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Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13685-05
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Project Execution

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Project Manufacturing and Procurement Integration

This chapter describes the key features related to project execution.

Overview of Project Procurement

Project Manufacturing uses Oracle Purchasing and iProcurement for project procurement. The system provides:

Related Topics

Oracle Project Manufacturing without Oracle Projects

Project Procurement Flow

The following figure describes a generic high level Project Procurement flow.

Project Procurement Flow

the picture is described in the document text

A complete project procurement cycle starts with the generation of a purchase requisition. The sources for creating a requisition are:

Depending on certain company regulations (or compliance with FAR/DFAR requirements) it might be necessary to generate a Request For Quotation (RFQ) for a requisition. You can use the Auto-Create RFQ function to automatically convert the requisition into a RFQ.

The RFQ is typically sent out to one or more suppliers, who respond by sending in their quotes. The quote can be generated from a RFQ using the Copy functionality. You can analyze and approve a quote and use the quote in Auto-Source Rules.

The last step is to create a project purchase order. The project purchase order can be automatically generated from a project requisition using the Auto-Create Purchase Order functionality, entered manually, or created from a project quotation using the Auto-Create Purchase Quotation functionality.

Project Commitments

Project committed costs represent the outstanding requisitions and purchase orders charged to a project, and include recorded but unposted supplier invoices, or recorded but unposted deliveries to inventory or shop floor destination. You can report the total costs of a project by reporting the committed costs along with the actual costs.

You can report the flow of committed costs through Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Payables, and Oracle Inventory. These can include the following committed cost buckets (asset or expense items):

Once either the supplier invoice, for expense items, or the PO delivery to inventory or shop floor, for inventory/shop floor destination items, is interfaced and posted to Projects, the related commitment is settled to zero and an actual cost recorded in the Project Cost Subledger.

You can report summary committed cost amounts for your projects and tasks and can review detailed requisitions and purchase orders that backup the summary amounts.

Note: Essentially all of the commitment tracking occurs within Oracle Projects, specifically the Projects PSI (Project Status Inquiry) function. Oracle Purchasing reports PO Commitment Initiations in the Purchase Order Commitment By Period Report, but does not report downstream PO Commitment status changes or commitment settlements. PSI amounts may be exported to a spreadsheet for subsequent reporting.

Implementation Notes

During the implementation the following notes need to be considered.

Multiple Projects On One Document

MRP, outside processing, internal sales orders, and drop shipments generate one requisition for each planned order with one requisition line and one requisition distribution line.

You can manually enter a requisition with multiple requisition lines. Each line can have a distribution line that can be associated with a project and task. For a Project Manufacturing environment we support the following scenarios for requisitions with inventory destination:

In the scenario of multiple distribution lines with different projects and tasks, choose the multiple lines option during receiving, and the locator defaulting and validation logic make sure that the correct project and task are propagated on the locator.

For purchases with expense destination you can enter requisition lines with multiple distribution lines that each have a different project and task.

Expense Purchases

Expense and Inventory Purchases are costed differently in the system. Expense purchases result in invoices, are entered in Payables, and are imported into Oracle Projects using Transaction Import. Oracle Projects incurs the invoice costs.

Inventory Purchases

Inventory Purchases are received into Inventory using receiving functionality. Upon receipt into the destination location the purchase costs are posted to Oracle Cost Management and interfaced to Oracle Projects. For Inventory Purchases you also book invoices and invoice costs in Payables. Oracle Projects ignores these transactions during Transaction Import in order to avoid double counting.

Invoice Price Variances (IPV) can be automatically calculated and transferred to Projects.

For Inventory Purchases the system checks the Project Control Level for the destination inventory organization upon entry of the distribution line project and task. If the control level in the destination (receiving) organization is set to Project, you can optionally enter a project and task. If the control level is set to Project-Task, you can enter a project. If you enter a project, you must also enter a task.

Auto-Create RFQ

In creating a RFQ from a requisition the following restrictions apply:


For more information on project locators validation and defaulting during receiving transactions, see the chapter Setting Up.

Note: Oracle Project Manufacturing supports copying of project quote to project purchase orders.

