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Oracle Scripting User Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13593-04
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A Script Author command that executes at runtime upon evaluation of the object containing the action. Actions can be associated with branches, or with blocks if designated as an API block. See also pre-action and post-action.
answer collection
The recording of end user responses ("answers") to all question controls ("questions") during a script transaction. Answer collection is performed by the Scripting Engine for a script executed in either the agent interface or the Web interface, when the Answer Collection option is selected as a global script property. Answers are collected in the IES_QUESTION_DATA table in the Oracle Applications schema. Script end user responses are collected for each question designated as collectable.
answer definition
See question.
answer UI type
See question user interface type.
answer user interface type
See question user interface type.
Data provided to a function or method for use in its calculations and processing. Arguments are passed to the function or method by listing them in parentheses in the function or method name. In a Java method, these are also called parameters.
best practice Java method
Oracle Applications includes Java methods written specifically for Oracle Scripting to quickly enable frequently requested script runtime functionality. Class files containing these "best practice" Java methods are included in APPS.ZIP, each in the package oracle.apps.ies.bestpractice.<Class Name>.
best practice survey
Oracle provides some pre-built survey questionnaire scripts flows to serve as examples of how to customize scripts specifically intended for use as survey questionnaires. Aspects of these scripts can also be used in scripts to be executed in the agent interface. Best practice survey scripts are placed on the APPL_TOP in the directory $IES_TOP/scripts during installation or patching of Oracle Scripting. These are provided on an as-is basis. Use of best practice surveys requires customization and is not supported.
Virtual memory space in Oracle Scripting where information is stored in key/value pairs. This information is only retained for the duration of a single Scripting interaction.
building block
A portion of a Script Author script that contains functionality integrating with other Oracle Applications. Building blocks typically contain one or more API and typically perform a task-based operation such as creating a service request, registering for an event, and so forth. Building blocks are not intended to be used as standalone scripts, but are expected to be imported into a script and modified as appropriate. These are provided on an as-is basis. Use of building blocks requires customization and is not supported. Building block script components are created and supported by application development teams. As of this release, building block scripts are available from the Oracle Scripting and Oracle Marketing product teams. For information on building blocks, refer to Oracle Scripting Developer's Guide or product documentation for the specific Oracle application.
A focused effort to achieve a particular goal from a targeted population over a specific period of time for a particular business purpose. Also see marketing campaign.
A set of related objects that share common characteristics. In Java, a class contains a set of methods.
A boolean property of a Script Author question within a panel. This option is selected by default in the general tab of the data dictionary of each specific question defined. Individual questions can be designated as uncollectable by clearing the collectable option. When answer collection is enabled at the global script level, all script end user responses provided in a script session will be saved for questions designated as collectable. Also see answer collection.
CRM Resource Manager
Oracle CRM Resource Manager is a responsibility included with a Rapid Install of Oracle CRM Applications so that HRMS person types (most often, employees) required by Oracle products can be created. It does not have the full functionality of HRMS. Note that if HRMS is installed, HRMS employees must be created using that tool and cannot be created with CRM Resource Manager.
A cycle is a repeatable survey event, utilizing the same script. Multiple cycles will also allow the same survey to be given through different media types, when supported. Multiple cycles are typically used to measure the same characteristics at a different moment in time.
deployed scripts
Deployed scripts are syntactically correct Script Author scripts that are executable using the Scripting Engine. The only method to deploy a script is to use Script Author (either using the Tools > Deploy Script command from a graphical script, or the Save, Deploy, and Exit command from the Script Wizard). When a script is deployed it is written to the IES_DEPLOYED_SCRIPTS table of the applications database. Deployed scripts that are selected as the survey questionnaire for a valid survey campaign can be executed in a Web browser using the Scripting Engine Web interface.
A deployment is the lowest and most granular set of requirements for a survey campaign. A deployment is associated with a specific survey and cycle, and identifies specific response start and end dates. List-based deployments identify Oracle Marketing lists and Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment templates. Deployments must be set to active status (they must be "deployed") before a survey campaign commences.
deployment ID
An identification number for each deployment in a particular instance. This is created upon setting a deployment to Active status. All respondents in a particular deployment will have the same deployment ID.
