receiving account from the list of values.

  8. If encumbrance accounting is enabled, reserve funds as follows:

    Tools - Reserve Funds

    Note: This action changes the service line status to Reserved Not Submitted. If the original service line query searched for service lines with the status Rejected by Receiver, the selected service line disappears from the Services window as it no longer meets the query requirements. To retrieve the service line, perform a new query and select Reserved Not Submitted from the list of values in the Service Status field.

  9. Resubmit the service line as follows:

    Tools - Resubmit

Canceling Service Lines Procedure

To cancel a rejected service line:

  1. Navigate to the Find Cross Charges window as follows:

    OPSF(I) Internal Trading - Charge Summary

  2. In the Query Level region, select the Line radio button.

  3. Perform one or more of the following tasks:

  4. Click Find.

    The Services window appears.

  5. Cancel the service line as follows:

    Tools - Cancel Services

    Note: This menu option is only enabled if the service line is rejected.

  6. Click OK.

Tools Menu

The following table shows the options available on the Tools menu when viewing a cross charge summary or resubmitting rejected service lines.

Tools Menu Options
Menu Option Description
View Services opens Services window to display service lines within selected cross charge; available in Cross Charges Summary window
Cancel Services cancels selected service line; available in Services window if selected service line has status Rejected by Receiver or Rejected in Creation
Approval History displays approval history of selected cross charge or service line; available in Cross Charges Summary window and Services window
Reserve Funds reserves funds for cross charge service line; available in Services window if encumbrancing enabled and rejected service line amount changed
Unreserve Funds removes cross charge funds reservation; available in Services window if encumbrancing enabled and funds reserved for selected service line
Resubmit resubmits service line; available in Services window; funds must be reserved before resubmission if encumbrancing enabled and rejected service line amount changed
View Results displays results of funds reservation for service lines; available in Services window if encumbrancing enabled

Find Cross Charges Window Description

Find Cross Charges Window Description
Field Name Description
Query Level defines type of query; select Header to activate Charge Name, Originator, Currency, and Charge Status fields; select Line to activate Service Status and Service name fields; defaults to Header
Charge Name cross charge name
Originator cross charge originator
Currency cross charge currency
Charge Status cross charge status; only displayed and active when Header radio button selected
Service Status cross charge service line status; only displayed and active when Line radio button selected
Service Name service line name
Clear clears all fields and resets defaults
Find activates query

Cross Charges Summary Window Description

Cross Charges Summary Window Description
Field Name Description
Charge Name cross charge name
Period accounting period
Originator cross charge originator
Currency cross charge currency
Status cross charge status
Services opens Services window
New opens Enter Charges window to enter a new cross charge

Services Window Description

Services Window Description
Field Name Description
Num service line number
Ledger Name ledger name
Service Name service line name
Description service line description
Payment Type service line payment type
Status service line status
Creation Account service line creation account flexfield
Charge Name name of cross charge containing service line
Originator cross charge originator
Creation Account Description creation account flexfield description
Receiving Account Description receiving account flexfield description
Rejection Note authorizer’s reason for rejecting service line; only displayed if rejected service line selected and Workflow disabled
Suggested Amount new service line amount suggested by authorizer; only displayed if rejected service line selected and Workflow disabled
Suggested Receiving Account new receiving account flexfield suggested by authorizer; only displayed if rejected service line selected and Workflow disabled