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Oracle Quality Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13679-04
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Tailoring Your Solution

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Tailoring Solutions

This chapter illustrates how the solutions can be tailored to suit your organization requirements.

Note: This chapter lists only examples for tailoring your implementation. The examples in this chapter are not part of Oracle's code; they have not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Workflow Configuration

This solution includes generic workflow notifications for the Corrective Action set of collection plans. You can replace these workflows with your own workflows. You can design Workflow notification messages in your own format. Responses entered on the notification can be written back to collection plans.

For example, you can build a new workflow based on a the Disposition Detail notification workflow:

Refer to Appendix J for a list of seeded workflow notifications provided as part of the solution.

Starting Workflow Builder

  1. Copy the seeded workflow, Quality Generic Process, to a new workflow name.

  2. Modify the copied workflow.

    Workflow Process Diagram for Nonconformance and Disposition Notification

    the picture is described in the document text

    Modified Workflow Process Diagram for Corrective Action Notification

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Add a new item attribute, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to this workflow.

  4. Display this item attribute within the message body of the current workflow.

  5. Add a call to the standard qa_results_wf_pkg.process_update procedure, within the Process Updates step. It can then write back all item attributes with an X_ prefix. This includes the Approval Reason.

  6. Add a call to custom PL/SQL code for finding approver, within the Find Approver step. Sample PL/SQL code to achieve this is illustrated in Appendix C. This sample code is for illustration purposes only, and has not been tested or certified by Oracle.

Oracle Quality Setup

  1. Add an Approval Reason element to the Disposition Detail collection plan (See: Step 9 within Setup Steps)

  2. Replace the generic workflow, specified within the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element), with your new workflow.

  3. Add a new token, X_APPROVAL_REASON, to the Workflow action (associated with the Send Notification element) within the Disposition Detail. Map it to the Approval Reason element within the Disposition Detail.

    See Also Using Oracle Approval Management

Using Oracle Approval Management

The Oracle Approval Management application can be utilized for managing CAR approval. This application enables you to define business rules governing approvals. For example:

Once the rules have been defined, the workflow uses APIs (Approval Management) to find the next approver (Step 6) until all approvals are obtained or rejected.

Guidelines for Setting Up the Approval Process

  1. Register Corrective Actions as a new transaction type.

  2. Create Transaction attributes (Severity, Urgency, Request Type), which would be used in rules to determine approvers.

  3. Define Approval Rules.

  4. In the first step of your workflow process, call ame_api.setFirstAuthorityApprover with the user specified in the Send Notification To item. If you are using Oracle Approvals Management to determine the first approver, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the first approver.

  5. During the Find Approver step of your workflow process, call ame_api.getNextApprover to obtain the identification of the next approver.

  6. If ame_api.getNextApprover returns empty ame_util.approverRecord, the transaction is approved.

  7. During the Notification step, call ame_api.updateApprovalStatus. This sends the approval status to Oracle Approvals Management.

    See Also

    How Should a Workflow use the OAM API to Manage Approvals?, Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide, Appendix C

    Oracle Workflow User's Guide

    Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide

    Oracle Workflow API Reference

    Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

    Oracle Workflow Customization, Oracle White Paper, August 2002

Tailoring E-mail Notifications

You can modify all e-mail notification message text, according to your business conventions. For example, you can include the Personal Home Page URL of Oracle Applications. Recipients of the e-mail are then easily directed to Oracle Applications, enabling ease in CAR response.

To tailor e-mail notifications

  1. (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan

  2. Perform a query on the collection plan associated with the notification needing modification.

  3. Select the Send Email element.

  4. Choose Action.

  5. Select the Send an electronic email notification action, then choose Action Details.

  6. The Text area contains the notification's message text.

    E-mail Alert with Oracle Applications' URL

    the picture is described in the document text

Tips and Techniques

This section gives you tips and techniques to tailor your solution according to your business needs. It covers topics like field security, derive user information using assign-a-value, look up feature using SQL validation strings, dependant list of values, and custom reports.

Field Security

Depending on your business needs, it might be desirable to make a critical element within a collection plan protected from update by specific users. For example the Implementation Status should be protected from update, within the Corrective Action Implementation plan, by the MFG and PROJMFG users. Below are the steps used to set this scenario up:

Step 1: Create a collection element to control record saving

  1. (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element

  2. Enter Save (or any unused name) as the Collection Element name, Attribute as the Collection Element Type, and Character as the Data Type.

  3. Save your work.

Step 2: Add elements and actions to your plan

  1. (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan

  2. Perform a query on your Corrective Action Implementation plan, and add the collection element, Save. Make sure it is enabled but not displayed.