See deployment ID.
error page
An error page is a survey resource that displays when the Scripting Engine encounters an error in processing a script in the Web interface (during execution of a survey or Web script in a Web browser). Survey resources defined for execution in the JTT technology stack are JSP files. Survey resources for execution in the OAF technology stack are either HTML files or (for error page or final page resources) URLs accessible to Oracle Applications at runtime, which redirect the end user to the designated location on the Internet or intranet. Error page resources are mandatory for JTT survey campaigns. If no specific error page is defined for an OAF survey campaign, a simple error page will be automatically generated by the application.In the JTT technology stack, scripts executed from self-service Web applications can use the seeded test error page for menu-based scripts (IESSVYMENUBASEDTESTERROR.JSP), whereas surveys or web scripts launched using the guest user may user error pages based on the seeded error page for non-hosted scripts, IESSVYTESTERROR.JSP.
final page
A final page is a survey resource that displays after the Scripting Engine processes the last panel in the flow of a script executed in the Web interface (during execution of a survey or Web script in a Web browser). Survey resources defined for execution in the JTT technology stack are JSP files. Survey resources for execution in the OAF technology stack are either HTML files or (for final page or error page resources) URLs accessible to Oracle Applications at runtime, which redirect the end user to the designated location on the Internet or intranet. When a file is used as the final page instead of a URL for redirect, it typically includes a thank-you message to the script end user, and indicates that the survey or Web script has ended successfully. Final pages often contain a hypertext link to the enterprise's home page or to the next logical destination for the end user (based on the purpose of the script). Final page resources are mandatory for JTT survey campaigns. If no specific final page is defined for an OAF survey campaign, a simple final page will be automatically generated by the application.
footer section
A footer section is a survey resource that, if associated with a survey campaign, displays at the bottom of each page (except the error page or final page) when a script is executed in a Web browser. Since each page represents a panel, the footer appears immediately below panel content (typically, below the Continue button). The footer section may reference corporate logos or other standardized graphics in GIF or JPEG format. If so, these graphics need to be stored on a directory accessible to the Web server and referenced appropriately in the footer section code. Survey resources defined for execution in the JTT technology stack are JSP files. Survey resources for execution in the OAF technology stack are HTML files. Footer section resources are the only optional survey resources for JTT survey campaigns. If no specific footer section is defined for any survey campaign (regardless of technology stack), no footer will appear on each page at runtime.
Footprinting is the recording in the Oracle Applications database of the names of each panel in a script transaction that is visited during a script transaction, and the duration of time (in milliseconds) prior to the activation of the next panel. This feature can provide useful script tuning data. The default for this property is true. When enabled (or when the Answer Collection property is true), this data is saved in the IES_PANEL_DATA table in the Oracle Applications schema.
graphical script
A script contains the business rules, text and graphics to progress the script end user from panel to panel at runtime. Runtime scripts are executed using any interface of the Scripting Engine component of Oracle Scripting. A graphical script is created using the graphical tools of the Script Author, the authoring and development component of Oracle Scripting. Graphical scripts can also be created by graphing a wizard script. At runtime, scripts display panels containing questions, answers, and graphics. Each panel includes a Continue button. The graphical script end user progresses through each panel. The flow of the script is controlled by business rules built using the standard Script Author graphical tools, including associated custom code, and may be a rigid flow or may change dynamically, based on the end user's responses. Graphical scripts are created, edited and deployed using the Script Author Java applet, and can be listed, deleted, or associated with custom Java from the Scripting Administration console.
header section
A header section is a survey resource that, if associated with a survey campaign, displays at the top of each page (panel) when a script is executed in a Web browser (except the error page or final page). Immediately below the header section, the content of the current panel appears. The header section may reference corporate logos or other standardized graphics in GIF or JPEG format. If so, these graphics need to be stored on a directory accessible to the Web server and referenced appropriately in the footer section code. Survey resources defined for execution in the JTT technology stack are JSP files. Survey resources for execution in the OAF technology stack are HTML files. Header section resources are mandatory for JTT survey campaigns. If no specific footer section is defined for an OAF survey campaign, no information appears above panel content for each page at runtime.
