Series and Level Integration

This chapter describes how to use the Integration Interface Wizard, which you use to import or export series data and level members.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Before Using the Integration Interface Wizard

Before you use the Integration Interface Wizard, be sure to do the following:

Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface

Before you perform data import or export, you define a reusable integration interface. This will contain any number of data profiles and level profiles. The profiles define the details of the integration.

To create or modify an integration interface

  1. Click Tools > Integration Interface.

    The Create/Modify Integration Interface screen appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click New Integration Interface and then click OK. Or double-click New Integration Interface.

    • Click the button corresponding to the integration interface that you want to edit.

    The Integration Interface Details screen appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. Specify or edit the name and description for this integration interface.

    2. Select or clear the Create DB User for Interface Objects check box.

      If selected, you will create a database user who can view only the data as configured in this integration interface.

      Note: The new database user will receive the username and password with which you logged into the Business Modeler.

      If the database user already exists, it is not changed.

  3. Click Next. Or click Cancel and proceed to the next stage without saving changes.

    The Integration Interface Selection screen appears. Here you define data profiles and level profiles within this integration interface.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. To display the profiles in list format instead, click the list format icon on the upper right.

  5. Do at least one of the following:

    • Define a data profile, as described in “Creating a Data Import Profile” or “Creating a Data Export Profile” .

    • Define a level profile, as described in “Creating an Import Profile for a General Level”.

  6. Click Finish.

    See also

    Making Changes Available to Users

Creating a Data Import Profile

A data import profile describes how to import series data aggregated to a specific aggregation level or levels, with optional filtering. You can include sales series or promotion series, but not matrix series.

Important: Create import integration profiles using the Business Modeler installed on the server where Oracle Demantra is installed, and not using Business Modeler installed on the client personal computer.

In the case where the E-Business Suite Administrator navigates to the Collaborator Workbench > Planning Applications > Business Modeler, this deploys the silent install of the Business Modeler locally on C:\Program Files\Oracle Demantra Spectrum.

See Desktop and Business Modeler Automatic Install.

When the user creates an Integration Profile, the system creates a batch file on the machine from which Business Modeler is initiated. An executable step of the corresponding workflow references the batch file location on the server. In order for the workflow to process the batch file, the path to the batch file in the executable step of the workflow needs to reference the correct location (on the server). In the case where the user launches Business Modeler from the client PC, the workflow errors, because it looks for the batch file on the server, while it exists on the client PC.

To create a data import profile

  1. Open the integration interface, as described in “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface”.

  2. Click Next to display the Define Data/Levels Profile screen.

  3. Click New Data Profile and then click Create/Modify. Or double-click New Data Profile.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays the following screen.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Specify the following details for the data profile.

    Name Unique name for the data profile.
    Description Optional description.
    Presentation Type Specifies how level members are identified in the profile:
    If you select Description, each member is identified by its description field.
    If you select Code, each member is identified by its code display field.
    Integration Type Import.
    For information on export profiles, see “Creating a Data Export Profile”.
    Create Worksheet Select this check box if you want Demantra to create a worksheet that you can use to view the data.
    Import from file Select this check box if you are importing data from a file. Or leave this check box deselected if you are importing data from a table that is in the Demantra database.
    Create Workflow Select this check box to automatically create a workflow schema that uses this data profile. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
    Workflow Group Specify the schema group that this workflow should belong to. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
  5. If your system does not include the Workflow module, then the preceding screen includes the following field:

    Create Process Batch Select this check box to automatically create a batch file that uses this data profile. The name of the batch file is given in the final step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next.

  7. In the next set of screens, the Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for information about the data to import. This process is similar to creating worksheets. If you are not familiar with that process, see “Specifying Series Data to Import or Export”.

  8. After you specify the data to import, the Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for additional import details.

