Dashboards and Scorecards

Category Sales Analysis Dashboard

The Category Sales Analysis dashboard measures:

Supported Category Sales Analysis measures include:

Measure Explanation
Retailer Net Cost and Gross Margin Displays the next cost and gross margin for each product category, by Retailer.
Category Coverage Displays the sales of a single product as a percentage of total category sales - by $ value.
Product Mix This pie chart displays the breakdown of categories, brands or items. Click on a category within the pie chart to drill-down to its members. For example, clicking on Tea drills-down to a pie chart displaying all products belonging to the category.
Product Contribution to Gross Margin Display the percentage that each product category contributes towards gross margin.
Category Sales By Type Category sales value by type of promotion – either promotion or regular pricing. This measure helps category managers see how much his sales organization depends upon promotion to sell, and how it affects the overall sales and volume at retail.
Sales Growth % Change to Previous Period Percentage change in sales growth for the category over the previous period. For example, selecting the Month filter displays the percent change from the previous month to the current month.

Manufacturer Promotions Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

Use the Manufacturer Promotions dashboard to display pre-seeded reports and graphs to facilitate reporting and analysis. This dashboard displays:

As well, context sensitive drill-downs are available from the manufacturer promotion dashboard to display:

The Manufacturer Promotions Analysis tab displays a variety of charts for compliance analysis including:

The Manufacturer Promotions Summary tab displays a high level overview of promotions:

The Manufacturer Promotions Detail tab displays detailed promotions data by promotion name and type:

Sales Performance by Account Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

Demand Signal Repository has provided a sample out of the box dashboard which utilizes the Alternate Organization Hierarchy. Existing dashboards and reports can be easily modified to use the alternate organization hierarchy instead of the Customer Organization Hierarchy.

The Sales Performance by Account dashboard page can be found on the Miscellaneous Reports dashboard. This dashboard displays sales and forecast facts associated with the ValueChoice Buying Organization (a level one account). The chart on the left shows a breakdown by level two account and the chart on the right shows a breakdown by product category.

The Sales Performance by Account dashboard page is made up of:


Demand Signal Repository uses color-coded scorecards which provide a graphical interface for monitoring results versus goals over time. The scorecard indicates how well you are meeting your goals and thresholds, and display both latest (weekly) results as well as overall Year To Date (YTD) results. The following example illustrates how color-coding indicates results:

the picture is described in the document text

Demand planning involves establishing performance targets that measure many aspects of a single customer relationship. Then, on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, the scorecard evaluates whether the company has met the goal or has fallen below its objectives.

When drilling down on a measure (either latest results or overall results) from the scorecard, the underlying reports only display weekly results for the specified year. All available weeks are displayed, regardless of the week selected in the scorecard. The results are displayed starting with the first week in which data is loaded through the latest week.

Upper and Lower Bound Measures

How DSR color-codes Scorecard measures depends on whether or not a measure is upper bound (in which lower values are better), or lower bound (in which higher values are better). The following table lists all upper and lower bound measures:

Lower Bound Measures Upper Bound Measures
Monetary Sales On-Hand Inventory
Unit Sales % Returns
Category Sales Inventory Cover
Retailer Gross Margin Order Cycle Time (OCT)
Gross Margin % Order Change %
Forecast Accuracy % Deduction Balance
On-Time Delivery % Payment Days
Perfect Order %  
Invoice Accuracy %  
Item Data Synchronization %  
Item Data Accuracy %  

Formatting Rules for Lower Bound Measures

Each measure has an associated icon, that is colored to represent a different condition:

Measure (Icon) Appearance Explanation
No Icon No goal has been defined for the measure.
Green Circle Sales are equal to (or above) the goal.
Yellow Circle The measure is below the specified goal, but above the lower-bound threshold.
Red Circle Either:
  • The measure is below the specified goal and above the lower-bound threshold.

  • The measure is below the specified goal, and no threshold has been set.

Formatting Rules for Upper Bound Measures

Each measure has an associated icon, that is colored to represent a different condition:

Measure (Icon) Appearance Explanation
No Icon No goal has been defined for the measure.
Green Circle The measure is below or equal to the goal.
Yellow Circle The measure is above the goal, but below
Red Circle Either:
  • The measure is above the specified goal, and below the upper-bound limit.

  • The measure is above the specified goal, and no threshold has been set.

Sales Scorecard

The Sales scorecard displays the following sales-related measures.

Supply Chain Scorecard

Supply Chain scorecard displays the results of measures versus goals comparisons for seven supply-chain-oriented measures:

Operations Scorecard

The Operations Scorecard displays the results of measures versus goals comparisons for the following operations-related measures:


Use Demand Signal Repository’s prebuilt Category Management reports to view filterable demand data. Each report is built to display a different aspect of your organization’s performance.

the picture is described in the document text

You can filter reports by time (Year, Quarter, and Month) or product (Product Category, Channel, Item Type). Click a report element (for example, the Bottled Water category or Dollar Mart customer) to drill down to a detailed display of that particular element. Where appropriate, the user can also choose to see demand data related to the manufacturers items only, competitors’ items only or all items.