An e-mail message master document, inviting potential survey respondents (identified in an Oracle Marketing list) to participate in a survey. Each e-mail message contains a customized URL, from which the invited list member can respond to the specified survey.
Java Rapid Application Development, an Oracle proprietary technology stack also referred to as Oracle Applications Framework (OAF). This is the technology upon which the Survey Administration console is built.
Java Technology Applications, an Oracle proprietary technology stack referring to CRM Common Application Components.
Java Technology Framework, an Oracle proprietary technology stack referring to CRM Foundation products. Oracle applications using underlying CRM Foundation technology are further divided into the CRM Applications Foundation technology stack (known as JTA) and CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) technology stack.
Java Technology Tools, an Oracle proprietary technology stack referring to CRM Common Application Components. This is generally referred to as the Oracle CRM Technology Foundation technology stack.
A list is a set of records in Oracle Marketing that contains records for individuals or organizations, and contact information (at minimum, an e-mail address) for each. From an Oracle Scripting perspective, the relevance of a list is to serve as the source for potential survey respondents for a targeted survey campaign deployment. Each record represents one individual who will receive an invitation (an HTML document sent using Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment) to participate in the questionnaire. List members may also receive reminders (also HTML documents) to participate in a survey, which includes the survey end date. Lists are built using Oracle Marketing's list management feature. Use of targeted (list-based) surveys requires Oracle Marketing and Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment.
list member
Any individual included in a list built using Oracle Marketing's list management feature. All list members are potential survey respondents.
marketing campaign
A marketing campaign is a collection of requirements created in Oracle Marketing for the purpose of executing specific business rules of a marketing effort within an enterprise or interaction center. It is the primary organizational unit of a focused marketing effort. Campaigns define the marketing effort and, through association with other units, define schedules for execution and target populations for the effort. One marketing campaign must have at least one campaign schedule associated with it, and may have many. Campaign schedules can be targeted for different execution channels (such as e-mail, telephony, or traditional postal service mail). Each campaign schedule has a target group (list or lists created using Oracle Marketing to define the target population for the campaign). The marketing campaign is used by several Oracle Applications, including Oracle TeleSales, Oracle Collections, and Oracle Advanced Outbound Telephony.
master document
A master document is a message template used in Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment. Master documents typically include merge fields populated by an associated SQL query. Upon execution of the query, a copy of the master document is created for each list member, containing the data returned by the query. This creates a personalized message. From a survey perspective, master documents are invitation or reminder messages in HTML format that are sent by e-mail from the fulfillment engine to members of a defined Oracle Marketing list. Master documents are required for targeted survey deployment operations. Master documents and their associated queries are associated with specific Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment templates.
merge field
Merge fields are data elements in an Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment master document surrounded by open and close guillemet (for example, <<merge_field>>). When a fulfillment request is executed, specified table columns or views are queried. For each list member record, the master document is replicated, with the actual data returned from the query embedded or merged in the master document replicate in place of the merge field. List-based surveys require at minimum one merge field (the survey URL that the recipient must access to participate in the survey). Merge fields must correspond to data returned from a query.
A task that can be performed with specific data items or properties. A Java method can be a function (resulting in a return value) or a procedure.
Oracle HRMS
Oracle HRMS is a full-featured enterprise human resources management system. It is an ERP application using Oracle Forms technology to manage human resources used by a variety of ERP and CRM applications.
