Client Expression Functions and Operators

This appendix provides reference information for the operators and functions that are allowed in client expressions.

This chapter covers the following topics:

About This Reference

This appendix provides reference information for the operators and functions that are allowed in client expressions.

Operators in Client Expressions

You can use the following operators in a client expression:

Precedence of calculations follows standard algebraic rules.

Finally, to specify a series, use either of the following syntaxes:

For example: Sales [ -1] refers to the previous period(column). Sales [ 1] refers to the next period (column). [0] is not allowed.

Abs Function

Returns the absolute value of a number.


The value of argument must be either numeric or null.


Tests the values of a series or expression and returns values based on the results of the test. If more than one WHEN clause matches the given input, the function returns the result corresponding to the first matching one.


The square brackets indicate optional parts of the syntax. The arguments are as follows:


The following expressions are valid uses of Case:

See also


Returns the number of the worksheet row that currently has the focus, that is, the worksheet row that the user has selected.

This function is easiest to use in color expressions.

Within the main client expression for a series, you can use this function to find the relative position of a row, in relation to another row. For example, you can use it indirectly to find the last row number.

Note: Remember that apart from the color expression and the edit-lock expression, the worksheet does not reevaluate client expressions until a value changes in the worksheet. That is, the action of moving the cursor does not force the main client expressions to be reevaluated.

Note: This means that if you use this function within the main client expression for a series, the expression should also refer to a series that the user will change.

If the function fails, it returns 0.



When used in a general client expression (that is, neither a color expression nor an edit-lock expression), this function always returns 1.

When used in a color or edit-lock expression, this function returns the number that corresponds to the row that currently has the focus, that is, the row that the user has currently highlighted.

You can use this function in an edit-lock expression, but the GetRow function is a better choice. For example, consider the following possible edit-lock expressions:

Both expressions make it impossible to edit the series for the rows before the start of the forecast. However, if you use the former expression, all the cells will appear editable if the user selects a row before the start of the forecast, which would be very confusing.

See also


Given a string argument, returns a date. This function works only in the desktop.


See also


Returns an integer indicating the day of the month of the given date value.


The value of argument must be either a date or null.


Returns the number e raised to the specified power.


The value of argument must be either numeric or null.


This expression returns 7.38905609893065:

These statements convert a natural logarithm (base e) back to a regular number. When executed, Exp sets value to 200:


Returns the number of the row in the current worksheet where the forecast begins. It refers to the batch forecast.


See also


Periods of supply. Checks the period of the first arguments against the period (from the next period) of the second argument. This function works only on the forecast data.

Note: You cannot use this function in color expressions.


Each argument should be a series.


The section that uses “GetRow() >= ForecastFirstRow()” is essential because the expression works only in forecast.

Date Inventory (SupplyTinv) Forecast (SupplyTinvFinalFcst) Third Series with FPOS
January 12 5 2.5
February   5  
March   4  
April   6  

Fpos = 5 + 4 + 6*0.5 = 2.5. The inventory (12) will cover the forecast for 2.5 periods.


Returns a series that adds multiple future consecutive items from a given series. The second argument, either a number or another series, specifies the number of time periods to use for each sum.

Note: You cannot use this function in color expressions.


The arguments are as follows:

The parameters can be only the names of data series or actual values. It is not permitted to enter other functions or [ ] brackets inside the FSUM function.



Returns the number of the worksheet row. You generally use this function in edit-lock expressions that lock worksheet rows depending on position.

If the function fails, it returns 0.


See also


Returns an integer that indicates the relative level of the summary row where this function is used.

Note: This function is available only for use within the summary row of a series.


You use this function to achieve different kinds of summaries for a series in different contexts in a given worksheet. Specifically, when a worksheet uses one or more levels on the x-axis, the worksheet table includes intermediate summary rows, for example:

the picture is described in the document text

By default, the final summary row and all the intermediate summary rows are calculated in exactly the same way. The GetWorksheetLevelNumber function provides a way to distinguish each summary row, so that you can create a different summary functions as needed, at each of those levels.

To determine the relative aggregation level of the summary rows, the function considers the layout of the worksheet. The following figure relates the summary levels to the x-axis layout:

the picture is described in the document text

For level 1 in the worksheet, GetWorksheetLevelNumber returns 1, and so on. If there are n levels on the x-axis of the worksheet, the function returns n+1 for the final summary.


Suppose that you want to display only the intermediate summary but not the final summary, as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

To achieve this, you could use a summary row expression of the following form:


Tests a true/false expression and returns one of two possible values based on the results of the test.



