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Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide
Release 12.1
Part Number E13685-05
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Assemble to Order / Pick to Order in Project Manufacturing

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of ATO/PTO in Project Manufacturing

Oracle Project Manufacturing enables you to process project Assemble-to-Order and project Pick-to-Order orders. You can:

Process Flow

Figure 11-1 illustrates the steps for an ATO/PTO process.

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the steps in processing a Assemble-to-Order (ATO) and Pick-to-Order (PTO) orders in a Project Manufacturing environment. It also provides you with the information you need to consider during implementation.

# ATO PTO Step Description Implementation Notes
1 3 3 Define optional class and model bills of material. Define multilevel model and option class bills to control order entry, master scheduling/MRP, work in process, and costing. Since the configuration item inherits the item attributes from the ATO model item, the ATO Model item must be under Locator Control in order for the configuration item to be received into project locator.
You cannot define project specific bills of material.
2 3 3 Setup a project and its project parameters. Setup a project. Assign the project to a planning group (optional), a cost group and a default WIP accounting class. For more information, see Setup Project Parameters: page.
3 3 3 Forecast model or option demand by project and/or task. Forecast demand for model, options, or both by project and/or task. Explode forecasts through planning bills to models and/or options. Forecast consumption by project/task is currently not supported. Use demand class instead.
4 3 3 Master schedule model and option by project and/or task. Master schedule models, options, or both. (Cannot master schedule Pick-to-Order models however).  
5 3 3 Enter sales order line for a model by project and/or task. Enter sales orders for models with options. You can enter project and/or task on a sales order line. The project and task information is cascaded down to the option lines. You can update the project and task for an option line only if it belongs to a PTO model.
For further detail, see Project/Task Defaulting Logic for ATO/PTO Options:.
You can enter project/task on a sales order line if Project Enabled parameter is checked for the Warehouse (organization).
Oracle Order Management provides two means by which to select configuration options: the Line Option window and Configurator window. Some fields are only available in the Line Option window, such as warehouse. Project/task information is only available in the Line Option window. If you need to update/view project/task information of the option lines, you can do so in the Line Option window.
6 3   AutoCreate configuration item. Automatically generate new item number, bill, and routing for each new sales order and link new item to sales order.  
7 3   AutoCreate final assembly orders by project and/or task. Automatically open project discrete job for each new ATO configuration order. Reserve work in process job to sales order.
The project and task numbers on the project discrete job match the project and task on the sales order line for the ATO model.
8 3   Complete the final assembly into project inventory. Complete the configuration item to project inventory, automatically converting work in process reservation into inventory reservation.
The project and task segments of the project locator must match the project and task on the sales order line for the ATO model.
9 3 3 Pick release and ship confirm from project inventory. Pick Release all configuration sales orders for which on hand quantities for the project is available. For ATO configuration item, Pick Release picks from the project locator that has the same project and task as those on the ATO model sales order line.
For PTO options, since you can have different project/task from the project/task on the PTO Model line, Pick Release picks from the project locator that has the same project and task as those on the option line.
Pick Release does not pick from common locator.
10 3 3 Cost configuration item by Cost Group Automatically maintain item cost by Cost Group in Weighted Average Costing environment.  
11 3 3 Collect costs in Oracle Projects Material costs (material, material overhead) and WIP costs (resource, overhead, outside processing) incurred for the project are collected in Oracle Projects.  

Project/Task Defaulting Logic for ATO/PTO Options

The following table provides the detail logic of defaulting project/task information from a model line to its option lines in the Enter Sales Order form.

Action ATO PTO
Project/Task cascading from model line to option lines? Yes Yes
Project/Task updateable on options lines? No Yes
Project/Task validation on option lines? N/A Validation of project/task against warehouse on option line
Project/Task changes on model line Re-cascade change to option lines Re-cascade change to option lines, discarding user inputs
Note: The following table lists the re-cascading rules for the hybrid case of an option itself being a model. The rules apply to project/task changes for the option line.
Hybrid Case Re-cascading Rule
ATO model within PTO model Re-cascade the project/task from the ATO model option line to the whole ATO sub-configuration.
PTO model within PTO model No re-cascading.You can manually update the project/task on the option lines of the sub-model.