A panel is the primary object of a script, which contains the information that is displayed by the Scripting Engine (in the panel presentation area or browser window) at runtime. Each panel must contain at least one question and may contain as many as needed. Each question in a panel displays a corresponding question user interface control (button, checkbox, text area, drop-down, and so forth) with which the script end user enters a response at runtime. Panels are created and edited using the Script Wizard or graphical tools.Panels in wizard or graphical scripts may contain static panel text, and one or more questions. Questions of the appropriate type that are explicitly defined in a wizard script may include question-level validation commands. In addition, panels in graphical scripts may contain graphic images, dynamic text using embedded values, and validation, database or cursor lookup, or other commands (at the panel level or the question level).If the purpose of a wizard script panel is simply to provide information to the end user, then it can automatically generate a question called Continue, which displays a Continue button at runtime. Panels created with graphical tools must contain one or more questions, for which the properties of each must be explicitly defined.Whether built with the Script Wizard or in a graphical script, a panel is the only Script Author object to display at runtime in both interfaces (groups, blocks and branches simply contain information for processing a script).
Personal home page. Accessed when logging into Oracle Self Service applications, the personal home page lists the responsibilities available to the logged in Oracle Applications account in two categories: Self Service, to access self-service applications, and Applications, for access to other Oracle applications.
A Script Author command that executes immediately following the evaluation of the object with which the post-action is associated, and prior to evaluation of the next object in the flow of the script. Post-actions can be associated with panels, blocks, groups, or the global script. See also action and pre-action.
A Script Author command that executes prior to the evaluation of the object with which the pre-action is associated. Pre-actions can be associated with panels, blocks, groups, or the global script. See also action and post-action.
Prototype is a boolean characteristic of survey campaigns. Prototype survey campaigns are identical to standard survey campaigns, except that the script used as the survey campaign questionnaire is not locked. The purpose is to allow survey campaign administrators more freedom to refine requirements for survey campaigns, including modification to the script for the designated survey campaign. You can exclude prototype survey campaigns from survey campaign lists by selecting the Exclude prototypes option. This characteristic can only be selected or cleared while a survey campaign status is Open.
published scripts
Published scripts are stored in the IES_DEV_SCRIPTS table of the applications database, and are not executable. All wizard scripts are published scripts. To publish a graphical script you must be explicitly save it to the database from Script Author by selecting File > Save As and selecting the Database tab. Published wizard scripts are always syntactically valid; graphical scripts can be published as works in progress, regardless of their contents.
A specific statement of request for information to be returned in the form of records from the database. Queries are constructed in structured query language (SQL). For targeted survey deployments, each Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment master document must have an associated query which obtains information populated into the resulting document in placeholders called merge fields. A query must be valid to return any of the requested information.
In Script Author, a question is the property of a panel which results in the appearance of a question user interface (UI) control in the panel at runtime. All panels must contain at least one question and may contain any number. Questions may have commands associated with them in Script Author to validate responses at runtime, or to provide default user responses. When viewed from a graphical script, each question has a data dictionary associated with it, in which information (answer choices, commands) is stored.
question control
See question user interface type.
question UI type
See question user interface type.
question user interface type
The choice of user interface (UI) type selected by the script developer for a question in a panel determines the kind of control that displays at runtime with which the end user can provide input. The full range of question UI types supported by Oracle Scripting include text fields, text areas, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons, drop-down lists, password fields, checkbox groups and multi-select list boxes. All nine are available in graphical scripts. Wizard scripts do not support the single check box or button question UI types. Each question supports only one question UI type. Once selected in a graphical script, the question user interface type cannot be changed (you must delete the entire question control and add a new one). Panels in graphical scripts that require the button UI type cannot contain any other questions. Some question UI types allow null or open-ended input (text fields, text areas, password fields, checkbox, checkbox group, multi-select list boxes). Others require end user input at runtime (radio buttons, buttons, drop-down lists) unless a default answer choice is associated with that question.
An e-mail message master document, reminding potential survey respondents (already invited to take a survey) of the appropriate URL to access to respond to the survey. Reminders often include information such as the last day the recipient may participate in the survey. Using the same master document, reminders can be sent in a batch process on a predefined schedule, or can be sent manually for any individual list member.