  3. Add an action to Save.

  4. Action Trigger: When Save = 2

  5. Action: Reject the input with the message, "this record is protected from update by the current user."

  6. Add the current action to Implementation Status. When Implementation Status is entered, assign a value to Save with the following SQL script:

    Note: The SQL below is for example purposes. It is not part of Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

    SELECT c
    FROM (SELECT 2 c from dual
    WHERE: parameter.user_id in (1003612, 1003614)
    -- user id of users that should not be able to update the Implementation Status
    SELECT 1 FROM dual)
    WHERE rownum = 1

    With this action in place, when MFG users (1003612) and PROJMFG users (1003614) attempt to update and save the disposition status, their input will be rejected and a message will display.

Derive User Information using Assign-a-Value

Information about a user, such as e-mail address and telephone number, can be retrieved by using the action, Assign-a-Value, with a SQL statement. This technique is used often. For example, the Owner collection element assigns a value to Owner E-mail, based on the following SQL query:



WHERE FULL_NAME = &OWNER -- &OWNER token maps to the Owner element.

Another example involves deriving the current user's telephone number information. This example is not included in the solution.

Setting up telephone information derivation

  1. Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element. Create a collection element.

  2. Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan.

  3. Query the plan that will receive the Telephone Number collection element.

  4. Add the Telephone Number element to the element block.

  5. Select a mandatory element and then choose Actions. Add the following action:

    IF <collection element> is entered, assign a value to Telephone Number with SQL:
    SELECT p.work_telephone
    ROWNUM <= 1

    Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

  6. Save your work.

Lookup Feature Using SQL Validation Strings

SQL can be utilized as an element's list of values. This is widely used in this solution. For example, the Source Owner collection element list of values is based on the following SQL query:

SELECT pecx.full_name

FROM per_employees_current_x pecx, fnd_user fu

WHERE pecx.employee_id = fu.employee_id

ORDER by full_name

Using SQL as the list of values of an element will simulate a lookup feature. For example, Supplier Contact Lookup (not included in the solution).

Setting up a SQL as a list of values:

After accomplishing the following setup tasks, when users enter Electrical into the TEST TYPE field, the PROBLEM CODE list of values will display Short, No Solder, and Broken Lead.

  1. Navigate to the Collection Element window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Element.

  2. Create a Supplier Contact collection element.

  3. Enter the following SQL Validation String:

    SELECT p.first_name ll ‘ ‘ ll p.last_name ll ' ' ll
    p.area_code ll '-' ll p.phone_code, v.vendor_name description
    ORDER BY 2, 1
  4. Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan.

  5. Query the plan that will receive the Supplier Contact collection element.

  6. Add the Supplier Contact element to the element block.

  7. Save your work.

    You can now display this element's list of values. You can use it to find the name and phone number of a contact person, for any supplier.

    Note: This SQL string is used for example purposes. It is not part of Oracle's code; it has not been tested or certified by Oracle. Customers and implementors must use their discretion before implementing.

Dependent List of Values

The solution has not included any dependent lists of values. Displaying a different list of values for one element, depending on the value of another element, is a dependency example.

For example, your business requires the PROBLEM CODE element value to depend on the TEST TYPE element value. The PROBLEM CODE values could be named with the following prefixes:

Electrical E - Short
Electrical E - No Solder
Electrical E - Broken Lead
Mechanical M - Damaged Component
Mechanical M - Corrosion
Mechanical M - Missing Pieces

Setting up a dependent list of values

  1. Navigate to the Collection Plan window (N) Quality: Setup > Collection Plan.

  2. Query your Nonconformance plan.

  3. Within the PROBLEM CODE element, choose Values. Enter the values within the above table.

  4. Within the TEST TYPE element, choose Actions. Enter the following actions:

  5. Save your work.

Custom Reports

You can write reports that are tailored to your business needs, using custom SQL. The Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration recommends custom SQL and a concurrent process to be defined, within a customer application (in this case, custom Quality).

Setting up a custom report

  1. Save your SQL under the directory, <custom Quality's base path>/sql/ (See: Applications DBA Duties, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configurationfor information on registering a new or custom application and where the Applications DBA specifies a base path for the application). Name it with your business' convention. Prefix it with custom Quality short name, and suffix it with .sql (XXCQA_CARREP.sql).

  2. Navigate to the Concurrent Program Executable window (N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Executable. Define an executable with SQL *Plus program style.

    Define Concurrent Program Executable

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. (N) System Administrator: Concurrent > Program > Define. Define a process, Corrective Action Report. For example, use the above executable.

  4. Choose Parameters. Enter three parameters in the following order:

    Parameter Value Set Corresponding Parameter in QACAR.sql
    Corrective Action Num QA_SRS_PLAN &1
    Plan Prefix QA_SRS_PLAN &2

    The value sets are predefined and used for validation of parameter values.

    Concurrent Program Definition

    the picture is described in the document text

Executing the custom report

  1. Within the Manufacturing and Distribution Superuser responsibility, navigate to the Submit Request window (N) Quality: Reports > Submit Request.

  2. Select Corrective Action Report from the Name list of values (or any name that you created while setting up), and submit the process.

    See Also

    Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Configuration

    Sample Code for SQL*Plus Report for a description and the sample code of the custom report.