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Welcome to Release 7.3 of the Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide.

See Related Information Sources for more Oracle E-Business Suite product information.

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1  Introduction to Demantra

This chapter provides an overview of the Demantra platform.

2  Core Concepts

This chapter explains worksheets and other basic concepts.

3  How Demantra Calculates and Stores Data

As an implementor, you should understand how Demantra calculates and stores data, because this can affect how you set up your solution. This chapter provides an overview of most important details.

4  Implementation Tools and Process

This chapter provides a quick overview of the implementation and hand-off processes and tools you use during these processes.

5  Levels

This chapter describes levels and related concepts, outlines the primary configuration options, and summarizes the available tools.

6  Series
7  Units, Indexes, and Exchange Rates

This chapter describes units and related concepts, outlines the primary configuration options, and summarizes the available tools.

8  Worksheets

This chapter describes worksheets, outlines the primary configuration options, and summarizes the available tools.

9  Methods and Workflow

This chapter describes options that you can use to create automated actions in your application, outlines the primary configuration options, and summarizes the available tools.

10  Security

This chapter explains the Demantra security mechanisms.

11  Proport

This chapter explains the proport mechanism.

12  General Integration Guidelines

A pre-made model supports out-of-the-box integration of the Oracle e-Business Suite or EnterpriseOne applications with the Oracle Demantra Demand Management application. This model contains necessary definitions to support both Oracle e-Business Suite and EnterpriseOne applications and uses many common building blocks. The Oracle e-Business Suite model serves as the core best practice for Oracle Demantra Demand Management integration. Where EnterpriseOne information is missing, e-Business Suite documentation applies

13  Demantra Data Tables and Integration Processes

This chapter describes the Demantra table structure (at a high level) and gives the basic data requirements. It also describes ways you can import data into and export data from Demantra.

14  Demantra Demand Management to EBS Integration

This chapter overviews integration processes that synchronize or move data between the Oracle Demantra and E-Business Suite applications.

15  Demantra Demand Management to EBS Service Parts Planning Integration

This chapter describes the integration between Oracle Demantra Demand Management and EBS Service Parts Planning.

16  Demantra Sales and Operations Planning to EBS Integration

This chapter describes the integration between Sales and Operations Planning and EBS products, including Strategic Network Optimization (SNO), Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP), and Rapid Planning (RP). It also describes the handling of SCI data.

17  Demantra Demand Management to EnterpriseOne Integration

This chapter describes how Demantra Demand Management (DM) integrates with EnterpriseOne.

18  Demantra Predictive Trade Planning to EnterpriseOne Integration

This chapter describes how Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (PTP) integrates with EnterpriseOne.

19  Demantra Deductions and Settlement Management to EnterpriseOne Integration

This chapter describes how Demantra Deductions and Settlement Management (DSM) integrates with EnterpriseOne.

20  Demantra Predictive Trade Planning to Siebel Integration

This chapter provides detailed information about how Demantra Predictive Trade Planning (PTP) integrates with Siebel Trade Promotion Management (TPM).

21  Demantra Sales and Operations Planning to Hyperion Integration

This chapter describes how Demantra Sales and Operations Planning integrates with Hyperion.

22  Integration with Demand Signal Repository

This chapter describes how Demantra integrates with Demand Signal Repository.

23  Getting Started with the Configuration Tools

This chapter introduces the primary tools you use to configure Demantra, namely, Business Modeler and Workflow Manager.

24  Database Tools

The Business Modeler provides a simple user interface for creating and modifying database tables that is useful during implementation.

25  Using the Data Model Wizard

This chapter describes how to use the Data Model Wizard.

26  Configuring Levels

This chapter describes how to configure levels with the Configure > Levels option.

27  Configuring Series and Series Groups

This chapter describes how to configure series and series groups.

28  Configuring Units, Indexes, and Update-Lock Expressions

This chapter describes how to perform miscellaneous configuration tasks.

29  Series and Level Integration

This chapter describes how to use the Integration Interface Wizard, which you use to import or export series data and level members.

30  Importing Supplementary Data

This chapter describes how to import data into the Demantra database by using Tools > Import File. You use this tool to import supplementary data such as lookup tables.

31  Creating Workflows

This chapter describes how to create Demantra workflows, which are automated or semi-automated processes that you can use for a wide variety of purposes.

32  Configuring Methods

This chapter describes how to configure methods that the users can run within worksheets or within a Members Browser content pane.bp

33  Using the Desktop BLE User Interface

This chapter describes how to configure and use the Business Logic Engine (BLE) to evaluate client expressions in worksheets.