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. Specify the following information:

    Insert New Combinations If selected, all new combinations will be imported into Demantra.
    The Insert New Combinations process creates new combinations in the MDP_MATRIX table only when both the item and location are provided in the data import. For example, if the Location part of the combination is missing, the process will be unable to create a new matrix combination for that record.
    Populate Forecast Horizon Inserts new forecast records into the sales_data table for the entire forecast horizon data for the new combinations. This option is available only if you selected Insert New Combinations.
    Split Proportions (ignored if you import at the lowest level) This option is relevant only if you are importing data at an aggregated level. Select one of the following:
    Matrix Proportions - Uses the precalculated proportions that are stored in the mdp_matrix table. This means that if your aggregate data is imported at a weekly granularity, the split at the lowest level will be based on the corresponding monthly proportions.
    This option shortens the calculation process before any split action. Also, if you use this option, you will not need to run the MANUALS_INS_INTEGRATION procedure.
    Actual Proportions - Calculates proportions based on historical data. This option splits the aggregate data down to the lowest level based on sales or forecast values at the lowest level in the time bucket of interest. If no sales or forecast data exists, matrix proportions will be used.
    Table Name The meaning of this field depends on whether you are importing data from a file:
    If you are importing data from a file, this field specifies the name of the internal staging table into which Demantra will import this data.
    If you are instead importing data from a table in the database, this field specifies the name of that table.
    In either case, Demantra creates the table for you.
    If you change this name, it must not include spaces.

    Note: Make a note of the name of the staging table. For an introduction, see “Details of the Staging Tables”.

  10. Click Next.

  11. If you are importing data from a staging table rather than a file, skip ahead to Step 17.

  12. If you are importing data from a file, the Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for details about that file.

    the picture is described in the document text

  13. Specify the following information:

    File Directory Directory that contains the source file.
    Log Path Directory and filename of the log file into which Demantra will write any messages when you execute this integration profile.
    File Format The name of the file from which you want to import data.
    Delimiter Type Choose either Fixed Width or Delimiter.
    Column Delimiter Choose the delimiter that separates columns of data. This option is enabled only if Delimiter Type is Delimiter.
    Number of Lines to Skip Specify the number of lines at the top of this file that Demantra should ignore. For example, if the file contains a single header line, specify 1.
    Load Option Choose one of the following:
    Insert—use this to add new rows to the staging table
    Replace—use this to replace existing rows in the staging table
  14. Click Next.

  15. If you are importing from a file, the Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that shows additional details of the imported data.

    the picture is described in the document text

    This screen shows one row for each field that the imported data contains.

    1. Specify which columns to import. By default, all columns are imported; to prevent a column from being imported, select the Active check box.

    2. Specify the order of the fields. To move a field, click the field and then click the up or down arrows until the field has reached the appropriate location.

    3. If you chose the fixed width option earlier, you must now specify the widths of each of these fields. To do so, enter the starting and ending column position.

  16. Click Next.

  17. The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that reviews your selections.

  18. Review the displayed information and do one of the following:

    • To make further edits, click Back.

    • To finish the data profile, click Finish.

    The Integration Interface Selection screen appears. See “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface".

Creating a Data Export Profile

A data import profile describes how to export series data aggregated to a specific aggregation level or levels, with optional filtering. You can include sales series or promotion series, but not matrix series.

If you want to export a series that uses a client expression, you must first run the Business Logic Engine to evaluate the expression, split the resulting data to the lowest level, and save it to the database. If you are exporting data within a workflow, you use the BLE step type for this purpose.

To create a data export profile

  1. Open the integration interface, as described in “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface”.

  2. Click Next to display the Define Data/Levels Profile screen.

  3. Click New Data Profile and then click Create/Modify. Or double-click New Data Profile.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen where you name the new data profile.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Specify the following details for the data profile.

    Name Unique name for the data profile.
    Description Optional description.
    Presentation Type Specifies how level members are identified in the profile:
    If you select Description, each member is identified by its description field.
    If you select Code, each member is identified by its code display field.
    Integration Type Export.
    For information on import profiles, see “Creating a Data Import Profile”.
    Export Data Select one of the following options:
    Full - use this to export all data
    Incremental - use this to export only changed data
    Create Worksheet Select this check box if you want Demantra to create a worksheet that you can use to view the data.
    Create Workflow Select this check box to automatically create a workflow schema that uses this data profile. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
    Workflow Group Specify the schema group that this workflow should belong to. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
  5. If your system does not include the Workflow module, then the preceding screen includes the following field:

    Create Process Batch Select this check box to automatically create an external batch file that uses this data profile. The name of the batch file is given in the final step of the wizard.
  6. Click Next.

  7. In the next set of screens, the Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for information about the data to export. See “Specifying Series Data to Import or Export”.

