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Oracle Quality Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13679-04
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Corrective Action Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Corrective Action Seeded Template Plan Details

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the corrective action solution

Template Corrective Action Request

This collection plan enables you to report or log a corrective action request (CAR). An owner is assigned to the CAR. The owner then decides to accept or reject the request, and it becomes the responsibility of the owner to take the appropriate actions.

The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Corrective Action Num Corrective Action Num
20 Reference Request Num Reference Request Num
30 Request Source Request Source
40 Request Type Request Type
50 Source Reference ID Source Reference ID
60 Standard Violated Standard Violated
70 Section Violated Section Violated
80 Problem Solving Method Problem Solving Method
90 Item Item
100 Revision Rev
110 Customer Customer
120 Sales Order Number Sales Order Number
130 RMA Number RMA Number
140 Contract Number Contract Number
150 Contract Line Number Contract Line Number
160 Deliverable Number Deliverable Number
170 Supplier Supplier
180 Supplier Site Supplier Site
190 PO Number PO Number
200 PO Line Number Line
210 PO Release Number Rel
220 PO Shipment Shipment
230 PO Receipt Number Receipt
240 Department Dept
250 Request Priority Request Priority
260 Request Severity Request Severity
270 Short Description Problem Description
280 Detailed Description Detailed Description
290 Cause Code Cause Code
300 Root Cause Root Cause
310 Systemic Root Cause Systemic Root Cause
320 Request Status Request Status
330 Requestor Requestor
340 Source Owner Email Requestor Email
350 Owner Owner
360 Email Address Email Address
370 Distribution List Distribution List
380 Date Opened Date Opened
390 Date Closed Date Closed
400 Expected Resolution Date Expected Resolution Date
410 Actual Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date
420 Follow up Date Follow up Date
430 Approved By Approved By
440 Approval Date Approval Date
450 Send Email Send Email
460 Total Actions Total Actions
470 Pending Actions Pending Actions
480 Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Estimate
490 Review Cost Actual Review Cost Actual
500 Implementation Estimate Implementation Estimate
510 Implementation Actual Implementation Actual
520 Days to Close Days to Close
530 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
540 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Corrective Action Request Template Corrective Action Request History History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
2 Template Corrective Action Request Template Corrective Action Request Review Delayed Corrective Action Num, Reference request Num, Request Source, Request Type, Item, Revision, and Request Priority are copied to the child plan.
Review Cost Estimate, Implementation Actual, and Pending Actions are the summation of the corresponding elements within the child plan.
3 Template Corrective Action Request Template Corrective Action Request Implementation Delayed Corrective Action Num, Reference request Num, Request Source, Request Type, Item, Revision, and Request Priority are copied to the child plan.
Implementation Estimate, Implementation Actual, and Pending Actions are the summation of the corresponding elements within the child plan.
4 Template Corrective Action Request Template Supplier Corrective Action Response Delayed Corrective Action Num is copied to the child plan.
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Requestor Is entered Default the e-mail address of the requestor -
2 Owner Is entered Default the e-mail address of the owner -
3 Date Opened Is Empty Assign a value to a collection element Make Date opened as current date
4 Request Status Equals CLOSED Assign a value to a collection element Update Date Closed with current date
5 Days to Close Date Closed is entered Assign a value to a collection element Calculate the Days to Close
6 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -
7 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Corrective Action Request Review

This collection plan enables you to report and assign tasks for review, and analyze problems. You can then communicate with the appropriate parties during the analysis phase, for a corrective action request.

The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Corrective Action Num Corrective Action Num
20 Reference Request Num Reference Request Num
30 Request Source Request Source
40 Request Type Request Type
50 Request Priority Request Priority
60 Request Severity Request Severity
70 Item Item
80 Revision Rev
90 Request Status Review Action Status
100 Action Type Action Type
110 Action Description Action Description
120 Action Assigned to Action Assigned to
130 Email Address Email Address
140 Distribution List Distribution List
150 Action Executed By Review Executed By
160 Note Type Note Type
170 Notes Notes
180 Expected Resolution Date Due Date
190 Actual Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date
200 Send Email Send Email
210 Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Estimate
220 Review Cost Actual Review Cost Actual
230 Approved By Approved By
240 Approval Date Approval Date
250 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
260 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Corrective Action Request Review Template Corrective Action Request Review History History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Action Assigned to Is entered Default the e-mail address of the assignee -
2 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -
3 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template CAR Actions Implementation

This collection plan enables you to assign, update, and communicate implementation actions, such as Containment, Preventive, and Corrective Actions.

