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Oracle Financials Concepts Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13424-03
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Release 12 is designed so that you have decision making information at your fingertips. This provides "Greater Business Insight".

Daily Management

Oracle Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) is a portal with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and portlets focused on measuring your growth and direction for each of your business and cost center managers. In the Oracle E-Business Suite, there are over sixty dashboards, over 360 KPIs, and approximately 920 portlets.

DBI requires very little setup and delivers information along the major dimensions of your business. It reflects your daily incremental activity and facilitates immediate response bringing the information that you need directly to your staff's browsers. DBI provides continuous updates, usually daily, but as frequently as you require.

Financials Daily Business Intelligence includes dashboards for Profit and Loss managers, Payables Manager, and Receivables Manager. You can personalize and customize DBI to some extent.

Periodic Management

More formal fiscally controlled financial reporting is available directly from the General Ledger ledgers and ledger sets using a tool called Financial Statement Generator (FSG). You can use FSG to product financial statements such as Cash Flow Statements, Balance Sheet Statements, and Income Statements.

Use FSG to map accounts to reporting lines and results (such as activity, balances, and budgets) to columns in reports. You can associate FSG reports with individual and multiple ledgers and ledger sets, and you can save the output in several formats including XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) that can be further processed and published.

XBRL is a language for the electronic communication of business and financial data. It is one of a family of "XML" (Extensible Markup Language) languages that is becoming a standard means of communicating information between businesses and on the internet. XBRL is being developed by an international non-profit consortium of major companies, organizations and government agencies. It is an open standard, free of licence fees. XBRL offers cost savings, greater efficiency, and improved accuracy and reliability to those involved in supplying or using financial data.

Periodic Analysis

Products that are built on the Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation such as Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, Oracle Financial Consolidation Hub, Oracle Profitability Manager, and Oracle Transfer Pricing, include their own deeply configurable reporting. The Enterprise Performance Foundation based products share a rich interface with your desktop office applications.

For additional information about these products, refer to the following:


Oracle Financials provides extensive reporting capability as described in the following sections.

Standard Reports

Several thousand reports are shipped with Oracle Financials products.

Filing with the Authorities

Oracle Financials includes many standard reports that are designed to support your ability to file statutory, transaction tax (for example, sales tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), and Goods and Service Tax (GST)), and other reports with authorities in over 120 countries around the world.

Reconciliation and Control

Many other standard reports are oriented towards reconciling and controlling your data. Examples include receivables aging reports and customer and vendor trial balances.

Drill-down and Cross Reference

The Oracle E-Business Suite products are integrated and based on a common data model. Interrelated drill-down reports are efficient and comprehensive, and in many cases, several layers deep.

Product Specific Reports

Oracle Financials provides many reports for specific functional areas. Oracle General Ledger and Oracle Subledger Accounting report on accounting affairs. Oracle Receivables and Oracle Payables report on invoices and payments. Oracle Cash Management provides detailed cash flow reports. Oracle E-Business Tax provides reports specifically for sales and value added tax reporting.

Generating Reports

You can run reports from our menu system. Extracts are generated from the database and are then formatted and published. Traditional reports have a unique extract. Newer and revised reports may share extracts and allow formatting to hide data that is not required.

Reporting Tools

Oracle XML Publisher is a key reporting tool in Release 12. XML Publisher helps users to create formatting templates in desktop products such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel so that non technical and non Information Technology people can do this. XML Publisher also facilitates helps to automatically pair these templates with extracts to produce the ideal report.

You can use XML Publisher to save reports to many different file types including XML, PDF, RTF, and Excel and to publish reports by printing, sending in an e-mail, or posting to web sites or portals. XML Publisher can be applied to both reports and documents.

Release 12 includes new common extracts and XML Publisher templates for many standard reports. Certain standard reports retain their previous unique extracts and formatting.

Tip for Existing Oracle Financials Users

Desktop Integrators

Other important reporting tools include the Desktop Integrators. Desktop Integration provides support for creating and summarizing both input and output data in two-dimensional spreadsheets. Desktop Integration is provided by most products in appropriate circumstances.

RXi Reports

The RXi Reports Administration Tool allows you to design the content and layout of your RXi reports. You can print the same report using different layouts, and you can control the data items included in your report. RXi lets you tailor your reports to meet statutory and other reporting requirements, and to create reports for your own internal use.

SQL Extracts

Your staff can create and run SQL extracts to obtain additional information from the database.

Oracle Discoverer

Oracle Discoverer is a business intelligence tool for analyzing data. Users can access and analyze data in a company's database without having to understand difficult database concepts. Users can also view workbooks and integrate database output onto a web site and portal that can be easily customized to conform to a particular web site look and feel, or to build custom Discoverer applications for the web.

Oracle Portal

You can use Oracle Portal to create a portal Web interface, publish and manage information, access dynamic data, and customize the portal experience. You can design enterprise portals that are the single entry point to business applications, content, collaborative tools, and Web sites.

Security and Reports

For the most part, access and security to reports of all kinds follows the access and security that are associated with the system representation of your organization and the process involved. Where appropriate, reporting security extends this model. For example, a reporter working on the receivables balance needs to know the full receivable, even if the reporter doesn't have access to each invoice.

Reporting and Systems Organizations

In general, reporting respects your organization as you have modeled it in the system. For example, reports associated with a ledger will be limited to that ledger. Reports associated with a ledger set will include all ledgers in the ledger set.

Subledger reports are generally defined by the operating unit with which they are reported. For example, reports for the Italian operating until will include data for Italy only. In specific cases, reports can run across subledgers. Certain Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) reports are secured by operating unit, and are Multiple Organizations enabled. You can access data for either a subset of the operating unit or all of the operating units, depending on the setup.

For example, if Joe is a Payables Manager for North America, the DBI Payables page can be set up to give Joe summary information across the United States and Canada only, while Joe's boss Mary can be set up to have access to information across all operating units.

Other product specific reports are also designed to run across operating units.

As the data in operating units can be defined specifically for that operating unit (for example, the operating unit may define transactions in different currencies) users must be careful that the aggregated report includes similar data. For example, the report should not add values in USD currency from a United States operating unit to values in CAD currency from a Canadian operating unit.