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Oracle Process Manufacturing Cost Management User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13655-04
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Period-End Cost Processing

This topic explain how to update (book) item component costs in preparation for export to the proper general ledger accounts. The actual export to the general ledger requires an interface with Oracle General Ledger. This topic provides an outline for period-end processing of standard component costs and actual component costs.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Running Cost Update

OPM Costing provides you an ability to cost items using the various supported cost types and view the costs simultaneously. Of these, you would use costs calculated by one cost type, defined in the Fiscal Policy, to create journal entries and other activities such as book variances. The Cost Update process creates the necessary cost records for this purpose.

You have the option of freezing updated costs for the costing period or running the update without any changes to the period status (you can run the update for the same period again). This is useful for update of component costs to the General Ledger for testing purposes. You can change component costs, then later run another cost update to replace previous costs.

You can then export these booked cost values to the proper General Ledger accounts.

Freezing Recipe, Formulas, Routings, Operations in Final Cost Update

The Cost Update process freezes recipes, formulas, routings, and operations. When a period status is frozen, a concurrent process runs and freezes the associated recipes, formulas, routings, operations, and recipe validity rules. If the concurrent process fails to run, then only run the GMD Costing Status Update concurrent process to manually freeze the formulas, recipes, routings, and operations.

To run the cost update process:

  1. Navigate to the Cost Update window. The Start Cost Update Process window displays automatically. This window lets you begin the update for a specified calendar, period, and cost method. Specify the criteria by which OPM will select the costs to be processed.

  2. Enter the Legal Entity. Transactions for all organizations linked to this legal entity are selected and included in the cost update process.

  3. Enter the code for the Calendar for which the cost update is processed. Costs are updated for the legal entity and the cost type linked to this calendar. Required.

  4. Enter the cost Period for which the cost update is effective. Note that closed cost periods are locked from the Cost Update process. Required

  5. Period Status displays the status of the calendar period (either Open, Closed, or Frozen). You cannot edit this field.

  6. Enter the Cost Type. This should be the same cost type specified on the Fiscal Policy window.

  7. If you enter that the update is Final, then the period is marked as frozen at the end of the process. This locks the component costs for the specified period.

    When the costing period is frozen, the following situations apply:

  8. Enter the date and time that the Cost Update process will start in Start Date. To start the process immediately, click Now. To start the process at a particular date, click Specific Date. Enter the date you want the cost update to run.

  9. Click Accept to run the process.

    A reference number is generated by OPM. Note the reference number.

  10. Cost Update Reference Number displays a unique identifier number for each individual cost update process assigned by OPM. You cannot edit the entry.

Viewing Cost Update Results

This window displays the result of the Cost Update process run.

To view the cost update process results:

  1. Navigate to the Cost Update process window.

  2. OPM assigns an identifier number for each individual cost process in Cost Update Reference Number. You cannot edit the entry.

Selection Criteria

  1. Displays the Legal Entity.

  2. Displays the Calendar. Costs are updated for the legal entity and the cost type linked to this calendar.

  3. Displays the Period for which costs are updated. This period defines the start and end dates for selecting all transactions.

  4. Period Status displays the status of the calendar period (Open, Closed, or Frozen).

  5. Displays the Cost Type for which cost are updated.

Scheduling Information

  1. Scheduled On displays when the Cost Update process was scheduled to run.

  2. Started On displays the start date of the Cost Update process.

  3. Started By displays the user ID and name of the person who started the Cost Update process.

  4. Ended On displays the end date for the Cost Update process.


  1. Limit displays the error limit.

  2. Found displays the number of errors found during the Cost Update process run.

  3. Posted displays the number of errors posted.

Abort Information

  1. Aborted By displays the name of the user who aborted the Cost Update process.

  2. Aborted On displays the date on which the process was aborted.

  3. Aborted Reason displays the reason for aborting the Cost Update process.

Cost Update Window - Additional Menu Features- Actions Menu

Viewing Cost Update Errors

Cost Update Error Messages Window

The fields on this window are:

  1. Cost Update Reference Number displays a unique identifier number for each individual cost update process assigned by OPM. You cannot edit this field.