The Collective Action Request plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Corrective Action Num Corrective Action Num
20 Reference Request Num Reference Request Num
30 Request Source Request Source
40 Request Type Request Type
50 Request Priority Request Priority
60 Request Severity Request Severity
70 Item Item
80 Revision Rev
90 Request Status Implementation Status
100 Implementation Type Implementation Action
110 Short Description Short Description
120 Action Assigned to Action Assigned to
130 Email Address Email Address
140 Distribution List Distribution List
150 Action Executed By Review Executed By
160 Note Type Note Type
170 Notes Notes
180 Expected Resolution Date Due Date
190 Actual Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date
200 Follow up Date Follow up Date
210 Send Email Send Email
220 Implementation Estimate Implementation Estimate
230 Implementation Actual Implementation Actual
240 Pending Actions Pending Actions
250 Approved By Approved By
260 Approval Date Approval Date
270 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
280 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parents-Child Relationship
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template CAR Actions Implementation Template CAR Actions Implementation History History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
2 Template CAR Actions Implementation Template ECO Submission Delayed Some of the elements are copied from parent to child plans
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Requestor Is entered Default the e-mail address -
2 Launch Action Equals YES Execute a SQL Script ECO header is created
3 Disposition Status Equals FAILED, SUCCESS, WARNING Send an electronic email notification -
4 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template ECO Submission

This collection plan will enable you to submit an ECO Header, as a result of a Corrective Action Request.

The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Corrective Action Num Corrective Action Num
20 Reference Request Number Reference Request Number
30 Request Source Request Source
40 Request Type Request Type
50 Item Item
60 Revison Rev
70 New ECO Name New ECO Name
80 ECO Type ECO Type
90 ECO Description ECO Description
100 ECO Approval List ECO Approval List
110 ECO Reason Code ECO Reason Code
120 Requestor Requestor
130 ECO Department ECO Department
140 ECO Priority ECO Priority
150 Launch Action Launch Action
160 Action Fired Action Fired
170 Disposition Status Submission Status
180 Disposition Message Submission Status
190 Email Address Email Address
200 Distribution List Distribution List
210 ECO Name ECO Name
Parent-Child Plans
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template ECO Submission Template ECO Submission History History All elements copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Elements Condition Action Invoked Comment
1 Requestor i Is entered Default the email address -
2 Launch Action Equals YES Execute a SQL Script ECO Header is created
3 Disposition Status Equals FAILED, SUCCESS, WARNING Send an electronic mail notification -
4 Workflow notification Equals YES Launch a workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Supplier Corrective Action Response

This collection plan enables suppliers to respond to a CAR via iSupplier Portal.

The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Reference Request Num Reference Request Num
20 Item Item
30 Revision Rev
40 Supplier Supplier
50 Supplier Site Supplier Site
60 PO Number PO Number
70 PO Line Number Line
80 PO Release Number Rel
90 PO Shipment Shipment
100 Implementation Type Implementation Type
110 Action Executed By Implementation By
120 Note Type Note Type
130 Notes Notes
140 Expected Resolution Date Due Date
150 Actual Resolution Date Actual Resolution Date
160 Follow up Date Follow up Date
170 Email Address Email Address
180 Send Email Send Email

Warning: If you plan to use Oracle iSupplier Portal to enable suppliers to directly record their responses to the CAR, please remove the Notes collection element from this plan; add a new element of datatype Character.

Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Supplier Corrective Action Response Template Supplier Corrective Action Response History History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic e-mail notification -
2 Reference Request Num Is entered Execute a SQL Script Relate the record to parent

Template Quality Service CAR

It is possible to use the Quality/Service integration to initiate and trace a CAR through its lifecycle. Since Service Requests does not capture all information relevant to the CAR, some information needs to be collected via Oracle Quality.

To facilitate this, a single, stand-alone collection plan containing data elements (not existing in Service) is used. It can be associated with Service Requests.

The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Service Request Service Request
20 Department Dept
30 Supplier Supplier
40 Supplier Site Supplier Site
50 PO Number PO Number
60 PO Line Number Line
70 PO Release Number Rel
80 PO Shipment Shipment
90 Root Cause Root Cause
100 Systemic Root Cause Systemic Root Cause
110 Review Cost Estimate Review Cost Estimate
120 Review Cost Actual Review Cost Actual
130 Implementation Estimate Implementation Estimate
140 Implementation Actual Implementation Actual
150 New ECO Name New ECO Name
160 ECO Type ECO Type
170 ECO Description ECO Description
180 ECO Approval List ECO Approval List
190 ECO Reason Code ECO Reason Code
200 Requestor Requestor
210 ECO Department ECO Department
220 ECO Priority ECO Priority
230 Launch Action Launch Action
240 Action Fired Action Fired
250 Disposition Status Submission Status
260 Disposition Message Submission Message
270 Email Address Email Address
280 Send Email Send Email
290 Distribution List Distribution List
300 ECO Name ECO Name
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic e-mail notification -
2 Launch Action Equals YES Execute a SQL Script Create ECO Header