  8. After you specify the data to export, the Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for additional export details.

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. Specify the following information:

    File Name Full directory path and filename of the file to which you are exporting data. Note that Demantra appends a unique time stamp to the end of the file so that you can export multiple times and see each result.
    Fixed Width Select if you want to export data in fixed width format. Leave this option unselected if you want to specify a field delimiter instead.
    Column Delimiter Choose the delimiter that Demantra should use between fields when it exports the data. This option is enabled only if Fixed Width is not selected.
    Select Type of View for Export Choose one of the following:
    View - Retrieves data from the database.
    Materialized view - Saves data as a cube allowing quick and flexible analysis. (This option is enabled only for Oracle.)
    View Name Name of internal table into which Demantra will export this data. If you change this name, it must not include spaces.
    Also, the view is created only after you run the export process. The columns in the view are not necessarily in the same order as in the exported file.
  10. Click Next.

    The Integration Interface Wizard prompts you to specify the fields to export.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. For each field that you want to export, click that field in the left list and then click the right-pointing arrow.

    2. To change the order of the fields, click a field and then click the up or down arrow.

    3. Click Next.

  11. If you chose the fixed width option earlier, you must now specify the widths of each of these fields. The Integration Interface Wizard displays the following screen.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. For each field, specify a numeric field width.

    2. Click Next.

  12. The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that reviews your selections.

  13. Review the displayed information and do one of the following:

    • To make further edits, click Back.

    • To finish the data profile, click Finish.

    The Integration Interface Selection screen appears. See “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface”.

Specifying Series Data to Import or Export

When you define a data profile for import or export (or both), a series of screens prompt you for information about the data.

Tip: It is generally good to import data at the lowest level possible.

If you need to load both sales series and promotion series, you probably should define separate data profiles for the two sets. You would likely want to import the promotion series at the promotion level, while you would import the sales series at some other level.

To specify series data for import or export

  1. The Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for the series to import or export in this data profile.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click each series you want to include so that it appears with a check mark.

    Note: Be sure to select only series that have an update field.

  3. Click Next.

    The Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for information about the time resolution and span of time to include in this data profile.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. In the Time Scale box, specify the time resolution of the data to import or export.

  5. In the Time Filter box, choose one of the following:

    • Choose Relative if you always want the import or export to use a time range relative to the date when you run the integration profile.

    • Choose Fixed if you always want the import or export to use a specific time range, regardless of when you run the integration profile.

  6. In the From Date and To Date boxes, enter values depending on the time filter you have chosen, as follows:

    Time Filter Box Action
    Relative From Date/ To Date Specify periods in both From and To with the current (computer) date as the reference point.
    For example: If the Time Scale is Month, and you want data starting from six months before today until six months after, enter -6 (negative) in From Date, and 6 in To Date.
    Fixed From Date Enter a specific date as a starting point. This is enabled only from the calendar.
    To Date Specify the number of periods you want to include, starting from the From date. The unit period is what you selected in Time Scale.
    For example: If the Time Scale is Year, From Date is 01/01/96, and you want data from then until 12/31/98, enter 3 in To Date.
  7. Click Next.

    The Integration Interface Wizard prompts you for the levels at which the imported or exported data should be aggregated. For example, in the data profile shown here, data is imported for SKU-Ship to combinations.

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Double-click each level you want to use, so that it appears in the right column.

  9. Optionally move a selected level to an earlier or later position in the right column.

    Note: The order in which the levels are listed in the right column controls the order of the fields in the staging table that Demantra creates for this data profile.

    1. In the Scale Units by box, specify the factor by which all data in the import or export is to be divided.

    2. In the Unit Type box, select the unit of measure to use in the imported or exported data.

    3. If the Index box is displayed, choose an index from the drop-down list.

    4. The Index menu lists all the time-dependent indexes and exchange rates that are associated with this unit.

    5. Optionally click the Advanced button in the lower right. Oracle displays a dialog box with additional options.

      the picture is described in the document text

    6. Select or deselect these check boxes as needed, and then click OK.

    7. Click Next.

  10. Now you can optionally filter the imported or exported data.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. Find the aggregation level at which you want to filter data and move it from the Available Filter Levels list into the Selected Filter Levels list,

    2. In the Available Members list, find a member that you want to include in the imported or exported data and move it into the Selected Members list.