An individual responding to a request for information (in the form of participating in a survey questionnaire or Web script). For targeted survey deployments, respondents are list members who respond to an invitation sent by e-mail to participate in the survey.
respondent ID
A unique identification number for each list-based respondent in a particular instance. The URL for a list member includes as parameters both the deployment ID common to all participants in a given deployment and each list member's unique respondent ID.
See respondent ID.
A responsibility is a level of authority that allows a user to access specific functionality and data in Oracle Applications. Responsibilities are assigned by a user with the System Administrator responsibility.
root graph
The root graph is the first graph that appears when a graphical script is opened. Processing for any script begins and ends on the root graph. For a script with no groups or blocks, the root graph is the only graph contained in the script. When branching logic is employed in a script which directs the script to subgraphs of the root graph, each subgraph must be terminated, returning processing to its higher level graph. The root graph is the highest level graph in a script.
Runtime is the execution of any script created using Script Author. Scripts are executed using the Scripting Engine component, which has two interfaces - the agent interface and the Web interface.The agent interface executes as a Java window launched from an Oracle business application form; it includes the panel presentation area, a script information area, a shortcut button area, and a progress area, wrapped in a frame with a Disconnect button and, optionally, a Suspend button.The Web interface executes a script in a Web browser. The Web interface displays the panel presentation area, and the following buttons: Back, Next, Reset to Default, and optionally Save for Later.Before any script can be executed in the Web interface, survey administration is required, including setting up resources, creating a hierarchical set of objects - a survey campaign, cycle, and deployment - and activating the deployment.
The population from which information is solicited by survey.
A script is a miniature program built using the Script Author component of Oracle Scripting and executed at runtime using the Scripting Engine component of Oracle Scripting. The purpose of a script is to facilitate the flow of information between an enterprise and other parties. Each script enforces business rules programmed into it by script developers. Scripts consist primarily of panels with at least one question each; at runtime, script end users must click the Continue button in each panel to progress through the script. Graphical scripts also may contain groups and blocks. By design, scripts either enforce a rigid flow, or employ carefully constructed logic to route the end user through different potential paths in a script. to appropriate panels, based on responses to earlier script questions. Script Author provides the ability to create two kinds of scripts: wizard scripts and graphical scripts. Regardless of creation method, after deployment a script can be executed in any interface of the Scripting Engine. Executing a script in a Web browser requires the creation and activation of a survey campaign deployment.A script contains the business rules, text and graphics to progress the script end user from panel to panel. Scripts are created using the Script Author component of Oracle Scripting. At runtime, scripts are executed using any interface of the Scripting Engine component of Oracle Scripting. The same script can be executed in the agent interface, or (after creating and deploying a survey campaign) executed in a Web browser as a survey questionnaire or web script accessed from a self-service Web application. Scripts are further qualified by type. See wizard scripts and graphical scripts.
script information area
The script information area is a programmable feature of the Script Author in which script developers can place information that appears as a header in any script executed in the Scripting Engine agent interface at runtime. The script information area is a global script property and appears in every session of a script executed in the agent interface when this information is defined. It is referred to in the Script Author user interface as the Static Panel. You can access this area by selecting File > Script Properties > Static Panel or by right-clicking on an empty area of the canvas and selecting Edit Blob Properties > Static Panel.
static panel
See script information area.
survey campaign
A survey campaign is the collection of requirements needed to execute a script in a Web browser using the Scripting Engine Web interface. This is the super class that references the global script. A survey campaign must have information for at least one cycle and at least one deployment. Survey campaigns are created using the Survey Administration console. As prerequisites to creating a survey campaign, you must create and deploy from Script Author the script containing questions and answer choices, and you must define survey resources.
survey questionnaire
Set of questions built using the Script Author component of Oracle Scripting for execution in the Scripting Engine as a survey questionnaire, typically to gather feedback, obtain market data, tabulate opinion, measure satisfaction, or otherwise collect data directly from specific (customers, employees, prospects) or non-specific target populations. A survey questionnaire script is physically identical to a script executed in the agent interface, although it may be customized to take advantage of sophisticated HTML interpretation available to Web browsers.