  2. Line displays the line number of the error message.

  3. Error Message displays the text of the error message.

Aborting or Resetting the Cost Update Process

This window lets you abort or reset the Cost Update process.

Aborted Reason displays the reason for aborting the subsidiary ledger update process.

To abort or reset the Cost Update process

  1. Navigate to the Cost Update Process window.

  2. Select Abort/Reset from the Actions menu.

  3. Enter the abort details and the reason for aborting the process.

Adding or Modifying Expense Allocation Costing Data

You can modify any accrued expense costs allocated from the General Ledger. You can add new expense cost allocations to the ones that already exist, and create balances for statistical accounts.

To add or modify GL cost data:

  1. Navigate to Cost Allocation Maintenance. The Cost Allocation Maintenance window displays.

  2. Enter the Legal Entity for which you are making modifications. Required.

  3. Indicate the costing Calendar for which you are making modifications. Required.

    When a calendar is entered, the calendar's legal entity is validated against the given legal entity. A warning displays if they do not match.

  4. Enter the cost calendar Period. Required

  5. Enter the Allocation Code that defines the accrued indirect general ledger expenses that you are modifying. Required.

  6. Enter the expense Account Key Type for which you are modifying general ledger cost allocations. Required.

  7. At this point all of the accounts that meet the criteria you have specified display in the bottom portion of the window. Modify the Amount for each account to reflect the desired General Ledger cost allocation.

Standard Cost Period-End Processing

This topic provides an outline for period-end processing of standard costs. For detailed procedures on each of the steps, refer to the following discussions.

The following graphic illustrates the Standard Cost Period-End Processing flow.

Standard Cost Period-End Processing Flow

the picture is described in the document text

Run Cost Rollup

Run the cost rollup at period-end time to consolidate standard costs of raw materials into product costs. The rollup encompasses component costs that have changed, and also new items, formulas, products, routings, and overheads that were added and set up for costing. Refer to the Using Standard Costs discussion for detailed cost rollup procedures.

Run Preliminary Update

On the Cost Update window, indicate that you are Freezing the results of the cost rollup for the period. You can then (optionally) run the Oracle Subledger Accounting and Create Accounting process in the draft mode for testing purposes (you may later change the raw material costs, then run another cost update to replace those costs).

Close Inventory Calendar Period

Close the period (month, quarter, fiscal year) to prevent any further inventory transactions from being posted to it. Select either the Preliminary Close or Final Close.

Run Final Cost Update

Final Update

Specify that the update is Final; this locks the raw material costs for the specified period. You can then export these costs to the proper General Ledger accounts.

Actual Cost Period-End Processing

The Actual Cost Period-End Processing topic provides an outline for period-end processing of actual component costs.

The following graphic illustrates the Actual Cost Period-End Processing flow.

Close Inventory Calendar Period

Close the period (month, quarter, fiscal year) to prevent any additional inventory transactions from being posted to it. Select either the Preliminary Close or Final Close.

Calculate Actual Costs

Specify the period for which actual costs are processed. The Actual Cost process takes the following into account:

The period in the cost calendar must be either open or frozen (a closed period cannot be entered). Refer to the Actual Cost Calculations discussion for procedures on calculating actual costs.

Run Preliminary Update

On the Cost Update window, indicate that you are Freezing the results of the cost rollup for the period. You can then run the Oracle Subledger Accounting and Create Accounting process in the draft mode for testing purposes (you can later change the raw material costs, then run another cost update to replace those costs).

Run Final Cost Update

Final Update

Specify that the update is Final. This locks the raw material costs for the specified period. You can then export these costs to the proper General Ledger accounts.

Lot Cost Period-End Processing

This topic provides an outline for period-end processing of standard costs. For detailed procedures on each of the steps, refer to the following discussions.

The following graphic illustrates the Actual Cost Period-End Processing flow.

Lot Cost Period-End Processing Flow

the picture is described in the document text

All the period end processing steps are similar to the Actual Cost process period end processing. Refer to the following topics description in the "Actual Cost Period End Processing":