This expression returns 7 if Retail_history is greater than Retail_model; otherwise it returns Demand:

See also


Returns true or false depending on whether a given series has been edited since the last time data was saved.


Here series should be an editable series. The function does not detect whether a calculated series has been changed by having its inputs edited.


The following expression returns the Inventory series if Pseudo has been modified and returns the Safety series if Pseudo has not been modified:


Returns true or false depending on whether a given series equals null.



Returns the remainder (modulus) of a division operation.

Note: The results of this function take slightly longer to display than for other functions.


The value of argument1 and argument2 must be either numeric or null.



Returns an integer indicating the month of the given date value.

This can be used to show or use dates in calculations. Also, a planning process can be maintained, while the locking expression is based dynamically on dates. For example, override is allowed only in the first two weeks of the month.


The value of argument must be either a date or null.


Returns the number pi multiplied by a specified number.


The value of argument must be either numeric or null.

The function returns -1 if an error occurs.


You can use this function to convert angles to and from radians. For example, because pi equals 180 degrees, you can convert 60 degrees to radians as follows:


Returns a random integer between 1 and a specified upper limit.

Note: This function does not generate true random numbers. If you repeatedly call this function, you will receive a pseudo random sequence.



The following expression returns a random whole number between 1 and 10:


Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.



The following expression returns 9.62:

The following expression returns 9.63:

The following expression returns 9.600:

The following expression returns -9.63:

see also


Returns the numbers of rows in the worksheet where this function is used.


See also


Returns the square root of a non negative number.


The value of argument must be either a non negative number or null.


This expression returns 1.414213562373095.

This expression results in an error at execution time.


Returns the average value of the displayed rows of the specified series.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument is the name of a series that has a numeric value.

Any null value is treated as zero.


Returns the total count of the displayed rows of the specified series.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument is the name of a series that has a numeric value.


Returns the maximum value of the displayed rows of the specified series.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument is the name of a series that has a numeric value.

Any null value is treated as zero.


Returns the minimum value of the displayed rows of the specified series.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument is the name of a series that has a numeric value.

Any null value is treated as zero.


Returns the sum of the displayed rows of the specified series.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument is the name of a series that has a numeric value.

Any null value is treated as zero.


Returns the weighted average of the displayed rows.

Note: This function is available only for the summary row of a series.


Here argument1 and argument2 are the name of series that have a numeric value. Tis function performs a weighted average of the values in argument1, using the values in argument2 as the weights.

Any null value is treated as zero.


Returns the current system date.

This can be used to show or use dates in calculations. Also a planning process can be maintained, while the locking expression is based dynamically on dates. For example, override is allowed only in the first two weeks of the month, and so on.



Returns a number truncated to a specified number of decimal places.


The value of argument1 and argument2 must be either numeric or null. If numeric, argument2 should be a non negative integer between 0 to 18, inclusive.


The following expression returns 9.2:

The following expression returns -9.2:

See also


Returns a four-digit integer indicating the year of the given date value.

This can be used to show or use dates in calculations. Also a planning process can be maintained, while the locking expression is based dynamically on dates. For example, override is allowed only in the first two weeks of the month, and so on.


The value of argument must be either a date or null.

Demantra handles years from 1000 to 3000 inclusive. If your data includes date before 1950, such as birth dates, always specify a four-digit year so that Year and other functions, such as Sort, interpret the date as intended.


Z_val is used in safety stock calculation. Given a specified service level, this function returns a value to use in the safety stock calculation, by looking up values in a table.


The value of argument must be either numeric or null.

Z_Val Table

If the argument is... The function returns this z_val...
greater than the min_level and less than or equal to the max_level
0 0.85 1.04
0.85 0.86 1.09
0.86 0.87 1.13
0.87 0.88 1.18
0.88 0.89 1.23
0.89 0.9 1.282
0.9 0.91 1.34
0.91 0.92 1.41
0.92 0.93 1.48
0.93 0.94 1.56
0.94 0.95 1.645
0.95 0.96 1.75
0.96 0.97 1.88
0.97 0.98 2.06
0.98 0.99 2.33
0.99 0.995 2.576
0.995 0.999 3.09
0.999 0.9995 3.291
0.9995 0.99995 3.891
0.99995 0.999995 4.417


If we select a service level of 95.5% then the expression will look at the table at the following line, because this lies between 0.95 and 0.96 (the minimum and maximum values in the range). A z_val value of 1.75 is returned.

min_level max_level z_val
0.95 0.96 1.75