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Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13434-06
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Oracle EDI Inbound ASN Enhancement for Warehouse Management

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Warehouse Management enhances existing Oracle EDI Inbound ASN transactions to enable a supplier to send License Plate Number (LPN), Lot Number, and Serial Number data on an inbound ASN. A new interface file level, Line Detail, has been added to ASNI transaction map defined by Oracle EDI. This new level of data maps to 4000 records on an inbound ASN flat file. Each record in this level is a child for an interface transaction line record. It may contain LPN, Quantity, UOM Code, Lot Number, or Serial Number data.

The following is a list of the Oracle Warehouse Management required fields, if your Oracle Warehouse Management is licensed, and wish to receive LPN data on the ASN. If the required data is not provided in the transaction, or the validation for the data fails, the Oracle Warehouse Management import process will fail to preprocess the LPN data from the ASN. The remainder of the import process may succeed without LPN data. As a result this ASN cannot be express-received. A Confirmed Receipt must be performed.

Oracle Warehouse Management Required Fields
Column Name Record No. Position No. Note
LOT_NUMBER 4000 20 NULL for non-lot controlled
FROM_SERIAL_NUMBER 4000 30 NULL for non-serial controlled
TO_SERIAL_NUMBER 4000 40 NULL for non-serial controlled
QUANTITY 4000 50 Quantity on LPN
UOM_CODE_INT 4000 60 Internal UOM Code
UOM_CODE_EXT1 4000 70 External UOM Code if code conversion defined

Related Topics

Explaining License Plate Management, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

License Plate Data (Line Detail)


This column identifies the License Plate Number that identifies the container for this line of material. To be successfully processed, this number must be a new LPN number, not previously defined in Oracle Warehouse Management. If the number already exists, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and the ASN will be processed without LPN data. In that case, a Confirmed Receipt must be performed. One ASN can be packed in to more than one LPN. But one LPN cannot contain more than one ASN.


This column identifies the lot number of the material shipped. If this number violates the lot uniqueness constraints, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and a Confirmed Receipt must be performed. Note that lot expiration date is not sent with the ASN. If the lot expiration date for the item is shelf life based, the lot expiration date will be the current date/time of importing, incremented by the shelf life days. If the lot expiration date is pre-defined, the current date/time of importing will be used as the expiration date. You need to modify the lot expiration date through the Lot Number Maintenance form after a receipt has been performed against this ASN. The above discussion about the lot expiration date only applies to a new lot number.


The two columns identify the serial numbers shipped. If the serial numbers violate the serial uniqueness constraints, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and a Confirmed Receipt must be performed.


This column represents the quantity of material packed on this LPN. It is possible for more than one line detail record to exist for one interface transaction record. The total quantity of the line detail records that belong to one interface transaction line record has to match the quantity of that interface transaction line record. If the quantity does not match, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and a Confirmed Receipt must be performed. Detail of the quantity relationship will be presented below in an example.


This column represents the internal UOM code defined in Oracle Applications. If the UOM code is left blank, UOM code will be derived from an external UOM code based on the UOM conversion definition. If the external UOM code is not populated, the UOM at the transaction interface line level will be used to derive it. If this UOM code is populated, it has to match the UOM of the parent interface transaction line record. If they do not match, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and a Confirmed Receipt must be performed.


These columns represent the external UOM code found in the transaction if code conversion is defined as such. If this external UOM code is populated, it has to match that of the parent interface transaction line record. If they do not match, Oracle Warehouse Management import will fail and a Confirmed Receipt must be performed.

ASNI Record Hierarchy

the picture is described in the document text


This column is defined at the interface transaction line level (table name RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE). It is addressed here because the value in this column identifies the type of incoming data and effects the behavior of the import process, in particular Receiving Open Interface. The valid values are:

Oracle Warehouse Management currently only supports SHIP. Existing Oracle ASNI transactions support all three AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE for NON- lot, NON-serial controlled items only.

Necessary E-commerce Gateway Setup Steps for Warehouse Management Enhancement

You should consult the Oracle e-commerce Gateway User's Guide and Implementation Manual for complete instructions on setting up e-commerce Gateway. This section highlights the steps that usually cause problems if not properly performed.