Validation in Purchasing

Purchase Order Delivery Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Delivery Transaction for a project purchase order, the system defaults the project and task from the distribution line of the PO to the receiving locator.

If you define Item Transaction Defaults for receiving locators for specific items in Inventory Setup (assuming these are physical locators), the system concatenates the default locator with the project and task references from the PO distribution line at the time of receiving into Inventory destination.

If you update the project and task on the receiving locator, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the distribution line of the PO.

Purchase Order Return Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Return Transaction, the system defaults the project and task from the PO distribution line to the from locator.

If you update the project and task segments of the from locator on a PO return, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the PO distribution line.

Purchase Order Adjustment Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Adjustment Transaction, the system defaults the project and task from the PO distribution line to the locator.

If you update the project and task segments of the locator on a PO Adjustment, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the PO distribution line.

Note: You can not use a project locator for the above transactions if the PO distribution does not have project and task.

Related Topics

Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Project Manufacturing and Work in Process Integration

You can add project references to standard and nonstandard discrete jobs. Projects that have been setup on the PJM Project Parameters in the organization performing the job can be entered on the Work Order window. Project jobs make it possible to track the material and manufacturing costs that are specific to a project. You can issue project or common inventory to project jobs. You can also charge resources and overhead to project jobs.

Like other discrete jobs, project jobs can created in several ways:

Oracle Project Manufacturing uses the progress percentage value for project tasks, which can then be rolled up to the project level for earned value. Work order completion percent information is available through a Project Manufacturing API. Use the WIP_OPERATIONS_GRP API specifically to display the WIP Operations progress percentage rollup value for project tasks.

The following sections describe the behavior of WIP material requirements and transactions when a Discrete Job is created with Project and task references.

Project Discrete Job Material Requirements

When you define a project discrete job for an item that has a bill of material, the bill is copied to the project discrete job. If the components are hard pegged (their pegging attribute is set to either Hard Pegging or End Assembly/Hard Pegging in the MRP Planning tabbed region of the Item Master), then the system defaults the project and task from the project discrete job header to their supply locator. If you assigned supply locators (common locator) on the bills of material, the system concatenates the supply locators with the project and task to create a project locator.

If the components are soft pegged, (their pegging attribute is set to either Soft Pegging or End Assembly/Soft Pegging in the MRP Planning tabbed region of the Item Master) the system does not default the project and task segments to the supply locators.

Project Discrete Job: Component Pick Release

Component picking, obtaining requirements for specific jobs and schedules, is the process of moving items from source locations and issuing them to work orders. In previous versions of Oracle Work in Process, items were issued from locations specified for each component on the bill of material. Now you can also use a rules based system to determine a recommended source location for each component. The features for component picking include:

Implementation Notes: In a Project Manufacturing organization, the source for material is matched against the project information on the supply requirements (destination). For a soft-pegged item, the supply information does not have a project/task reference. Hence, during the component pick release process, the system only allocates material with no project/task reference. For a hard-pegged item, the supply information has a project/task reference. Hence, during the component pick release process, the system only allocates material with the matching project/task reference.

Project Discrete Job Component Issue Transaction

The system validates the supply locator for a Component Issue Transaction for a project discrete job. The supply locator must satisfy one of the following criteria:

Project Discrete Job Component Return Transaction

If you enter or update the project and task segments of the supply locator on a Component Return, they are validated and must satisfy one of the following criteria:

Project Discrete Job Completion

When you create a project discrete job, the system defaults the project and task from the project discrete job to the project and task segments of the completion locator. If you assigned a completion locator (common locator) to the routing, the system concatenates the common locator segments with the project and task to create a project locator. However, the project discrete job can be completed into the project locator having the project and/or task same as defined on the project job irrespective of the Organization parameter: Allow Cross project issues enabled.

Project Discrete Job Return Assembly to WIP Transaction

When you enter or update the project and task segments of the completion locator on a Return Assembly to WIP Transaction, they must match the project and task exactly on the project discrete job.

Project Work Order-less Completions

When you perform a project work order-less completion, you must specify the assembly, quantity, project, or project and task, and other information. When the transaction is saved, the system defaults the project and task from the transaction to the completion locator. (The dynamic creation of locator should be allowable). Work order-less completions automatically backflush all operation pull, assembly pull, and push components.

