Administering Demantra

This chapter briefly introduces the tasks that the system administrator for Demantra would perform. It also lists all the URLs that Demantra uses.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Keeping the System Running

Depending on how Demantra is configured, it needs some or all of the following items to be running:

Component When needed Details
Database Always Consult Oracle database documentation.
Web server* If solution uses any Web-based components See documentation for the Web server.
Workflow Engine If workflows are being used See “Managing Workflows”.
Database procedures listed in “Recommended Procedure Scheduling” Always Usually run from within workflows; see “Managing Workflows”
Possible other background processes Varies Contact the implementors of your Demantra system.
*For best performance, run the server without any logging.

You should also make sure you have details on the following topics:

Periodic Maintenance Tasks

You may periodically need to make adjustments in the following areas:

Area Tool used See
Maintaining users and user groups Business Modeler “Managing Security”
Maintaining security of menus in all Web-based products Collaborator Workbench Administrator “Managing Security”
Managing workflows Workflow Manager “Managing Workflows”
Changing ownership of worksheets and deleting unused worksheets Business Modeler “Managing Worksheets”

Note: For information on tuning the performance of the Analytical Engine, see “Tuning the Analytical Engine”.

Note: For information on other software configuration settings that affect performance, see the Oracle Demantra Installation Guide.

Data Cleanup Script

The data cleanup script allows users to safely remove data that is no longer needed. It may be used to partially remove data (such as anything older than two years, or all data associated with a particular item that’s not longer offered), or to perform a full cleanout of demo or test data from a pre-configured schema.

When a cleanup is performed with this script, configuration data (series, worksheets, levels, etc.) is normally preserved. Objects potentially affected by this process include data tables (mdp_matrix, sales data, GL data tables) and level members (mostly by cascade from the data tables). Most levels should and will be purged of their members, with the exception of default level members. Some levels must be protected, as they are generic to Demantra and not specific to the customer.

Note: This procedure is only intended for use by experienced consultants and should never be run on a production schema.

Before running the package:

After running the package:

Notes about running the package:

Cleaning Up Temporary Objects
Notes This also calls clean_schema_int.
Procedure DATA_CLEANUP.clean_schema_temps( commit_point NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_COMMIT_POINT );
Description DROP_TEMPS(0) is the standard procedure to drop temporary tables created by worksheet runs.See additional objects in clean_schema_int.
Cleaning Up Level Data
Notes This should not delete the default member 0 in each level.
Procedure DATA_CLEANUP.clean_level_data( commit_point NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_COMMIT_POINT );
Objects Affected SALES_DATA, MDP_MATRIX and the General Level data and matrix tables PROMOTION, PROMOTION_DATA and PROMOTION_MATRIX
Description Recursively deletes all members for level data except protected levels in PROTECTED_OBJECTS table and the default member .
Cleaning Up Integration-Related Settings
Notes These are mainly created by Oracle EBS collections:
Procedure DATA_CLEANUP.clean_schema_int( commit_point NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_COMMIT_POINT );
Description Deletes levels from TGROUP_RES and removes the column from INPUTS.

Demantra URLs

Anyone can log into any Web-based Demantra product if they have the uniform resource locator (URL) and the appropriate access. These URLs are based upon information that you provide during installation. Make sure all your users know the URLs that they will need.

This table shows the URLs to use to access Oracle Demantra functions. When you use this table, in place of:

Function Example URL
Collaborator Workbench http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/loginpage.jsp
Demand Planner Web Client http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/partnerLogin.jsp
Workflow Manager http://frodo:8080/demantra/workflow/login.jsp
Demantra Anywhere Version of Collaborator Workbench (Thin Client) http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/remoteloginpage.jsp
Demantra Anywhere Version of Web Client http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/anywhereLogin.jsp
Collaborator Workbench Administration http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/adminLogin.jsp
Dynamic Open Link (DOL) access for third-party reporting tools http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/DOLLogin.jsp
Offline Access to Demantra Worksheets http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/launchDPWeb.jsp
User Management http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/userManagemen t.jsp
Technical Administration http://frodo:8080/demantra/admin

Direct Logins

You can log in directly to Oracle Demantra Collaborator Workbench and Demand Planner. Use this method, for example:

This table shows the URLs to use to access direct login functions. When you use this table, in place of:

After the table, there is an explanation of the parameters to use in each

Function Example URL
Collaborator Workbench http:// frodo:8080/demantra/portal/ directLogin.jsp?user=<username>&pass=<password>
Demand Planner http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/partnerLogin.jsp[?user=<userID>&pass=<password>&…]

This table lists the parameters that the Collaborator Workbench direct login function uses. Both parameters are mandatory and neither has a default value.

Parameter Name Description
user Username
pass Password of the user account

This table lists the parameters that the Demand Planner direct function uses. All parameters are optional and none have a default value.

Parameter Name Description
userID Username
pass Password of the user account
queryId ID of worksheet to open
combination Additional filter for the worksheet. It contains the level ID. The separator between:
- Member ID pairs is a semicolon
- Level and member ID is a comma.

This is an example of the parameters portion of a Demand Planner URL that passes all of the parameters


If you pass:

Running the Worksheets Window Applet as Standalone

Use this command line for running the Worksheets Window Applet as a standalone application.

<java_executable> -classpath <collaborator_jar_path> -Dname=<user_name> -Dpassword=<password><policy_path> -DcodeBase=<server_codebase> -Xmx256M com.demantra.partner.client.main.PartnerApplet

For example

C:\j2sdk1.4.2_04\bin\javaw -classpath "D:\Builds\Collaborator623-dev\Build\WebFiles\demantra\portal\collaborator.jar" -Dname=dp -Dpassword=dp -DcodeBase=http://frodo:8080/demantra/portal/ -Xmx256M com.demantra.partner.client.main.PartnerApplet

This table lists the parameters that the Worksheets Window Applet as Standalone function uses. All parameters are optional and none have a default value.

Parameter Name Description
-Dname Username
-Dpassword Password of the user account
–DsessionId Session ID

If you pass:

Use executable javaw to suppress the black console window.

Log Files and Tables

For your reference, Demantra writes the following log files and tables:

Table or file Purpose
import.log Information on the import process of the dump file.
DB_EXCEPTIONS_LOG Errors detected when stored procedures are run; this information is displayed in the Business Modeler.
build_procedure.log Information on the loading of the procedures into the new user.
upgrade.log Information on the database upgrade process.

You can modify the default location of log files when running the Demantra Installer. Click "Configure Log” after launching the installer enables you to specify the log level, the log filename, and the directory to where log files are written.

The default location of these files is (Demantra_root)\DemandPlanner\Database Objects\Oracle.

If you are using JRun as the Web server, note that all the JRun logs are in the directory JRun4\logs. All Demantra exceptions are written to default-err.log. You should delete all these log files before restarting the application server. You may want to back up the files first to another folder.

Note: If the server is running, you will not be able to delete some of the files because they are in use. You can instead clear the log files as follows: open each file, select all text with ctrl+A, and delete the text and save the file.

Illegal Characters in Demantra

Within Demantra, do not use the following special characters:

Single quote (')

Double quote (")

Ampersand (&)

If you use these characters, unexpected results may occur.

Required Third-Party Software

The Oracle Demantra Installation Guide lists third-party software with which Demantra works. It may be useful to review this information.