The following table describes the prebuilt reports that are available in Demand Signal Repository:

Report Name Description
Product to Category Coverage by Quarter This report displays, by customer, the individual items and their subtotals by customer within category.
Data is subtotaled by item within customer, customer within channel type, and grand total for all channels.
You can filter this report by:
  • Time (Year, Quarter)

  • Item (Product Category, Item, Item Type)

  • Geography (Market Area, Channel)

Product to Category Coverage by Period This report displays, by customer, category coverage by quarter, month and week.
You can filter this report by:
  • Time (Quarter, Month, Week, and Day)

  • Item (Product Category, Item, Item Type, Channel)

  • Geography (Market Area, Channel)

Category to Market Coverage by Quarter This report displays the category activity on a market basis, sorted first by the category within the market, and the customers as a subset of the category. This report shows both value (money) and volume (units sold).
You can filter this report by:
  • Time (Year, Quarter)

  • Item (Product Category, Item, Item Type)

  • Geography (Market Area, Channel)

Category Growth Analysis by Volume This report displays sales growth based on overall volume by product category. This report includes the percentage change in sales versus the same period last year, and the total year-to-date percentage change.
The color-coded threshold is user-defined and enables you to quickly identify under performing categories. Click the color bar to drill down to the report details. For example, clicking the color threshold KPI indicator drills down to the brand report:
  • Green indicates positive growth.

  • Yellow indicates zero growth.

  • Red indicates negative growth.

Brand Growth Analysis by Volume This report displays sales growth based on overall volume by brand. This report includes the percentage change in sales versus the same period last year, and the total year-to-date percentage change.
Access this report by clicking the threshold indicator in the Category Growth Analysis by Volume report.
Item Growth Analysis by Volume This report displays sales growth based on overall volume by item. This report includes the percentage change in sales versus the same period last year, and the total year-to-date percentage change.
Access this report by clicking the threshold indicator in the Category Growth Analysis by Volume report.
Category Growth Analysis by Sales This report displays sales growth based on overall sales by product category.
The report also enables a view by channel within time (Quarter and Month) and Item/Brand. Click the KPI threshold button to drill down to lower levels of detail: brand and item.
  • Green indicates positive growth.

  • Yellow indicates zero growth.

  • Red indicates negative growth.

Brand Growth Analysis by Sales This report displays sales growth based on overall sales by brand.
The report also enables a view by channel within time (Quarter and Month) and Item/Brand. Click the KPI threshold button to drill down to view growth analysis by item.
  • Green indicates positive growth.

  • Yellow indicates zero growth.

  • Red indicates negative growth.

Item Growth Analysis by Sales This report displays sales growth based on overall sales by brand.
The report also enables a view by channel within time (Quarter and Month) and Item/Brand.
  • Green indicates positive growth.

  • Yellow indicates zero growth.

  • Red indicates negative growth.

Category Sales Volume by Type This report displays category sales and volume data by type. Type is defined as two different formats of sales value and volume:
  • Promotion: Sales volume (unit sales) and Value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail point-of-sale that are priced and/or based on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales volume and value for those sales at retail POS that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Brand Sales Volume by Type This report displays brand sales and volume data by type. Type is defined as two different formats of sales value and volume:
  • Promotion: Sales volume (unit sales) and Value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail POS that are priced, based, or both on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales volume and value for those sales at retail POS that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Item Volume by Type This report displays item sales and volume data by type:
  • Promotion: Sales volume (unit sales) and Value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail POS that are priced, based, or both on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales volume and value for those sales at retail POS that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Category Sales Value by Type This report displays product category sales value by type:
  • Promotion: Sales value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail point of sale that are priced, based, or both on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales value for those sales at retail point of sale that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Brand Sales Value by Type This report displays brand sales value, by type:
  • Promotion: Sales value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail point of sale that are priced, based, or both on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales value for those sales at retail POS that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Item Sales Value by Type This report displays item sales value by type:
  • Promotion: Sales value (monetary amount) for those sales at retail point of sale that are priced, based, or both on a promotion.

  • Regular: Sales value for those sales at retail POS that are priced at standard non-Promotion periods or pricing.

Retailer Profit by Category This report displays the specific profit estimated for the retailer, based on the data received, or through direct data received from the retailer.
Gross Margin is calculated as the difference between the POS price multiplied by the quantity sold and the actual item cost.
Retailer Profit by Brand This report displays the specific profit estimated for the retailer by brand. This report is based on the data received, or through direct POS data received from the retailer.
Gross Margin is calculated as the difference between the point of sale price multiplied by the quantity sold and the actual item cost.
Retailer Profit by Item This report displays the specific profit estimated for the retailer, by item. This report is based on the data received either externally or through direct POS data received from the retailer.
Gross Margin is calculated as the difference between the point of sale price multiplied by the quantity sold and the actual item cost.
Average Price Analysis This report displays average prices. You can filter the report by Market or Product Category.
Top Performers by Profit This report displays the top performers based on retailer profit.
Bottom Performers by Profit This report displays the bottom performers based on retailer profit.
Top Performers by Sales This report displays the top performers based on overall sales volume at retail.
Bottom Performers by Sales This report displays the bottom performers based on overall sales volume at retail.
Syndicated Data This report displays the results of imported syndicated data.