survey resource
Survey resources provide functionality to scripts executing in the Scripting Engine Web interface. Survey resource definition is accomplished from the Survey Administration console Survey Resources tab > Create, and must be defined before they can be used in a survey campaign. The four survey resource types include header section, footer section, error page, and final page resources. Header and footer sections appear in each page of the Web browser, just above or below panel contents, respectively. Error page resources are displayed when an error condition occurs during script execution in a Web browser. Final page resources are displayed after the Scripting Engine processes the last panel in the flow of a script. For survey campaigns defined in the JTT technology stack, survey resources are JSP files, and all resources except the footer page are mandatory. For survey campaigns defined in the OAF technology stack, survey resources are HTML files. For OAF survey campaigns, error page or final page resources can also be URLs accessible to the Web server at script runtime, which redirect the script end user to the specified URL during an error or upon completing the script, respectively.Physical JSP survey resources corresponding to survey resource definitions must be uploaded manually into the $OA_HTML directory on the applications server and are served by the Web server as appropriate. For OAF survey resources, the HTML files corresponding to the survey resource definition are uploaded to the database at the time of survey resource definition.For JTT survey campaigns, you can use seeded JSP test resources to test your implementation, or you can customize your own resources based on these seeded resources. These seeded JavaServer page files (IESSVYTESTHEADER.JSP, IESSVYTESTTHANKU.JSP, IESSVYTESTERROR.JSP and IESSVYMENUBASEDERROR.JSP) are located in $OA_HTML in your environment. For error pages with a hosting type of menu-based, use the appropriate seeded resource (IESSVYMENUBASEDERROR.JSP.
survey respondent
See respondent.
This refers to the current Systems Date of the database. When creating records in a database the SYSDATE is typically time-stamped as creation date, and SYSDATE is also used as a default setting for creating responsibilities from an Oracle Applications perspective.
Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment's term for a group of master documents and any collateral. Templates may also include campaign specifications. Templates are identified with a survey campaign at the deployment level to identify invitation and reminder master documents and their associated queries. Only required for targeted (list-based) survey deployments. No collateral is typically associated with a survey campaign.
trading community architecture (TCA)
The trading community architecture is a customer model designed to support complex trading communities. The entire Oracle E-Business Suite uses the TCA customer model, providing a common model for customer data in all Oracle business applications. TCA strives to model all relationships within a trading community, supporting business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) models equally.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
A specific string of characters that identifies resources located on the Web. Also known as Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), the provide navigation to documents, images, downloadable files, services, electronic mailboxes, and other resources to Web browser users with one click. Full URLs include access methods or protocols such as HTTP or FTP, generally proceeded by a colon and two slashes, and then the full location. Nested directory levels are represented by additional slashes.
Web script
A Script Author script executed in a Web browser from an Oracle self-service Web application such as Oracle iSupport or Oracle iStore is referred to as a Web script. Like all scripts executed in the Scripting Engine Web interface, this requires as a prerequisite an active survey deployment. The URL for this deployment is then embedded in the self-service application as a hyperlink. When the end user selects the link, a new Web browser window opens, the user's current Oracle applications validation information is used to authenticate the script session, and the script executes in the new browser window. Web scripts are a valuable resource to provide scripted information to Web application users or to solicit feedback to the enterprise regarding the application user's experience.
wizard script
A wizard script is a script created using the Script Wizard feature of the Script Author, the authoring and development component of Oracle Scripting. Like graphical scripts, wizard scripts are executed in any Scripting Engine interface. At runtime, they display panels containing questions, answers, and graphics. Each panel includes a Continue button required to be clicked by the script end user at runtime to progress through each panel. The flow of the script is controlled by business rules built using the Script Wizard. Based on the choices of the script developer, the end user's flow through the script may be rigid (the same panels are seen regardless of how the user answers) or may change dynamically (demonstrating different flows based on the end user's responses). Wizard scripts can be listed, created, copied, edited, deployed, or converted to a graphical script only from the Script Wizard feature of the Script Author.