PTP: Managing and Viewing Quotas and Funds

This chapter covers the following topics:


This chapter describes how to manage or view quotas and funds in Oracle Demantra, as part of the PTP business process.

To manage or view quotas and funds, you start in the Collaborator Workbench and launch any of the relevant PTP worksheets.

the picture is described in the document text

About Quotas and Funds

Oracle Demantra displays a standard set of promotion funds, which you can view or modify at several different levels, as appropriate, along with the quota (Sales Quota) that they are intended to support.

Available Funds

PTP provides the following standard set of promotion funds, broken out as follows:

As in standard usage, the rates are per unit so that the authorized funding is the volume multiplied by the rate. For example, BDF Auth is computed as follows:

(BDF Base Rate + BDF Dev Rate) * volume + BDF Fixed Funds

You can see or edit these funds on several worksheets. One example (PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down) is shown below.

the picture is described in the document text


Because volume affects the use of the funds, PTP also displays the following volume information:

In general, PTP volume calculations use actuals for the past and forecasted volume for the future. This means that to compute volume as needed for total BDF funds for the year, for example, PTP combines the actuals and the forecast.

Unplanned promotions do not affect volume.

Managing Quotas and Funds at the Retailer Level

Typically, you would start by working top-down, setting quotas and funds at the retailer-territory level.

To manage quotas and funds at the retailer-territory level

  1. Start in Collaborator Workbench.

  2. In My Worksheets, click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down.

    Or if a worksheet is currently open, click File > Open. Click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down and then click Open.

  3. If the worksheet does not show data immediately, click Data > Rerun. Or click the Run button.

  4. At the top of the screen, select the territory to display.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. In the Entry Data table, edit the quota and fund values as needed. Here you are editing values for the entire year, for a given retailer.

  6. Click Data > Save Data. Or click the Save Data button.

Entry Data

Here you enter the funds and quotas. This table shows all the quotas and funds for each retailer, aggregated over the year.

Volume Details

This table summarizes the volume information.

the picture is described in the document text

Sales Quota

This graph shows the plan, the sales quota, and the projection for each retailer.

the picture is described in the document text

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:

Managing Quotas and Funds at the Promotion Group Level

If you have already set quotas and funds at a high level, you might want to fine-tune the amounts by adjusting values at the lower levels.

To manage quotas and funds at the promotion group level

In the table, edit the quota and fund values as needed. You can select and edit multiple cells.

Entry Data

This table shows all the quotas and funds for the selection, by week.

Sales Quota

This graph shows the plan, the sales quota, and the projection for each promotion group.

the picture is described in the document text

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:

Viewing Quotas and Funds

If you are a sales representative, you can view authorized funds against your sales quota. You use the PTP: Quota and Fund View worksheet, which is a view-only worksheet.

To view quotas and funds

  1. In My Worksheets (in Collaborator Workbench), click PTP: Quota and Fund View.

    Or if a worksheet is currently open, click File > Open. Click PTP: Quota and Fund View and then click Open.

  2. If the worksheet does not show data immediately, click Data > Rerun.

  3. At the top of the screen, select the territory, retailer, and brand to display.

    the picture is described in the document text

    The table shows all the quotas and funds for each brand, broken down by promotion group. For each promotion group, the quotas and funds are displayed for the entire year.

    The graph below that shows the quota for each promotion group.

Possible Actions

In this worksheet, depending on your authorization, you can do the following:

Use File > Open to access other PTP worksheets.


PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down

This worksheet lets you set quotas and funds at the retailer level.


Accessing this worksheet
  • In My Worksheets (in Collaborator Workbench), click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down.

  • If a worksheet is currently open, click File > Open. Click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down and then click Open.

Levels you can select Territory
Levels used in cross tabulation Retailer
Time aggregation Yearly

Business Data

View Series Description
Entry Data Plan $ The manufacturer's planned revenue
Sales Quota Sales quota (revenue)
$ Sales Proj Planned sales dollars: actuals plus forecast
Sales Proj Planned sales volume: actuals plus forecast
Base Fcst Base volume: actuals plus forecast
Incr Fcst Incremental volume: actuals and forecast due only to planned promotions
MDF Base Rate Market development fund base rate
MDF Dev Rate Market development fund development rate
MDF Fixed Funds MDF fixed funds
MDF Auth Authorized market development funds, calculated as follows: (base rate + dev rate)*volume + fixed MDF funds
BDF Base Rate Brand development fund base rate
BDF Dev Rate Brand development fund development rate
BDF Fixed Funds BDF fixed funds
BDF Auth Authorized brand development funds, calculated as follows: (base rate + dev rate)*volume + fixed BDF funds
Slot Auth Authorized slotting funds
Ttl Fund Auth Total authorized spending, including MDF, BDF, and slotting
Volume Details Actuals LY Actual demand one year ago
Plan Vol The manufacturer's planned volume
Sales Proj Planned sales volume: actuals plus forecast
Actuals Ttl Total actual quantity (including both base and incremental volume)
Base Fcst Base volume: actuals plus forecast
Incr Fcst Incremental volume: actuals and forecast due only to planned promotions
Sales Quota Plan $ The manufacturer's planned revenue
Sales Quota Sales quota (revenue)
$ Sales Proj Planned sales dollars: actuals plus forecast

PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Bottom-Up

This worksheet lets you set quotas and funds at lower levels.


Accessing this worksheet
  • In My Worksheets (in Collaborator Workbench), click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Bottom-Up.

  • If a worksheet is currently open, click File > Open. Click PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Bottom-Up and then click Open.

Levels you can select Territory, Retailer, Brand, Promotion Group
Levels used in cross tabulation None
Time aggregation Weekly

Business Data

Same as for PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down, except that this worksheet does not include a Volume Details area.

PTP: Quota and Fund View

This read-only worksheet lets you view quotas and funds.


This read-only worksheet lets you view quotas and funds.

Accessing this worksheet
  • In My Worksheets (in Collaborator Workbench), click PTP: Quota and Fund View.

  • If a worksheet is currently open, click File > Open. Click PTP: Quota and Fund View and then click Open.

Levels you can select Territory, Retailer, Brand
Levels used in cross tabulation Promotion Group
Time aggregation Weekly

Business Data

Same as for PTP: Quota and Fund Entry: Top-Down, except that this worksheet does not include a Volume Details area.