    3. Continue to move members from the Available Members list into the Selected Members list, until the latter list includes all the members you want.

    4. Click Next.

  11. If you are defining an export integration profile, optionally define one or more exceptions.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. Click Add.

    2. In the new row, click the arrow to the right of the series box and select a series from the dropdown list.

      Note: Not all series are necessarily available for exceptions, depending upon the series definition. See “Available for Exceptions”.

    3. Click the arrow to the right of the operator box and select an operator from the dropdown list.

    4. In the number box, type the required number.

    5. You can apply additional exceptions. Select the AND or the OR radio button to specify that the relationship between the exceptions.

    6. Click Next.

  12. Continue to define the data profile as in the following topics.

    • Creating a Data Import Profile: Step 8

    • Creating a Data Export Profile: Step 8

Creating an Export Profile for Any Level

You can define a profile that describes how to export the members and attributes of any level.

Note: An export profile creates a database view, and the data in that view is then exported to the specified export file. The view is created only after you run the export process.

To create a level export profile for any level

  1. In the Integration Interface Selection screen, double-click the New Level button.

  2. Specify a name and description for the level profile.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Name Unique name for the level profile.
    Description Optional description.
    Presentation Type Specifies how level members are identified in the profile:
    If you select Description, each member is identified by its description field.
    If you select Code, each member is identified by its code display field.
    Integration Type Export.
    For information on level import.export profiles, see “Creating an Import Profile for a General Level”.
    Export Data Select one of the following options:
    Full—use this to export all data
    Incremental—use this to export only changed data
    Create Workflow Select this check box to automatically create a workflow schema that uses this data profile. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
    Workflow Group Specify the schema group that this workflow should belong to. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
  3. Click Next.

    • The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen like the following.

      the picture is described in the document text

  4. Click the level to import or export.

  5. Specify information about the file to export to, as follows. This file does not have to exist beforehand:

    File Name Specify the path and filename of the export file.
    Fixed Width If selected, each data item will be trimmed or filled to a specific field width, as specified later.
    Delimiter A symbol used to separate the data elements in the file. Use this option only if you do not check Fixed Width.
  6. Click Next.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that lists the columns you can export for this level. In general, these columns correspond to identifiers and attributes of members of this level.

    the picture is described in the document text

    1. For each field that you want to export or import, click that field in the left list and then click the right-pointing arrow.

    2. To change the order of the fields, click a field and then click the up or down arrow.

    3. Click Next.

  7. If you chose the fixed width option earlier, you must now specify the widths of each field of the export file.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays the following screen.

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. In the Field Width box, enter the required width of each field, in characters.

  9. Click Preview Structure.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that reviews your selections.

  10. Review the displayed information, and then do one of the following:

    • To make further edits, click Back.

    • To finish the data profile, click Finish.

    The Integration Interface Selection screen appears.

    See “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface”.

Creating an Import Profile for a General Level

For a general level, you can define a profile that you can use to import or export the members and attributes of the level.

To create a level profile for an integration interface

  1. In the Integration Interface Selection screen, double-click the New Level button.

  2. Specify a name and description for the level profile.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Name Unique name for the level profile
    Description Optional description
    Presentation Type Specifies how level members are identified in the profile:
    If you select Description, each member is identified by its description field.
    If you select Code, each member is identified by its code display field.
    Integration Type Import.
    For information on level export profiles, see “Creating an Import Profile for a General Level”.
    Create Workflow Select this check box to automatically create a workflow schema that uses this data profile. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
    Workflow Group Specify the schema group that this workflow should belong to. This option is available only if your system includes the Workflow module.
    Insert Matrix Combinations This option specifies whether to create the combinations of the associated population attribute, if those combinations do not already exist.
  3. Click Next.

    • The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen like the following.

      the picture is described in the document text

  4. Click a general level.

  5. If you want to export this general level, specify the following:

    File Name Specify the path and filename of the export file. This is the file to which the members and attributes of the general level will be exported. The associated population attributes are not exported.
    Fixed Width If selected, each data item will be trimmed or filled to a specific field width, as specified later.
    Delimiter A symbol used to separate the data elements in the file. Use this option only if you do not check Fixed Width.
  6. Click Next.