Note: You cannot use a project locator as a completion locator, or a supply locator for all of the above transactions against a non-project (common) discrete job.

Implementation Notes

You cannot use / install Oracle Shop Floor Management in a Project Manufacturing Organization.

Project Manufacturing and Flow Manufacturing Integration

Flow Manufacturing is a set of manufacturing processes and techniques designed to reduce product cycle time through line design and line balancing, reduce product costs by minimizing inventories and increase inventory turns, and to enhance product quality through total quality control. It is significantly different from other manufacturing processes in that it is a just in time (JIT) or demand based pull system that manufactures to customer order.

You can reference project task information on a flow schedule. When you perform the work orderless completion transaction, the system copies project task information from the flow schedule to the project task fields in the transaction. When the transaction is saved, the system defaults the project and task to the completion locator segments. The system also references the project task information on the supply locator for hard-pegged components during the completion transaction. When the transaction is saved, the material for hard-pegged components is pulled from the project task inventory.

Related Topics

Creating Flow Schedules, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide

Work Order-Less Completions, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Project Manufacturing and Enterprise Asset Management Integration

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) enables you to schedule and plan maintenance activities, and track all work activity and costs related to assets throughout an organization. eAM provides you with a set of tools that address asset maintenance requirements for environments that are asset intensive. You can perform the tasks of asset management in the most cost effective, efficient way.

You can associate a maintenance work order with project task information. The WIP accounting class linked to the project is referenced on the work order. If you have setup WIP accounting class at the task level, the system defaults the appropriate value to the work order. If a requisition or purchase order is created for that work order, commitments for the work order is associated project or task are created. When the material is received against the work order, and the appropriate cost transfers have happened, the commitment is converted to cost in Oracle Projects.

As you apply resources or material to the work order, the system appropriately captures the project task information on the resource or material transactions. The Project Cost Collector process passes appropriate costs to Oracle Projects.

Note: You must define at least one standard WIP accounting class in your organization and reference it as a default in the WIP parameters at the organization level. If this information is not present, the system does not allow project task references on enterprise asset management work orders.

Related Topics

eAM Work Orders, Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide

Project Manufacturing and Inventory

The system applies the Common Validation logic to the following transactions:

Project Manufacturing and Shipping Execution

Pick Release

When you perform Pick Release for a project sales order, the system ensures that you can only pick release from the project locators that have the same project and task as the sales order line.

Project Manufacturing and Consigned Inventory from Supplier Integration

Consigned Inventory from Supplier refers to the type of consigned inventory practice in which you receive and maintain goods belonging to one or more of your suppliers. Buyers or plant managers define the items and suppliers for which they have a consignment relationship. Buyers then create purchase orders for consignments in response to requisition demand. Goods are received against the order and held in consignment stock until they are actually consumed for usage. Ownership of the material is transferred from the supplier to the owning organization upon consumption. A consumption advice document informs the supplier that consigned stock is consumed by the buying organization. Once consigned stock is consumed, suppliers are then able to invoice the buying organization. Optionally, if pay on use is used, the buying organization can create invoices on behalf of the supplier and fully automate the payment process.

You can issue consigned items to project inventory/orders. Sourcing rules are used to identify the appropriate purchasing agreement at the time of consumption to obtain the item price for cost transactions. Please note that the consumption advice serves as a financial instrument for supplier invoice creation and does not reference any project/task to which the item has been issued.

Listed below are examples of transactions that you can perform in a Project Manufacturing organization:

Project Transfer Transactions

You can perform a Project Transfer transaction to transfer ownership of the item from consigned to project inventory. You can enter the locator of the consigned item in the “[from] locator” field and enter a locator with a project in the “to locator” field on the Project Transfer window. The following transactions/accounting distributions are performed (ignoring overhead application):

WIP Component Issue

You can perform a WIP Component Issue to transfer ownership of a consigned item to a project WIP job (backflush or manual issue). The following transactions/accounting distributions are performed (ignoring overhead distribution):