34  Non-Engine Parameters

This chapter describes parameters unrelated to the Analytical Engine and lists their default values, if any. As indicated, most parameters are visible to all users; a few are visible only if you log in as the owner of the component.

35  Database Procedures

This chapter lists the most commonly needed database procedures.

36  Key Tables

This chapter provides reference information for some of the most important tables in Demantra, especially the data fields used by or written by the Analytical Engine. Unless otherwise noted, this information applies to all Demantra products.

37  Server Expression Functions and Operators

This appendix provides reference information for the operators and functions that are allowed in server expressions.

38  Client Expression Functions and Operators

This appendix provides reference information for the operators and functions that are allowed in client expressions.

39  Workflow Steps

This chapter provides reference information for the available workflow steps.

40  Configuring Predictive Trade Planning

This chapter describes how to configure Promotion Effectiveness, if an existing Demantra implementation is already in place.

41  Configuring Promotion Optimization for Predictive Trade Planning

This chapter describes how to configure the Promotion Optimization module. You can skip this chapter until you need to work with Promotion Optimization.

42  Configuring Deductions and Settlement Management

This chapter describes how to configure DSM and load an initial set of data.

43  Fine Tuning and Scaling Demantra

Typically you adjust parameters to control your solution's global behavior, including various defaults and performance settings. This chapter provides an overview of most of the parameters, grouped into specific areas.

44  Customizing Demantra Web Pages

This chapter describes how to customize the Demantra Web pages.

45  Configuring Rolling Data

This chapter describes how to roll selected data, saving a copy of the current version of that data.

46  GL Synchronization

This chapter describes the GL synchronization feature and how to configure this feature.

47  Performing Constraint Profit Optimization

This chapter describes how to use the Constraint Profit Optimizer.

48  Creating a Standard Error Process

This chapter describes the creation of a standard error process.

49  Introduction to the Analytical Engine

This chapter describes the role the analytical engine plays in the simulating forecasts. It also describes how the analytical engine functions generally and the different engine modes.

50  Basic Concepts

This chapter introduces the basic concepts involved with configuring the analytical engine.

51  Configuring the Analytical Engine

This chapter describes how to configure the analytical engine. It also introduces guidelines for configuring the forecast tree, causal factors, and the configure to order (CTO) feature.

52  Configuring the Forecast Tree

This chapter describes how to configure the forecast tree. In the case of PE mode, it also describes how to configure the influence relationships, and competition among the combinations.

53  Configuring Causal Factors

This chapter describes how to create causal factors, configure them, and populate them with data. It also describes the predefined causal factors provided by Demantra.

54  Configuring Promotions and Promotional Causal Factors

This chapter describes how to configure promotions and promotional causal factors in the Business Modeler.

55  Tuning the Analytical Engine

It is usually necessary to adjust some parameters to configure the Analytical Engine correctly before running it the first time. Other adjustments can be made later to optimize the behavior and performance.

56  Using the Engine Administrator and Running the Engine

Before you run the Analytical Engine for the first time, it is useful to ensure that you have configured it correctly. This chapter describes how to administer the analytical engine.

57  Engine Details

This chapter provides details on the Analytical Engine, for the benefit of advanced users.

58  Engine Parameters

This chapter describes the Analytical Engine parameters that you can see in Business Modeler and lists their default values, if any.

59  Theoretical Engine Models

This chapter contains reference information for the theoretical models that the Analytical Engine uses.

60  Administering Demantra

This chapter briefly introduces the tasks that the system administrator for Demantra would perform. It also lists all the URLs that Demantra uses.

61  Managing Security

The Demantra data and features are secured, so that not all users have access to the same data and options. This chapter describes how to maintain security.

62  Managing Workflows

This chapter describes how to use the Workflow Manager to start, stop, and view workflow instances and to manage schema groups.

63  Managing Worksheets

Worksheets are created within the user interfaces, but you can manage them from the Business Modeler.

64  Other Administration

Demantra provides a Web-based interface to perform other, less common administrative tasks, described here.

65  Upgrading Using Oracle Demantra Business Application Language

This chapter describes the Business Application Language tool (BAL) that helps you to compare old and new schemas, and make choices about how to handle differences. The BAL Explorer is launched during the installation process when you select to manually upgrade to the latest application version.

66  Tips and Troubleshooting

For reference, the first section describes the first-time login procedure for Demantra applications, followed by several sections of tips. After that, this chapter lists possible errors that users may encounter and describes how to resolve them. The errors are listed alphabetically by message text or general description.

See Also

Oracle Demantra Release Notes Oracle Demantra Installation Guide

A  Key Tables

Related Information Sources

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data unless otherwise instructed.

Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.

Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.

When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a record of changes.