  7. If you specified an export file, the Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen where you specify the columns in the file. In general, these columns correspond to identifiers and general attributes of members of this general level. Population attributes are not shown.

    the picture is described in the document text

    For each field that you want to export or import, click that field in the left list and then click the right-pointing arrow.

  8. To change the order of the fields, click a field and then click the up or down arrow. Click Next.

    If you chose the fixed width option earlier, the Integration Interface Wizard displays the following screen.

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. In the Field Width box, enter the required width of each field, in characters. Click Next.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen where you specify the staging table or tables for this level.

    the picture is described in the document text

    You will import data into or export data from these tables. These tables have the following meaning:

    Members Table Table that contains the members of this general level
    Attribute Table Typically applies only at the lowest general level. This table contains the population attributes for each member. This table is used only for import and is ignored for export.

    Note: Make a note of the names of the staging tables. For an introduction, see “Details of the Staging Tables”.

  10. Click Preview Structure.

    The Integration Interface Wizard displays a screen that reviews your selections.

  11. If you are importing data from a staging table rather than a file, click Create to create that staging table.

  12. Review the displayed information and do one of the following:

    • To make further edits, click Back.

    • To finish the data profile, click Finish.

    The Integration Interface Selection screen appears.

    See “Creating or Modifying an Integration Interface”.

Deleting an Integration Interface

To delete an integration interface

  1. Click Tools > Integration Interface.

    The Create/Modify Integration Interface screen appears.

  2. Click the button corresponding to the integration interface that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

Details of the Staging Tables

It is critical to understand the structure and purpose of the staging tables generated by this tool, especially as you will have to share this information with other groups or organizations who will provide the data to load. Demantra generates three kinds of staging tables, each with its own structure. This section describes the general rules that Demantra uses to create these tables.

Note: It is outside the scope of this documentation to describe how to load data into the staging tables.


Oracle Demantra automatically creates staging tables as follows:

The Integration Interface Wizard initializes the names of these staging tables, but you can rename the tables within the wizard if needed. The default names start with biio_, but you should make a note of the names of your tables, as displayed within the Integration Interface Wizard.

You will also have examine the structure of your staging tables, to ensure that the correct data is loaded into them. The SQL command desc tablename is useful for this task; see your database documentation. The following sections provide guidelines for understanding the fields in these tables.

For each staging table, the Integration Interface Wizard also creates an error table. The error table has the same structure as the corresponding staging table, with the addition of a new column that is meant to contain any error message associated with that record. The error table has the same name as the corresponding staging table, with _err appended to the end.

Staging Table for a Data Profile

The staging table associated with a data profile is intended to contain one row for a given date and combination. For that date and combination, this row contains data for each series that is being loaded. The staging table has the following fields:

  1. The first field (Sdate) is meant to contain the date for the data you are loading. This can be any bucket date that lies within the span of time specified by the data profile; see Step 2.

    A bucket date is the calendar date of the first day within a given bucket. For example, if you are using a weekly system starting on Monday, all dates must fall on Mondays.

  2. The next fields (Level1, Level2, and so on) are meant to contain either the codes or the descriptions for each member to which this data applies. These are character fields and are required.

    • Pay attention to the Presentation Type used in the data profile. If the Presentation Type is Code, then these fields should contain the codes of the parent members. Likewise, if the Presentation Type is Description, then these fields should contain the descriptions.

    • As you can see, these fields are not labeled to indicate the level to which they refer. Demantra considers the order in which you listed the levels within the integration wizard; see Step 3. The Level1 field contains the first level, Level2 contains the second level, and so on.

  3. The rest of the fields are meant to contain the values for each series for the selected member(s) and date. The following rules apply:

    • These fields are not required.

    • The name of each field is the same as the update field name that you specified for the series. (See “Specifying Data Properties of a Series”.) This can be confusing if your series names and update field names are not the similar.

    • Except in the case of dropdown series, each of these fields has the same data type as the series itself.

    • For a drop-down series, the import field is expecting to contain the value that is shown within the drop-down list in the worksheet (rather than the internal value that is instead stored). Oracle Demantra automatically converts the imported value to the appropriate internal value.

      For example, consider a drop-down series that uses the Promotion Type Level as a lookup:

      the picture is described in the document text

      This series stores the values shown in the left column but displays the values shown in the right. When loading data for this series, you would provide values as shown in the right column.