Seed Date Reconciliation

Verify the Line Detail level has been created for the ASNI map

Responsibility: Manufacturing & Distribution Manager or e-Commerce Gateway

Navigation: EDI > Setup > Interface File Definition

To verify:

  1. Query for ASNI in the Transaction field.

  2. Choose the down arrow while cursor is in the master block.

    You should see three master level records: Header, Line, and Line Detail.

    For the Line Detail master record, the detail block should show Oracle Warehouse Management related fields, such as License_plate_number.

Run the Seed Data Reconciliation Concurrent Request

If only two master levels have been seen, you must submit the Seed Data Reconciliation concurrent request as follows:

Navigation: EDI > Process > Seed Data Reconciliation

To submit the Seed Data Reconciliation concurrent request:

  1. Choose Single request, then OK.

  2. Invoke LOV in the Name field, that leads you to the Parameters window.

    Transaction Type: ASNI

    Reserve Layout: No

    Rest of the fields: Yes

  3. Choose OK.

  4. Submit the request.

Verify that the concurrent request completes normally, then go back to verify the line detail level.

If the concurrent request completes with an error or warning, view the log file and consult the e-commerce Gateway relevant document for a solution. Usually there is an issue with staged ASNI documents. Navigate to the EDI >Process >View Staged Documents form to delete the skipped documents for IN: Ship Notice/Manifest (856/DESADV).

EDI Import Process

There are two concurrent programs executed in sequence:

IN Ship Notice / Manifest (856/DESADV)

  1. Navigate to EDI > Process > Import Program

  2. Choose Single Request

  3. Choose Ok

  4. Enter IN: Ship Notice/ Manifest (856/DESADV) in the Name field.

    When you exit the field the parameter window opens

  5. Enter the file name in the Inbound Datafile name field.

  6. Choose Yes or No to determine if the Receiving transaction processor is called in the Execute Open Interface Field

  7. Enter EC_ANSI_FF as the Map Code

  8. Enter 0,1,2,3 as the Debug mode.

  9. Choose Ok.

  10. Submit the Request.

    Note the request ID and verify the request completes properly.

Receiving Transaction Processor

The Receiving Transaction Processor can be automatically invoked by the previous concurrent program. A different request ID is giving for this concurrent request. It is recommended to us the All My Requests option in the Find Requests window to very both requests completed without error.

You can invoke the Receiving Transaction Processor manually after importing the tables by completing the following steps:

To Invoke the Receiving Transaction Processor Manually

  1. Navigate to the Requests window.

  2. Choose Single Request

  3. Choose Ok.

  4. Enter Receiving Transaction Processor in the Name field

  5. Submit the request

Interface Table Definition

Oracle Warehouse Management uses the interface table WMS_LPN_CONTENTS_INTERFACE to temporarily store LPN content data imported through EDI. The LPN content processing program (WMSASNIB.pls) processes and validates records from this table, then populates the appropriate Oracle Application tables. The following is a summary of all the columns in this table.

Name Type

Process Trace

IN: Ship Notice/Manifest (856/DESADV) Trace

Different debug levels (0 to 3) can be set for IN: Ship Notice/Manifest (856/DESADV). The higher the debug level, more messages you will see in the current request log. Process trace can be viewed within the concurrent request log by clicking View Log from the Requests form.

Oracle Warehouse Management LPN Content Import Process Trace

The Oracle Warehouse Management LPN content import process trace can be found in the concurrent request log for the Receiving Transaction Processor. The following two profile options need to be set to view the process trace for Oracle Warehouse Management LPN content import process:

After setting these profiles, the process trace for Oracle Warehouse Management LPN content import can be viewed within the concurrent request log for the Receiving Transaction Processor. The reason why certain validations have failed for importing LPN, lot number, or serial number data can be found from the trace.

Note that Receiving Transaction Processor will have a different request ID than IN: Ship Notice/Manifest (856/DESADV).

Troubleshooting Tips

It is recommended that you run IN: Ship Notice/Manifest (856/DESADV) and the Receiving Transaction Processor separately for troubleshooting purposes.

After the first concurrent program is executed you should verify the following interface tables are populated:

After the second concurrent program is executed you should verify that the following application tables are populated:

Optionally the following tables may be populated:

If necessary view the process trace for any validation or other failures.