      Oracle Demantra looks up the value that you provide, finds the corresponding internal value, and imports the internal value into the database. If Oracle Demantra cannot find the value that you provide, this record is not imported and Oracle Demantra writes an error to the corresponding error table.

Main Staging Table for a Level Profile

The main staging table associated with a level profile is intended to contain one row for each member. That staging table has the following fields. For all these fields, field names depend on the level you are loading.

  1. The first field is meant to contain the codes of the members that you are loading. This is a character field and is required.

  2. The second field is meant to contain the descriptions of the members that you are loading. This is a longer character field and is required.

  3. The next fields are meant to contain the codes for each immediate parent. These are character fields and are required.

  4. The rest of the fields are meant to contain the attribute values for each member that you are loading. The following rules apply:

    • None of these fields are required.

      Note: If you omit values for these fields, Demantra leaves the corresponding attributes as null. Oracle Demantra does not use any level or attribute defaults during import.

    • The name of each field is the same as the column name that you specified for the attribute. This can be confusing if your attribute names and column names are not the same.

    • Except in the case of lookup attributes, each of these fields has the same data type as the attribute itself.

    • For a lookup attribute, the import field is always a character field.

    • For a lookup attribute of type table, the import field is meant to contain the same data as used in the display column of the table, as specified in the level editor here:

      the picture is described in the document text

      For example, suppose that the approval_status table is as follows:

      Code DESCR
      1 Submit
      2 Submitted
      3 Approved
      4 Re-Review

      In this case, the staging table is expecting to receive the description fields, such as “Submit." Oracle Demantra uses the lookup table, finds the corresponding codes, and inserts those into the level table. If Oracle Demantra cannot find the given field in the lookup table, the promotion is not imported and Oracle Demantra writes an error to the corresponding error table.

    • For a lookup attribute of type level, the import field is meant to contain the description field of the member, as displayed in the right side of the Level Members screen:

      the picture is described in the document text

      For example, you would load the data “Feature” into the field for this level-type attribute. Oracle Demantra looks up this description in the level table, finds the corresponding code, and inserts that into the level table for the member that you are importing. If Oracle Demantra cannot find the given description, the promotion is not imported and Oracle Demantra writes an error to the corresponding error table.

Population Staging Table for a Level Profile

If you define an import profile for a promotion or other general level, Oracle Demantra also creates a staging table (for example, biio_population) to hold the population of the promotions that you are loading. This staging table describes the population of each promotion. Specifically, it contains the same information as this window:

the picture is described in the document text

For each promotion, the table can contain multiple rows. Each row specifies a level and a member of that level, just as the preceding screen does (the previous screen shows that this promotion is associated with the Low Fat member of the Product Family). This table has the following structure:

Field Data Type Purpose
LEVEL_MEMBER varchar2 (40) Code of the promotion (or other general level) member that you are loading.
FROM_date date Start date for this promotion member.
UNTIL_date date End date for this promotion member.
FILTER_LEVEL varchar2 (50) Name of a level, for example “Product Family” or “SKU”.
LEVEL_ORDER number (15) Use 1 for a location-type level or 2 for an item-type level.
FILTER_MEMBER varchar2 (50) Description of a member of this level, for example “Low Fat”.

Executing an Integration Interface

Once you have created an integration interface, you can use it in either of two ways:

Also, integration interface name must be the name of an integration interface that has already been defined, and profile name is the name of a data profile or level profile within that interface

The double quotes are needed only if there are spaces within the interface name or the profile name.

Note: If you are importing data, and if the data profile specifies actual proportions (rather than matrix proportions), be sure to run the MANUALS_INS_INTEGRATION procedure after you run the integration interface.

Checking the Integration Queue

You can check the status of the integration tasks.

To view the integration queue

  1. Start Demand Planner or Demand Replenisher.

  2. Click Window > Integration Queue Monitor.

    The Integration Queue Monitor window appears. The window shows the Oracle Demantra tasks initiated for the integrated application. You can see the following information:

    Timestamp Date where the task was created.
    ACTCODE Codes specifying tasks to be performed in the integrating application.
    PARAMSTRING Parameter that is connected to the task.
    Status Status of the task, indicating the phase that the task is in.
    Last Refresh Time when this point of the process was reached.